Expressions used in English for God – Bhagwan Na Kare – Bhagwan Ne Chaha

Using certain expressions in English correctly is pretty important to write and speak fluent english. To make this a lot easier and convenient for you, today I will teach you 10 English phrases that are used to refer to Gods. And how you can say English expressions like “Bhagwan na kare”, “Agar Bhagwan ne chaha” and many more with Hindi to English translations.




“Idiomatic expressions related to God are a fascinating aspect of language. These phrases not only reflect our deep-rooted spiritual beliefs but also offer insights into how we navigate life’s challenges and joys within the framework of faith. In just a few words, they convey complex ideas about divine intervention, fate, and human nature. Let’s explore a list of phrases related to the word “god” and illuminate the enduring influence of faith on our language and culture.”


“भगवान से जुड़े मुहावरे हमारे भाषा में गहरी भावनाओं को सुंदरता से व्यक्त करते हैं। चलिए, इस आदर्शण संकेतों की दुनिया में एक सफर पर निकलते हैं और देखते हैं कि कैसे भावनाओं का सफर भाषा के माध्यम से होता है।”


Phrases related to the word “God”


  1. Phrase: “Godspeed”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की कृपा सहित शुभकामनाएँ

English Meaning: A wish for success and safety, often used before a journey.

Example: “May ‘Godspeed’ be with you on your journey.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s plan”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की योजना

English Meaning: Belief that life events are part of God’s plan.

Example: “I trust in ‘God’s plan’ for my life.”


  1. Phrase: “God-given”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान द्वारा दिया गया

English Meaning: Something believed to be given by God.

Example: “Her singing talent is a ‘God-given’ gift.”


  1. Phrase: “God bless you”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान आपको आशीर्वाद दें

English Meaning: Wishing someone well.

Example: “After helping me, he said, ‘ ‘God bless you’.'”


  1. Phrase: “In God’s hands”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान के हाथों में

English Meaning: Believing fate is controlled by God.

Example: “Now it’s in ‘God’s hands’.”


  1. Phrase: “God-forsaken”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान द्वारा त्यागा गया

English Meaning: Describing a remote, desolate place.

Example: “A ‘God-forsaken’ village with no electricity.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s creation”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की सृष्टि

English Meaning: Belief that living beings and nature are God’s creations.

Example: “Sunsets showcase ‘God’s creation’.”


  1. Phrase: “Swear to God”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शपथ खाना

English Meaning: Making a solemn promise or statement.

Example: “I swear to God, I didn’t take it.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s will”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की मर्ज़ी

English Meaning: What God wants or intends.

Example: “We must follow ‘God’s will’ in our lives.”


  1. Phrase: “Godfather”

Hindi Meaning: बड़े बन्दूकदार

English Meaning: A powerful or influential figure who guides or protects.

Example: “He’s like a ‘Godfather’ in the business world.”


  1. Phrase: “Godsend”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का दिया हुआ वरदान

English Meaning: A valuable or fortunate gift or event.

Example: “His help was a ‘Godsend’ in our time of need.”


  1. Phrase: “Play God”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की भूमिका निभाना

English Meaning: Acting with excessive control or authority.

Example: “You can’t ‘Play God’ and decide who lives or dies.”


  1. Phrase: “Godparent”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान के पालनहार

English Meaning: A person who sponsors a child’s baptism and provides guidance.

Example: “My aunt is my ‘Godparent’.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s own country”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अपना देश

English Meaning: A term used to describe a place of great natural beauty.

Example: “Kerala is often called ‘God’s own country’ for its lush landscapes.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s grace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की कृपा

English Meaning: Divine blessing from God.

Example: “I’m grateful for ‘God’s grace’.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s gift”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की दी हुई खास चीज़

English Meaning: Something extraordinary.

Example: “Her talent is a ‘God’s gift’; she’s a great singer.”


  1. Phrase: “God of War”

Hindi Meaning: युद्ध के देवता

English Meaning: A deity associated with war and conflict.

Example: “Ares was the ancient Greek ‘God of War’.”


  1. Phrase: “God complex”

Hindi Meaning: एक ऐसी मानसिक अवस्था है, जिससे ग्रस्त व्यक्ति स्वयं को भगवान यानी सर्वश्रेष्ठ समझने लगते हैं

English Meaning: Believing oneself to be all-powerful or infallible.

Example: “His arrogance shows a ‘God complex’.”


  1. Phrase: “God-given talent”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान द्वारा प्रदान की गई प्रतिभा

English Meaning: Exceptional talent believed to be given by God.

Example: “Her artistry is a ‘God-given talent’.”


  1. Phrase: “In God we trust”

Hindi Meaning: हम भगवान पर भरोसा करते हैं

English Meaning: A motto used on U.S. currency, expressing faith in God.

Example: “The phrase ‘In God we trust’ is printed on the dollar bill.”


  1. Phrase: “God willing and the creek don’t rise”

Hindi Meaning: अगर भगवान चाहे तो कोई बाधा नहीं आएगी 

English Meaning: Hoping that things go as planned.

Example: “We’ll finish the project on time, God willing and the creek won’t rise.”


  1. Phrase: “Speak of the devil (and he shall appear)”

Hindi Meaning: देवता के बारे में बात करो (और वह प्रकट होगा)

English Meaning: When you talk about someone, they often show up.

Example: “Speak of the devil, there’s John!”


  1. Phrase: “For the love of God”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की चाहत के लिए

English Meaning: An exclamation of frustration or urgency.

Example: “For the love of God, please hurry up!”


  1. Phrase: “God’s wrath”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का क्रोध

English Meaning: The anger or punishment of God.

Example: “Some believed the hurricane was God’s wrath.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s truth”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की सच्चाई

English Meaning: A way to emphasize the truth of a statement.

Example: “I’m telling you, it’s God’s truth.”


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  1. Phrase: “God’s gift to humanity”

Hindi Meaning: मानवता का भगवान द्वारा दिया हुआ उपहार

English Meaning: Someone or something considered a great benefit to all of humanity.

Example: “Her invention is truly God’s gift to humanity.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s wisdom”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का ज्ञान

English Meaning: Divine knowledge or understanding from God.

Example: “Seeking God’s wisdom through prayer.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s sanctuary”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का पवित्र स्थल

English Meaning: A sacred place dedicated to God.

Example: “The church is considered God’s sanctuary.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s chosen one”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान के चुने हुए

English Meaning: Someone believed to be selected by God for a special purpose.

Example: “He felt like he was God’s chosen one to lead.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s masterpiece”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अत्युत्तम रचना

English Meaning: Something exceptionally beautiful or well-crafted, believed to be created by God.

Example: “The breathtaking sunset was like God’s masterpiece.”


  1. Phrase: “God-given strength”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान द्वारा प्रदान की गई ताक़त

English Meaning: Inner strength believed to come from God.

Example: “She faced adversity with God-given strength.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की मौजूदगी

English Meaning: The feeling or belief that God is near.

Example: “In the quiet church, I felt God’s presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: Seeking direction or advice from God.

Example: “I pray for God’s guidance in making important decisions.”


  1. Phrase: “God-given purpose”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान द्वारा दिया गया उद्देश्य

English Meaning: A unique and meaningful role or mission believed to be assigned by God.

Example: “He believed his God-given purpose was to help others.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s plan for us”

Hindi Meaning: हमारे लिए भगवान की योजना

English Meaning: Belief in a divine plan or destiny laid out by God.

Example: “We must trust in God’s plan for us.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s love and mercy”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का प्यार और दया

English Meaning: Unconditional love and compassion believed to come from God.

Example: “In times of trouble, we find solace in God’s love and mercy.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s creation of the universe”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान ने ब्रह्मांड की सृजना की

English Meaning: The belief that God is the creator of the universe.

Example: “Many religions teach about God’s creation of the universe.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s chosen path”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान द्वारा चुना गया मार्ग

English Meaning: The direction in life believed to be selected by God.

Example: “She felt she was on God’s chosen path of service.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का शाश्वत प्रेम

English Meaning: Belief in God’s everlasting and unconditional love.

Example: “Many find comfort in the idea of God’s eternal love.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s comforting presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की सुखद मौजूदगी

English Meaning: The feeling of God’s presence providing comfort in difficult times.

Example: “During the funeral, we felt God’s comforting presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s righteous judgment”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का धर्मिक निर्णय

English Meaning: Belief in God’s fair and just decisions.

Example: “People trust in God’s righteous judgment.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal wisdom”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का शाश्वत ज्ञान

English Meaning: The idea that God possesses timeless wisdom.

Example: “Many seek God’s eternal wisdom through prayer.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s infinite power”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अनंत शक्ति

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless strength.

Example: “In times of adversity, we rely on God’s infinite power.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s everlasting grace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत कृपा

English Meaning: The belief in God’s enduring and unchanging favor.

Example: “They thanked God for His everlasting grace.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का बेहद प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s love that transcends time.

Example: “The message of God’s timeless love is central to this faith.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s divine plan”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की दिव्य योजना

English Meaning: The belief in a divine and purposeful plan set by God.

Example: “They trusted in God’s divine plan for their lives.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत मौजूदगी

English Meaning: The belief in God’s enduring existence.

Example: “They found solace in God’s eternal presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s loving guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का प्यारभरा मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: The belief that God provides loving direction.

Example: “They sought God’s loving guidance in their decisions.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless compassion”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का असीम सहानुभूति

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless sympathy and care.

Example: “They turned to God’s boundless compassion in times of need.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s infinite love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अनंत प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless affection.

Example: “They were comforted by God’s infinite love.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unwavering support”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अटल समर्थन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s constant assistance.

Example: “Even in adversity, they felt God’s unwavering support.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s abiding presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की बनी रहने वाली मौजूदगी

English Meaning: The belief in God’s enduring existence.

Example: “Through life’s ups and downs, they sensed God’s abiding presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s everlasting mercy”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत करुणा

English Meaning: Belief in God’s unending compassion.

Example: “They sought God’s everlasting mercy in times of trouble.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s divine guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का दिव्य मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s sacred direction.

Example: “They prayed for God’s divine guidance in their journey.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal blessings”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का शाश्वत आशीर्वाद

English Meaning: Belief in God’s enduring favors.

Example: “They felt grateful for God’s eternal blessings.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring faithfulness”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत वफादारी

English Meaning: Belief in God’s steadfast loyalty.

Example: “Through challenges, they relied on God’s enduring faithfulness.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की बेहद मौजूदगी

English Meaning: The belief in God’s presence beyond time.

Example: “They found solace in God’s timeless presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unfailing love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का कभी नहीं टूटने वाला प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s love that never wavers.

Example: “They trusted in God’s unfailing love.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless grace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की असीम कृपा

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless favor.

Example: “In times of need, they sought God’s boundless grace.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s abounding blessings”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की बहुतायत आशीर्वाद

English Meaning: Belief in God’s plentiful blessings.

Example: “They thanked God for His abounding blessings.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring strength”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत ताक़त

English Meaning: Belief in God’s lasting power.

Example: “They drew upon God’s enduring strength.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s constant presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की स्थिर मौजूदगी

English Meaning: The belief in God’s unchanging existence.

Example: “They felt reassured by God’s constant presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unwavering love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अटल प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s love that never falters.

Example: “They believed in God’s unwavering love.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless wisdom”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का बेहद ज्ञान

English Meaning: Belief in God’s wisdom beyond time.

Example: “They sought God’s timeless wisdom.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless wisdom”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का असीम ज्ञान

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless knowledge.

Example: “They turned to God’s boundless wisdom.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal truth”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का शाश्वत सत्य

English Meaning: Belief in God’s truth that stands the test of time.

Example: “They found solace in God’s eternal truth.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s everlasting peace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत शांति

English Meaning: Belief in God’s unending tranquility.

Example: “They prayed for God’s everlasting peace.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत मौजूदगी

English Meaning: Belief in God’s lasting existence.

Example: “They sought God’s enduring presence in their lives.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s infinite wisdom”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अनंत ज्ञान

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless knowledge and understanding.

Example: “Many turn to God’s infinite wisdom for guidance.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s abiding love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का बना रहने वाला प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s enduring and constant love.

Example: “They cherished God’s abiding love throughout their lives.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unchanging grace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की कभी नहीं बदलने वाली कृपा

English Meaning: Belief in God’s grace that remains consistent.

Example: “They found comfort in God’s unchanging grace.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का शाश्वत मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s everlasting direction.

Example: “They sought God’s eternal guidance in their journey.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s never-ending mercy”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अनंत करुणा

English Meaning: Belief in God’s mercy that has no end.

Example: “They relied on God’s never-ending mercy.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless compassion”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की बेहद दया

English Meaning: Belief in God’s compassion that transcends time.

Example: “They found solace in God’s timeless compassion.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless understanding”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अपरिमित समझ

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless comprehension.

Example: “They turned to God’s boundless understanding.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring patience”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत धैर्य

English Meaning: Belief in God’s unending tolerance.

Example: “They learned from God’s enduring patience.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unwavering presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अटल होना

English Meaning: Belief in God’s constant existence.

Example: “They found strength in God’s unwavering presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s everlasting kindness”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत दयालुता

English Meaning: Belief in God’s never-ending benevolence.

Example: “They appreciated God’s everlasting kindness.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s infinite patience”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अनंत धैर्य

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless forbearance.

Example: “They marveled at God’s infinite patience.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का शाश्वत प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s lasting affection.

Example: “They were comforted by God’s enduring love.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s constant care”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की स्थिर देखभाल

English Meaning: Belief in God’s consistent attention.

Example: “They trusted in God’s constant care.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless support”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का असीम समर्थन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless assistance.

Example: “They relied on God’s boundless support.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless peace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की समयरहित शांति

English Meaning: Belief in God’s tranquility beyond time.

Example: “They found solace in God’s timeless peace.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal strength”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत ताक़त

English Meaning: Belief in God’s everlasting power.

Example: “They drew upon God’s eternal strength.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s never-failing presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की कभी न बिगड़ने वाली मौजूदगी 

English Meaning: Belief in God’s presence that never falters.

Example: “They trusted in God’s never-failing presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unwavering guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अटल मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s constant direction.

Example: “They prayed for God’s unwavering guidance.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring compassion”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत करुणा

English Meaning: Belief in God’s long-lasting sympathy.

Example: “They sought solace in God’s enduring compassion.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless blessings”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का बेहद आशीर्वाद

English Meaning: Belief in God’s blessings that transcend time.

Example: “They thanked God for His timeless blessings.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s infinite presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अनंत होना

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless existence.

Example: “They found strength in God’s infinite presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unwavering wisdom”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अटल ज्ञान

English Meaning: Belief in God’s knowledge that never wavers.

Example: “They turned to God’s unwavering wisdom.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s abiding patience”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का निरंतर सब्र

English Meaning: Belief in God’s enduring tolerance.

Example: “They admired God’s abiding patience.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s never-ending presence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अनंत मौजूदगी

English Meaning: Belief in God’s presence that has no end.

Example: “They felt reassured by God’s never-ending presence.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s constant guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का स्थिर मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s consistent direction.

Example: “They relied on God’s constant guidance.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s everlasting comfort”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत सुखदता

English Meaning: Belief in God’s enduring solace.

Example: “They found peace in God’s everlasting comfort.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring hope”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत आशा

English Meaning: Belief in God’s lasting optimism.

Example: “They held onto God’s enduring hope.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless love”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का असीम प्यार

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless affection.

Example: “They marveled at God’s boundless love.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unwavering faithfulness”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अटल वफादारी

English Meaning: Belief in God’s unchanging loyalty.

Example: “They trusted in God’s unwavering faithfulness.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s eternal care”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत देखभाल

English Meaning: Belief in God’s everlasting attention.

Example: “They appreciated God’s eternal care.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s timeless guidance”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का बेहद मार्गदर्शन

English Meaning: Belief in God’s direction that transcends time.

Example: “They sought God’s timeless guidance.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s unchanging strength”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की अटल ताक़त

English Meaning: Belief in God’s strength that remains constant.

Example: “They found courage in God’s unchanging strength.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s enduring peace”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की शाश्वत शांति

English Meaning: Belief in God’s lasting tranquility.

Example: “They prayed for God’s enduring peace.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s boundless patience”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का अत्यंत सब्र

English Meaning: Belief in God’s limitless tolerance.

Example: “They admired God’s boundless patience.”


  1. Phrase: “God-forsaken place”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान के त्यागे हुए स्थान

English Meaning: Referring to a desolate or abandoned location.

Example: “It was a ‘God-forsaken place’ with no signs of life.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s providence”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की देखभाल और प्रविद्धि

English Meaning: Belief in God’s divine care and intervention.

Example: “Our success is a result of ‘God’s providence’.”


  1. Phrase: God’s gift to mankind

Hindi Meaning: मानवता को भगवान की दी हुई खास ईश्वरीय देन

English Meaning: Someone or something exceptionally valuable or beneficial to humanity.

Example: “Her invention is considered ‘God’s gift to mankind’.”


  1. Phrase: God’s country

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का देश

English Meaning: Referring to a place of natural beauty or tranquility.

Example: “The countryside in that region is true ‘God’s country’.”


  1. Phrase: God’s truth

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का सच

English Meaning: A solemn and completely truthful statement.

Example: “I’m telling you the ‘God’s truth’ about what happened.”


  1. Phrase: God rest their soul

Hindi Meaning: भगवान उनकी आत्मा को आराम दे

English Meaning: An expression of condolences for someone who has passed away.

Example: “He was a great friend, and now he’s gone. ‘God rest his soul’.”


  1. Phrase: God love ’em

Hindi Meaning: भगवान उन्हें प्यार करें

English Meaning: Expressing affection or sympathy for someone.

Example: “They may be a bit clumsy, but ‘God love ’em’, they try their best.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s acre”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का खेत

English Meaning: A cemetery or burial ground.

Example: “They laid him to rest in the ‘God’s acre’ near the church.”


  1. Phrase: “God only knows”

Hindi Meaning: केवल भगवान ही जानते हैं

English Meaning: Expressing uncertainty or the unknowable.

Example: “Why he did that, ‘God only knows’.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s in his heaven; all’s right with the world”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान स्वर्ग में हैं; सब कुछ ठीक है

English Meaning: Used to express a sense of tranquility or peace.

Example: “As I looked at the peaceful landscape, I thought, ‘God’s in his heaven; all’s right with the world’.”


  1. Phrase: “God helps those who help themselves”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान उनकी मदद करते हैं जो खुद मदद करते हैं

English Meaning: Encouraging self-reliance and effort.

Example: “Don’t just pray for success; remember, ‘God helps those who help themselves’.”


  1. Phrase: “In God’s hands”

Hindi Meaning: “भगवान के हाथों में”

English Meaning: Believing fate is controlled by God.

Example: “Now it’s in ‘God’s hands’.”


  1. Phrase: “God’s green earth”

Hindi Meaning: “भगवान की हरा-भरा पृथ्वी”

English Meaning: Referring to the natural world or the planet.

Example: “We should take care of ‘God’s green earth’ for future generations.”



Idioms Related to “God”



  1. Idiom “God is in the detail(s)”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान विवरण में है

English Meaning: Paying attention to small details is important.

Example: “When building a house, remember that ‘God is in the detail(s)’.”


  1. Idiom “God loves a duck!”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का कर्म देखो!

English Meaning: An exclamation of surprise or amazement.

Example: “‘God love a duck!’ I can’t believe we won the lottery.”


  1. Idiom “God rest soul”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान आत्मा को आराम दे

English Meaning: An expression of condolences for someone who has passed away.

Example: “He was a great friend, and now he’s gone.’God rest his soul’.”


  1. Idiom “God save the King/Queen”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान राजा/रानी को बचाएं

English Meaning: A traditional expression of loyalty to the monarch.

Example: “‘God save the Queen!’ Long live the Queen.”


  1. Idiom “God takes soonest those he loveth best”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान सबसे ज्यादा प्यार करने वालों को जल्दी लेते हैं

English Meaning: People who are loved by God often have a shorter life.

Example: “It’s sad, but ‘God takes soonest those he loveth best’.”


  1. Idiom “Man of God”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान का आदमी

English Meaning: A clergyman or religious leader.

Example: “The priest is a ‘Man of God’ who serves his community.”


  1. Idiom “The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान उन्हें चीजें भेजते हैं जिन्हें वे पूरी तरह से उपयोग नहीं कर सकते

English Meaning: Luck sometimes favors those who cannot benefit from it.

Example: “I won a free trip, but I can’t take time off work – ‘The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth’.”


  1. Idiom “You can’t serve (both) God and mammon”

Hindi Meaning: आप (दोनों) भगवान और mammon की पूजा नहीं कर सकते

English Meaning: You cannot be devoted to both spirituality and material wealth.

Example: “He’s torn between his career and spiritual pursuits, but ‘You can’t serve both God and mammon’.”


  1. Idiom “What hath God wrought”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान ने क्या रचा है

English Meaning: An expression of amazement or astonishment.

Example: “Upon seeing the magnificent artwork, she exclaimed, ‘ ‘What hath God wrought’.'”


  1. Idiom “Trust in God, but tie up your camel”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान पर भरोसा रखो, लेकिन अपने ऊंट बंध लो

English Meaning: While having faith, take practical precautions.

Example: “‘Trust in God, but tie up your camel’ – it’s good advice for any journey.”


  1. Idiom “Tempt the gods”

Hindi Meaning: भगवानों को परेशान करना

English Meaning: Taking unnecessary risks or tempting fate.

Example: “Racing without a helmet is ‘tempting the gods’.”


  1. Idiom “Nearer the church, the farther from God”

Hindi Meaning: गिरजाघर के पास, भगवान से दूर

English Meaning: Being overly religious or self-righteous can distance you from God.

Example: “He’s become so judgmental; it’s true what they say, ‘Nearer the church, the farther from God’.”


  1. Idiom “In the lap of the gods”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की गोद में

English Meaning: Being uncertain and reliant on fate or chance.

Example: “Whether we win or lose is ‘in the lap of the gods’ now.”


  1. Idiom “For pity’s sake”

Hindi Meaning: दया के लिए

English Meaning: An exclamation expressing sympathy or frustration.

Example: “‘For pity’s sake’, let him in; he’s drenched in the rain.”


  1. Idiom “Harder than the back of God’s head”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की पीठ की तरह कठिन

English Meaning: Extremely difficult.

Example: “This math problem is ‘harder than the back of God’s head’.”


  1. Idiom “Man plans and God laughs”

Hindi Meaning: आदमी योजना बनाता है और भगवान हंसते हैं

English Meaning: Our plans are often disrupted by unforeseen events.

Example: “We thought our vacation would be perfect, but ‘man plans and God laughs’ – it rained every day.”


  1. Idiom “Mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान की प्रक्रिया धीरे चलती है, लेकिन वही बहुत सावधानी से समाप्त होती है

English Meaning: Justice may be slow, but it eventually prevails.

Example: “He may have escaped punishment for now, but ‘the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small’.”


  1. Idiom “Nectar of the gods”

Hindi Meaning: दिव्य आनंदकारी चीज़

English Meaning: Something exceptionally delicious or delightful.

Example: “The chocolate was so rich and smooth; it was like ‘nectar of the gods’.”


  1. Idiom “Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry”

Hindi Meaning: भगवान पर आस्था रखो और अपनी तैयारी में सतर्क रहो

English Meaning: Have faith, but also be prepared.

Example: “‘Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry’ – it’s wise advice for any challenge.”


  1. Idiom “Sweet Mary, mother of God”

Hindi Meaning: माँ मरियम, भगवान की माँ

English Meaning: An exclamation expressing surprise or disbelief.

Example: “‘Sweet Mary, mother of God’, I can’t believe they won.”



Frequently Asked Questions


Question 1: What is an act of God called?

Answer: An act of God is a legal term used to describe events or circumstances that are beyond human control and often involve natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, or floods. In legal contracts, it’s referred to as “force majeure,” acknowledging that such events are unforeseeable and can exempt parties from fulfilling their obligations due to the extreme and uncontrollable nature of these occurrences.


Question 2: What is another word for God’s gift?

Answer: Another term for “God’s gift” is “divine endowment.” This phrase emphasizes that the gift is bestowed by a divine source, suggesting that it holds special significance or is considered a blessing.


Question 3: What is another word for God’s blessing?

Answer: An alternative term for “God’s blessing” is “divine favor.” This phrase implies that the favor or positive outcome has been granted by a higher power and is often associated with feelings of gratitude and grace.


Question 4: What is the ancient word for blessed?

Answer: In ancient languagess, a word that conveys a similar meaning to “blessed” is “hallowed” or “consecrated.” These words were used to describe people or things that were considered sacred, blessed, or set apart for a special purpose.


Question 5: What is the expression of God’s love?

Answer: The expression of God’s love is often described as “divine affection” or “heavenly care.” These phrases convey the idea that God’s love is profound, compassionate, and all-encompassing, extending to all living beings.


Question 6: What is a word for praise of God?

Answer: A word for praise of God is “adoration.” Adoration signifies deep respect, reverence, and worship directed toward a deity, expressing admiration and devotion to the divine.


Question 7: What is the word for thanking God?

Answer: The word for thanking God is “gratitude.” Gratitude is the act of expressing appreciation and thankfulness for the blessings and favors received from a higher power.


Question 8: What is a fancy word for give?

Answer: A more sophisticated word for “give” is “bestow.” To bestow something implies a deliberate and often generous act of giving, making it sound more formal and significant.


Question 9: What is the synonym of worship?

Answer: A synonym for “worship” is “veneration.” Veneration involves deep respect, admiration, and reverence, often directed towards a deity or something held in high regard.


Question 10: What is one word for idol worship?

Answer: One word for idol worship is “idolatry.” Idolatry refers to the practice of worshiping or showing excessive devotion to idols or images, often representing deities or revered figures.




Idiomatic expressions related to God provide a captivating glimpse into the intertwining of language, culture, and spirituality. A list of phrases related to the word “god” encapsulates profound beliefs, offering both insight and inspiration in our daily lives. Through these idioms, we find that faith transcends mere words and remains a powerful force that shapes our communication and understanding of the world.



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