Let’s Learn How To Use Interjections!

Interjections are an integral part of any communication in English because they help us build and then speak perfect English sentences. This is the reason why you need to use them correctly and to help you do so, I have made this English learning video tutorial that can be of great help in clearing your doubts and going a step further.


Interjections are essential components of the English language, serving as expressive tools that convey a wide range of emotions and reactions. They add depth and authenticity to our conversations, enabling us to express joy, surprise, disappointment, approval, and more with spontaneity and impact. In this comprehensive compilation, we have gathered various interjections in both English and Hindi, accompanied by their meanings and example sentences. These interjections provide us with the means to connect with others on a more emotional level and enrich our communication.


Interjections Meaning:


Interjections are words or phrases used to express strong emotions, reactions, or feelings. Here’s the meaning and usage of the interjections, followed by the sentences in English and Hindi:

Interjection वो शब्द होते हैं जो हम अपनी भाषा में अलग-अलग भावनाओं को दिखाने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं। ये हमारे बातचीत को समझाने में मदद करते हैं, जैसे की खुशी और उत्सुकता। इस बड़े collection में, हमने English और हिंदी दोनों में विभिन्न प्रकार के interjections इकट्ठे किए हैं, उनके meaning और examples के साथ। इन interjections का उपयोग हमें अपने बातचीत में और भी ज्यादा भावनाओं को जताने का तरीका प्रदान करता है।


When Are These Words Used:

These words are used to convey various emotions and reactions:


Joy: Interjections like “Hurray!” and “Yay!” express joy and excitement.

Approval: “Wow!” and “Yay!” are used to show excitement and enthusiasm.

Attention: “Shh!” is used to get someone’s attention or request silence.

Surprise: “Wow!” and “Yikes!” express surprise and wonder.

Sorrow: “Alas!” can express sorrow and disappointment.


Now, let’s use these interjections in sentences:


List of Phrases based on Interjections


  1. Phrase: Wow!

Hindi Meaning: Wow! (आश्चर्य या प्रशंसा के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise or admiration.

Example: Wow, that’s incredible!


  1. Phrase: Yikes!

Hindi Meaning: Yikes! (चौंकने या डरावने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing shock or fear.

Example: Yikes, that was close!


  1. Phrase: Hurray!

Hindi Meaning: Hurray! (खुशी या उत्सव के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing joy or celebration.

Example: Hurray, we won the game!


  1. Phrase: Bravo!

Hindi Meaning: Bravo! (प्रशंसा या शिक्षा के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing praise or applause.

Example: Bravo,  that was a fantastic performance!


  1. Shh!

Hindi Meaning: Shh! (चुप रहने के लिए)

English Meaning: Requesting silence or quiet.

Example: Shh, be quiet in the library!


  1. Phrase: Eww!

Hindi Meaning: Eww! (घृणा या नापसंदगी के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing disgust or aversion.

Example: Eww, this food tastes awful!


  1. Phrase: Ouch!

Hindi Meaning: Ouch! (दर्द या असहमति के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing pain or discomfort.

Example: Ouch, that hurt!


  1. Phrase: Alas!

Hindi Meaning: आह! (दुख या पछतावे के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing regret, sorrow, or disappointment.

Example: Alas, I missed the last train.


  1. Phrase: Bravo!

Hindi Meaning: Bravo! (प्रशंसा या शिक्षा के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing appreciation, applause, or admiration for a job well done.

Example: Bravo, you delivered an outstanding presentation!


  1. Phrase: Aww!

Hindi Meaning: Aww! (किसी के साथ सहानुभूति या तरह-तरह की भावनाओं के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing sympathy, tenderness, or affection.

Example: Aww, the little kitten is so cute!


  1. Phrase: Cheers!

Hindi Meaning: Cheers! (उत्सव के साथ)

English Meaning: Offering a toast, celebrating, or expressing good wishes.

Example: Cheers to a successful year ahead!


  1. Phrase: Hmm!

Hindi Meaning: Hmm! (विचार करने या विचारने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing thought, consideration, or contemplation.

Example: Hmm, I need to think about it.


  1. Phrase: Whew!

Hindi Meaning: whew! (राहत या थकान के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing relief, exhaustion, or completion of a task.

Example: Whew, that was a long hike!


  1. Phrase: Yeah!

Hindi Meaning: हाँ! (सहमति या उत्सुकता के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing agreement, enthusiasm, or excitement.

Example: Yeah, let’s go to the concert!


  1. Phrase: Shit!

Hindi Meaning: Shit! (आकर्षण या डर के साथ निराशा या निराशा का व्यक्तिगत)

English Meaning: Expressing frustration, disappointment, or shock (informal and strong language).

Example: Shit, I missed the bus again.


  1. Phrase: What!

Hindi Meaning: क्या! (आश्चर्य या अविश्वास के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, disbelief, or astonishment.

Example: What, you’re moving to a different country?


  1. Phrase: Aww!

Hindi Meaning: Aww! (सहानुभूति या दुःख के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing sympathy, empathy, or affection.

Example: Aww, I’m sorry to hear about your loss.


  1. Phrase: Damm!

Hindi Meaning: Damm! (आकर्षण या डर के साथ निराशा या निराशा का व्यक्तिगत)

English Meaning: Expressing strong disappointment, annoyance, or frustration (informal and strong language).

Example: Damm, I can’t believe I forgot my wallet.


  1. Phrase: Yippee!

Hindi Meaning: Yippee! (खुशी या उत्सव के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing excitement, joy, or happiness.

Example: Yippee, it’s the weekend!


  1. Phrase: Ugh!

Hindi Meaning: Ugh! (अस्वास्थ्यता, नापसंदगी, या परेशानी के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing annoyance, frustration, or dissatisfaction.

Example: Ugh, I can’t stand this traffic.


  1. Phrase: Hooray!

Hindi Meaning: Hooray! (उत्सव, जीत, या सराहना के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing celebration, victory, or approval.

Example: Hooray, the team won the championship!


  1. Phrase: Phew!

Hindi Meaning: Phew! (राहत या थकान के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing relief, exhaustion, or release of tension.

Example: Phew, that was a close call!


  1. Phrase: Eek!

Hindi Meaning: Eek! (डर या भय के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing fear, surprise, or mild horror.

Example: Eek, there’s a spider on the wall!


  1. Phrase: Oopsie-daisy!

Hindi Meaning: Oopsie-daisy! (किसी छोटी गलती या अपशब्द के लिए)

English Meaning: Playful version of “Oops” to acknowledge a minor mistake.

Example: Oopsie-daisy, I dropped my pen.


  1. Phrase: Yum!

Hindi Meaning: Yum! (स्वाद का आनंद लेने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing enjoyment of delicious food.

Example: Yum, this pizza is amazing!


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  1. Phrase: Aha!

Hindi Meaning: Aha! (ज्ञान, प्रशंसा, या समझ के लिए)

English Meaning: Indicating sudden understanding, discovery, or realization.

Example: Aha, I finally found the missing piece!


  1. Phrase: Duh!

Hindi Meaning: Duh! (स्वाभाविक या स्पष्ट बात के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing the obvious or responding to a self-evident statement.

Example: Duh, it’s raining; we forgot our umbrellas!


  1. Phrase: Hush!

Hindi Meaning: Hush! (शांति या चुप रहने के लिए)

English Meaning: Requesting silence or quiet in a firm manner.

Example: Hush, don’t wake the baby.


  1. Phrase: Ta-da!

Hindi Meaning: Ta-da! (कुछ छिपी हुई चीज़ को प्रकट करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Presenting something with flair or announcing a surprise.

Example: Ta-da, here’s your birthday present!


  1. Phrase: Gosh!

Hindi Meaning: Gosh! (आश्चर्य या चौंक जाने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, astonishment, or amazement.

Example: Gosh, I can’t believe how fast time flies.


  1. Phrase: Uh-oh!

Hindi Meaning: Uh-oh! (दुर्घटना, समस्या, या संकट के लिए)

English Meaning: Signaling a problem, mistake, or impending trouble.

Example: Uh-oh, I think I locked my keys in the car.


  1. Phrase: Oh dear!

Hindi Meaning: Oh dear! (बातचीत के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing concern, sympathy, or compassion.

Example: Oh dear, I heard about your loss; my condolences.


  1. Phrase: Hmph!

Hindi Meaning: Hmph! (अस्वास्थ्यता, असंतोष, या असहमति के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing displeasure, disagreement, or annoyance.

Example: Hmph, I don’t agree with that decision.


  1. Phrase: Yum-yum!

Hindi Meaning: Yum-yum! (स्वाद का आनंद लेने के लिए)

English Meaning: Enjoying the taste of delicious food enthusiastically.

Example: Yum-yum, this ice cream is so good!


  1. Phrase: Eureka!

Hindi Meaning: Eureka! (आविष्कार या समझ के लिए)

English Meaning: Exclaiming triumphantly upon finding a solution or discovery.

Example: Eureka, I’ve solved the puzzle!


  1. Phrase: Bah!

Hindi Meaning: Bah! (नापसंदगी या असहमति के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing disdain, contempt, or disagreement.

Example: Bah, I don’t like that movie at all.


  1. Phrase: Yip-yip!

Hindi Meaning: Yip-yip! (उत्साह या खुशी के साथ)

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm, excitement, or encouragement.

Example: Yip-yip, let’s go on an adventure!


  1. Phrase: Oh my!

Hindi Meaning: Oh my! (आश्चर्य व्यक्त करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, astonishment, or awe.

Example: Oh my, this view is breathtaking!


  1. Phrase: Golly!

Hindi Meaning: Golly! (आश्चर्य, या अचरज व्यक्त करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing amazement, wonder, or astonishment.

Example: Golly, that magician’s trick was incredible!


  1. Phrase: Well done!

Hindi Meaning: बढ़िया काम! (प्राप्ति या सफलता के लिए किसी की प्रशंसा करना)

English Meaning: Praising someone for their achievement or success.

Example: Well done on acing your exam!


  1. Phrase: Tada!

Hindi Meaning:Tada! (कुछ नाटकीय या दिखावटी तरीके से कुछ घोषणा करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Announcing something in a dramatic or showy manner.

Example: Tada! Your surprise party is ready!


  1. Phrase: Gasp!

Hindi Meaning: फूंक मारना! (चौंकने, आश्चर्य, या अविश्वास के साथ तेजी से सांस फूलना)

English Meaning: Exhaling sharply due to shock, surprise, or disbelief.

Example: Gasp! I can’t believe you did that!


  1. Phrase: A-okay!

Hindi Meaning: सब ठीक है! (सब कुछ ठीक, स्वीकार्य, या ठीक होने का संकेत)

English Meaning: Signifying that everything is fine, acceptable, or in order.

Example: The plan is A-okay with me.


  1. Phrase: Hurrah!

Hindi Meaning: Hurrah! (उत्साह, खुशी, या आशीर्वाद व्यक्त करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm, joy, or jubilation.

Example: Hurrah, it’s a snow day!


  1. Phrase: Whoops!

Hindi Meaning: Whoops! (एक छोटी सी गलती या दुर्घटना की पहचान करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Acknowledging a small mistake or mishap in a lighthearted manner.

Example: Whoops, I tripped over my own feet.


  1. Phrase: Hallelujah!

Hindi Meaning: Hallelujah! (खुशी, प्रशंसा, या महानता व्यक्त करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing joy, praise, or exultation.

Example: Hallelujah, we finally made it to the top!


  1. Phrase: Yessir!

Hindi Meaning: हां sir! (सम्मान या सहमति)

English Meaning: Acknowledging someone with respect or confirming agreement.

Example: Yessir, I’ll get that done right away.


  1. Phrase: D’oh!

Hindi Meaning: D’oh! (परेशानी या चिढ़ के लिए, आमतौर पर किसी गलती के साथ जुड़ा होता है)

English Meaning: Expressing frustration or annoyance, often associated with a mistake.

Example: D’oh, I locked my keys in the car.


  1. Phrase: Boo-hoo!

Hindi Meaning: Boo-hoo! (किसी की अतिरेक रोने की नकल करने या व्यंग्यिक सहानुभूति का व्यक्त करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Mocking someone’s exaggerated crying or expressing sarcastic sympathy.

Example: Oh, you spilled your coffee? Boo-hoo!


  1. Phrase: Kudos!

Hindi Meaning: Kudos! (प्रशंसा के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing admiration or approval for someone’s achievement.

Example: Kudos on completing the marathon!


  1. Phrase: No way!

Hindi Meaning: कैसे भी नहीं! (संदेह)

English Meaning: Expressing disbelief, refusal, or strong disagreement.

Example: No way, I can’t believe you did that!


  1. Phrase: Awkward!

Hindi Meaning: Awkward! (कठिनाई या अप्रियता की भाषा में) 

English Meaning: Describing a situation or interaction as uncomfortable, embarrassing, or uneasy.

Example: That was so awkward!


  1. Phrase: C’mon!

Hindi Meaning: C’mon! (उत्साह, प्रोत्साहन के लिए)

English Meaning: Encouraging someone to do something or expressing impatience.

Example: C’mon, let’s go to the party!


  1. Phrase: Hush-hush!

Hindi Meaning: Hush-hush! (गुप्तता या कुछ गुप्त रखने का संकेत)

English Meaning: Referring to secrecy or keeping something confidential.

Example: The details of the surprise are hush-hush.


  1. Phrase: Not again!

Hindi Meaning: फिर से नहीं! (परेशानी, चिढ़, या नाकामी के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing frustration or annoyance about a recurring problem.

Example: Not again, the car broke down!


  1. Phrase: Fantastic!

Hindi Meaning: शानदार! (प्रशंसा, सराहना, या अत्यधिक सराहना के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing admiration or enthusiasm for something great.

Example: That’s a fantastic idea!


  1. Phrase: Cool beans!

Hindi Meaning: मस्त रहो! (स्वीकृति, आश्चर्य, या संतुष्टि के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing approval, agreement, or satisfaction.

Example: Cool beans, I’m up for it!


  1. Phrase: In your dreams!

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारे सपनों में! (उत्साह, अनुमोदन, या अस्वीकृति के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing disbelief or denial, often humorously.

Example: “I’ll become a millionaire by tomorrow.” “In your dreams!”


  1. Phrase: Zing-a-ling!

Hindi Meaning: Zing-a-ling! (उत्साह, खुशी, या जीवन के लिए स्वागत का संकेत)

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm, excitement, or zest for life.

Example: Zing-a-ling, let’s have a great time!


  1. Phrase: Yowza!

Hindi Meaning: Yowza! (आश्चर्य, प्रशंसा, या खुशी व्यक्त करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, admiration, or delight.

Example: Yowza, that performance was incredible!


  1. Phrase: Oops-a-daisy!

Hindi Meaning: Oops-a-daisy! (किसी छोटी गलती को पहचानने के लिए खुशियां)

English Meaning: Playful version of “Oops” to acknowledge a minor mistake.

Example: Oops-a-daisy, I spilled some coffee.


  1. Phrase: Ahoy!

Hindi Meaning: Ahoy! (संदेश देने, आकर्षण करने, या ध्यान दिलाने के लिए)

English Meaning: Used to hail or get someone’s attention, often on a ship.

Example: Ahoy, matey! Is anyone there?


  1. Phrase: Hush up!

Hindi Meaning: चुप हो जाओ! (आदेश या नियम का उल्लंघन करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Commanding someone to be quiet or stop talking.

Example: Hush up, we’re in the library.


  1. Phrase: Great Scott!

Hindi Meaning: Great Scott! (आश्चर्य, आश्चर्य, या खुशी के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or excitement.

Example: Great Scott, I can’t believe it!


  1. Phrase: Giddy-up!

Hindi Meaning: Giddy-up! (उत्साह, आग्रह, या किसी को शीघ्रता से काम करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Encouraging someone to move quickly or hurry.

Example: Giddy-up, we’re running out of time!


  1. Phrase: Darn it!

Hindi Meaning: Darn it! (परेशानी, असंतोष, या असहमति के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing frustration or disappointment.

Example: Darn it, I missed the bus!


  1. Phrase: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe!

Hindi Meaning: ईनी, मीनी, माइनी, मो!

English Meaning: Used for choosing between options or making a random selection.

Example: Let’s decide with eeny, meeny, miny, moe!


  1. Phrase: Yikes-a-roni!

Hindi Meaning: Yikes-a-roni! (डर, आश्चर्य, या खतरे के बारे में संकेत देने के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing fear, surprise, or concern.

Example: Yikes-a-roni, that’s a big spider!


  1. Phrase: Bingo-bango!

Hindi Meaning: Bingo-bango! (जीत या सफलता के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Used to celebrate a success or achievement.

Example: Bingo-bango, we solved the puzzle!


  1. Phrase: Rats!

Hindi Meaning: चूहे! (निराशा, अप्रियता, या निराशा के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing disappointment, frustration, or annoyance.

Example: Rats, I forgot my keys.


  1. Phrase: All aboard!

Hindi Meaning: सभी चढ़ जाओ! (एक यात्रा के लिए तैयार होने के लिए आदेश या निमंत्रण के रूप में)

English Meaning: Inviting people to board a vehicle or vessel.

Example: All aboard the train!


  1. Phrase: Aww nuts!

Hindi Meaning: Aww nuts! (निराशा, अप्रियता, या निराशा के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing disappointment or frustration.

Example: Aww nuts, I missed the sale!


  1. Phrase: Oh dearie me!

Hindi Meaning: Oh dearie me! (दुखद या अफसोस के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing sympathy, sorrow, or concern.

Example: Oh dearie me, I hope you feel better soon!


  1. Phrase: Gadzooks!

Hindi Meaning: Gadzooks! (आश्चर्य या खुशी के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or amazement.

Example: Gadzooks, that’s incredible!


  1. Phrase: Kapow!

Hindi Meaning: Kapow! (सफलता, या महत्व के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Used to emphasize impact, success, or significance.

Example: Kapow, that was a powerful speech!


  1. Phrase: Bummer!

Hindi Meaning: Bummer! (निराशा, अप्रियता, या खेद के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing disappointment or frustration about a negative situation.

Example: Bummer, the concert got canceled.


  1. Phrase: Huzzah!

Hindi Meaning: Huzzah! (उत्साह, जय जयकार, या सराहना के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing excitement, approval, or jubilation.

Example: Huzzah, we won the game!


  1. Phrase: Oopsie-doodle!

Hindi Meaning: Oopsie-doodle! (किसी छोटी गलती को पहचानने के लिए खुशियां)

English Meaning: Playful version of “Oops” to acknowledge a minor mistake.

Example: Oopsie-doodle, I dropped my phone.


  1. Phrase: Jeez louise!

Hindi Meaning: Jeez louise! (आश्चर्य या खुशी के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, astonishment, or exasperation.

Example: Jeez Louise, can you believe that?


  1. Phrase: Ahem!

Hindi Meaning: Ahem! (ध्यान, बातचीत में हिस्सेदारी, या बातचीत के लिए)

English Meaning: Used to get someone’s attention or indicate the start of a conversation.

Example: Ahem, may I have your attention, please?


  1. Phrase: Tally-ho!

Hindi Meaning: Tally-ho! (उत्साह, सफलता, या प्रेरणा के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing excitement, enthusiasm, or readiness for an adventure.

Example: Tally-ho, let’s go on an expedition!


  1. Phrase: Jeepers creepers!

Hindi Meaning: Jeepers creepers! (आश्चर्य, अचरज, या भय के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or mild fear.

Example: Jeepers creepers, that was spooky!


  1. Phrase: Roger that!

Hindi Meaning: Roger that! (सहमति, स्वीकृति, या संकेतीक भाषा में)

English Meaning: Confirming that a message or command has been received and understood.

Example: Roger that, we’ll proceed as planned!


  1. Phrase: Sweet!

Hindi Meaning: मिठास! (प्रशंसा, आनंद, या संतोष के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing approval, delight, or enthusiasm.

Example: Your gift is so sweet!


  1. Phrase: Zippity-doo-dah!

Hindi Meaning: Zippity-doo-dah! (आनंद, खुशी, या उत्साह के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing happiness, cheerfulness, or optimism.

Example: Zippity-doo-dah, what a wonderful day!


  1. Phrase: Fiddlesticks!

Hindi Meaning: Fiddlesticks! (निराशा, अप्रियता, या असहमति के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing disappointment or frustration in a lighthearted way.

Example: Fiddlesticks, I dropped my ice cream.


  1. Phrase: Nonsense!

Hindi Meaning: बकवास! (अविवादित या अप्रासंगिक बात के रूप में)

English Meaning: Rejecting or disputing something as untrue or irrelevant.

Example: That’s pure nonsense!


  1. Phrase: Good grief!

Hindi Meaning: अच्छा दु: ख! (आश्चर्य, संवाद में हिस्सेदारी, या परेशानी के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, frustration, or exasperation.

Example: Good grief, not again!


  1. Phrase: Alakazam!

Hindi Meaning: Alakazam! (महानता, जादू, या आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Used to emphasize a sudden, magical, or impressive event.

Example: Alakazam, the magician made the rabbit disappear!


  1. Phrase: No worries!

Hindi Meaning: चिंता नहीं! (सुखद या संतुष्टि संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Assuring someone that everything is fine or that there are no problems.

Example: No worries, I’ll take care of it.


  1. Phrase: Holy moly!

Hindi Meaning: Holy moly! (आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or awe.

Example: Holy moly, that’s amazing!


  1. Phrase: Well, well!

Hindi Meaning: अच्छा, अच्छा! (आश्चर्य, चिंता, या बातचीत में हिस्सेदारी के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, interest, or anticipation.

Example: Well, well, what do we have here?


  1. Phrase: Voila!

Hindi Meaning: Voila! (कुछ महत्वपूर्ण, अद्वितीय, या ध्यान दिलाने के लिए)

English Meaning: Used to draw attention to something impressive or reveal it.

Example: Voila, the magic trick is complete!


  1. Phrase: Hip hip hooray!

Hindi Meaning: Hip hip hooray! (उत्साह, जयकार, या सराहना के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm, celebration, or approval.

Example: Hip hip hooray, it’s a special day!


  1. Phrase: Gee whiz!

Hindi Meaning: Gee whiz! (आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, amazement, or surprise.

Example: Gee whiz, that’s impressive!


  1. Phrase: Oh boy!

Hindi Meaning: अरे छोटू! (आश्चर्य या खुशी के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing excitement, enthusiasm, or anticipation.

Example: Oh boy, I can’t wait for the party!


  1. Phrase: Here we go!

Hindi Meaning: Here we go! (कुछ शुरू करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Indicating the start of an action or event.

Example: Here we go, it’s showtime!


  1. Phrase: Oh my goodness!

Hindi Meaning: हे भगवान! (चिंता, या आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, concern, or amazement.

Example: Oh my goodness, that’s incredible!


  1. Phrase: Wham-bam!

Hindi Meaning: Wham-bam! (गहरा प्रभाव, सफलता, या ध्यान दिलाने के लिए)

English Meaning: Emphasizing a sudden and impactful event or action.

Example: Wham-bam, that was a quick decision!


  1. Phrase: Tsk-tsk!

Hindi Meaning: Tsk-tsk! (निन्दा, अस्वीकृति, या अप्रियता के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing disapproval, disappointment, or judgment.

Example: Tsk-tsk, that was not a good choice.


  1. Phrase: Zowie!

Hindi Meaning: Zowie! (आश्चर्य, प्रशंसा, या उत्साह के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, admiration, or excitement.

Example: Zowie, that’s an amazing achievement!


  1. Phrase: Hot dog!

Hindi Meaning: Hot dog! (आनंद, प्रशंसा, या उत्साह के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing delight or enthusiasm.

Example: Hot dog, we won the game!


  1. Phrase: Hail Mary!

Hindi Meaning: Hail Mary! (आश्चर्य, आश्चर्य, या सराहना के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or desperation.

Example: Hail Mary, we need a miracle!


  1. Phrase: No problemo!

Hindi Meaning: कोई समस्या नहीं! (सुखद या संतुष्टि के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Informal way of saying there’s no issue or concern.

Example: No problemo, I can help you with that!


  1. Phrase: Booyah!

Hindi Meaning: Booyah! (जीत, सफलता, या खुशी के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing triumph, success, or enthusiasm.

Example: Booyah, we aced the exam!


  1. Phrase: Whaddya know!

Hindi Meaning: क्या पता है! (आश्चर्य या ज्ञान के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise or disbelief about newfound information.

Example: Whaddya know, it’s his birthday today!


  1. Phrase: Eeny, meeny, miney, mo!

Hindi Meaning: ईनी, मीनी, माइनी, मो!

English Meaning: Used for making a random choice or decision.

Example: Let’s settle it with eeny, meeny, miney, mo!


  1. Phrase: Toodle-oo!

Hindi Meaning: Toodle-oo! (बिना सलामी के रूप में)

English Meaning: Informal way of saying goodbye, often used casually.

Example: Toodle-oo, see you later!


  1. Phrase: Mercy me!

Hindi Meaning: दया करो! (चिंता, या आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, concern, or sympathy.

Example: Mercy me, that’s terrible!


  1. Phrase: Hunky-dory!

Hindi Meaning: Hunky-dory! (सफलता, सुख, या संतोष के रूप में)

English Meaning: Indicating that everything is going well or is satisfactory.

Example: Everything is hunky-dory in our project.


  1. Phrase: Oh snap!

Hindi Meaning: Oh snap! (चौंकाने या आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing surprise, realization, or shock.

Example: Oh snap, I forgot my phone at home!


  1. Phrase: Good gracious!

Hindi Meaning: Good gracious! (आश्चर्य, प्रशंसा, या आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, admiration, or awe.

Example: Good gracious, what a beautiful painting!


  1. Phrase: Dagnabbit!

Hindi Meaning: Dagnabbit! (निराशा, अप्रियता, या असहमति के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing frustration or annoyance, often in a playful way.

Example: Dagnabbit, I dropped my ice cream!


  1. Phrase: Shazam!

Hindi Meaning: Shazam! (महत्वपूर्ण, अद्वितीय, या ध्यान दिलाने के लिए)

English Meaning: Used to draw attention to something remarkable or extraordinary.

Example: Shazam, the magic trick worked!


  1. Phrase: Egads!

Hindi Meaning: Egads! (आश्चर्य के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or dismay.

Example: Egads, I can’t believe it!


  1. Phrase: Razzle-dazzle!

Hindi Meaning: Razzle-dazzle! (आकर्षण, ध्यान, या प्रकाश के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Used to describe something flashy or impressive.

Example: The performance was full of razzle-dazzle!


  1. Phrase: Jeepers!

Hindi Meaning: Jeepers! (आश्चर्य, अचरज, या भय के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment, surprise, or mild fear.

Example: Jeepers, that startled me!


  1. Phrase: Bada bing, bada boom!

Hindi Meaning: Bada bing, bada boom! (कुछ तेजी से होने के लिए उपयोग)

English Meaning: Emphasizing that something happened quickly and decisively.

Example: Bada bing, bada boom, problem solved!


  1. Phrase: Aw shucks!

Hindi Meaning: Aw shucks! (अपरिपक्व तरीके से अद्यतन करने के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing modesty or humility in a lighthearted way.

Example: Aw shucks, you’re too kind!


  1. Phrase: Whew-de-doo!

Hindi Meaning: Whew-de-doo! (उत्साह, खुशी, या आनंद के साथ उपयोग)

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm or excitement, often sarcastically.

Example: Whew-de-doo, another Monday!


  1. Phrase: Doozy!

Hindi Meaning: Doozy! (अद्वितीय, अद्भुत, या महत्वपूर्ण रूप में)

English Meaning: Referring to something remarkable, extraordinary, or difficult.

Example: That movie was a real doozy!


  1. Phrase: Oh!

Hindi Meaning: Oh! (ध्यान या समझ के लिए)

English Meaning: Expressing realization, understanding, or attention.

Example: Oh, now I get it!


  1. Phrase: Hmm

Hindi Meaning: Hmm (संदेह, विचार, या सोच के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing hesitation, contemplation, or thought.

Example: Hmm, I’m not sure about that.


  1. Phrase: Oops

Hindi Meaning: Oops (गलती, अपवाद, या चूक के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing acknowledgment of a mistake or accident.

Example: Oops, I dropped my phone.


  1. Phrase: Yay

Hindi Meaning: Yay (खुशी, उत्साह, या सराहना के संकेत के रूप में)

English Meaning: Expressing joy, excitement, or celebration.

Example: Yay, it’s your birthday!



Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What are interjections?

Answer: Interjections are words or phrases used to express strong emotions, reactions, or sentiments in speech. They often stand alone and are not grammatically connected to the rest of the sentence.


  1. Can you provide some common examples of interjections?

Answer: Common examples of interjections include “Wow!”, “Oh no!”, “Yay!”, “Ouch!”, “Hurray!”, and “Oops!”


  1. How are interjections different from other parts of speech?

Answer: Interjections differ from other parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, because they primarily convey emotions and reactions rather than specific actions or descriptions.


  1. When should I use interjections in my conversations?

Answer: You can use interjections when expressing surprise, joy, approval, disappointment, pain, or other strong feelings in your conversations.


  1. Do interjections have specific grammatical rules?

Answer: Interjections are generally not governed by strict grammatical rules. They are often standalone words or phrases and can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.


  1. Can interjections be used in both formal and informal language?

Answer: Yes, interjections can be used in both formal and informal language, but their appropriateness depends on the context and tone of the conversation. In legal writing, they are used sparingly.


  1. How can I learn to use interjections effectively?

Answer: To use interjections effectively, pay attention to how they are used in conversations, books, and movies. Practice incorporating them into your speech to convey your emotions authentically.


  1. Are interjections the same in different languages?

Answer: Different languages have their interjections to express emotions and reactions. 


  1. Can interjections change the meaning of a sentence?

Answer: Yes, interjections can change the tone and meaning of a sentence. For example, adding “Wow!” to a statement can convey excitement, while adding “Oh dear!” can express concern.


  1. Are there cultural differences in the use of interjections?

Answer: Yes, cultural differences can influence the choice and meaning of interjections. Some interjections may be more commonly used in certain cultures to express specific emotions or reactions.


  1. Are interjections always used to express strong emotions?

Answer: While interjections are often used to express strong emotions, they can also convey milder emotions, reactions, or even casual expressions in some cases.


  1. Can interjections be used in written communication, such as emails or letters?

Answer: Yes, interjections can be used in written communication to add emotion or emphasis to the text. However, their usage in formal written documents should be limited.


  1. Are there interjections that are specific to certain regions or dialects?

Answer: Yes, some interjections may be more commonly used in specific regions or dialects, and their meaning or pronunciation can vary accordingly.


  1. What is the difference between an interjection and an exclamation?

Answer: An interjection is a type of word or phrase used to express emotions or reactions, while an exclamation is a sentence or phrase that conveys strong feelings, often using an interjection.


  1. Can interjections be used to convey sarcasm?

Answer: Yes, interjections can be used sarcastically to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. For example, saying “Oh great!” in a sarcastic tone may indicate displeasure.


  1. How can I incorporate interjections into my storytelling or writing?

Answer: To enhance storytelling or writing, use interjections strategically to convey the characters’ emotions or the mood of the narrative.


  1. Are there interjections that are considered impolite or offensive?

Answer: Yes, some interjections can be impolite or offensive, so it’s important to be mindful of the context and audience when using them.


  1. Do interjections have formal definitions in dictionaries?

Answer: Yes, many interjections have formal definitions in dictionaries, along with examples of their usage.


  1. Can interjections be used in professional presentations or speeches?

Answer: While interjections can add emphasis and emotion to speeches, their usage in professional presentations should be appropriate to the context and audience.


  1. Are interjections used universally across all languages?

Answer: Interjections are used in many languages to express emotions and reactions, but the specific interjections and their meanings can vary from one language to another.



Incorporating interjections into our language not only enhances the clarity of our emotions but also fosters a deeper connection in our interactions. Whether it’s celebrating a victory with a hearty “Hurray!” or expressing sympathy with an empathetic “Oh dearie me!”—these linguistic expressions enrich our everyday conversations. We hope this extensive list of interjections in both English and Hindi has provided you with a valuable resource to better convey your sentiments and engage in more meaningful and colorful dialogues.


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