Use Of About To And Going To in English Conversation

Watch this informative English learning video lesson and learn the usage and difference between the English expressions ‘about to’ and ‘going to’ with daily life examples. Moreover, in this YouTube video there are daily use English sentences illustrating the difference between ‘about to’ and ‘going to’ with phrases ‘about to’ and ‘going to’ in past, present and future tenses.



Today, we’re going to talk about two special ways we use words in the English language to talk about the future. Imagine you have a magic wand that helps you tell everyone what you’re going to do or what you think will happen. Well, in English, we have two magic phrases: ‘about to’ and ‘going to.’ They’re like super cool tools that make it easy for us to talk about the future. Let’s learn the use of about to and going to in English conversation and have some fun with words!

आज हम आसानी से English में भविष्य की बात करने के दो खास तरीके सीखेंगे: ‘About to’ और ‘Going to’. ये शब्द हमें अपने विचार और भविष्य की बातें कहने में मदद करते हैं।



Uses of “About to”

  • “About to’ indicates that something is on the brink of happening, signifying an imminent action or event. It suggests that the action is very close to occurring as if it’s just about to take place.”

 ‘About to’ का मतलब होता है कि कुछ होने का समय बिलकुल करीब है, इससे यह सूचित होता है कि कोई कार्रवाई अब होने वाली है, जैसे कि वो बस होने को है।”



  1. English: She was about to kiss. 

Hindi: वह kiss करने ही वाली थी।


  1. English: I was about to call you. 

Hindi: मैं तुम्हें बुलाने ही वाला था।


  1. English: I was about to slip. 

Hindi: मैं गिरने ही वाला था।


  1. English: I was about to ask you the same question. 

Hindi: मैं तुमसे वही सवाल पूछने ही वाला था।


  1. English: I was about to leave.

 Hindi: मैं जाने ही वाला था।


“In the given below sentences, ‘about to’ is used to indicate that something is going to happen very soon. It shows a sense of urgency, emphasizing that it’s just about to occur.”

“About to” का मतलब होता है कि कुछ बहुत जल्द होने वाला है, जैसे कि बस होने वाला है।



English: Hurry up! The movie is about to start. 

Hindi: जल्दी करो! फिल्म अब शुरू होने वाली है।


English: My break is about to end. 

Hindi: मेरा break अब समाप्त होने वाला है।


English: Hold the baby! He is about to cry. 

Hindi: बच्चे को पकड़ो! वह जल्द ही रोने वाला है।


English: I am about to puke.

Hindi: मुझे उल्टी होने वाली है।



Phrases related to “About to”


  1. Phrase: About to start

Hindi Meaning: शुरू होने वाला है

English Meaning: Getting ready to begin

Example: The concert is about to start.


  1. Phrase: About to leave

Hindi Meaning: जाने के लिए 

English Meaning: Getting ready to depart

Example: I am about to leave for the airport.


  1. Phrase: About to happen

Hindi Meaning: होने वाला है

English Meaning: Going to occur soon

Example: Something exciting is about to happen.


  1. Phrase: About to cry

Hindi Meaning: रोने वाला है

English Meaning: On the verge of tears

Example: She looked like she was about to cry.


  1. Phrase: About to make a decision

Hindi Meaning: फैसला करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of making a choice or determination

Example: He was about to make a decision that would impact his future.


  1. Phrase: About to take place

Hindi Meaning: होने वाला है

English Meaning: Going to occur

Example: The ceremony is about to take place.


  1. Phrase: About to unfold

Hindi Meaning: खुलने के बराबर

English Meaning: Going to reveal or happen

Example: The mystery is about to unfold.


  1. Phrase: About to break through

Hindi Meaning: बड़े महत्वपूर्ण काम के करीब

English Meaning: On the verge of a significant achievement

Example: The team is about to break through in their research.


  1. Phrase: About to reach the peak

Hindi Meaning: सबसे ऊँचे लक्ष्य को हासिल करने के करीब

English Meaning: Close to achieving the highest point or goal

Example: The hikers were about to reach the peak of the mountain.


  1. Phrase: About to become clear

Hindi Meaning: स्पष्ट होने के लिए

English Meaning: Close to becoming understandable or evident

Example: The situation is about to become clear.


  1. Phrase: About to take flight

Hindi Meaning: उड़ान भरने के लिए

English Meaning: Preparing to depart or start a journey

Example: The plane is about to take flight.


  1. Phrase: About to make an entrance

Hindi Meaning: प्रवेश करने के लिए

English Meaning: Preparing to enter a place or situation

Example: The actor is about to make an entrance on the stage.


  1. Phrase: About to come to light

Hindi Meaning: प्रकाशित होने के लिए

English Meaning: Going to be revealed or disclosed

Example: The truth is about to come to light.


  1. Phrase: About to find out

Hindi Meaning: पता चलने के लिए

English Meaning: Close to discovering or learning something

Example: She is about to find out the secret.


  1. Phrase: About to face the consequences

Hindi Meaning: परिणामों का सामना करने के लिए

English Meaning: On the verge of experiencing the results or repercussions

Example: He is about to face the consequences of his actions.


  1. Phrase: About to turn the corner

Hindi Meaning: एक मोड़ या समाधान के पास लगभग पहुँचना

English Meaning: Almost reaching a turning point or solution

Example: The project is about to turn the corner towards success.


  1. Phrase: About to hit the market

Hindi Meaning: Market में आने के लिए

English Meaning: Soon to be available for purchase

Example: The new product is about to hit the market.


  1. Phrase: About to turn the page

Hindi Meaning: नया अध्याय या चरण शुरू करने के लिए तैयार

English Meaning: Ready to start a new chapter or phase

Example: She is about to turn the page in her life.


  1. Phrase: About to hit the jackpot

Hindi Meaning: बड़े पुरस्कार जीतने या महत्वपूर्ण सफलता पाने के करीब

English Meaning: Close to winning a big prize or achieving great success

Example: He felt like he was about to hit the jackpot with his latest idea.


  1. Phrase: About to express

Hindi Meaning: व्यक्त करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of expressing

Example: She was about to express her feelings.


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  1. Phrase: About to achieve a milestone

Hindi Meaning: महत्वपूर्ण लक्ष्य प्राप्ति के किनारे पर

English Meaning: On the brink of achieving a significant goal

Example: The project is about to achieve a major milestone.


  1. Phrase: About to take action

Hindi Meaning: कार्रवाई करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of taking action

Example: They were about to take action against the problem.


  1. Phrase: About to embark on an adventure

Hindi Meaning: एक साहसिक यात्रा पर जाने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of starting an exciting journey

Example: They were about to embark on an adventure into the wilderness.


  1. Phrase: About to seize the opportunity

Hindi Meaning: अवसर को पकड़ने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of seizing the opportunity

Example: He was about to seize the golden opportunity.


  1. Phrase: About to unravel the mystery

Hindi Meaning: पहेली को सुलझाने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of unraveling the mystery

Example: They were about to unravel the ancient mystery.


  1. Phrase: About to face the challenge

Hindi Meaning: चुनौती का सामना करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of facing the challenge

Example: She was about to face the toughest challenge of her career.


  1. Phrase: About to capture the moment

Hindi Meaning: पल को पकड़ने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of capturing the perfect moment

Example: The photographer was about to capture a breathtaking moment.


  1. Phrase: About to venture into the unknown

Hindi Meaning: अज्ञात में जाने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of venturing into the unknown

Example: They were about to venture into uncharted territory.


  1. Phrase: About to take the plunge

Hindi Meaning: निर्णय लेने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of making a significant decision or commitment

Example: They were about to take the plunge and start a new business.


  1. Phrase: About to explore new horizons

Hindi Meaning: नए क्षेत्रों की खोज करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of exploring new opportunities or areas

Example: The company was about to explore new horizons in international markets.


  1. Phrase: About to uncover a secret

Hindi Meaning: एक रहस्य को खोलने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of discovering a hidden truth

Example: They were about to uncover a secret that had been kept for years.


  1. Phrase: About to embark on a journey of self-discovery

Hindi Meaning: आत्म-खोज की यात्रा पर प्रस्थित होने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of starting a journey to understand oneself better

Example: She was about to embark on a journey of self-discovery through meditation.


  1. Phrase: About to unveil a masterpiece

Hindi Meaning: एक बड़े महत्वपूर्ण लक्ष्य को हासिल करने की कगार पर

English Meaning: On the verge of revealing an exceptional work of art

Example: The artist was about to unveil a masterpiece at the gallery.


  1. Phrase: About to hit a home run

Hindi Meaning: बड़ी सफलता या कामयाबी प्राप्त करने के करीब होने पर

English Meaning: On the brink of achieving a great success or accomplishment

Example: The team was about to hit a home run with their latest project.


  1. Phrase: About to discover new possibilities

Hindi Meaning: नई संभावनाओं की खोज करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of finding new opportunities or options

Example: They are about to discover new possibilities in the field of technology.


  1. Phrase: About to reach a breaking point

Hindi Meaning: बहुत ज्यादा तनाव या परेशानी की कगार पर होना

English Meaning: Close to reaching a point of extreme stress or frustration

Example: She was about to reach a breaking point due to her heavy workload.


  1. Phrase: About to witness a miracle

Hindi Meaning: एक चमत्कार को देखने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of seeing something extraordinary

Example: They were about to witness a miracle in the natural world.


  1. Phrase: About to unveil a secret plan

Hindi Meaning: एक गुप्त योजना का अनावरण करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of revealing a hidden agenda or strategy

Example: The spy was about to unveil a secret plan of the enemy.


  1. Phrase: About to embrace a new beginning

Hindi Meaning: एक नई शुरुआत को गले लगने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of welcoming a fresh start

Example: She was about to embrace a new beginning in her life.


  1. Phrase: About to experience a wave of change

Hindi Meaning: बदलाव की एक लहर का अनुभव करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of encountering a significant shift or transformation

Example: The organization was about to experience a wave of change in its policies.


  1. Phrase: About to solve a complex puzzle

Hindi Meaning: एक जटिल पहेली को हल करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of finding a solution to a complicated problem

Example: The scientist was about to solve a complex puzzle in physics.


  1. Phrase: About to embrace a new opportunity

Hindi Meaning: एक नए अवसर को ग्रहण करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of accepting a new chance or prospect

Example: He was about to embrace a new opportunity in a different city.


  1. Phrase: About to confront a difficult choice

Hindi Meaning: एक कठिन चुनौती का सामना करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of facing a challenging decision

Example: She was about to confront a difficult choice between her career and family.


  1. Phrase: About to take center stage

Hindi Meaning: मुख्य स्थल पर आने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of becoming the main focus or attraction

Example: The talented singer was about to take center stage at the concert.


  1. Phrase: About to set a new record

Hindi Meaning: एक नया record स्थापित करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of establishing a new achievement or record

Example: The athlete was about to set a new world record in the race.


  1. Phrase: About to create a masterpiece

Hindi Meaning: एक अत्यद्भुत रचना बनाने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of producing an exceptional work of art

Example: The artist was about to create a masterpiece that would be remembered for generations.


  1. Phrase: About to reveal a surprise

Hindi Meaning: एक बड़े रहस्य का खुलासा करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of unveiling a delightful surprise

Example: They were about to reveal a surprise party for their friend.


  1. Phrase: About to embark on a new adventure

Hindi Meaning: एक नई साहसिक यात्रा पर जाने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of starting a fresh and exciting journey

Example: They were about to embark on a new adventure in a foreign land.


  1. Phrase: About to reach a turning point

Hindi Meaning: मोड़ने के बारे में

English Meaning: Close to reaching a critical moment or change in direction

Example: The negotiations were about to reach a turning point.


  1. Phrase: About to overcome a challenge

Hindi Meaning: एक चुनौती को पार करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the brink of successfully facing a difficulty or obstacle

Example: Despite the difficulties, they believed they were about to overcome the challenge.


  1. Phrase: About to face a dilemma

Hindi Meaning: दुविधा का सामना करने के बारे में

English Meaning: On the verge of encountering a situation with difficult choices

Example: She knew she was about to face a difficult moral dilemma.


  1. Phrase: About to set a record

Hindi Meaning: Record स्थापित करने के बारे में

English Meaning: Close to achieving a remarkable accomplishment or record

Example: The athlete was about to set a new world record.


  1. Phrase: About to finish

Hindi Meaning: समाप्ति के लिए है

English Meaning: Getting close to completing a task.

Example: They are about to finish their homework.


  1. Phrase: About to call

Hindi Meaning: बुलाने के लिए है

English Meaning: Getting ready to make a phone call.

Example: I am about to call my friend.


  1. Phrase: About to take off

Hindi Meaning: उड़ान भरने के लिए है

English Meaning: Getting ready for an airplane to depart.

Example: The plane is about to take off.



Uses of “Going To”


When we say “going to,” it signifies a clear intention or plan to perform an action or achieve something in the future. It doesn’t specify the exact timing; rather, it indicates a strong determination to carry out that particular action or goal. For instance, “I am going to start a new business” means that the speaker has a firm intention to begin a new business venture.

“Going to” का मतलब होता है कि आपका मन किसी काम को करने के लिए तैयार है, भविष्य में, बिना यह बताए कि वाकई कब करेंगे। यह किसी काम को करने का दृढ़ इरादा दिखाता है।



  1. English: I am going to start a new business.

Hindi: मैं एक नया व्यापार शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ।


  1. English: The boss is going to promote me.

Hindi: मेरे boss मुझे promote करने वाले हैं।


  1. English: I am going to tell him the truth.

Hindi: मैं उसे सच्चाई बताने जा रहा हूँ।


  1. English: They are going to eat out today.

Hindi: वे आज बाहर खाने जा रहे हैं।


  1. English: I am going to make you perfect in English.

Hindi: मैं तुम्हें अंग्रेजी में पूरी तरह से सुधारूँगा।


When we say “It is going to happen,” we are talking about making a guess or prediction about something that will happen in the future. It’s like saying we think something will occur, even though we’re not completely sure.

कभी-कभी हम कहते हैं, “यह होने वाला है,” जब हम किसी चीज़ के बारे में भविष्य में अनुमान लगाते हैं या पूर्वानुमान करते हैं।



  1. English: It is going to rain today.

Hindi: आज बारिश होने वाली है।


  1. English: I am going to fall sick.

Hindi: मुझे बीमार होने वाला है।


  1. English: I am going to miss you.

Hindi: मुझे तुम्हारी यादें आने वाली हैं।


  1. English: We are going to lose this match.

Hindi: हम इस match को हारने वाले हैं।



Phrases related to “Going to”


  1. Phrase: Going to start a photography project

Hindi Meaning: एक photography project शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to initiate a photography project.

Example: I am going to start a photography project.


  1. Phrase: Going to take a cooking class

Hindi Meaning: Cooking class लेने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to enroll in a cooking class.

Example: I am going to take a cooking class.


  1. Phrase: Going to start a YouTube channel

Hindi Meaning: एक YouTube channel शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to launch a YouTube channel.

Example: I am going to start a YouTube channel.


  1. Phrase: Going to run a marathon

Hindi Meaning: Marathon दौड़ने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to participate in a marathon race.

Example: I am going to run a marathon.


  1. Phrase: Going to organize a surprise party

Hindi Meaning: एक surprise party आयोजित करने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to host a surprise party.

Example: I am going to organize a surprise party.


  1. Phrase: Going to start a fashion blog

Hindi Meaning: Fashion blog शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to begin a fashion blog.

Example: I am going to start a fashion blog.


  1. Phrase: Going to learn to play a musical instrument

Hindi Meaning: संगीत उपकरण बजाना सीखने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to learn to play a musical instrument.

Example: I am going to learn to play a musical instrument.


  1. Phrase: Going to redecorate my living room

Hindi Meaning: अपने Living room को पुनः सजाने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to redecorate my living room.

Example: I am going to redecorate my living room.


  1. Phrase: Going to take a road trip

Hindi Meaning: एक road trip पर जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to embark on a road trip.

Example: I am going to take a road trip.


  1. Phrase: Going to launch a startup

Hindi Meaning: एक startup शुरू करने वाला हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to start a new business venture.

Example: I am going to launch a startup.


  1. Phrase: Going to take a sabbatical

Hindi Meaning: एक sabbatical लेने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to take a sabbatical from work.

Example: I am going to take a sabbatical.


  1. Phrase: Going to propose marriage

Hindi Meaning: शादी का प्रस्ताव देने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to propose marriage.

Example: I am going to propose marriage.


  1. Phrase: Going to start a charity organization

Hindi Meaning: एक charity organization शुरू करने वाला हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to establish a charity organization.

Example: I am going to start a charity organization.


  1. Phrase: Going to adopt a sustainable lifestyle

Hindi Meaning: एक sustainable lifestyle अपनाने वाला हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

Example: I am going to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.


  1. Phrase: Going to take a gap year

Hindi Meaning: एक साल की छुट्टी लेने जा रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Planning to take a gap year.

Example: I am going to take a gap year.


  1. Phrase: Going to buy a new car

Hindi Meaning: नई car ख़रीदने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to purchase a new car.

Example: I am going to buy a new car.


  1. Phrase: Going to start a fitness journey

Hindi Meaning: Fitness journey शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to begin a fitness journey.

Example: I am going to start a fitness journey.


  1. Phrase: Going to travel to Europe

Hindi Meaning: Europe की यात्रा करने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to travel to Europe.

Example: I am going to travel to Europe.


  1. Phrase: Going to learn a new language

Hindi Meaning: नई भाषा सीखने वाला हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to learn a new language.

Example: I am going to learn a new language.


  1. Phrase: Going to adopt a pet

Hindi Meaning: पालतू जानवर पालने वाला हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to adopt a pet.

Example: I am going to adopt a pet.


  1. Phrase: Going to start a blog

Hindi Meaning: Blog शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to begin a blog.

Example: I am going to start a blog.


  1. Phrase: Going to attend a music concert

Hindi Meaning: संगीत संध्या में जाने वाला हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to attend a music concert.

Example: I am going to attend a music concert.


  1. Phrase: Going to volunteer for a charity

Hindi Meaning: Charity के लिए volunteer बनने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to volunteer for a charity.

Example: I am going to volunteer for a charity.


  1. Phrase: Going to write a book

Hindi Meaning: एक किताब लिखने वाला हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to write a book.

Example: I am going to write a book.


  1. Phrase: Going to organize a charity event

Hindi Meaning: एक charity event आयोजित करने वाला हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to organize a charity event.

Example: I am going to organize a charity event.


  1. Phrase: Going to start a podcast

Hindi Meaning: Podcast शुरू करने जा रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: Planning to start a podcast.

Example: I am going to start a podcast.


  1. Phrase: Going to cook dinner

Hindi Meaning: रात का खाना बनाने वाला है

English Meaning: Preparing a meal for the evening.

Example: I am going to cook dinner tonight.


  1. Phrase: Going to plant flowers

Hindi Meaning: फूल लगाने जा रहा है

English Meaning: Preparing to put flowers in the ground.

Example: She is going to plant flowers in the garden.


  1. Phrase: Going to study math

Hindi Meaning: गणित पढ़ने वाला है

English Meaning: Preparing to learn mathematics.

Example: He is going to study math for the test.


  1. Phrase: Going to exercise

Hindi Meaning: व्यायाम करने वाला है

English Meaning: Planning to do physical activity.

Example: They are going to exercise at the gym.



“Going to” is often shortened to “Gonna” in casual speech. It’s a common contraction used in informal conversations.


Here are two examples:


Example 1:

 “I am going to” – “I’m gonna”

Sentence: “I’m gonna start my new job next week.”


Example 2:

 “We are going to” – “We’re gonna”

Sentence: “We’re gonna have dinner at that new restaurant tonight.”


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is the meaning of “I about to?”

The phrase “I about to” is not a complete sentence and does not have a clear meaning. It is likely a grammatical error or a typo.


  1. What is the use of “about to?”

“About to” is used to indicate that something is going to happen very soon or is on the verge of occurring. It emphasizes the immediacy of an action or event.


  1. Is “about to” an idiom?

“About to” is not an idiom; it’s a phrase used to express imminence in English.


  1. What does “I’m about to start” mean?

“I’m about to start” means that you are ready to begin something very soon or in the immediate future.


  1. What is the difference between “about to” and “going to?”

“About to” indicates something is going to happen very soon or is imminent. “Going to” is used to express plans or intentions. For example, “I am about to leave” means you will leave right away, while “I am going to leave” means you plan to leave in the future.


  1. What is the rule of “going to?”

The “going to” form is used to talk about future actions, plans, predictions, or intentions. It is formed by using the subject + “am/is/are” (depending on the subject) + “going to” + the base form of the verb.


  1. What is the concept of “going to?”

The concept of “going to” is to express future events or actions. It is a way to talk about what you intend to do or what you predict will happen in the future.


  1. What can I use instead of “going to?”

Instead of “going to,” you can use other future tenses like “will” or “shall” to express future actions or intentions. For example, “I will go to the store” or “I shall call you later.”


  1. Can I say “I am going to go?”

Yes, you can say “I am going to go” to indicate your intention to leave or go somewhere in the future. It is a valid expression.


  1. What is the difference between “going to” and “gonna?”

“Going to” is the full and formal form used in written and formal speech. “Gonna” is an informal and colloquial contraction of “going to” often used in casual conversation or when speaking quickly. For example, “I’m going to the store” (formal) and “I’m gonna go to the store” (informal).



The use of about to and going to in English conversation serves as essential tools to express future actions, intentions, and predictions.


About To: “About to” indicates that an action or event is imminent and will happen very soon. It’s often used when something is on the verge of occurring, and the speaker wants to emphasize its immediacy. For example, “I am about to leave for the airport” suggests that departure is imminent.

Going To: “Going to” is employed to express plans, intentions, and predictions. It is a versatile construction that allows us to discuss future actions with certainty or to make predictions based on current evidence. For instance, “I am going to start a new job” conveys a planned action, while “It looks like it’s going to rain” predicts future weather conditions.


Both of these expressions provide clarity and context in English conversations, helping individuals convey their intentions, predict outcomes, and discuss forthcoming events effectively.


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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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