
Vocabulary Building – 90 Words for Replacing “Very”

Learning something new can appear to be a daunting task, especially in the beginning, but once you get used to the entire process, it becomes a lot smoother and things start falling into place. The same is the case with improving your written and spoken English, which is why, in this English video lesson, I have come up with 90 sentences that will help you in building your vocabulary and make it even stronger.


The adverb “very” is used to highlight the degree or extent of an adjective, adverb, or verb in a sentence. It indicates a high level of the quality being described or emphasizes the strong presence of action. “Very” is used to make statements more clear and to provide additional emphasis to the words it modifies. It adds strength or force to the meaning of the words it accompanies, indicating a higher degree than what would be considered typical or ordinary. But using the word ‘Very’ again and again sounds a little boring. In this video lesson, you will learn a few interesting words that can replace the adverb ‘Very’.


Very शब्द का use हम तब करते है जब हमे sentence में किसी word को खास यां अधिक दिखाना होता है। अगर हमें कुछ बहुत अच्छा लगा तो हम good ना बोलकर very good बोलते है।


Very Detailed

Replacement: Elaborate

Hindi Meaning: विस्तार से करना

Example: Her presentation contained a very detailed analysis of the project.

Her presentation contained an elaborate analysis of the project.


Very High

Replacement: Towering

Hindi Meaning: ऊँचा

Example: The skyscraper reached a very high altitude in the city skyline.

The skyscraper reached a towering altitude in the city skyline.


Very Important

Replacement: Crucial

Hindi Meaning: महत्वपूर्ण, जरूरी

Example: His role played a very important part in the success of the mission.

His role played a crucial part in the success of the mission.


Very Roomy

Replacement: Spacious

Hindi Meaning: बड़ा

Example: The apartment had a very roomy living area that could accommodate many guests.

The apartment had a spacious living area that could accommodate many guests.


Very Proud

Replacement: Arrogant

Hindi Meaning: घमंडी

Example: His very proud attitude often rubbed people the wrong way.

His arrogant demeanor often rubbed people the wrong way.


Very Loud

Replacement: Thunderous

Hindi Meaning: बहुत शोर

Example: The music at the concert was very loud, resonating through the arena.

The music at the concert was thunderous, resonating through the arena.


Very Gentle

Replacement: Tender

Hindi Meaning: बहुत कोमल

Example: She spoke in a very gentle tone, trying to soothe her upset friend.

She spoke in a tender tone, trying to soothe her upset friend.


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Very Strange

Replacement: Peculiar

Hindi Meaning: बहुत अजीब

Example: The occurrence was very strange, leaving everyone perplexed.

The occurrence was peculiar, leaving everyone perplexed.


Very Harsh

Replacement: Severe

Hindi Meaning: बहुत कठोर

Example: The punishment was very harsh, making the students rethink their actions.

The punishment was severe, making the students rethink their actions.


Very Sensitive

Replacement: Delicate

Hindi Meaning: नाज़ुक

Example: The topic was very sensitive, requiring careful handling in the discussion.

The topic was delicate, requiring careful handling in the discussion.



In this Video Lesson, we have talked about the words which can be used instead of the adverb ‘Very’ as using the adverb ‘Very’ again and again sounds boring. For example, instead of saying “very important,” we can say “crucial” or Instead of saying “very good,” we can say “superb.” This helps our writing sound better and not boring. So, next time you talk or write, remember to use these cool words to make your ideas shine and sound great!


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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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