Daily Use English Sentences

Learn how to use and pronounce some of the easiest daily use English sentences like main kha raha hu, main so raha hu, etc, correctly with the help of this informative online English learning video tutorial. Do make a note of all the mentioned English sentences, you would like to add into your day to day English practice.


The ability to construct and comprehend sentences is at the core of language acquisition. In this video lesson, we will delve into affirmative, interrogative, and negative sentence structures, both in English and Hindi. These fundamental sentence forms are vital for effective communication in both languages.

भाषा सीखने का हिस्सा है विभिन्न प्रकार के वाक्यों को बनाना और समझना, इस video lesson में हम English और हिंदी में अलग-अलग प्रकार के वाक्यों को समझेंगे।


Affirmative sentences:


English: I am eating.

Hindi: मैं खा रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am playing.

Hindi: मैं खेल रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am taking a bath.

Hindi: मैं स्नान कर रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am sleeping.

Hindi: मैं सो रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am doing my homework.

Hindi: मैं अपना homework कर रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am brushing my teeth.

Hindi: मैं अपने दांत साफ कर रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am getting ready.

Hindi: मैं तैयारी कर रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am cooking the food.

Hindi: मैं खाना पका रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am laughing.

Hindi: मैं हँस रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am thinking.

Hindi: मैं सोच रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I am running.

Hindi: मैं दौड़ रहा/रही हूँ।


English: You’re watching TV.

Hindi: तुम TV देख रहे/रही हो।


English: You are going to the office.

Hindi: तुम कार्यालय जा रहे/रही हो।


English: You are fighting.

Hindi: तुम लड़ रहे/रही हो।


English: You are walking.

Hindi: तुम चल रहे/रही हो।


English: You are laughing.

Hindi: तुम हँस रहे/रही हो।


English: You are calling me.

Hindi: तुम मुझे बुला रहे/रही हो।


English: You are losing weight.

Hindi: तुम वजन घटा रहे/रही हो।


English: You are building a new house.

Hindi: तुम नया घर बना रहे/रही हो।


English: You are washing your hands.

Hindi: तुम अपने हाथ धो रहे/रही हो।


English: You are going to sleep.

Hindi: तुम सोने जा रहे/रही हो।


Interrogative sentences:


English: Are we going?

Hindi: क्या हम जा रहे हैं?


English: Do you know her?

Hindi: क्या आप उसे जानते हैं?


English: What are you doing?

Hindi: आप क्या कर रहे हैं?


English: Why are you not answering my call?

Hindi: आप मेरे call का जवाब क्यों नहीं दे रहे हैं?


English: Where is she?

Hindi: वह कहाँ है?


English: Who is he?

Hindi: वह कौन है?


English: How will I know?

Hindi: मुझे कैसे पता चलेगा?


English: What is your name?

Hindi: आपका नाम क्या है?


English: What work do you do?

Hindi: आप क्या काम करते हैं?


English: When are you going?

Hindi: आप कब जा रहे हैं?


English: Where do you come from?

Hindi: आप कहाँ से आए हैं?


English: How long will it take?

Hindi: यह कितना समय लगेगा?


English: Do I know you?

Hindi: क्या मैं आपको जानता/जानती हूँ?


English: Do you know me?

Hindi: क्या आप मुझे जानते हैं?


English: Have you completed your homework?

Hindi: क्या आपने अपना homework पूरा किया है?


English: Anything else?

Hindi: कुछ और?


English: How may I help you?

Hindi: मैं आपकी कैसे मदद कर सकता/सकती हूँ?


English: What time is the lunch break?

Hindi: Lunch का समय क्या है?


English: When are we meeting?

Hindi: हम कब मिल रहे हैं?


English: What took you so long?

Hindi: आपको इतना समय क्यों लगा?



Negative sentences:


English: I’m not coming today.

Hindi: मैं आज नहीं आ रहा/रही हूँ।


English: He is not doing the work.

Hindi: वह काम नहीं कर रहा/रही है।


English: He is not singing the song.

Hindi: वह गाना नहीं गा रहा/रही है।


English: We are not going to the party.

Hindi: हम party में नहीं जा रहे हैं।


English: I am not doing my homework.

Hindi: मैं अपना homework नहीं कर रहा/रही हूँ।


English: I don’t want to go.

Hindi: मुझे जाने का मन नहीं है।


English: She does not want to eat.

Hindi: उसको खाने का मन नहीं है।


English: They don’t want to listen.

Hindi: उन्हें सुनने का मन नहीं है।


English: He is not my friend.

Hindi: वह मेरा दोस्त नहीं है।


Negative interrogative sentences:


English: Are you not going to study?

Hindi: क्या आप पढ़ाई नहीं कर रहे/रही हैं?


English: Why don’t you like movies?

Hindi: आपको movies पसंद क्यों नहीं है?


English: Don’t you want to come first?

Hindi: क्या आप पहले आना नहीं चाहते हैं?


English: Why are we not playing basketball?

Hindi: हम basketball क्यों नहीं खेल रहे/रही हैं?


English: Why is the doorbell not ringing?

Hindi: दरवाज़े की घंटी क्यों नहीं बज रही है?


English: Is she not the same girl?

Hindi: क्या वह वोही लड़की नहीं है?


English: Why don’t you come along?

Hindi: आप क्यों साथ नहीं आते?


English: Why didn’t we think of this before?

Hindi: हमने इसके बारे में पहले क्यों नहीं सोचा?


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Affirmative sentences Phrases


  1. Phrase: Good morning

Hindi Meaning: सुबह का समय

English Meaning: The time in the morning

Example: Good morning! It’s a beautiful day.


  1. Phrase: Thank you

Hindi Meaning: धन्यवाद

English Meaning: Expressing gratitude

Example: Thank you for your help.


  1. Phrase: No problem

Hindi Meaning: कोई बात नहीं

English Meaning: Responding to thanks

Example: No problem, I’m always here to assist.


  1. Phrase: Please

Hindi Meaning: कृपया

English Meaning: A polite request

Example: Can you please pass the salt?


  1. Phrase: Excuse me

Hindi Meaning: क्षमा करें

English Meaning: Seeking attention politely

Example: Excuse me, can I ask a question?


  1. Phrase: I love you

Hindi Meaning: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing affection

Example: I love you more than anything.


  1. Phrase: Congratulations

Hindi Meaning: बधाई हो

English Meaning: Expressing joy for someone’s achievement

Example: Congratulations on your graduation!


  1. Phrase: Well done

Hindi Meaning: बहुत बढ़िया

English Meaning: Praising someone’s accomplishment

Example: You did a well-done job on the project.


  1. Phrase: Happy birthday

Hindi Meaning: जन्मदिन मुबारक हो

English Meaning: Wishing someone a joyful birthday

Example: Happy birthday! Have a fantastic day.


  1. Phrase: Good job

Hindi Meaning: बहुत अच्छा काम

English Meaning: Praising someone’s work

Example: Good job on acing the test!


  1. Phrase: I’m sorry

Hindi Meaning: मुझे माफ़ कर दो

English Meaning: Apologizing for a mistake

Example: I’m sorry for being late.


  1. Phrase: Great idea

Hindi Meaning: बड़ी अच्छी बात

English Meaning: Appreciating a creative thought

Example: That’s a great idea for our project.


  1. Phrase: Fantastic news

Hindi Meaning: शानदार ख़बर

English Meaning: Reacting positively to news

Example: I heard your fantastic news!


  1. Phrase: Wonderful

Hindi Meaning: बहुत अच्छा

English Meaning: Expressing delight

Example: What a wonderful surprise!


  1. Phrase: I agree

Hindi Meaning: मैं सहमत हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing consensus

Example: I agree with your opinion.


  1. Phrase: Sure

Hindi Meaning: बिल्कुल

English Meaning: Confirming agreement

Example: I am sure, the file is in the office!


  1. Phrase: That’s awesome

Hindi Meaning: वो बहुत बढ़िया है

English Meaning: Showing enthusiasm

Example: Your performance was awesome!


  1. Phrase: Fantastic job

Hindi Meaning: शानदार काम

English Meaning: Praising someone’s accomplishment

Example: You did a fantastic job on the project.


  1. Phrase: Perfect

Hindi Meaning: पूर्ण

English Meaning: Indicating flawlessness

Example: The weather is perfect for a picnic.


  1. Phrase: I understand

Hindi Meaning: मुझे समझ में आया

English Meaning: Acknowledging comprehension

Example: I understand the instructions.


  1. Phrase: I appreciate it

Hindi Meaning: मैं सराहना करता/करती हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing gratitude

Example: I appreciate your help.


  1. Phrase: That’s great

Hindi Meaning: वो बहुत अच्छा है

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm

Example: That’s great news!


  1. Phrase: You’re amazing

Hindi Meaning: आप अद्भुत हैं

English Meaning: Praising someone’s qualities

Example: You’re an amazing friend.


  1. Phrase: I like it

Hindi Meaning: मुझे यह पसंद है

English Meaning: Expressing preference

Example: I like this painting.


  1. Phrase: Wonderful job

Hindi Meaning: बहुत बढ़िया काम

English Meaning: Praising someone’s work

Example: You did a wonderful job on the presentation.


  1. Phrase: I’m excited

Hindi Meaning: मैं उत्सुक हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm

Example: I’m excited about the upcoming trip.


  1. Phrase: You’re the best

Hindi Meaning: आप सबसे बेहतर हैं

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s excellence

Example: You’re the best at what you do.


  1. Phrase: I’m proud of you

Hindi Meaning: मैं तुम पर गर्व करता/करती हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing pride

Example: I’m proud of your achievements.


  1. Phrase: You did it

Hindi Meaning: तुमने कर दिया

English Meaning: Acknowledging success

Example: Congratulations, you did it!


  1. Phrase: Keep it up

Hindi Meaning: इसे बनाए रखो

English Meaning: Encouraging continued effort

Example: You’re doing great, keep it up!


  1. Phrase: You’re a star

Hindi Meaning: तुम तारा हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s talent

Example: You’re a star on the stage.


  1. Phrase: That’s wonderful

Hindi Meaning: वो बहुत अच्छा है

English Meaning: Expressing admiration

Example: That’s a wonderful achievement.


  1. Phrase: I’m so happy

Hindi Meaning: मैं बहुत खुश हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing joy

Example: I’m so happy for you.


  1. Phrase: I’m impressed

Hindi Meaning: मुझे प्रभावित किया

English Meaning: Showing admiration

Example: I’m impressed by your skills.


  1. Phrase: You’re fantastic

Hindi Meaning: तुम शानदार हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s abilities

Example: You’re fantastic at problem-solving.


  1. Phrase: I’m looking forward to it

Hindi Meaning: मैं इसका बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहा/रही हूँ

English Meaning: Anticipating with excitement

Example: I’m looking forward to the weekend.


  1. Phrase: I’m grateful

Hindi Meaning: मैं आभारी हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing thankfulness

Example: I’m grateful for your support.


  1. Phrase: You’re a genius

Hindi Meaning: तुम एक महान विद्वान हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s intelligence

Example: You’re a genius in math.


  1. Phrase: You’re the greatest

Hindi Meaning: तुम सबसे महान हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s excellence

Example: You’re the greatest singer.


  1. Phrase: That’s amazing

Hindi Meaning: वो बहुत अद्भुत है

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment

Example: That’s an amazing performance.


  1. Phrase: You’re wonderful

Hindi Meaning: तुम बहुत अच्छे हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s qualities

Example: You’re a wonderful person.


  1. Phrase: I admire you

Hindi Meaning: मैं आपका सराहना करता/करती हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing respect

Example: I admire your dedication.


  1. Phrase: You’re so kind

Hindi Meaning: तुम बहुत दयालु हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s kindness

Example: You’re so kind to help.


  1. Phrase: I appreciate your help

Hindi Meaning: मैं आपकी मदद की सराहना करता/करती हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing gratitude for assistance

Example: I appreciate your help with the project.


  1. Phrase: You’re a legend

Hindi Meaning: तुम बहुत महान हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s fame or skill

Example: You’re a legend in the music industry.


  1. Phrase: I trust you

Hindi Meaning: मैं तुम पर भरोसा करता/करती हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing confidence in someone

Example: I trust you with this task.


  1. Phrase: You’re a rock star

Hindi Meaning: तुम एक रॉक स्टार हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s success or abilities

Example: You’re a rock star in the business world.


  1. Phrase: I’m so proud

Hindi Meaning: मुझे गर्व है

English Meaning: Expressing pride

Example: I’m so proud of your accomplishments.


  1. Phrase: You’re the one

Hindi Meaning: तुम ही हो

English Meaning: Complimenting someone’s uniqueness

Example: You’re the one I trust.


  1. Phrase: You’re my hero

Hindi Meaning: तुम मेरे नायक हो

English Meaning: Expressing admiration and gratitude

Example: You’re my hero for saving the day.


II)  Interrogative sentences


  1. Phrase: How are you?

Hindi Meaning: तुम कैसे हो?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s well-being

Example: It’s been a while! How are you feeling these days?


  1. Phrase: Where are you from?

Hindi Meaning: तुम कहाँ से हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s place of origin

Example: I noticed your accent. Where are you from originally?


  1. Phrase: When is your birthday?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारा जन्मदिन कब है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s birthdate

Example: I’d love to celebrate with you! When is your birthday?


  1. Phrase: How’s the weather today?

Hindi Meaning: आज मौसम कैसा है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the current weather conditions

Example: Before we head out, can you check how’s the weather today?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite color?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारा पसंदीदा रंग क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred color

Example: I’m redecorating my room. What’s your favorite color for the walls?


  1. Phrase: Have you been to this place before?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम पहले इस जगह पर गए हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring if someone has visited a place previously

Example: The view from the hill is amazing! Have you been to this place before?


  1. Phrase: Do you have any siblings?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हारे पास कोई भाई-बहन है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the existence of brothers or sisters

Example: I have a sister. Do you have any siblings?


  1. Phrase: Are you feeling okay?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम ठीक महसूस कर रहे हो?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s health or well-being

Example: I heard you were sick last week. Are you feeling okay now?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite food?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारा पसंदीदा खाना क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred food

Example: Let’s order dinner. What’s your favorite food?


  1. Phrase: How was your day?

Hindi Meaning: आपका दिन कैसा था?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s day

Example: I had a busy day at the office. How was your day?


  1. Phrase: Where did you go last weekend?

Hindi Meaning: पिछले हफ्ते कहाँ गए थे?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s weekend activities

Example: Last weekend, I went hiking. Where did you go last weekend?


  1. Phrase: Have you ever traveled abroad?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुमने कभी विदेश यात्रा की है?

English Meaning: Inquiring if someone has traveled to foreign countries

Example: I love traveling. Have you ever traveled abroad?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite book?

Hindi Meaning: आपकी पसंदीदा किताब कौन सी है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred book

Example: I’m an avid reader. What’s your favorite book?


  1. Phrase: How do you like to spend your free time?

Hindi Meaning: तुम अपना free time कैसे बिताना पसंद करते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s leisure activities

Example: On weekends, how do you like to spend your free time?


  1. Phrase: Where did you get that beautiful dress?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हें वह ख़ूबसूरत dress कहाँ से मिली?

English Meaning: Asking about the source of someone’s clothing

Example: You look stunning! Where did you get that beautiful dress?


  1. Phrase: What’s your plan for the upcoming holiday?

Hindi Meaning: आने वाले अवकाश के लिए तुम्हारी योजना क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s intentions for an upcoming holiday

Example: The long weekend is approaching. What’s your plan for the upcoming holiday?


  1. Phrase: How do you handle stress at work?

Hindi Meaning: तुम काम पर तनाव कैसे संभालते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s coping mechanisms at work

Example: Work can get stressful. How do you handle stress at work?


  1. Phrase: Why did you choose this career path?

Hindi Meaning: तुमने इस career path को क्यों चुना?

English Meaning: Asking about the reasons behind someone’s career choice

Example: I’m curious, why did you choose this career path?


  1. Phrase: Where did you learn to cook such delicious food?

Hindi Meaning: तुमने इतना स्वादिष्ट खाना बनाना कहाँ से सीखा?

English Meaning: Asking about the source of someone’s culinary skills

Example: This meal is amazing! Where did you learn to cook such delicious food?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारी पसंदीदा बचपन की याद क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s cherished childhood recollections

Example: We were reminiscing. What’s your favorite childhood memory?


  1. Phrase: How did you become interested in that hobby?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हें उस hobby में रुचि कैसे हुई?

English Meaning: Asking about the origins of someone’s hobby interest

Example: I’ve never tried gardening. How did you become interested in that hobby?


  1. Phrase: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hindi Meaning: पाँच साल में तुम अपने आप को कहाँ देखते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s future aspirations

Example: During the interview, they might ask, “Where do you see yourself in five years?”


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?

Hindi Meaning: एक लम्बे दिन के बाद आराम करने का तुम्हारा पसंदीदा तरीका क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred relaxation method

Example: After a hectic day at work, what’s your favorite way to relax?


  1. Phrase: How do you manage your work-life balance?

Hindi Meaning: आप कैसे अपने काम और जीवन का संतुलन बनाते हैं?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s approach to maintaining work-life balance

Example: Balancing work and personal life can be challenging. How do you manage your work-life balance?


  1. Phrase: Why did you decide to pursue that degree?

Hindi Meaning: तुमने उस degree को प्राप्त करने का क्यों निर्णय लिया?

English Meaning: Asking about the motivations behind someone’s educational choice

Example: Pursuing a Ph.D. is a significant commitment. Why did you decide to pursue that degree?


  1. Phrase: How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals?

Hindi Meaning: अपने लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने के लिए तुम कैसे प्रोत्साहित रहते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s methods for maintaining motivation

Example: Achieving long-term goals can be tough. How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals?


  1. Phrase: Where do you like to go for a weekend getaway?

Hindi Meaning: तुम weekend के लिए कहाँ जाना पसंद करते हो?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred weekend travel destination

Example: I need a break. Where do you like to go for a weekend getaway?


  1. Phrase: What’s your preferred mode of transportation for daily commuting?

Hindi Meaning: रोजाना के सफर के लिए तुम्हारा पसंदीदा परिवहन क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s preferred way of commuting to work or daily activities

Example: With traffic, commuting can be challenging. What’s your preferred mode of transportation for daily commuting?


  1. Phrase: Why did you choose this city to settle down in?

Hindi Meaning: तुमने यह शहर बसेरा करने के लिए क्यों चुना?

English Meaning: Asking about the reasons for choosing a particular city to live in

Example: I’ve heard good things about this city. Why did you choose this city to settle down in?


  1. Phrase: How do you manage your finances effectively?

Hindi Meaning: तुम अपने finances को कैसे प्रभावी रूप से manage करते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s financial management strategies

Example: Financial planning can be challenging. How do you manage your finances effectively?


  1. Phrase: Where did you learn to speak such fluent English?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हें इतनी fluent English बोलना कहाँ से सीखा?

English Meaning: Asking about the source of someone’s proficiency in English

Example: Your English is excellent! Where did you learn to speak such fluent English?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite type of cuisine?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारा पसंदीदा खाद्य विधि क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred culinary style

Example: I’m craving something delicious. What’s your favorite type of cuisine?


  1. Phrase: What are your plans for the weekend?

Hindi Meaning: आने वाले weekend के लिए तुम्हारी योजनाएँ क्या हैं?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s weekend plans

Example: The weather is nice this weekend. What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Phrase: How did you decide on your career path?

Hindi Meaning: तुमने अपने career path का निर्णय कैसे लिया?

English Meaning: Asking about the decision-making process behind one’s career choice

Example: Choosing a career can be challenging. How did you decide on your career path?


  1. Phrase: Where would you like to travel to next?

Hindi Meaning: आप अगले किस स्थान पर यात्रा करना चाहेंगे?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s desired travel destination

Example: I enjoy hearing travel stories. Where would you like to travel to next?


  1. Phrase: Why do you think learning a new language is important?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हाने क्यों सोचा कि नई भाषा सीखना महत्वपूर्ण है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s perspective on the importance of learning a new language

Example: Learning a new language can be challenging. Why do you think learning a new language is important?


  1. Phrase: How do you handle difficult conversations?

Hindi Meaning: तुम कठिन बातचीत कैसे संभालते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s approach to managing challenging discussions

Example: Addressing sensitive topics can be tough. How do you handle difficult conversations?


  1. Phrase: Where do you find inspiration for your creative work?

Hindi Meaning: तुम अपने रचनात्मक काम के लिए प्रेरणा कहाँ से प्राप्त करते हो?

English Meaning: Asking about the sources of inspiration for one’s creative endeavors

Example: Your artwork is amazing. Where do you find inspiration for your creative work?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite way to unwind after a stressful day?

Hindi Meaning: एक तनावपूर्ण दिन के बाद आराम करने का तुम्हारा पसंदीदा तरीका क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s preferred method of relaxation after a stressful day

Example: Work can be exhausting. What’s your favorite way to unwind after a stressful day?


  1. Phrase: How do you manage your time effectively?

Hindi Meaning: तुम समय को प्रभावी रूप से कैसे प्रबंधित करते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s time management strategies

Example: Balancing work and personal life requires good time management. How do you manage your time effectively?


  1. Phrase: What motivates you to keep learning and growing?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हें सीखते और बढ़ते रहने के लिए क्या प्रोत्साहित करता है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s sources of motivation for continuous learning and personal growth

Example: Lifelong learning is valuable. What motivates you to keep learning and growing?


  1. Phrase: How do you handle setbacks and challenges in your life?

Hindi Meaning: तुम अपने जीवन में प्रतिकूलताओं और चुनौतियों का सामना कैसे करते हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s approach to dealing with obstacles and difficulties

Example: Life can be unpredictable. How do you handle setbacks and challenges in your life?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite memory from your last vacation?

Hindi Meaning: आपकी पिछली छुट्टी से सबसे यादगार याद क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s most cherished memory from their recent vacation

Example: Our last trip was incredible. What’s your favorite memory from your last vacation?


  1. Phrase: Where do you see yourself professionally in the next decade?

Hindi Meaning: आप अपने पेशेवर जीवन को आने वाले दशक में कहाँ देखते हैं?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s long-term career goals

Example: Planning for the future is important. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next decade?


  1. Phrase: Why do you believe in the importance of volunteering?

Hindi Meaning: तुम दान करने के महत्व को क्यों मानते हो?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s reasons for valuing volunteer work

Example: Giving back to the community is rewarding. Why do you believe in the importance of volunteering?


  1. Phrase: How have your past experiences shaped your perspective on life?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारे पिछले अनुभवों ने जीवन के प्रति तुम्हारी दृष्टिकोण को कैसे बनाया है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about how one’s previous experiences have influenced their outlook on life

Example: Life is a journey. How have your past experiences shaped your perspective on life?


  1. Phrase: What motivates you to pursue your passions and hobbies?

Hindi Meaning: आपको आपके रुझान और शौक को pursue करने के लिए क्या प्रोत्साहित करता है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s sources of motivation for pursuing their interests and hobbies

Example: Pursuing hobbies adds joy to life. What motivates you to pursue your passions and hobbies?


  1. Phrase: Where did you meet your closest friends?

Hindi Meaning: आप अपने सबसे करीबी दोस्तों से कहाँ मिले?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the circumstances or location where someone met their closest friends

Example: Friendships are valuable. Where did you meet your closest friends?


  1. Phrase: What’s your favorite way to give back to the community?

Hindi Meaning: समुदाय को देने का तुम्हारा पसंदीदा तरीका क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s preferred method of contributing to the community

Example: Community involvement is important. What’s your favorite way to give back to the community?


  1. Phrase: How do you stay motivated and productive when working from home?

Hindi Meaning: आप अपने घर से काम करते समय प्रोत्साहित और उत्पादक कैसे रहते हैं?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s strategies for staying motivated and productive while working remotely

Example: Remote work can be challenging. How do you stay motivated and productive when working from home?


III) Negative sentences


  1. Phrase: I’m not feeling well today.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे आज स्वस्थ नहीं महसूस हो रहा है.

English Meaning: Expressing that you’re not in good health today.

Example: I won’t be able to attend the meeting because I’m not feeling well today.


  1. Phrase: He isn’t coming to the party.

Hindi Meaning: वह party में नहीं आ रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating that he won’t attend the party.

Example: Unfortunately, he isn’t coming to the party, so we’ll miss his presence.


  1. Phrase: She doesn’t like spicy food.

Hindi Meaning: उसको तीखा खाना पसंद नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing her dislike for spicy food.

Example: When we dine together, we choose restaurants carefully because she doesn’t like spicy food.


  1. Phrase: We’re not going on vacation this year.

Hindi Meaning: हम इस साल छुट्टी पर नहीं जा रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating that there won’t be a vacation this year.

Example: Due to work commitments, we’re not going on vacation this year.


  1. Phrase: They aren’t coming to the meeting.

Hindi Meaning: वे meeting में नहीं आ रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Showing that they won’t attend the meeting.

Example: The team members aren’t coming to the meeting, so we’ll have to reschedule.


  1. Phrase: He’s not attending the workshop.

Hindi Meaning: वह workshop में नहीं जा रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his absence from the workshop.

Example: Due to a prior commitment, he’s not attending the workshop.


  1. Phrase: He isn’t my friend anymore.

Hindi Meaning: वह अब मेरा दोस्त नहीं है.

English Meaning: Stating that he is no longer your friend.

Example: After the argument, he isn’t my friend anymore, and it’s quite sad.


  1. Phrase: She isn’t taking my calls.

Hindi Meaning: वह मेरे calls नहीं उठा रही है.

English Meaning: Indicating that she is not answering your phone calls.

Example: I’ve been trying to reach her, but she isn’t taking my calls.


  1. Phrase: I’m not ordering from that online store.

Hindi Meaning: मैं उस online store से order नहीं कर रहा हूँ.

English Meaning: Stating your decision not to place an order from a specific online store.

Example: I’m not ordering from that online store because of their unreliable delivery.


  1. Phrase: I’m not interested in that job.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे उस नौकरी में रुचि नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing your lack of interest in a job opportunity.

Example: Thanks for the offer, but I’m not interested in that job at the moment.


  1. Phrase: He’s not coming to the event.

Hindi Meaning: वह event में नहीं आ रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating that he won’t be present at the event.

Example: I invited him, but he’s not coming to the event due to a scheduling conflict.


  1. Phrase: She’s not attending the conference.

Hindi Meaning: वह सम्मेलन में शामिल नहीं हो रही है.

English Meaning: Stating that she won’t be participating in the conference.

Example: She’s not attending the conference this year due to other commitments.


  1. Phrase: They’re not interested in buying the house.

Hindi Meaning: उन्हें घर खरीदने में रुचि नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing their lack of interest in purchasing the house.

Example: Despite showing them the property, they’re not interested in buying the house.


  1. Phrase: I’m not attending the meeting.

Hindi Meaning: मैं meeting में शामिल नहीं हो रहा हूँ.

English Meaning: Stating your absence from the meeting.

Example: I’m not attending the meeting because of a prior engagement.


  1. Phrase: He’s not completing the project on time.

Hindi Meaning: वह परियोजना समय पर पूरी नहीं कर रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating that he is failing to complete the project within the deadline.

Example: He’s not completing the project on time, and it’s causing delays.


  1. Phrase: She’s not accepting the job offer.

Hindi Meaning: वह job offer स्वीकार नहीं कर रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her refusal to accept the job offer.

Example: Despite the good package, she’s not accepting the job offer for personal reasons.


  1. Phrase: They’re not supporting the proposal.

Hindi Meaning: वे प्रस्ताव का समर्थन नहीं कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their lack of support for the proposal.

Example: The team members are not supporting the proposal, and it needs further refinement.


  1. Phrase: We’re not interested in that product.

Hindi Meaning: हमें उस उत्पाद में रुचि नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing a lack of interest in a particular product.

Example: We’re not interested in that product because it doesn’t meet our requirements.


  1. Phrase: I’m not available for the meeting.

Hindi Meaning: मैं meeting के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं हूँ.

English Meaning: Stating your unavailability for the meeting.

Example: I’m not available for the meeting due to a prior commitment.


  1. Phrase: He’s not following the instructions.

Hindi Meaning: वह निर्देशों का पालन नहीं कर रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating that he is not adhering to the given instructions.

Example: Despite clear guidelines, he’s not following the instructions.


  1. Phrase: She’s not meeting the deadlines.

Hindi Meaning: वह समय सीमाओं का पालन नहीं कर रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her failure to meet the deadlines.

Example: She’s not meeting the deadlines, which is affecting the project’s progress.


  1. Phrase: We’re not interested in that investment.

Hindi Meaning: हमें उस निवेश में रुचि नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing a lack of interest in a particular investment opportunity.

Example: We’re not interested in that investment because it carries too much risk.


  1. Phrase: They’re not participating in the competition.

Hindi Meaning: वे प्रतियोगिता में भाग नहीं ले रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their non-participation in the competition.

Example: Due to lack of preparation, they’re not participating in the competition.


  1. Phrase: He’s not attending the seminar.

Hindi Meaning: वह seminar में नहीं जा रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his absence from the seminar.

Example: Due to a scheduling conflict, he’s not attending the seminar.


  1. Phrase: She’s not agreeing to the terms.

Hindi Meaning: वह शर्तों से सहमत नहीं हो रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her disagreement with the terms.

Example: She’s not agreeing to the terms of the contract as they are unfavorable.


  1. Phrase: They’re not supporting the decision.

Hindi Meaning: वे फैसले का समर्थन नहीं कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their lack of support for the decision.

Example: Despite discussions, they’re not supporting the decision, causing a deadlock.


  1. Phrase: We’re not attending the conference.

Hindi Meaning: हम सम्मेलन में नहीं जा रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Stating your collective absence from the conference.

Example: Due to unforeseen circumstances, we’re not attending the conference.


  1. Phrase: I’m not going to the event.

Hindi Meaning: मैं event में नहीं जा रहा हूँ.

English Meaning: Declaring your personal decision not to attend the event.

Example: I’m not going to the event as I have other commitments.


  1. Phrase: She’s not accepting the invitation.

Hindi Meaning: वह निमंत्रण को स्वीकार नहीं कर रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her decision not to accept the invitation.

Example: Despite the kind invitation, she’s not accepting it due to prior commitments.


  1. Phrase: She’s not approving the budget.

Hindi Meaning: वह budget को approve नहीं कर रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her refusal to approve the budget proposal.

Example: She’s not approving the budget because it exceeds the allocated funds.


  1. Phrase: They’re not accepting the invitation.

Hindi Meaning: वे निमंत्रण को स्वीकार नहीं रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their decision not to accept the invitation.

Example: Despite the kind invitation, they’re not accepting it due to prior commitments.


  1. Phrase: We’re not interested in that proposal.

Hindi Meaning: हमें उस प्रस्ताव में रुचि नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing a lack of interest in a specific proposal.

Example: We’re not interested in that proposal because it doesn’t align with our objectives.


  1. Phrase: I’m not available for additional tasks.

Hindi Meaning: मैं अतिरिक्त कार्यों के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं हूँ.

English Meaning: Stating your unavailability for extra responsibilities.

Example: I’m not available for additional tasks as my workload is already substantial.


  1. Phrase: He’s not completing his assignments on time.

Hindi Meaning: वह अपने assignments को समय पर पूरा नहीं कर रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his failure to meet assignment deadlines.

Example: He’s not completing his assignments on time, which affects his grades.


  1. Phrase: They’re not adhering to the rules.

Hindi Meaning: वे नियमों का पालन नहीं कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their non-compliance with the rules.

Example: Despite clear guidelines, they’re not adhering to the rules of the organization.


  1. Phrase: We’re not investing in that company.

Hindi Meaning: हम उस company में निवेश नहीं कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Stating your decision not to invest in a particular company.

Example: We’re not investing in that company due to its unstable financial position.


  1. Phrase: He’s not accepting the offer.

Hindi Meaning: वह प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार नहीं रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his refusal to accept the job offer.

Example: Despite the attractive offer, he’s not accepting it for personal reasons.


  1. Phrase: She’s not completing the required training.

Hindi Meaning: वह आवश्यक training को पूरा नहीं कर रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her failure to complete the mandatory training.

Example: She’s not completing the required training, which is essential for the job.


  1. Phrase: They’re not acknowledging their mistakes.

Hindi Meaning: वे अपनी गलतियों को स्वीकार नहीं रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their unwillingness to admit their mistakes.

Example: Despite evidence, they’re not acknowledging their mistakes, which is causing issues.


  1. Phrase: We’re not ordering from that restaurant.

Hindi Meaning: हम उस restaurant से नहीं order कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Stating your decision not to order food from a specific restaurant.

Example: We’re not ordering from that restaurant anymore because of the poor service.


  1. Phrase: He’s not participating in the competition.

Hindi Meaning: वह प्रतियोगिता में भाग नहीं ले रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his non-participation in the competition.

Example: Due to a recent injury, he’s not participating in the competition.


  1. Phrase: They’re not attending the workshop.

Hindi Meaning: वे workshop में नहीं जा रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their absence from the workshop.

Example: Due to a scheduling conflict, they’re not attending the workshop.


  1. Phrase: We’re not inviting them to the event.

Hindi Meaning: हम उन्हें event में नहीं बुला रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Stating your decision not to extend an invitation to them for the event.

Example: We’re not inviting them to the event due to limited space.


  1. Phrase: I’m not joining that club.

Hindi Meaning: मैं उस club में शामिल नहीं हो रहा हूँ.

English Meaning: Expressing your choice not to become a member of a particular club.

Example: I’m not joining that club because I have other commitments.


  1. Phrase: She’s not supporting the idea.

Hindi Meaning: वह विचार का समर्थन नहीं कर रही है.

English Meaning: Stating her lack of support for the idea.

Example: She’s not supporting the idea because she believes it’s not feasible.


  1. Phrase: They’re not accepting donations.

Hindi Meaning: वे दान स्वीकार नहीं कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Indicating their refusal to accept donations.

Example: Due to legal restrictions, they’re not accepting donations at the moment.


  1. Phrase: We’re not hosting the event.

Hindi Meaning: हम event का आयोजन नहीं कर रहे हैं.

English Meaning: Stating your decision not to organize the event.

Example: Due to logistical issues, we’re not hosting the event as planned.


  1. Phrase: He’s not accepting the apology.

Hindi Meaning: वह माफ़ी स्वीकार नहीं कर रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his refusal to accept the apology.

Example: Despite the sincere apology, he’s not accepting it.


  1. Phrase: I’m not interested in that topic.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे उस विषय में रुचि नहीं है.

English Meaning: Expressing your lack of interest in a specific topic.

Example: I’m not interested in that topic because it doesn’t align with my research.


  1. Phrase: He’s not going to the concert.

Hindi Meaning: वह concert में नहीं जा रहा है.

English Meaning: Indicating his absence from the concert.

Example: He’s not going to the concert because he’s not a fan of the band.


  1. IV) Negative interrogative sentences
  2. Phrase: Are you not coming to the party?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम party में नहीं आ रहे हो?

English Meaning: Inquiring if someone is not attending the party.

Example: Are you not coming to the party tonight?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you know the answer?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें उत्तर नहीं पता?

English Meaning: Asking if someone lacks knowledge of the answer.

Example: Don’t you know the answer to this question?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t he taking the exam?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वह परीक्षा नहीं दे रहा है?

English Meaning: Inquiring if he is not participating in the exam.

Example: Isn’t he taking the exam tomorrow?


  1. Phrase: Why aren’t you joining us?

Hindi Meaning: तुम हमारे साथ क्यों नहीं जुड़ रहे हो?

English Meaning: Asking for the reason behind someone not joining.

Example: Why aren’t you joining us for the event?


  1. Phrase: Are we not meeting tomorrow?

Hindi Meaning: क्या हम कल मिलने वाले नहीं हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if there is no meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

Example: Are we not meeting tomorrow as planned?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to come along?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम साथ नहीं आना चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in accompanying.

Example: Don’t you want to come along with us to the beach?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t she the one who called you?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वह वही है जिन्होंने तुम्हें बुलाया था?

English Meaning: Confirming if she is the person who made the call.

Example: Isn’t she the one who called you earlier?


  1. Phrase: Why isn’t the project progressing?

Hindi Meaning: प्रोजेक्ट क्यों आगे नहीं बढ़ रहा है?

English Meaning: Asking for the reason behind the lack of progress in the project.

Example: Why isn’t the project progressing as expected?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t you aware of the new policy?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें नई नीति के बारे में पता नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if someone lacks awareness of the new policy.

Example: Aren’t you aware of the new policy changes?


  1. Phrase: Why aren’t they accepting the offer?

Hindi Meaning: वे प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Asking for the reason behind their refusal to accept the offer.

Example: Why aren’t they accepting the job offer?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you think this is important?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें नहीं लगता है कि यह महत्वपूर्ण है?

English Meaning: Asking if someone does not consider something important.

Example: Don’t you think this issue is important?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t it too late to make changes?

Hindi Meaning: क्या इसे बदलने के लिए बहुत देर नहीं हो गई है?

English Meaning: Confirming if it is too late to implement changes.

Example: Isn’t it too late to make changes to the project plan?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t you attending the conference?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम conference में शामिल नहीं हो रहे हो?

English Meaning: Confirming if someone is not attending the conference.

Example: Aren’t you attending the conference this year?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to try this new recipe?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम इस नई recipe को आजमाना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in trying the new recipe.

Example: Don’t you want to try this new recipe I found?


  1. Phrase: Why aren’t they considering your proposal?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे तुम्हारे प्रस्ताव को ध्यान में नहीं ले रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Asking for the reason behind their disregard for your proposal.

Example: Why aren’t they considering your proposal for the project?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they delivering the product on time?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे समय पर product deliver नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not meeting the delivery schedule.

Example: Aren’t they delivering the product on time as promised?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you like the new design?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें नया design पसंद नहीं आया?

English Meaning: Asking if someone does not like the new design.

Example: Don’t you like the new design of the website?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t this project going to be profitable?

Hindi Meaning: क्या इस project से लाभ नहीं होगा?

English Meaning: Confirming if the project is not expected to be profitable.

Example: Isn’t this project going to be profitable for the company?


  1. Phrase: Why aren’t you completing the assigned tasks?

Hindi Meaning: तुम assigned कार्यों को पूरा क्यों नहीं कर रहे हो?

English Meaning: Asking for the reason behind not completing assigned tasks.

Example: Why aren’t you completing the assigned tasks on time?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to improve your skills?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम अपनी skills सुधारना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in skill improvement.

Example: Don’t you want to improve your skills for career growth?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t we supposed to meet today?

Hindi Meaning: क्या हमें आज नहीं मिलना था?

English Meaning: Confirming if there was a plan to meet today.

Example: Aren’t we supposed to meet today for our project discussion?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you think it’s a waste of time?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि यह समय की बर्बादी है? 

English Meaning: Asking if someone considers it a pointless activity.

Example: Don’t you think it’s a waste of time to attend that seminar?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to discuss the issue?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम मुद्दे पर चर्चा करना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in discussing the issue.

Example: Don’t you want to discuss the issue with the team?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t she responsible for the delay?

Hindi Meaning: क्या इस देरी के लिए वह जिम्मेदार नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if she is not responsible for the delay.

Example: Isn’t she responsible for the delay in project completion?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you agree with the proposed changes?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप proposed changes से सहमत नहीं हैं?

English Meaning: Asking if someone disagrees with the suggested changes.

Example: Don’t you agree with the proposed changes to the policy?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t there an alternative solution?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वहाँ कोई वैकल्पिक समाधान नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if there is no alternative solution.

Example: Isn’t there an alternative solution to this problem?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you find this task challenging?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें नहीं लगता है कि यह कार्य चुनौतीपूर्ण है?

English Meaning: Asking if someone doesn’t perceive the task as challenging.

Example: Don’t you find this task challenging enough for your skills?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to reconsider your decision?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम अपना निर्णय फिर से विचारना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in reevaluating their decision.

Example: Don’t you want to reconsider your decision to quit?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you think there’s a better way?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि बेहतर तरीका हो सकता है?

English Meaning: Asking if someone believes there is a better solution.

Example: Don’t you think there’s a better way to handle this issue?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they attending the conference together?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे conference में साथ नहीं जा रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not going to the conference as a group.

Example: Aren’t they attending the conference together as planned?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to explore other options?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम अन्य विकल्पों की खोज करना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in exploring other choices.

Example: Don’t you want to explore other options before deciding?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to double-check the details?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम details की दुबारा जाँच नहीं करना चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in verifying the details.

Example: Don’t you want to double-check the details before finalizing?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they following the instructions?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे निर्देशों का पालन नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not adhering to the instructions.

Example: Aren’t they following the instructions provided?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t it affecting your performance negatively?

Hindi Meaning: क्या यह आपके प्रदर्शन को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित नहीं कर रहा है?

English Meaning: Confirming if it’s having a negative impact on performance.

Example: Isn’t it affecting your performance negatively?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you believe in their commitment?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप उनके commitment पर यकीन नहीं करते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone doubts their commitment.

Example: Don’t you believe in their commitment to the project?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they aware of the consequences?

Hindi Meaning: क्या उन्हें परिणामों का ज्ञान नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if they lack awareness of the consequences.

Example: Aren’t they aware of the consequences of their actions?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you think it’s too expensive?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें नहीं लगता है कि यह बहुत महंगा है?

English Meaning: Asking if someone believes it’s too costly.

Example: Don’t you think it’s too expensive to buy that car?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t it against the company policy?

Hindi Meaning: क्या यह company नीति के खिलाफ नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if it goes against the company policy.

Example: Isn’t it against the company policy to share confidential information?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to reconsider your decision?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम अपना निर्णय पुनर्विचार करना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in reconsidering their decision.

Example: Don’t you want to reconsider your decision to resign?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they communicating effectively?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे प्रभावी तरीके से संचालन नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not communicating effectively.

Example: Aren’t they communicating effectively with the team?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you find this process inefficient?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम्हें यह प्रक्रिया अकुशल महसूस नहीं हो रही?

English Meaning: Asking if someone doesn’t perceive the process as efficient.

Example: Don’t you find this process inefficient and time-consuming?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t she responsible for the mistake?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वह ग़लती के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if she is not accountable for the mistake.

Example: Isn’t she responsible for the mistake in the report?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to address this issue?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम इस मुद्दे पर विचार नहीं करना चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in addressing the issue.

Example: Don’t you want to address this issue with the team?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they sharing their knowledge?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे अपना ज्ञान साझा नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not sharing their knowledge.

Example: Aren’t they sharing their knowledge with the new employees?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you think it’s a risky move?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आपको नहीं लगता कि यह जोखिम पूर्ण कदम है?

English Meaning: Asking if someone believes it’s a risky decision.

Example: Don’t you think it’s a risky move to invest in that startup?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t it affecting team morale negatively?

Hindi Meaning: क्या यह समूह के उत्साह को नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित नहीं कर रहा है?

English Meaning: Confirming if it’s having a negative impact on team morale.

Example: Isn’t it affecting team morale negatively?


  1. Phrase: Don’t you want to verify the information?

Hindi Meaning: क्या तुम जानकारी की पुष्टि करना नहीं चाहते?

English Meaning: Asking if someone is not interested in verifying the information.

Example: Don’t you want to verify the information before sharing it?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they conducting a thorough investigation?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे एक विस्तारपूर्ण जांच नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not conducting a comprehensive investigation.

Example: Aren’t they conducting a thorough investigation into the matter?


  1. Phrase: Isn’t it against the rules and regulations?

Hindi Meaning: क्या यह नियमों और विधियों के खिलाफ नहीं है?

English Meaning: Confirming if it violates the rules and regulations.

Example: Isn’t it against the rules and regulations of the organization?


  1. Phrase: Aren’t they missing the deadline?

Hindi Meaning: क्या वे समय सीमा का पालन नहीं कर रहे हैं?

English Meaning: Confirming if they are not meeting the deadline.

Example: Aren’t they missing the deadline for project completion?


Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What are affirmative sentences?

Affirmative sentences are statements that express a fact, action, or declaration. They convey something that is true or positive. For example, “I am eating.”


  1. What are interrogative sentences?

Interrogative sentences are questions that seek information or clarification. They often begin with question words like “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” or “how.” For example, “Where are you going?”


  1. What are negative sentences?

Negative sentences express denial, disagreement, or the absence of an action or fact. They often include words like “not” or “don’t.” For example, “I am not coming today.”


  1. Can you provide examples of affirmative sentences in Hindi?

Certainly, here’s one: “मैं किताब पढ़ रहा हूँ” (I am reading a book).


  1. How do you form interrogative sentences in English?

Interrogative sentences in English often begin with question words, and the word order is typically reversed. For example, “What is your name?”


  1. What’s the structure of negative sentences in Hindi?

Negative sentences in Hindi often include the word “नहीं” (not) and place it before the verb. For example, “मैं नहीं आ रहा हूँ” (I am not coming).


  1. Are interrogative sentences always questions?

Yes, interrogative sentences are primarily used for asking questions, but they can also be used to make polite requests or seek confirmation.


  1. Can you provide examples of negative sentences in Hindi?

Certainly, here’s one: “वह खाना नहीं खा रहा है” (He is not eating food).


  1. How do you make a sentence negative in English?

To make a sentence negative in English, you typically add the word “not” after the auxiliary verb or use contractions like “don’t” or “doesn’t.”


  1. What are some common question words in Hindi?

Common question words in Hindi include “क्या” (what), “कौन” (who), “कहाँ” (where), “कब” (when), “कैसे” (how), and “क्यों” (why).


  1. Are there any exceptions to the rules for forming negative sentences in English?

Yes, there are some irregular verbs and special cases where the word order may vary in negative sentences.


  1. How can I practice creating sentences in both English and Hindi?

You can practice by writing sentences, speaking with native speakers, or using language learning resources.


  1. What’s the importance of mastering sentence construction in language learning?

Mastering sentence construction is crucial for effective communication and understanding the structure and grammar of a language.


  1. How can I improve my sentence-building skills in Hindi?

Consistent practice, reading, and listening to native speakers are effective ways to improve sentence-building skills in Hindi.


  1. Are there any common sentence patterns I should be aware of in English and Hindi?

Yes, there are common sentence structures and patterns that you’ll encounter in both languages. Learning these patterns can be very helpful.


  1. How do I use prepositions effectively in sentence construction in both languages?

Prepositions are essential for indicating relationships between elements in a sentence. Learning common prepositions and their usage is key to effective sentence construction. For example, in English: “I’m sitting on the chair.” In Hindi: “मैं कुर्सी पर बैठा हूँ।” (Main kursi par baitha hoon).


  1. What are some common mistakes learners make when creating sentences in English and Hindi?

Common mistakes include incorrect word order, verb tense errors, and mispronunciation.


  1. How do I know when to use formal or informal language in sentences?

The choice between formal and informal language often depends on the context and your relationship with the person you’re communicating with.


  1. What role do conjunctions play in sentence formation?

Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. They help create complex sentences and convey relationships between ideas.


  1. Are there cultural differences in how sentences are constructed in English and Hindi?

Yes, there can be cultural nuances that affect sentence structure and communication style, so it’s essential to be aware of cultural context.


  1. How can I expand my vocabulary to create more diverse sentences?

Reading books, articles, and watching movies or TV shows in both languages can help expand your vocabulary.


  1. Are there any shortcuts or tips for creating sentences more quickly in English and Hindi?

Practicing regularly and memorizing common sentence structures can help you create sentences more efficiently.


  1. What’s the importance of intonation and stress in sentence delivery?

Intonation and stress play a significant role in conveying meaning and emotion in sentences, so they are crucial elements of effective communication.


  1. Can you recommend any exercises or drills to improve sentence construction skills?

Try exercises like sentence building games, translation exercises, and language exchange with native speakers.


  1. How can I build confidence in using English and Hindi sentences in real conversations?

The key to confidence is practice and exposure. Engaging in conversations with native speakers and using the language regularly will boost your confidence over time.


  1. What’s the difference between a declarative and an affirmative sentence?

A declarative sentence makes a statement, while an affirmative sentence expresses agreement or confirmation.


  1. How can I improve my sentence fluency in both languages?

Reading aloud, listening to native speakers, and mimicking their speech patterns can help improve sentence fluency.


  1. Are there any language-specific challenges when creating sentences in English and Hindi?

Yes, each language has its unique challenges, such as grammar rules, pronunciation, and word order.


  1. Can you provide tips for avoiding common sentence structure errors in Hindi?

Pay attention to verb conjugations, noun-adjective agreement, and word endings to avoid common errors.


  1. Is it important to learn idiomatic expressions in both languages for better sentence construction?

Yes, learning idioms and expressions can enhance your language skills and make your sentences more natural.


  1. How can I practice using conditional sentences in English and Hindi?

Start by learning the basic conditional structures and then create sentences based on different conditions or hypothetical situations.


  1. What’s the role of punctuation in sentence clarity and structure?

Punctuation marks, like commas and periods, help convey meaning and indicate sentence structure.


  1. How can I make my sentences more expressive and vivid in both English and Hindi?

To make your sentences more expressive and vivid in both English and Hindi, consider the following tips:


Use Descriptive Language: Incorporate descriptive adjectives and adverbs to add detail and imagery to your sentences. Describe colors, shapes, sizes, and other sensory details.


Employ Vivid Verbs: Choose strong and evocative verbs that convey action and emotion effectively. Avoid overusing passive voice.


Paint a Picture: Create mental images for your readers by describing scenes, characters, or objects vividly. Use similes, metaphors, and comparisons.


Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of stating facts directly, show them through actions, dialogue, and sensory details. Allow readers to draw conclusions.


Use Figurative Language: Incorporate metaphors, similes, personification, and other forms of figurative speech to add depth and creativity to your sentences.


Engage the Senses: Appeal to the senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell to immerse the reader or listener in the experience.

Vary Sentence Structure: Experiment with sentence length and structure to create rhythm and emphasize key points.


  • Edit and Revise: Review your sentences and eliminate unnecessary words or phrases. Make sure each word serves a purpose.
  • Consider Context: Adapt your language and style to the context of your writing or conversation. Formal and informal language may vary.
  • Read Widely: Exposure to well-written literature and diverse styles can help you improve your own expressive writing.
  • Practice and Feedback: Regular practice is essential. Seek feedback from others to identify areas for improvement.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: In Hindi, be mindful of cultural nuances and idioms that can enhance your expressive writing.


  1. How can I develop my listening comprehension skills to better understand spoken sentences?

Listening to podcasts, watching movies, and engaging in conversations with native speakers can improve your listening comprehension.


  1. Are there any cultural differences in sentence construction between English-speaking and Hindi-speaking regions?

Yes, cultural differences can influence language use and sentence construction. It’s important to be culturally sensitive when communicating.


  1. What are imperative sentences, and when are they used in English and Hindi?

Imperative sentences give commands or make requests. For example, “Shut the door” or “जाओ” (Go).


  1. Can you provide examples of complex sentences in both languages?

Certainly, complex sentences contain multiple clauses. In English: “Although it was raining, I went for a walk.” In Hindi: “जबकि बारिश हो रही थी, मैं सैर पर गया।” (Jabki baarish ho rahi thi, main ek sair par gaya).


  1. How can I ensure my sentences are grammatically correct in both languages?

Regular grammar practice, using grammar-checking tools, and seeking feedback from native speakers can help you maintain grammatical accuracy.


  1. What’s the significance of subject-verb agreement in sentence construction?

Subject-verb agreement ensures that the verb matches the subject in number and person, which is crucial for grammatical correctness.


  1. What’s the role of conjunctions in sentence construction, and can you provide examples in both languages?

Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses in a sentence. In English: “I like both pizza and pasta.” In Hindi: “मुझे pizza और pasta दोनों पसंद है।” (Mujhe pizza aur pasta dono pasand hai).



Through the examples provided, learners can gain a deeper understanding of how sentences are structured in English and Hindi. These practical, real-life sentences cover various scenarios, making them valuable tools for language learners. Whether expressing actions, asking questions, or forming negations, these exercises lay a solid foundation for improving language proficiency in both English and Hindi. Consistent practice with these sentence forms is key to becoming a confident and fluent speaker in both languages.


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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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