Where To Use – Still – Yet – Already In English

In this online English learning tutorial, you will get to learn the correct usage and difference between the adverbs – Still, Yet, and Already. All the mentioned English sentences in this video lesson have English subtitles for easy learning. So, let’s watch the free-spoken English lesson below and improve not just your English speaking skills, but also enhance your fluency and vocabulary.


In the world of words, “already,” “yet,” and “still” are like time helpers! “Already” says, “I’m done,” like finishing your homework. “Yet” is a friend of waiting, saying, “Not done, but it’s coming!” And “still” is all about things that keep happening, like being sleepy or hungry. So, next time you talk, remember these little time buddies—they make your stories more interesting!


“Already” का उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब कोई काम पूरा हो चुका है, जैसे कि homework complete होने पर। “Yet” प्रतीक्षा का संकेत है, कि कोई काम अभी बाकी है, लेकिन हो जाएगा! “Still” किसी क्रिया या स्थिति की continuation बताता है, जैसे कि नींद या भूख। ये शब्द हमें समय और स्थिति को स्पष्टता से व्यक्त करने में मदद करते हैं।



Definition: “Still” is an adverb that indicates an ongoing state or situation. It is used to show that a particular situation or condition persists or remains unchanged over a period of time.

Example: “She is still studying for her exams.” (This implies that she has been studying for a while and is continuing to do so.)


Affirmative Sentences: Used to express that something is ongoing or unchanged.

“I still have a few pages left to read.”

Negative Sentences: Used to express that a situation continues despite a negative circumstance.

“Even though it’s raining, he is still going for a run.”


“Still” का अर्थ “फिर भी” या “अब भी” है। यह शब्द किसी स्थिति या हालत के दौरान सामंजस्यिकता दिखाने के लिए उपयोग होता है, जिससे दिखाया जा सकता है कि कुछ चीज या स्थिति समय के बावजूद बरकरार है या बदली नहीं है।


Let’s understand the use of still with the help of examples
  1. English: He was still awake when I called him last night.

Hindi: जब मैंने उसे कल रात call किया, तब भी वह जागा हुआ था।


  1. English: It was still dark when I woke up in the morning.

Hindi: जब मैं सुबह जागा, तब भी अंधेरा था।


  1. English: Boss is still in the office.

Hindi: Boss अब भी office में हैं।


  1. English: I am still sleepy.

Hindi: मुझे अब भी नींद आ रही है।


  1. English: I am still hungry.

Hindi: मुझे अब भी भूख लगी है।


  1. English: You are still scared of dogs!

Hindi: तुम अब भी कुत्तों से डरते हो!


  1. English: I am still busy.

Hindi: मैं अब भी व्यस्त हूँ।


  1. English: Even if you come after two years, I will still be waiting for you.

Hindi: अगर तुम दो साल बाद भी आओ, तो मैं फिर भी तुम्हारा इंतजार करूँगा।


When “still” is used in a negative context, it emphasizes the continuation of a situation or condition without the expected change or resolution.

  1. English: You still don’t love me.

Hindi: तुम अब भी मुझसे प्यार नहीं करते।


  1. English: TV is still not working.

Hindi: TV अब तक काम नहीं कर रही है।


  1. English: He is still not talking to me.

Hindi: वह मेरे साथ अब भी बात नहीं कर रहा है।



Definition: “Yet” is an adverb that is often used in negative statements and questions to indicate that something has not happened up to a particular point in time. It is also used in affirmative statements to convey the idea of an expected or necessary action or change in the future.


Negative Statement: “I haven’t finished my work yet.” (This means that, up to the present moment, the work is incomplete.)

Affirmative Statement: “I have to finish my work yet.” (This implies that the task is expected to be completed in the future.)


In Questions: Used to ask whether something has occurred up to the present moment.

“Have you finished your homework yet?”

In Negative Statements: Used to indicate that something has not happened or been completed up to the present moment.

“She hasn’t called me yet.”


“Yet” का अर्थ “अब तक” या “फिर भी” है। इसका उपयोग किसी क्रिया या घटना को दर्शाने के लिए किया जाता है, जो एक निश्चित समय तक पूरा नहीं हुआ है या एक निश्चित समय के पहले हो गया है।



Let’s understand the use of yet with the help of examples

  1. English: Salman is not married yet.

Hindi: Salman ने अब तक शादी नहीं की हैं।


  1. English: I have not reached the office yet.

Hindi: मैं office अब तक नहीं पहुंचा हूँ।


  1. English: Do not open your gift yet.

Hindi: अभी तक अपने उपहार को न खोलें।


  1. English: Haven’t you slept yet?

Hindi: क्या तुम अब तक सोए नहीं ?


  1. English: Have you seen any video of Awal yet?

Hindi: क्या तुमने अब तक Awal का कोई video देखी है?


  1. English: I haven’t become fluent in English yet.

Hindi: मैं अब तक English में पूरी तरह से fluent नहीं हूँ।


  1. English: Why haven’t you proposed to her yet?

Hindi: तुमने उसे अब तक propose क्यों नहीं किया है?


  1. English: I haven’t got my money back yet.

Hindi: मेरे पैसे अब तक मुझे वापस नहीं मिले हैं।


  1. English: The plaster has been removed from his leg, but he can’t walk yet.

Hindi: उसकी टांग से plaster हटा दिया गया है, लेकिन वह अब तक चल नहीं सकता।


  1. English: Virat Kohli will not announce his retirement yet.

Hindi: Virat Kohli अभी तक अपना संन्यास नहीं जारी करेंगे।


  1. English: I am not yet comfortable with my new job.

Hindi: मैं अभी तक अपने नए काम में सहज नहीं हुआ हूँ।


Let’s understand the basic difference between “Still” and “Yet” with the help of an example.

English: My shirt still smells of perfume.

Hindi: मेरी कमीज़ अब भी perfume की smell से भरी हुई है।

Explanation: In this sentence, “still” is used to convey that the smell of perfume on the shirt continues or persists. It implies that despite the passage of time, the smell has not dissipated or the situation remains unchanged.

Tense: This sentence is in the present tense. It indicates the current state of the shirt — that it continues to have the smell of perfume.


English: My shirt has not been washed yet.

Hindi: मेरी कमीज़ अब तक धोई नहीं गई है।

Explanation: Here, “yet” is used to indicate that the action of washing the shirt has not taken place up to the present moment. It implies an expectation or necessity for the washing to happen in the future.

Tense: This sentence is in the present perfect tense. The use of “has not been washed yet” suggests that the washing has not occurred up to now, but there is an anticipation that it will happen in the future. 


Combined Explanation:

The use of “still” emphasizes the ongoing or unchanged state of the perfume smell on the shirt in the present.

The use of “yet” indicates that the action of washing the shirt has not been completed up to the present moment, highlighting an expectation for it to be done in the future.


Tense Consideration:

Both “still” and “yet” can be used in various tenses based on the context.

“Still” often emphasizes the continuity of a situation, whether in the past, present, or future.

“Yet” is commonly used in negative statements or questions to convey that something has not happened up to a certain point in time, regardless of the tense.


Still and yet are also used while asking questions:      

English: Are you still single?

Hindi: क्या तुम अब भी single हो?


English: Are you not ready yet?

Hindi: क्या तुम अब तक तैयार नहीं हो?


“Not yet”

“Not yet” is a phrase used to indicate that a particular action or state has not occurred up to the present moment. In the context of being asked if someone is hungry, “Not yet” means that the person is not hungry at this point in time.



Question: Are you hungry?

Response: Not yet.


Question: क्या तुम्हें भूख लगी है?

Response: अभी नहीं।


Let’s understand one more interesting sentence related to yet

English: Wait! Don’t get excited yet.    

Hindi: रुको! अभी उत्साहित नहीं होना।

Explanation: This sentence suggests waiting before becoming excited. It implies that there might be additional information or developments that should be considered before getting excited.


English: Listen to the whole thing first.     

Hindi: पूरी बात सुनो पहले।

Explanation: This sentence advises someone to listen to the complete information or story before forming opinions or reacting. It emphasizes the importance of hearing the entirety of what is being communicated.



Definition: “Already” is an adverb used to indicate that an action or event has occurred before a particular point in time. It suggests that something happened earlier than expected or sooner than might have been thought.

Example: “She has already finished her lunch.” (This means she finished her lunch earlier than expected or sooner than usual.)


Affirmative Sentences: Used to express that an action has been completed or an event has occurred before the present time.

“I have already seen that movie.”

Questions: Used to ask whether a particular action or event has happened sooner than expected.

“Have you already eaten?”


“Already” का अर्थ “पहले ही” या “इससे पहले” होता है। यह शब्द दिखाता है कि कोई क्रिया या घटना किसी निश्चित समय से पहले हो चुकी है या कोई कार्रवाई पूरी हो चुकी है।


Let’s understand the use of already with the help of examples


  1. English: The guests have already left.

Hindi: मेहमान पहले ही चले गए हैं।


  1. English: The moon is already out.

Hindi: चाँद पहले ही निकल आया है।


  1. English: I have already read this book.

Hindi: मैंने यह किताब पहले ही पढ़ ली है।


  1. English: When I reached home, Fardeen was already there.

Hindi: जब मैं घर पहुँचा, Fardeen पहले से ही वहां था।


  1. English: Be quick! We are already late.

Hindi: जल्दी करो! हमे पहले ही देर हो चुके हैं।


Let’s read a sentence in which still, yet and already; all three are used.


English: You haven’t seen Taj Mahal yet!

Hindi: तुमने Taj Mahal अब तक नहीं देखा!

Explanation: This sentence suggests that the person addressed has not had the opportunity to see the Taj Mahal up to the present moment.


English: I have already seen it.

Hindi: मैंने इसे पहले ही देख लिया है।

Explanation: Here, “already” emphasizes that the action of seeing the Taj Mahal has been completed before the current time.


English: I still have those photos on my mobile.

Hindi: मेरे mobile में अब भी वह तस्वीरें हैं।

Explanation: “Still” indicates that the speaker continues to possess the photos of Taj Mahal on their mobile.


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Phrases related to “Still”


  1. Phrase: The sun is still shining.

Hindi Meaning: सूरज अब भी चमक रहा है।

English Meaning: The sun continues to emit light.

Example: Despite the clouds, the sun is still shining brightly.


  1. Phrase: They are still married.

Hindi Meaning: वे अब भी शादीशुदा हैं।

English Meaning: They remain married.

Example: After many years, they are still happily married.


  1. Phrase: The flowers are still blooming.

Hindi Meaning: फूल अब भी खिले हुए हैं।

English Meaning: The flowers are in the process of blossoming.

Example: Even in late autumn, some flowers are still blooming.


  1. Phrase: He still loves playing video games.

Hindi Meaning: उसे अब भी video games खेलना पसंद है।

English Meaning: His enjoyment of playing video games persists.

Example: Despite his age, he still loves playing video games.


  1. Phrase: The old clock is still ticking.

Hindi Meaning: पुरानी घड़ी अब भी टिक-टिक कर रही है।

English Meaning: The old clock is still functioning, making a ticking sound.

Example: Even after many years, the antique clock is still ticking.


  1. Phrase: She is still pursuing her dreams.

Hindi Meaning: वह अब भी अपने सपनों की पूर्ति की ओर कदम बढ़ा रही है।

English Meaning: She continues to actively work towards achieving her dreams.

Example: Despite challenges, she is still pursuing her dreams with determination.


  1. Phrase: She still hasn’t replied to my messages.

Hindi Meaning: उसने मेरे messages का जवाब अब तक नहीं दिया है।

English Meaning: She has not responded to my messages yet.

Example: Despite reaching out multiple times, she still hasn’t replied to my messages.


  1. Phrase: They still haven’t fixed the broken window.

Hindi Meaning: उन्होंने अब तक टूटी हुई खिड़की को ठीक नहीं किया है।

English Meaning: The broken window has not been repaired yet.

Example: It’s been weeks, and they still haven’t fixed the broken window.


  1. Phrase: The problem still persists despite their efforts.

Hindi Meaning: उनके प्रयासों के बावजूद समस्या अब भी बरकरार है।

English Meaning: The issue continues to exist despite their efforts.

Example: They have tried various solutions, but the problem still persists.


  1. Phrase: He still can’t find his keys.

Hindi Meaning: उसे अब भी अपनी keys नहीं मिल रहीं हैं।

English Meaning: He is still unable to locate his keys.

Example: Despite searching everywhere, he still can’t find his keys.


  1. Phrase: The project still lacks proper funding.

Hindi Meaning: परियोजना को अब भी सही वित्त प्रबंधन की कमी है।

English Meaning: The project still does not have adequate financial support.

Example: Despite ongoing efforts, the project still lacks proper funding.


  1. Phrase: The issue still remains unresolved.

Hindi Meaning: समस्या अब भी अनिष्टा बनी हुई है।

English Meaning: The problem still remains unsolved.

Example: Despite discussions, the issue still remains unresolved.


  1. Phrase: Have you still not finished your homework?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुमने अब तक अपना homework पूरा नहीं किया?

English Meaning: Is your homework still incomplete?

Example: Have you still not finished your homework? The deadline is approaching.


  1. Phrase: Are you still using the old computer?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम अब भी पुराने computer का उपयोग कर रहे हो?

English Meaning: Are you continuing to use the old computer?

Example: Are you still using the old computer, or have you upgraded?


  1. Phrase: Has she still not arrived at the station?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वह अब तक station पर नहीं पहुंचा है?

English Meaning: Has she not yet reached the station?

Example: Has she still not arrived at the station? We are waiting for her.


  1. Phrase: Are they still playing in the park?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे अब भी park में खेल रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Are they currently engaged in playing in the park?

Example: It’s getting dark; are they still playing in the park?


  1. Phrase: Are you still interested in learning guitar?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें अब भी guitar सीखने में रुचि है?

English Meaning: Is your interest in learning the guitar still active?

Example: Are you still interested in learning guitar, or have you changed your mind?


  1. Phrase: Is the shop still open at this hour?

Hindi Meaning: क्या दुकान इस समय भी खुली है?

English Meaning: Is the shop still operational at this time?

Example: Is the shop still open at this hour, or should we go to another one?


  1. Phrase: Still don’t ignore your health; take a break.

Hindi Meaning: अब भी अपने स्वास्थ्य को नज़रअंदाज़ मत करो; एक break लो।

English Meaning: Don’t continue to neglect your health; take a break.

Example: Still don’t ignore your health; rest is essential.


  1. Phrase: Don’t still procrastinate; start your work now.

Hindi Meaning: अब भी टालमटोल मत करो; अपना काम शुरू करो।

English Meaning: Stop procrastinating; start your work now.

Example: Don’t still procrastinate; time is ticking.


  1. Phrase: Don’t still skip your meals; it’s important for your health.

Hindi Meaning: अब भी अपने भोजन को छोड़ना मत; यह तुम्हारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।

English Meaning: Don’t still skip your meals; it’s important for your health.

Example: Still don’t skip your meals; your health matters.


  1. Phrase: What a fantastic performance! It’s still resonating in my mind.

Hindi Meaning: क्या शानदार प्रदर्शन है! यह अब भी मेरे मन में गूँज रहा है।

English Meaning: What a fantastic performance! It’s still resonating in my mind.

Example: What a fantastic performance! It’s still resonating in my mind.


  1. Phrase: What a great idea! It’s still worth exploring.

Hindi Meaning: क्या शानदार विचार है! इसे अब भी खोजने में मूल्य है।

English Meaning: What a great idea! It’s still worth exploring.

Example: What a great idea! It’s still worth exploring different possibilities.


  1. Phrase: What an incredible journey! It’s still unfolding.

Hindi Meaning: क्या अविश्वसनीय यात्रा है! यह अब भी प्रकाशित है।

English Meaning: What an incredible journey! It’s still unfolding.

Example: What an incredible journey! It’s still unfolding with new experiences.


  1. Phrase: Don’t still wait for him; he’s not coming.

Hindi Meaning: उसका इंतजार अब भी मत करो; वह नहीं आ रहा।

English Meaning: Stop waiting for him; he’s not coming.

Example: Don’t still wait for him; it’s getting late.


  1. Phrase: Still don’t give up; success is around the corner.

Hindi Meaning: अब तक हार मत मानो; सफलता सिर्फ कुछ कदम दूर है।

English Meaning: Keep going; success is still achievable.

Example: Still don’t give up; your hard work will pay off.


  1. Phrase: Don’t still believe those rumors; they’re false.

Hindi Meaning: उन अफवाहों पर अब भी विश्वास मत करो; वे झूठी हैं।

English Meaning: Stop believing those rumors; they’re false.

Example: Don’t still believe those rumors; verify the information.


  1. Phrase: The project is still in progress.

Hindi Meaning: Project अब भी कार्रवाई में है।

English Meaning: The team is diligently working, and the project is still in progress.

Example: Despite a few challenges, the team remains dedicated, and the project is still in progress.


  1. Phrase: She still finds joy in reading novels.

Hindi Meaning: उसे अब भी कविताएँ पढ़ने में आनंद आता है।

English Meaning: Despite her busy schedule, she still finds joy in reading novels.

Example: Despite her hectic work routine, she still finds joy in reading novels during her leisure time.


  1. Phrase: We are still in the process of planning our vacation.

Hindi Meaning: हम अब भी अपनी छुट्टी की योजना बना रहे हैं।

English Meaning: The family is excited, and we are still in the process of planning our vacation.

Example: With summer approaching, the family is eagerly discussing destination options, and we are still in the process of planning our vacation.



Phrases related to “Yet”


  1. Phrase: The cake is not ready yet.

Hindi Meaning: Cake अभी तक तैयार नहीं हुआ है।

English Meaning: The cake is not ready at this moment.

Example: The cake is not ready yet; it needs more time in the oven.


  1. Phrase: She hasn’t finished her homework yet.

Hindi Meaning: उसने अभी तक अपना homework पूरा नहीं किया है।

English Meaning: She has not completed her homework up to now.

Example: She hasn’t finished her homework yet; she’s still working on it.


  1. Phrase: The train hasn’t arrived yet.

Hindi Meaning: Train अभी तक नहीं आई है।

English Meaning: The train has not arrived up to this point.

Example: The train hasn’t arrived yet; we’ll have to wait a bit longer.


  1. Phrase: He hasn’t called me yet.

Hindi Meaning: उसने मुझे अभी तक नहीं बुलाया है।

English Meaning: He has not called me up until now.

Example: He hasn’t called me yet; I wonder what’s keeping him busy.


  1. Phrase: The meeting hasn’t started yet.

Hindi Meaning: Meeting अभी तक शुरू नहीं हुई है।

English Meaning: The meeting has not begun up to this moment.

Example: The meeting hasn’t started yet; we’re waiting for a few more attendees.


  1. Phrase: They haven’t announced the results yet.

Hindi Meaning: उन्होंने अभी तक परिणाम घोषित नहीं किए हैं।

English Meaning: They have not declared the results as of now.

Example: They haven’t announced the results yet; it’s creating suspense.


  1. Phrase: Have you finished your assignment yet?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुमने अभी तक अपना assignment पूरा किया है?

English Meaning: Have you completed your assignment up to now?

Example: Have you finished your assignment yet? The deadline is approaching.


  1. Phrase: Has the mail arrived yet?

Hindi Meaning: क्या mail अभी तक आया है?

English Meaning: Has the mail come up to this point?

Example: Has the mail arrived yet? I’m expecting an important letter.


  1. Phrase: Have they fixed the issue yet?

Hindi Meaning: क्या उन्होंने समस्या को अभी तक ठीक किया है?

English Meaning: Have they resolved the issue as of now?

Example: Have they fixed the issue yet? It’s been causing delays.


  1. Phrase: Have you visited that museum yet?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुमने उस museum को अभी तक देखा है?

English Meaning: Have you been to that museum up to now?

Example: Have you visited that museum yet? It’s quite fascinating.


  1. Phrase: Has she left for the airport yet?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वह airport के लिए अभी तक निकल गई है?

English Meaning: Has she departed for the airport up to this moment?

Example: Has she left for the airport yet? Her flight is soon.


  1. Phrase: Have you received your package yet?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुमने अभी तक अपना package प्राप्त किया है?

English Meaning: Have you gotten your package up to now?

Example: Have you received your package yet? I hope it arrived safely.


  1. Phrase: They haven’t fixed the issue yet.

Hindi Meaning: उन्होंने समस्या को अभी तक नहीं ठीक किया है।

English Meaning: They have not resolved the issue up to this point.

Example: They haven’t fixed the issue yet; it’s causing inconvenience.


  1. Phrase: The movie hasn’t started yet.

Hindi Meaning: फिल्म अभी तक शुरू नहीं हुई है।

English Meaning: The movie has not begun up to this moment.

Example: The movie hasn’t started yet; we’re waiting for a few more viewers.


  1. Phrase: The restaurant hasn’t opened yet.

Hindi Meaning: Restaurant अभी तक खुला नहीं हुआ है।

English Meaning: The restaurant has not opened up to this point.

Example: The restaurant hasn’t opened yet; let’s try another place.


  1. Phrase: I haven’t received my salary yet.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे अभी तक मेरा वेतन नहीं मिला है।

English Meaning: I have not received my salary up to this moment.

Example: I haven’t received my salary yet; I need to check with HR.


  1. Phrase: The rain hasn’t stopped yet.

Hindi Meaning: बारिश अभी तक बंद नहीं हुई है।

English Meaning: The rain has not ceased up to this point.

Example: The rain hasn’t stopped yet; we might need umbrellas.


  1. Phrase: She hasn’t completed the project yet.

Hindi Meaning: उसने project को अभी तक पूरा नहीं किया है।

English Meaning: She has not finished the project up to this moment.

Example: She hasn’t completed the project yet; there’s still work to be done.


  1. Phrase: Don’t give up yet; there’s still hope.

Hindi Meaning: अभी हार मत मानो; अभी भी आशा है।

English Meaning: Don’t give up yet; there’s still hope.

Example: Don’t give up yet; keep pushing forward.


  1. Phrase: Don’t decide yet; consider all options.

Hindi Meaning: अभी निर्णय मत लो; सभी विकल्पों का विचार करो।

English Meaning: Don’t decide yet; consider all options.

Example: Don’t decide yet; take your time to evaluate.


  1. Phrase: Don’t leave yet; the show is just beginning.

Hindi Meaning: अभी मत जाओ; शो अभी शुरू हुआ है।

English Meaning: Don’t leave yet; the show is just beginning.

Example: Don’t leave yet; the best part is yet to come.


  1. Phrase: Don’t conclude yet; gather more information.

Hindi Meaning: अभी निष्कर्ष ना करो; और जानकारी इक्ट्ठी करो।

English Meaning: Don’t conclude yet; gather more information.

Example: Don’t conclude yet; there may be more to the story.


  1. Phrase: Don’t leave yet; the meeting isn’t over.

Hindi Meaning: अभी मत जाओ; meeting खत्म नहीं हुई है।

English Meaning: Don’t leave yet; the meeting isn’t over.

Example: Don’t leave yet; there are important announcements.


  1. Phrase: Don’t stop yet; keep striving for excellence.

Hindi Meaning: अभी रुको मत; उत्कृष्टता की दिशा में आगे बढ़ो।

English Meaning: Don’t stop yet; keep trying for excellence.

Example: Don’t stop yet; there’s always room for improvement.


  1. Phrase: What a beautiful sunset! It’s not over yet.

Hindi Meaning: कितना सुंदर सूर्यास्त है! यह अब तक समाप्त नहीं हुआ है।

English Meaning: What a wonderful sunset! It’s not over yet.

Example: What a beautiful sunset! It’s not over yet; let’s enjoy the view.


  1. Phrase: What an amazing performance! It’s not done yet.

Hindi Meaning: क्या शानदार प्रदर्शन है! यह अब तक पूरा नहीं हुआ है।

English Meaning: What an amazing performance! It’s not done yet.

Example: What an amazing performance! It’s not done yet; there’s an encore.


  1. Phrase: What a surprise! I didn’t see that coming yet.

Hindi Meaning: कितनी अच्छी बात है! मैंने तो यह कभी सोचा ही नहीं था।

English Meaning: What a surprise! I didn’t see that coming yet.

Example: What a surprise! I didn’t see that coming yet; it caught me off guard.


  1. Phrase: How delicious! I haven’t tasted anything like this yet.

Hindi Meaning: कितना स्वादिष्ट! मैंने ऐसा कुछ अभी तक नहीं चखा है।

English Meaning: How delicious! I haven’t tasted anything like this yet.

Example: How delicious! I haven’t tasted anything like this yet; it’s unique.


  1. Phrase: What a fantastic idea! I haven’t thought of that yet.

Hindi Meaning: क्या शानदार विचार है! मैंने ऐसा अब तक नहीं सोचा था।

English Meaning: What a fantastic idea! I haven’t thought of that yet.

Example: What a fantastic idea! I haven’t thought of that yet; it’s brilliant.


  1. Phrase: How surprising! I haven’t seen such innovation yet.

Hindi Meaning: कितना आश्चर्यजनक! मैंने ऐसी नवाचार अब तक नहीं देखी है।

English Meaning: How surprising! I haven’t seen such innovation yet.

Example: How surprising! I haven’t seen such innovation yet; it’s groundbreaking.



Phrases related to “Already”


  1. Phrase: I have already finished my homework.

Hindi Meaning: मैंने अपना homework पहले ही खत्म कर लिया है।

English Meaning: I have completed my homework ahead of time.

Example: I have already finished my homework, so I can relax now and enjoy the evening.


  1. Phrase: She has already booked the tickets for the concert.

Hindi Meaning: उसने concert के लिए पहले ही tickets book कर ली है।

English Meaning: She has already secured tickets for the upcoming concert.

Example: She has already booked the tickets for the concert; we’re all set and eagerly awaiting the event.


  1. Phrase: They have already seen that movie.

Hindi Meaning: उन्होंने उस फिल्म को पहले ही देख लिया है।

English Meaning: They have already watched that particular movie.

Example: They have already seen that movie, so let’s consider other options for our movie night.


  1. Phrase: The project has already been completed.

Hindi Meaning: Project पहले ही complete हो गया है।

English Meaning: The project has been successfully finished in advance.

Example: The project has already been completed; the team did an excellent job and delivered ahead of schedule.


  1. Phrase: He has already bought a new car.

Hindi Meaning: उन्होंने पहले ही एक नई car खरीद ली है।

English Meaning: He has already made the purchase of a new car.

Example: He has already bought a new car; it’s parked outside and looks fantastic.


  1. Phrase: The food has already been served.

Hindi Meaning: खाना पहले से ही serve किया जा चुका है।

English Meaning: The meal has already been presented.

Example: The food has already been served; please join us for a delicious dinner.


  1. Phrase: Have you already made a decision?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुमने पहले ही निर्णय ले लिया है?

English Meaning: Have you made a decision in advance?

Example: Have you already made a decision, or are you still considering your options?


  1. Phrase: Has she already visited Paris?

Hindi Meaning: क्या उसने पहले ही Paris घूमा लिया है?

English Meaning: Has she already taken a trip to Paris?

Example: Has she already visited Paris, or is it still on her travel wishlist?


  1. Phrase: Have they already started the meeting?

Hindi Meaning: क्या उन्होंने पहले ही meeting शुरू कर ली है?

English Meaning: Have they commenced the meeting ahead of schedule?

Example: Have they already started the meeting, or are we early for the discussion?


  1. Phrase: Have you already met the new neighbor?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम पहले ही नए पड़ोसी से मिल चुके हो?

English Meaning: Have you already had an introduction with the new neighbor?

Example: Have you already met the new neighbor, or should I introduce you to them?


  1. Phrase: Has the concert already begun?

Hindi Meaning: क्या concert पहले ही शुरू हो गया है?

English Meaning: Has the concert started earlier than expected?

Example: Has the concert already begun, or are we fashionably late?


  1. Phrase: Have they already decided on a venue?

Hindi Meaning: क्या उन्होंने पहले ही कोई स्थान तय कर लिया है?

English Meaning: Have they already chosen a location for the event?

Example: Have they already decided on a venue, or are they still exploring different options?


  1. Phrase: I haven’t already made plans for the weekend.

Hindi Meaning: मैंने अब तक weekend के लिए कोई योजना नहीं बनाई है।

English Meaning: I haven’t made plans for the weekend in advance.

Example: I haven’t already made plans for the weekend; let’s decide together on what to do.


  1. Phrase: She hasn’t already seen that movie.

Hindi Meaning: उसने अब तक उस फिल्म को नहीं देखा है।

English Meaning: She hasn’t watched that movie yet.

Example: She hasn’t already seen that movie; we can watch it together sometime.


  1. Phrase: They haven’t already completed the assignment.

Hindi Meaning: उन्होंने अब तक assignment complete नहीं किया है।

English Meaning: They haven’t finished the assignment ahead of time.

Example: They haven’t already completed the assignment; there’s still time to work on it.


  1. Phrase: He hasn’t already decided on a career path.

Hindi Meaning: उसने अब तक career path decide नहीं किया है।

English Meaning: He hasn’t made a decision on a career path yet.

Example: He hasn’t already decided on a career path; he’s still exploring different options.


  1. Phrase: The meeting hasn’t already concluded.

Hindi Meaning: Meeting अब तक समाप्त नहीं हुई है।

English Meaning: The meeting hasn’t ended yet.

Example: The meeting hasn’t already concluded; there are more topics to discuss.


  1. Phrase: The book hasn’t already been published.

Hindi Meaning: किताब अब तक publish नहीं हुई है।

English Meaning: The book hasn’t been published yet.

Example: The book hasn’t already been published; it’s still in the editing phase.


  1. Phrase: Don’t finish the project already; review it thoroughly.

Hindi Meaning: Project को पहले ही पूरा मत करो; इसे ध्यानपूर्वक review करो।

English Meaning: Please don’t finish the project yet; review it thoroughly.

Example: Don’t finish the project already; review it thoroughly before submission.


  1. Phrase: Don’t leave already; the party is just starting.

Hindi Meaning: अभी मत जाओ; party अभी शुरू हुई है।

English Meaning: Please don’t leave yet; the party is just getting started.

Example: Don’t leave already; we have more fun planned.


  1. Phrase: Don’t decide already; weigh the pros and cons.

Hindi Meaning: अभी निर्णय मत लो; pros और cons का मूल्यांकन करो।

English Meaning: Please don’t decide yet; consider the pros and cons.

Example: Don’t decide already; take your time to weigh the pros and cons.


  1. Phrase: Don’t quit already; there’s still room for improvement.

Hindi Meaning: अभी हार मत मानो, सुधार के लिए अभी भी जगह है।

English Meaning: Please don’t quit yet; there’s still room for improvement.

Example: Don’t quit already; keep pushing for excellence.


  1. Phrase: Don’t assume already; ask for clarification.

Hindi Meaning: अभी किसी निर्णय पर पहुँचो मत; स्पष्टीकरण के लिए पूछो।

English Meaning: Please don’t assume yet; ask for clarification.

Example: Don’t assume already; seek clarification before jumping to conclusions.


  1. Phrase: Don’t apologize already; let me explain.

Hindi Meaning: अभी माफी मत मांगो; मुझे स्पष्टीकरण करने दो।

English Meaning: Please don’t apologize yet; let me provide clarification.

Example: Don’t apologize already; allow me to explain the situation.


  1. Phrase: What a surprise! The package has already arrived!

Hindi Meaning: क्या चौंकाने वाली बात है! Package पहले ही पहुंच गया है!

English Meaning: Expressing amazement! The package has already been delivered!

Example: What a surprise! The package has already arrived; I wasn’t expecting it so soon.


  1. Phrase: Amazing news! The project is already completed!

Hindi Meaning: शानदार खबर! Project पहले से ही पूरा हो गया है!

English Meaning: Expressing excitement! The project is already finished!

Example: Amazing news! The project is already completed; the team did a fantastic job.


  1. Phrase: Wow, they’ve already reached the summit!

Hindi Meaning: वाह, वह पहले ही शिखर तक पहुंच गए हैं!

English Meaning: Expressing awe! They’ve already reached the summit!

Example: Wow, they’ve already reached the summit! That’s impressive.


  1. Phrase: Incredible! The concert tickets are already sold out!

Hindi Meaning: अद्भुत! Concert की tickets पहले से ही समाप्त हो गईं हैं!

English Meaning: Expressing disbelief! The concert tickets are already sold out!

Example: Incredible! The concert tickets are already sold out; we should have bought them earlier.


  1. Phrase: Oh, it’s already 5 o’clock!

Hindi Meaning: ओह, पहले ही 5 बज गए हैं!

English Meaning: Expressing realization! Oh, it’s already 5 o’clock!

Example: Oh, it’s already 5 o’clock! Time flies.


  1. Phrase: Fantastic! The new software update is already available!

Hindi Meaning: शानदार! नया software update पहले से ही उपलब्ध है!

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm! The new software update is already available!

Example: Fantastic! The new software update is already available; let’s install it.



Still – Yet – Already Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Question: What is the difference between “still” and “yet”?

Answer: “Still” is used to indicate that a situation or action continues to the present. “Yet” is used in negative and interrogative sentences to express an expectation that something will happen up to a particular time.


  1. Question: Can “still” be used in positive sentences?

Answer: Yes, “still” can be used in positive sentences to emphasize that a situation or action continues to the present.


  1. Question: How is “already” different from “still”?

Answer: “Already” is used to indicate that an action has happened before a particular time, while “still” emphasizes the continuity of a situation or action up to the present.


  1. Question: When do we use “still” in a sentence?

Answer: “Still” is used to indicate that a situation or action has continued from the past and is ongoing in the present.


  1. Question: Is “yet” always used in negative sentences?

Answer: No, “yet” is often used in negative and interrogative sentences, but it can also be used in affirmative sentences to convey a sense of expectation.


  1. Question: Can “already” be used in questions?

Answer: Yes, “already” can be used in questions to inquire whether an action has happened earlier than expected.


  1. Question: How is “yet” used in a sentence?

Answer: “Yet” is used to express a situation that is expected to happen up to a particular time in negative and interrogative sentences.


  1. Question: Can “still” be used with future tense?

Answer: Yes, “still” can be used with future tense to emphasize that a situation or action will continue into the future.


  1. Question: Is “still” used to express surprise?

Answer: No, “still” is not typically used to express surprise. It is used to emphasize continuity.


  1. Question: When should I use “yet” in a question?

Answer: Use “yet” in questions to inquire about the completion of an action or the occurrence of an event up to a specific time.


  1. Question: In what situations is “already” commonly used?

Answer: “Already” is commonly used when referring to completed actions or events that happened earlier than expected.


  1. Question: Can “yet” be used at the beginning of a sentence?

Answer: Yes, “yet” can be used at the beginning of a sentence to create emphasis, especially in questions.


  1. Question: How does “still” function in present perfect tense?

Answer: In present perfect tense, “still” is used to emphasize the continuous nature of an action or situation from the past to the present.


  1. Question: Is “yet” interchangeable with “still”?

Answer: While they both convey continuity, “yet” is often associated with expectations and is commonly used in negative and interrogative sentences.


  1. Question: When is it appropriate to use “already” in a sentence?

Answer: Use “already” when referring to an action that has been completed or an event that has occurred earlier than anticipated.


  1. Question: Can “still” be used with past continuous tense?

Answer: Yes, “still” can be used with past continuous tense to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action in the past.


  1. Question: How does “yet” function in present perfect continuous tense?

Answer: In present perfect continuous tense, “yet” is used to inquire about the duration of an ongoing action up to the present.


  1. Question: Is “still” used with non-action verbs?

Answer: Yes, “still” can be used with non-action verbs to emphasize the continuing state or condition.


  1. Question: Can “already” be used in negative sentences?

Answer: Yes, “already” can be used in negative sentences to indicate that an expected action or event has not occurred.


  1. Question: Does “yet” always imply a sense of impatience?

Answer: While “yet” can convey impatience, it can also express anticipation or expectation, depending on the context.


  1. Question: Can “still” be used with the simple past tense?

Answer: Yes, “still” can be used with the simple past tense to emphasize the continuous nature of an action that persisted in the past.


  1. Question: How does “yet” function in the context of deadlines?

Answer: “Yet” is often used in relation to deadlines to inquire whether a task has been completed by a specific time.


  1. Question: Is “already” used more in American English or British English?

Answer: “Already” is commonly used in both American English and British English; there is no significant regional difference in its usage.


  1. Question: Can “still” be used with the present continuous tense?

Answer: Yes, “still” can be used with the present continuous tense to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action happening now.


  1. Question: How does the use of “yet” change when it is placed at the end of a sentence?

Answer: Placing “yet” at the end of a sentence creates emphasis and is often used in a conversational or informal context to express surprise or anticipation.



In conclusion, the trio of “already,” “yet,” and “still” serves as invaluable tools in our linguistic toolkit, painting vivid pictures of temporal scenarios. “Already” marks the conclusion of actions, a testament to accomplishment. “Yet” extends an invitation to the future, signifying tasks yet to unfold. Meanwhile, “still” embodies persistence, capturing the enduring essence of ongoing states. Together, these adverbs seamlessly weave the fabric of time in our narratives, enriching our expressions with the subtleties of completion, anticipation, and continuity.


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