Free YouTube Lessons for Learning English in Hindi
10 English Phrases for use in Daily Routine
10 Essential Everyday English Phrases You Need to Know for Fluent English Communication. Watch this video and learn English phrases in an appealing and interesting way.
10 Ways to Reply In English
Do you also face problems while giving replies to your colleagues and friends? If yes, watch this video and learn 10 unique ways of giving fluent replies.
Learn 10 English Expressions of Daily Use
Watch this video and learn 10 Essential Everyday English Phrases which can master your English communication skills and make you a fluent English speaker.
10 English Words for Expressing Anger
10 Powerful English Phrases for Expressing Anger: With the help of real-life examples, learn how to Communicate Your Emotions Effectively.
10 English Words From The News That Will Make You Smart
Often, we see a lot of words on social media, but we are unaware of their meanings. With the help of this video learn 10 useful English words that are modern and trending.
10 Trending Modern English Words
We see a lot of words on social media, but we don't know what they indicate. With the help of this video learn 10 important English terms that are modern and trendy.
100 Daily Use Present Continuous Tense English Sentences
We perform many actions in Present Continuous Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to solve this problem.
20 English Phrases For Encouraging / Motivating Your Friends And Loved Ones
Sometimes the situation arises that our loved ones need our support, but we lack words to encourage them. Learn 20 English phrases which you can use to motivate and support them.
22 Daily Use English Sentences Related to Fan
This English video lesson will help you to learn 22 English Sentences which are often spoken during Summer Season. Now enhance your Summer Vocabulary in an interesting manner.
5 Bad Habit English Words, You Need to Be Aware of
उल्टी और बुरी आदतों के English words सीखो. This video (Part 3) will help us to learn 5 English words which are related to Bad Habits.
5 Modern English Words, You Never Heard About in School
Explore Vocabulary beyond Classroom: With the help of this video learn 5 English words which are not taught in Schools but are important to be learnt.
5 Trending English Slang Words
Often, we see a lot of words on social media, but we are unaware of their meanings. With the help of this video learn 5 useful English Slang words that are modern and trending.
Add Direct and Indirect Speech Into Your English Vocabulary
Important Grammar Lesson- Do you also get confused while framing sentences in Direct and Indirect Speech? This video will help you to understand Narration in easy Language.
Using Prepositions The Right Way – Part 1
Are you also facing a lot of confusion in understanding Preposition. This video will help you to learn prepositions with the help of real-life examples. Watch this video and clear all your doubts.
Correct Use of Prepositions – Part 2
With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “Of” and “Off”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’Of’’ and ‘’Off’’ with the help of real-life examples.
Correct Use of Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3
Part 3A- With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “In”, ’On” and “And”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’In’’, ‘’On” and ‘’And’’ with the help of real-life examples.
Using Prepositions Of Time The Right Way – In On At – Part 3A
Part 3A - हिन्दी द्वारा सीखो English Grammar में In, On, At का सही इस्तेमाल. Learn how to use prepositions In On At in English through Hindi lesson Part 3A by Awal. Learn prepositions of time and place in English Grammar with examples in Hindi with Awal, in a simple and interesting way.
How to Use Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3B
Part 3B- With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “In”, ’On” and “And”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’In’’, ‘’On” and ‘’And’’ with the help of real-life examples.
Cracking a Conversation in English with Guests at Home
In this lesson we will learn some Daily use English Sentences which can be helpful for us to communicate with guests and helpful in learning basic manners and etiquettes.
Daily Use English Sentences
Do you also face difficulty in speaking English every day? This video can solve your problem. Now learn daily use English words in more engaging and interesting way.
Easy to Use Simple Present Tense English Sentences
We perform many actions in Simple Present Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to solve this problem.
English Adverbs for Frequency Related Words
How to say अक्सर, हमेशा, कभी नहीं, बहुत बार, बहुत कम etc. in English? Learn 10 English words which can help you in the formation of sentences.
English Conversation at Airport
Watch this video and master your communication skills: A Comprehensive Lesson to Confidently communicating in English at Airports Worldwide.
English Interview Question Answer And Sentences
Interview Communication in English: An Important lesson which can help to Excel in Job Interviews - Common Questions, Answers, and Proven Strategies for Success.
English Superstitious Words, Phrases and Expressions
Unveiling Superstitions: A Fascinating Exploration of Words and Phrases in English Language Linked with Superstitions and Beliefs.
English Verbs Denoting Fall Lesson with Hindi Translation
From Hindi to English Speaking Practice: Enhance Fluency and Build Confidence in English Communication. Watch the video and Improve English with the help of real-life examples.
English में कैसे करें Personal बातें?
Fluently Navigate Personal Conversations in English: Simple and Practical Tips to Express Your words with Confidence and Ease.
Expressions used in English for God – Bhagwan Na Kare – Bhagwan Ne Chaha
In this English video lesson, we will learn the expressions used in English for God. We will learn sentence formation also with real life examples.
How to Ask Someone to Repeat Something?
Do you also think how to say in English “Repeat करो”? This video will help you to understand How to ask someone in English to repeat the sentence. Learn English through video in an interesting way.
How To Give/Seek Directions in English?
How to Give and Seek Directions to someone in English? Learn Daily use English Sentences to ask and give Directions in English.
How to Order Food in a Restaurant Conversation in English?
Through this video lesson we will learn an appropriate way of communicating with waiter in Restaurant and ordering food without any hesitation.
How To Speak About Days & Dates In English
Through this video you will understand the full concept of Dates and Days in detail in Hindi and English both. This lesson is important for beginners.
How to Speak English with Kids
How to talk to kids in English? Learn 110 English sentences which can help you to talk to kids in fluent English. Enhance your communication skills to master English.
How To Use Is , Am, Are, Was & Were?
This video will help you to understand the appropriate use of Is, am, are, was, were, and be in English through Hindi, this video also shows how the verb Be is used in Simple Present, Past, and Future Tense.
How to Use Honorifics/Titles in Written and Spoken English Correctly?
Understand and Utilize Honorifics and Titles in Written and Spoken English: A Comprehensive Lesson to Correctly Addressing Individuals with Mr., Miss, Mrs., Messrs, and More.
How to Use Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3B
Part 3B (Contd.) - With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “In”, ’On” and “And”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’In’’, ‘’On” and ‘’And’’ with the help of real-life examples.
How to use the word ‘Rather’ Correctly
This video will help you to learn and understand the proper use of Rather in 5 unique ways. Learn English by Awal in an interesting way with the help of real life examples.
In Ishaaro ko English mein kaise bole? How to express these gestures in English?
Embrace the Cultural Diversity: A Lesson for Beginners to Learn English Through 10 Distinctive Hand Gestures Used by Foreigners for Effortless Communication.
Learn 100 Daily Use Past Continuous Tense Sentences
We perform many actions in Past Continuous Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to solve this problem.
Learn English Pronunciation Rules with Awal
We all often mispronounce even the basic English words. In this English lesson through Hindi Awal has explained the basic rules of pronouncing words in a very easy way.
Learn Present Perfect Tense
Has, Have वाले sentences क्याआपकोभी confuse करतेहै. With the help of this video learn the correct use of Has and Have, with Hindi to English translation.
Let’s Learn How To Use Interjections!
Do you know how interjections enrich the sentences? In this lesson Awal has explained what are interjections and how you can you use these fancy words in your sentences.
Learn 35 Short English Phrases For Daily Use Learn
35 Essential Everyday English Phrases You Need to Know for Fluent English Communication. Watch this video and learn English phrases in an appealing and interesting way.
Regular Use Simple Past Tense English Sentences
We perform many actions in Past Continuous Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to understand the correct use of Simple Past Tense.
Use Of About To And Going To in English Conversation
With the help of this video understand the meaning and use of the terms, About to and Going to and also understand when and where you can use these terms.
Use of Has – Have – Had in Spoken English
Has, Have and Had वाले sentences क्याआपकोभी confuse करतेहै. With the help of this video learn the correct use of Has, Have and Had with Hindi to English translation and real life examples.
Use of Let in English
Are you aware of the correct use of the word ‘’Let’’? Understand the meaning and usage of Let by Awal in an interesting way with the help of real life examples.
Use of Make in Written and Spoken English
With the help of this video understand the meaning and use of the term, make and also understand when and where you can use this term effectively.
Use of May/Might
Do you know the correct use of May and Might? These words often confuse us and make sentence formation difficult. Understand their correct use with the help of this video.
Vocabulary Building – 90 Words for Replacing “Very”
Do you also feel that using the word very again and again is boring? In this video Awal has explained 90 interesting words with the help of examples which can replace “very’’ from the sentences.
But, Though, Although, and Even-Though
Though, Although, Even though वाले sentences क्याआपकोभी confuse करतेहै. With the help of this video learn the correct use of these conjunctions with Hindi to English translation and real life examples.
Where To Use – Should Have – Could Have and Would Have in English
Do you know the correct use of Should Have, Would Have and Could Have? These words often confuse us and make sentence formation difficult. Understand their correct use with the help of this video.
Where To Use – Still – Yet – Already In English
With the help of this video understand the meaning and use of the terms, Still, Yet and Already and also understand when and where you can use these terms in an effective way.
Where To Use Did & Have While Speaking and Writing English?
Do you know the difference between Did and Have? Are these words confusing you? Watch this video and clear all your doubts in an easy way with the help of this video.
Where to use Do and Does
Do and Does are two common words which we use almost every day in many English Sentences. In this English video lesson Awal has explained the most common uses of Do and Does with the help of examples.
Where to use Has to – Have to – Had to in English Conversation
Are you aware of the correct use of the words Have to, Has to and Had to? Understand the meaning and usage of these words by Awal in an interesting way with the help of real life examples.
Where to use Neither, Nor, Either, Or
With the help of Hindi learn the use of English words Neither and Either. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of these words with the help of real-life examples.
अंग्रेजी में अपनी राय कैसे दे? How To Give Your Opinion in English?
We want to give our opinion to others, but don't have appropriate phrases to express the advice, watch this video and know 11 interesting English phrases which can help you to convey suggestions to friends and family.
10 English Phrases for use in Daily Routine
10 Essential Everyday English Phrases You Need to Know for Fluent English Communication. Watch this video and learn English phrases in an appealing and interesting way.
Do you also face problems while giving replies to your colleagues and friends? If yes, watch this video and learn 10 unique ways of giving fluent replies.
Watch this video and learn 10 Essential Everyday English Phrases which can master your English communication skills and make you a fluent English speaker.
10 English Words From The News That Will Make You Smart
Often, we see a lot of words on social media, but we are unaware of their meanings. With the help of this video learn 10 useful English words that are modern and trending.
We see a lot of words on social media, but we don't know what they indicate. With the help of this video learn 10 important English terms that are modern and trendy.
100 Daily Use Present Continuous Tense English Sentences
We perform many actions in Present Continuous Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to solve this problem.
20 English Phrases For Encouraging / Motivating Your Friends And Loved Ones
Sometimes the situation arises that our loved ones need our support, but we lack words to encourage them. Learn 20 English phrases which you can use to motivate and support them.
This English video lesson will help you to learn 22 English Sentences which are often spoken during Summer Season. Now enhance your Summer Vocabulary in an interesting manner.
Often, we see a lot of words on social media, but we are unaware of their meanings. With the help of this video learn 5 useful English Slang words that are modern and trending.
Add Direct and Indirect Speech Into Your English Vocabulary
Important Grammar Lesson- Do you also get confused while framing sentences in Direct and Indirect Speech? This video will help you to understand Narration in easy Language.
Are you also facing a lot of confusion in understanding Preposition. This video will help you to learn prepositions with the help of real-life examples. Watch this video and clear all your doubts.
With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “Of” and “Off”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’Of’’ and ‘’Off’’ with the help of real-life examples.
Correct Use of Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3
Part 3A- With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “In”, ’On” and “And”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’In’’, ‘’On” and ‘’And’’ with the help of real-life examples.
Using Prepositions Of Time The Right Way – In On At – Part 3A
Part 3A - हिन्दी द्वारा सीखो English Grammar में In, On, At का सही इस्तेमाल. Learn how to use prepositions In On At in English through Hindi lesson Part 3A by Awal. Learn prepositions of time and place in English Grammar with examples in Hindi with Awal, in a simple and interesting way.
How to Use Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3B
Part 3B- With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “In”, ’On” and “And”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’In’’, ‘’On” and ‘’And’’ with the help of real-life examples.
Cracking a Conversation in English with Guests at Home
In this lesson we will learn some Daily use English Sentences which can be helpful for us to communicate with guests and helpful in learning basic manners and etiquettes.
Do you also face difficulty in speaking English every day? This video can solve your problem. Now learn daily use English words in more engaging and interesting way.
Easy to Use Simple Present Tense English Sentences
We perform many actions in Simple Present Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to solve this problem.
Interview Communication in English: An Important lesson which can help to Excel in Job Interviews - Common Questions, Answers, and Proven Strategies for Success.
English Verbs Denoting Fall Lesson with Hindi Translation
From Hindi to English Speaking Practice: Enhance Fluency and Build Confidence in English Communication. Watch the video and Improve English with the help of real-life examples.
Do you also think how to say in English “Repeat करो”? This video will help you to understand How to ask someone in English to repeat the sentence. Learn English through video in an interesting way.
How to talk to kids in English? Learn 110 English sentences which can help you to talk to kids in fluent English. Enhance your communication skills to master English.
This video will help you to understand the appropriate use of Is, am, are, was, were, and be in English through Hindi, this video also shows how the verb Be is used in Simple Present, Past, and Future Tense.
How to Use Honorifics/Titles in Written and Spoken English Correctly?
Understand and Utilize Honorifics and Titles in Written and Spoken English: A Comprehensive Lesson to Correctly Addressing Individuals with Mr., Miss, Mrs., Messrs, and More.
How to Use Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3B
Part 3B (Contd.) - With the help of Hindi learn the use of English preposition “In”, ’On” and “And”. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of the words ‘’In’’, ‘’On” and ‘’And’’ with the help of real-life examples.
This video will help you to learn and understand the proper use of Rather in 5 unique ways. Learn English by Awal in an interesting way with the help of real life examples.
In Ishaaro ko English mein kaise bole? How to express these gestures in English?
Embrace the Cultural Diversity: A Lesson for Beginners to Learn English Through 10 Distinctive Hand Gestures Used by Foreigners for Effortless Communication.
Learn 100 Daily Use Past Continuous Tense Sentences
We perform many actions in Past Continuous Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to solve this problem.
We all often mispronounce even the basic English words. In this English lesson through Hindi Awal has explained the basic rules of pronouncing words in a very easy way.
Has, Have वाले sentences क्याआपकोभी confuse करतेहै. With the help of this video learn the correct use of Has and Have, with Hindi to English translation.
Do you know how interjections enrich the sentences? In this lesson Awal has explained what are interjections and how you can you use these fancy words in your sentences.
Learn 35 Short English Phrases For Daily Use Learn
35 Essential Everyday English Phrases You Need to Know for Fluent English Communication. Watch this video and learn English phrases in an appealing and interesting way.
We perform many actions in Past Continuous Tense every day, but we don't know how to understand those sentences in English. This video will help us to understand the correct use of Simple Past Tense.
Use Of About To And Going To in English Conversation
With the help of this video understand the meaning and use of the terms, About to and Going to and also understand when and where you can use these terms.
Has, Have and Had वाले sentences क्याआपकोभी confuse करतेहै. With the help of this video learn the correct use of Has, Have and Had with Hindi to English translation and real life examples.
Are you aware of the correct use of the word ‘’Let’’? Understand the meaning and usage of Let by Awal in an interesting way with the help of real life examples.
Do you know the correct use of May and Might? These words often confuse us and make sentence formation difficult. Understand their correct use with the help of this video.
Vocabulary Building – 90 Words for Replacing “Very”
Do you also feel that using the word very again and again is boring? In this video Awal has explained 90 interesting words with the help of examples which can replace “very’’ from the sentences.
Though, Although, Even though वाले sentences क्याआपकोभी confuse करतेहै. With the help of this video learn the correct use of these conjunctions with Hindi to English translation and real life examples.
Where To Use – Should Have – Could Have and Would Have in English
Do you know the correct use of Should Have, Would Have and Could Have? These words often confuse us and make sentence formation difficult. Understand their correct use with the help of this video.
With the help of this video understand the meaning and use of the terms, Still, Yet and Already and also understand when and where you can use these terms in an effective way.
Where To Use Did & Have While Speaking and Writing English?
Do you know the difference between Did and Have? Are these words confusing you? Watch this video and clear all your doubts in an easy way with the help of this video.
Do and Does are two common words which we use almost every day in many English Sentences. In this English video lesson Awal has explained the most common uses of Do and Does with the help of examples.
Where to use Has to – Have to – Had to in English Conversation
Are you aware of the correct use of the words Have to, Has to and Had to? Understand the meaning and usage of these words by Awal in an interesting way with the help of real life examples.
With the help of Hindi learn the use of English words Neither and Either. This video will help us to understand the meaning and use of these words with the help of real-life examples.
अंग्रेजी में अपनी राय कैसे दे? How To Give Your Opinion in English?
We want to give our opinion to others, but don't have appropriate phrases to express the advice, watch this video and know 11 interesting English phrases which can help you to convey suggestions to friends and family.
Speaking Fluent English is a dream pursued by many, but achieved by only a few because every dream requires dedication and effort with discipline. In addition to that, English is not just a school subject that can be passed with just passing marks, it is a skill that needs to be mastered so that you can speak and write English effortlessly on a day-to-day basis.
In the real world having fluency in both written as well as spoken English is of utmost significance. However, most of the schools don’t teach their students how to speak fluent English which can be of great help in the future. On the contrary, they go as per the curriculum/ syllabus and just want the students to pass with maximum marks.
There are numerous ways to learn English, but only a few of them are effective when it comes to speaking and writing English. Therefore, you need to choose an English learning method that helps you master this skill in the best possible manner and lends help in accomplishing the goal of speaking English smoothly. All these are the reasons why taking assistance from a professional English teacher is highly recommended.
The main purpose behind taking the help of a professional English teacher is to enhance your vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation by hearing and reading daily using words and sentences, which are explained in a simple manner. All this, in turn, will lend a helping hand in understanding the language and interacting confidently in English with the people around you, which is not possible if you are making use of only an English learning book or guide.
Furthermore, every online English learning tutorial on this page is free and engaging, which makes the entire process even more fun and interesting. All the above-mentioned English video lessons are not that long, which will help you in understanding all the concepts at your own pace in a way that you can sink in as much information as possible. You will get to watch spoken English lessons on topics, such as the difference between various words, verbs, phrases, and tenses, ways to reply in English, daily use of English words, day-to-day English sentences for speaking practice, English pronunciation rules, etc. Moreover, I have also taught numerous untouched English topics in these English learning video lessons like the use of interjections, use of prepositions, use of punctuations, English interview questions, direct indirect speech, and personal talk in English, to name a few.
I believe that all this has motivated you to start learning English by making the most of these free online English learning video tutorials. In addition to that, if you think that I have missed out on any of the topics or if you have queries regarding anything related to English learning then do reach out to me through any of the social media platforms. What is more, you can also go for the paid Spoken English Course that covers topics you would have never thought of when it comes to mastering the English language.
To understand the benefits of learning English through videos, please go through the following points:
Make Yourself Self-Reliant
One of the important things that Awal Sir’s YouTube videos will help you do is learn English and become an independent human being. As philosophical as it might sound, the confidence that you will gain by learning a language that is used all over the world for personal as well as professional interactions is simply beyond comparison. Granted, having fluency in your mother tongue is essential too; however, speaking English without feeling any hesitations will help broaden your horizons. This is the reason why our English-speaking videos for beginners will guide you through this process in the most seamless manner. There are thousands of people who have rated Awal as the best YouTube channel to learn English from Hindi, mainly because they can become self-reliant in their respective lives.
Growth in Your Professional Life
When we think about the practical side of our lives, having a stable income is undoubtedly the first thing that pops into our minds. If you search for videos to learn English online, there might be several links that come up on your mobile or laptop screen. But only a few will give you the right guidance and approach to speaking English with fluency. Moreover, you will not find as many interesting videos to learn English as Awal Sir’s because his way of teaching this language is unique. Not only will you be able to improve your English through his videos, but you will also enjoy his teaching style. The most beneficial aspect of learning English for free from these English video lessons tutorials is that your professional life will blossom. You will have the courage to present a project or a business proposal to your clients. In fact, you will get promotions in a timely manner!English video lessons
Become a Global Citizen
Awal Sir’s YouTube channel is considered the best in India to learn English online because it trains people to become world citizens. If you are fluent in this language that is spoken across the globe, then you will not worry about interacting with anyone. You will be able to connect with people from different cultures, countries, and continents in an effortless manner. By explaining basic concepts in Hindi, Awal Sir helps you learn English through videos on his official channel. This is the easiest method to understand an internationally spoken language just by watching his Spoken English videos online. So, when you move to another nation for work or personal commitments, you will not feel out of place. You will be able to begin a new phase of your life with a lot of confidence and knowledge.
Have Confidence while Travelling
When we talk about international awareness, travelling is one factor that should not be overlooked at all. Whether you are an occasional traveller or a hardcore travel enthusiast, being fluent in English is necessary. This is because it is one of the few languages that is spoken by people in all corners of the world. Even if you plan to travel within India, most people in the extreme parts of our country prefer speaking English. Hence, it is imperative that you make use of these videos for beginners to learn English. The chances of getting confused in a completely new place will be low because you will be able to speak with the locals and get your issues resolved quickly.
Connect with Like-Minded People
Oftentimes, the language barrier is the main reason why you are unable to connect with people from the same educational, social, or political backgrounds. You might have similar opinions on a lot of topics, but sharing them with others might get tough if you cannot converse in English properly. Taking this into account, it is advised to learn English with videos published by Awal Madaan on his official channel. You will be able to grasp conversational English in such a way that talking to people from all social backgrounds will not be an issue for you anymore. Since these English learning videos are in Hindi, you will learn English very quickly.
Open Your Mind to New Things
It is a reality that every language has a distinct characteristic that cannot be found anywhere else. If you learn English by watching videos in Hindi on Awal Madaan’s YouTube channel, then finding the beauty of this language will become a lot easier for you. Be it poetry, drama, or prose, you will be able to watch English plays in real-time without missing out on the romance hidden behind the words. In fact, you will be able to express yourself in a new way. New people, places, and ideas will be at your disposal just by going through English-speaking videos for beginners in Hindi on Awal Sir’s channel.
Awal sir’s Youtube channel is the best way to learn English for beginners because his videos are ideal for people who want to speak this language without any hesitations. He provides a number of tips and tricks that will elevate your self-confidence to another level. In fact, he makes sure that his followers do not feel pressured while learning English through videos that are explained in Hindi. In just a few weeks, you will feel empowered and speak in English in the most fluent way!
Yes, Youtube videos are the best way to learn English, especially the ones that Awal sir publishes on a regular basis. This is because you will not have to physically attend a class at a coaching center when the right information is available to you on your mobile phone or laptop. You just need to take out a few minutes to watch his free videos for learning fluency in the English language. Awal sir will give you so many tips and tricks to converse in English that you will feel confident while speaking with your colleagues, relatives, or friends without getting self-conscious.
Watching English-speaking videos for beginners on Youtube is the easiest and most affordable way to learn this language. Awal sir’s official channel is regularly updated with useful video tutorials for speaking fluent English. You will learn the most basic concepts in such a simplified manner that the fear of understanding English will completely diminish from your mind. Moreover, you will start enjoying this process! This is the reason why people are recommended to watch videos so they can improve their English.
If you are planning to learn English for free, then Youtube can be your best buddy. Awal sir’s videos are available on his official channel where he provides a lot of tips and tricks to become fluent in English in a simple and quick way. But if you feel that watching YouTube videos to learn English is not enough, then it would be best to check out Awal sir’s website where he offers a spoken English course. The cost of this course is Rs. 999 for 6 months and Rs. 1999 for 1 year respectively.
There are a lot of people who are looking up websites to learn English for free and it is completely alright. The most beneficial way to speak English fluently is by watching Awal sir’s videos on Youtube. These videos tutorials are free of cost but the amount of knowledge that you will gain is simply beyond comparison. However, you can find an affordable path like Awal sir’s spoken English course that will make you feel confident while talking in English, then it is best to purchase it.
The best way to learn English is from Hindi videos on Awal sir’s Youtube channel. This is because he will give you a lot of tips and tricks to speak English fluently. But it is equally important to take out time on a daily basis and watch these videos on his official channel. This will help you learn English on a regular basis. So, it is important to stay consistent. Only after taking these steps, you will be able to improve your communication skills.
The right way to learn English through videos is when they are explained in Hindi. This is because most people in our country are used to speaking in Hindi, so it assists them in understanding another language. Awal sir has made several English-speaking videos for free on his Youtube channel in which he explains concepts in Hindi. This will help you in improving your communication skills to a great extent. In case you need further help, then you can also enroll in his spoken English course available on his website.
Movies are the most interesting videos to learn English from. So, you can watch Hollywood sitcoms and movies with subtitles switched on your device. This will help you in reading the language as well as hearing it at the same time. But it is also important to find movies with easy English being spoken by the characters. This is because you will not feel comfortable hearing difficult words and sentences in the beginning. Hence, it is best to look for simple English movies that you can watch at home.