Correct Use of Prepositions Of Time – In On At – Part 3

Incorporating and making use of prepositions the right way into your spoken and written English is pretty important, to stay away from any kind of embarrassment publicly. With this English learning tutorial, you can learn prepositions of time, such as, In, On, and At with easy examples and English to Hindi translation.


The correct use of prepositions of time, namely “in,” “on,” and “at,” is a fundamental aspect of English grammar. These prepositions play a crucial role in helping us express time-related concepts with precision. “In” typically denotes longer periods, “on” is used for specific dates and days, and “at” specifies precise points in time. Understanding when and how to use these prepositions is essential for effective communication in English, ensuring that the temporal context is accurately conveyed. In this video lesson, we will explore the rules and nuances of using these prepositions in various time-related contexts.

“समय संबंधी संकेतों को सही ढंग से व्यक्त करने के लिए, ‘in,’ ‘on,’ और ‘at’ का सही प्रयोग महत्वपूर्ण है। ‘In’ दिनों, महीनों, वर्षों और अवधियों के लिए प्रयोग होता है, ‘on’ विशिष्ट दिनों और ‘at’ समय के सटीक बिंदुओं के लिए होता है।”


  1. “In”

Used for Months, Years, Seasons, and Longer Time Periods:

“In” is used when referring to time periods that are relatively long or extended, such as months, years, or seasons.


I was born in October.

They got married in 2010.

We go camping in the summer.

He’ll retire in a few years.


Used for Periods of Time within a Day or a Specific Time Frame:

“In” can also be used for periods of time within a day or for specific time frames.


She’ll be back in an hour.

The meeting is in the afternoon.

We’ll be there in a minute.



महीनों, वर्षों, ऋतुओं और लंबे time duration के लिए उपयोग होता है:

“In” उस time duration के लिए प्रयोग होता है, जो कुछ महीनों, वर्षों, या ऋतुओं तक होता है।


मेरा जन्म October में हुआ था।

उन्होंने 2010 में शादी की थी।

हम गर्मियों में camping करते हैं।

वह कुछ सालों में retire हो जाएगा।


दिन के भीतर का time duration या विशेष समय के लिए उपयोग होता है:

“In” का उपयोग day time period या विशिष्ट समय सीमा के लिए भी होता है।


वह एक घंटे में वापस आएगी।

Meeting दोपहर में है।

हम वहाँ एक मिनट में पहुँचेंगे।


  1. “On”

Used for Specific Days and Dates:

“On” is used when referring to specific days or dates.


I have a meeting on Monday.

Our anniversary is on June 15th.

The conference is on New Year’s Day.




विशिष्ट दिनों और तिथियों के लिए उपयोग होता है:

“On” का उपयोग विशिष्ट दिनों या तिथियों के लिए करते हैं।


मेरी Monday को meeting है।

हमारी सालगिरह 15 जून को है।

सम्मेलन New Year’s Day पर है।


  1. “At”

Used for Specific Times or Moments in the Day:

“At” is used when referring to specific times of day or moments in time.


The party starts at 7 PM.

I’ll meet you at the corner.

I usually have breakfast at 8:00 in the morning.


Used for Holiday Periods:

“At” can be used for holiday periods, especially when referring to specific moments or events within those holidays.


We exchange gifts at Christmas.


Used for Night:

“At” is used when referring to nighttime.


We arrived at the restaurant at night.

I like to read before bed at night.



विशिष्ट समय या समय के लम्हों के लिए उपयोग होता है:

“At” का उपयोग विशिष्ट समय के लिए करते हैं, जैसे कि दिन के किसी विशिष्ट समय या समय के लम्हों के लिए।


Party शाम 7 बजे शुरू होगी।

मैं सुबह 8:00 बजे नाश्ता करता हूँ।


रात के लिए भी उपयोग होता है:

“At” का उपयोग रात के समय के लिए भी होता है।


मैं रात को सोने से पहले पढ़ने का शौक रखता हूँ।


Let’s read few more examples to understand the concept clearly.


  1. English: Hang the painting on the wall.

Hindi: चित्रकला को दीवार पर लटकाएं।


  1. English: Make a hole in the wall.

Hindi: दीवार में एक छेद बनाएं।


  1. English: Look at the wall.

Hindi: दीवार की ओर देखें।


  1. English: It gets very cold in December.

Hindi: December में बहुत ठंड होती है।


  1. English: The party is on Friday.

Hindi: Party Friday को है।


  1. English: My exam is on 14th October.

Hindi: मेरी परीक्षा 14 October को है।


  1. English: How many days are there in a week?

Hindi: हफ्ते में कितने दिन होते हैं?


  1. English: I got a lot of gifts on my birthday.

Hindi: मेरे जन्मदिन पर मुझे बहुत सारे उपहार मिले।


  1. English: I will go to the office on the weekend.

Hindi: मैं weekend पर office जाऊंगा।


  1. English: I get the salary at the beginning of the month.

Hindi: मुझे महीने की शुरुआत में वेतन मिलता है।


  1. English: In how many days will you complete the project?

Hindi: आप कितने दिनों में project पूरा करेंगे?


  1. English: Your insurance policy will get matured in 20 years.

Hindi: आपकी बीमा policy 20 साल में पूरी हो जाएगी।


  1. English: I went to London in 1999.

Hindi: मैं 1999 में London गया था।


  1. English: I will go to Goa in Summer.

Hindi: मैं गर्मियों में Goa जाऊंगा।


  1. English: The doctor is busy at the moment.

Hindi: वर्तमान में doctor व्यस्त है।


  1. English: We are not hiring at present.

Hindi: हम वर्तमान में नौकरियां नहीं दे रहे हैं।


  1. English: The decision might change at any time.

Hindi: निर्णय किसी भी समय बदल सकता है।


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Phrases related to “In”


  1. Phrase: In a minute

Hindi Meaning: एक मिनट में

English Meaning: Within a minute

Example: I’ll be there in a minute.


  1. Phrase: In a while

Hindi Meaning: थोड़ी देर में

English Meaning: After a short time

Example: She’ll call you back in a while.


  1. Phrase: In the morning

Hindi Meaning: सुबह में

English Meaning: During the morning

Example: I exercise in the morning.


  1. Phrase: In the evening

Hindi Meaning: शाम को

English Meaning: During the evening

Example: We usually watch movies in the evening.


  1. Phrase: In the afternoon

Hindi Meaning: दोपहर में

English Meaning: During the afternoon

Example: The sun is hot in the afternoon.


  1. Phrase: In the past

Hindi Meaning: भूतकाल में

English Meaning: During previous times

Example: In the past, people used to write letters.


  1. Phrase: In the future

Hindi Meaning: भविष्य में

English Meaning: During upcoming times

Example: We have big plans in the future.


  1. Phrase: In December

Hindi Meaning: दिसम्बर में

English Meaning: During the month of December

Example: It often snows in December.


  1. Phrase: In 2020

Hindi Meaning: 2020 में

English Meaning: During the year 2020

Example: In 2020, I traveled a lot.


  1. Phrase: In the summer

Hindi Meaning: गर्मियों में

English Meaning: During the summer season

Example: We go swimming in the summer.


  1. Phrase: In the winter

Hindi Meaning: सर्दियों में

English Meaning: During the winter season

Example: I like to drink hot chocolate in the winter.


  1. Phrase: In a decade

Hindi Meaning: दशक में

English Meaning: During a period of ten years

Example: Technology has advanced rapidly in a decade.


  1. Phrase: In the 21st century

Hindi Meaning: 21वीं सदी में

English Meaning: During the 21st century

Example: Many innovations have emerged in the 21st century.


  1. Phrase: In a few hours

Hindi Meaning: कुछ घंटों में

English Meaning: Within a few hours

Example: The plane will land in a few hours.


  1. Phrase: In a fortnight

Hindi Meaning: दो हफ्तों में

English Meaning: Within two weeks

Example: I’ll finish the project in a fortnight.


  1. Phrase: In my childhood

Hindi Meaning: मेरे बचपन में

English Meaning: During my early years

Example: In my childhood, I loved playing with toys.


  1. Phrase: In the 20th century

Hindi Meaning: 20वीं सदी में

English Meaning: During the 20th century

Example: Many historical events took place in the 20th century.


  1. Phrase: In the next hour

Hindi Meaning: अगले घंटे में

English Meaning: During the upcoming hour

Example: We’ll reach our destination in the next hour.


  1. Phrase: In the rain

Hindi Meaning: बारिश में

English Meaning: During rainy weather

Example: I got completely soaked in the rain.


  1. Phrase: In the evening hours

Hindi Meaning: शाम के समय

English Meaning: During the evening hours

Example: The park is beautiful in the evening hours.



Phrases related to “On”


  1. Phrase: On Monday

Hindi Meaning: सोमवार को

English Meaning: During the day of Monday

Example: I have a meeting on Monday.


  1. Phrase: On my birthday

Hindi Meaning: मेरे जन्मदिन पर

English Meaning: During the celebration of my birthday

Example: I received many gifts on my birthday.


  1. Phrase: On New Year’s Day

Hindi Meaning: New Year के दिन

English Meaning: On the first day of the new year

Example: We have a tradition of watching fireworks on New Year’s Day.


  1. Phrase: On a sunny day

Hindi Meaning: एक धूपवाले दिन पर

English Meaning: During a day with plenty of sunshine

Example: We love going to the beach on a sunny day.


  1. Phrase: On a cold winter’s night

Hindi Meaning: एक सर्दी की सर्द रात

English Meaning: During a very cold night in the winter

Example: We sat by the fireplace on a cold winter’s night.


  1. Phrase: On the weekend

Hindi Meaning: सप्ताहांत पर

English Meaning: During the weekend

Example: I like to relax and read on the weekend.


  1. Phrase: On Christmas Eve

Hindi Meaning: Christmas की पूर्व संध्या पर

English Meaning: The evening before Christmas

Example: We exchange gifts on Christmas Eve.


  1. Phrase: On the 4th of July

Hindi Meaning: 4 July को

English Meaning: On the 4th day of July

Example: Americans celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July.


  1. Phrase: On a cloudy day

Hindi Meaning: एक cloudy दिन पर

English Meaning: During a day with overcast skies

Example: We might stay indoors on a cloudy day.


  1. Phrase: On a special occasion

Hindi Meaning: एक खास मौके पर

English Meaning: During a particular event or celebration

Example: We dress up nicely on a special occasion.


  1. Phrase: On the anniversary

Hindi Meaning: सालगिरह पर

English Meaning: During the celebration of an anniversary

Example: They went out for dinner on their anniversary.


  1. Phrase: On a beautiful morning

Hindi Meaning: एक खूबसूरत सुबह पर

English Meaning: During a morning with lovely weather

Example: We like to go for a walk on a beautiful morning.


  1. Phrase: On the same day

Hindi Meaning: उसी दिन 

English Meaning: On the very day

Example: They got engaged and married on the same day.


  1. Phrase: On a rainy afternoon

Hindi Meaning: बरसाती दोपहर पर

English Meaning: During an afternoon with rain

Example: Reading a book on a rainy afternoon is so cozy.


  1. Phrase: On the due date

Hindi Meaning: समय सीमा पर

English Meaning: On the specified deadline

Example: Make sure to submit your assignment on the due date.


  1. Phrase: On a frosty winter morning

Hindi Meaning: एक ठंडी वाली सर्दी की सुबह पर

English Meaning: During a very cold winter morning

Example: The trees glisten with frost on a frosty winter morning.


  1. Phrase: On a quiet night

Hindi Meaning: एक शांत रात 

English Meaning: During a peaceful night

Example: We can hear the crickets on a quiet night.


  1. Phrase: On a hot summer day

Hindi Meaning: एक गर्मियों के दिन पर

English Meaning: During a scorching summer day

Example: Ice cream is a must on a hot summer day.


  1. Phrase: On a busy morning

Hindi Meaning: एक व्यस्त सुबह पर

English Meaning: During a morning filled with activity

Example: I have a lot of errands to run on a busy morning.


  1. Phrase: On a clear night

Hindi Meaning: एक स्पष्ट रात पर

English Meaning: During a night with a clear sky

Example: Stargazing is wonderful on a clear night.


Phrases related to “At”


  1. Phrase: At the beginning of the month

Hindi Meaning: महीने की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: At the start of a month

Example: I pay my rent at the beginning of the month.


  1. Phrase: At the end of the year

Hindi Meaning: साल के अंत में

English Meaning: At the conclusion of the year

Example: Many people reflect on their achievements at the end of the year.


  1. Phrase: At the start of the semester

Hindi Meaning: Semester की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: At the beginning of a school semester

Example: New courses are introduced at the start of the semester.


  1. Phrase: At the beginning of the week

Hindi Meaning: सप्ताह की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: On the first day of the week

Example: We plan our weekly activities at the beginning of the week.


  1. Phrase: At the end of the month

Hindi Meaning: महीने के अंत में

English Meaning: At the conclusion of a month

Example: I review my finances at the end of the month.


  1. Phrase: At the start of the year

Hindi Meaning: साल की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: On the first day of the year

Example: Many people make New Year’s resolutions at the start of the year.


  1. Phrase: At the end of the quarter

Hindi Meaning: Quarter के अंत में

English Meaning: At the conclusion of a business quarter

Example: Financial reports are generated at the end of the quarter.


  1. Phrase: At the middle of the month

Hindi Meaning: महीने के बीच में

English Meaning: Approximately in the middle of the month

Example: I receive my salary at the middle of the month.


  1. Phrase: At the start of the summer

Hindi Meaning: गर्मियों की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: On the first day of the summer season

Example: We usually go on a vacation at the start of the summer.


  1. Phrase: At the end of the fiscal year

Hindi Meaning: Fiscal year के अंत में

English Meaning: At the conclusion of the financial year

Example: Audits are conducted at the end of the fiscal year.


  1. Phrase: At the beginning of the school year

Hindi Meaning: School year की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: On the first day of the school year

Example: Students get their textbooks at the beginning of the school year.


  1. Phrase: At the start of the decade

Hindi Meaning: Decade की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: On the first year of a decade

Example: The company set ambitious goals at the start of the decade.


  1. Phrase: At the end of the semester

Hindi Meaning: Semester के अंत में

English Meaning: At the conclusion of a school semester

Example: Exams are held at the end of the semester.


  1. Phrase: At the middle of the year

Hindi Meaning: साल के बीच में

English Meaning: Approximately in the middle of the year

Example: We conduct performance reviews at the middle of the year.


  1. Phrase: At the beginning of the festival season

Hindi Meaning: Festival season की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: At the start of the festive season

Example: People start decorating their homes at the beginning of the festival season.


  1. Phrase: At the start of the new quarter

Hindi Meaning: नए quarter की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: On the first day of a new business quarter

Example: We set financial targets at the start of the new quarter.


  1. Phrase: At the start of the holiday

Hindi Meaning: छुट्टियों की शुरुआत में

English Meaning: At the beginning of a vacation or holiday

Example: We book our flights at the start of the holiday.


  1. Phrase: At the end of the week

Hindi Meaning: सप्ताह के अंत में

English Meaning: On the last day of the week

Example: I like to relax at the end of the week.


  1. Phrase: At the middle of the day

Hindi Meaning: दिन के बीच में

English Meaning: Approximately in the middle of the day

Example: We usually take a break at the middle of the day.


  1. Phrase: At the beginning of the film

Hindi Meaning: फ़िल्म की शुरुआत पर

English Meaning: At the start of a movie

Example: Moviegoers settle into their seats at the beginning of the film.



Prepositions Of Time Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is the difference between “in,” “on,” and “at” when used with time?

“In” is used for longer periods of time, “on” is used for specific dates and days, and “at” is used for precise points in time.


  1. When do I use “in” with time?

Use “in” for periods of time like “in a week,” “in the morning,” “in the 20th century.”


  1. When should I use “on” with time?

Use “on” for specific dates like “on Monday,” “on my birthday,” “on New Year’s Day.”


  1. What’s the rule for using “at” with time?

Use “at” for specific points in time like “at noon,” “at midnight,” “at sunrise.”


  1. Can you explain using “in” for seasons and months?

Yes, you use “in” for seasons like “in the summer” and months like “in May.”


  1. Is “on” used with weekends and holidays?

Yes, you use “on” with weekends, for example, “on the weekend,” and with holidays like “on Christmas.”


  1. When do I use “at” for time during the day?

You use “at” for specific times, such as “at 3 o’clock,” “at lunchtime,” “at bedtime.”


  1. Can I use “in,” “on,” and “at” interchangeably for all time-related phrases?

No, each preposition has specific uses related to the duration, specificity, and time of day.


  1. How do I say “in the morning” or “on Monday” correctly?

“In the morning” refers to a general time period, while “on Monday” specifies a particular day.


  1. What’s the difference between “at night” and “in the night”?

“At night” means during the night time in general, while “in the night” is less common and might refer to a specific event during the night.


  1. When do I use “at the weekend” or “on the weekend”?

“At the weekend” is common in British English, while “on the weekend” is more typical in American English.


  1. Can you provide examples of using “in,” “on,” and “at” with time in sentences?

Sure! “I’ll see you in a week,” “We have a meeting on Wednesday,” “The movie starts at 7 o’clock.”


  1. How do I use prepositions with decades or centuries?

Use “in” with decades like “in the 1990s” and “in” with centuries like “in the 21st century.”


  1. When should I say “at the moment”?

You say “at the moment” to mean “right now” or “currently.”


  1. Can I say “on the morning” or “on the night”?

No, you would use “in the morning” and “at night.”


  1. Is it correct to say “on weekend” without “the”?

No, you should use “on the weekend” or “at the weekend.”


  1. How do I use prepositions for specific years and months?

Use “in” for years, like “in 2020,” and “in” for months, like “in July.”


  1. Can I use “at” with seasons, like “at summer”?

No, you should use “in” with seasons, like “in summer.”


  1. When is “on the day of” used?

“On the day of” is used to specify a particular day when something happens, like “on the day of the wedding.”


  1. Are there any exceptions to the rules for using these prepositions with time?

While the rules are generally consistent, language can be flexible, and some idiomatic expressions may not follow these rules precisely. However, these prepositions provide a good framework for understanding time-related phrases in English.



In conclusion, understanding the correct use of prepositions of time – “in,” “on,” and “at” – is essential for clear and effective communication in English. Each of these prepositions serves a specific purpose when describing time-related events, and using them accurately can help convey information with precision.

“In” is used for longer time frames such as months, seasons, years, and periods. “On” is employed for specifying particular dates, days of the week, and holidays. “At” is reserved for pinpointing precise moments in time, including hours and specific points in the day.


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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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