In this easy to understand English learning video tutorial, you will get to learn 23 English phrases on how to speak fluent English for superstitious words, expressions and phrases like nazar lagna, nazar battu, shubh ghadi, manhoos, nazar se bachna, apshagun, vehem, nazar utarna, etc. Don’t wait, watch this free youtube video now and enhance your English learning experience.
Superstitions, deeply rooted in human history and culture, are fascinating beliefs that transcend logic and reason. Often passed down through generations, these beliefs hold a wave over individuals’ lives, influencing decisions, actions, and even destinies. From the curious act of avoiding black cats to the ritualistic use of talismans, superstitions color our interactions with the world, offering comfort, guidance, or trepidation. Exploring a realm where the unseen wields its power, superstitions evoke wonder and mystery, reminding us that the human experience is an intricate tapestry of both the tangible and the unexplainable.
Superstitions का मतलब होता है कुछ ऐसी बातों का मानना जो आमतौर से वैज्ञानिक नहीं होती, लेकिन लोग उन्हें मानते हैं। यह मान्यताएँ होती हैं कि कुछ चीजें खास तरीके से करने से भगवान की कृपा मिलती है, जैसे कि किसी खास दिन कोई काम नहीं करना चाहिए। ये अक्सर हमारी सोच और आचरण को प्रभावित करती हैं और कभी-कभी हमें डरपोक बातों का विचार करने पर मजबूर कर सकती हैं।
- Touch Wood
Hindi Meaning: लकड़ी को छूना
English Meaning: A phrase to ward off bad luck after expressing hope.
Example: “I haven’t been sick all year, touch wood.”
- Knock on Wood
Hindi Meaning: नज़र न लगे
English Meaning: A superstitious action to avoid tempting fate.
Example: “I’ve never been late, knock on wood.”
- Evil Eye
Hindi Meaning: बुरी नज़र
English Meaning: A harmful look thought to cause misfortune.
Example: Wearing a talisman to protect against the evil eye.
- Ward Off
Hindi Meaning: दूर रखना
English Meaning: To prevent or protect against negative influences.
Example: Hanging a horseshoe over the door to ward off bad luck.
- Amulet
Hindi Meaning: ताबीज
English Meaning: A charm worn for protection or luck.
Example: She always wears her grandmother’s amulet for good luck.
- Good Luck Charm
Hindi Meaning: भाग्य आभूषण
English Meaning: An object believed to bring good fortune.
Example: The four-leaf clover is a popular good luck charm.
- Cast Off
Hindi Meaning: ख़तम करना
English Meaning: To remove bad luck or negative energy.
Example: She cast off the bad luck by throwing salt over her shoulder.
- Jinx
Hindi Meaning: अशुभ संकेत
English Meaning: To bring bad luck or a curse.
Example: Some people believe that saying the word “jinx” will jinx them.
- Bad Omen
Hindi Meaning: बुरा शकुन
English Meaning: A sign of future misfortune /Something bad can happen in the future.
Example: Seeing a black cat is considered a bad omen in some cultures.
- Good Omen
Hindi Meaning: शुभ शकुन
English Meaning: A sign of future good fortune/ Something good can happen in the future.
Example: A rainbow is often seen as a good omen after rain.
- Auspicious Time
Hindi Meaning: शुभ समय
English Meaning: A favorable and lucky period.
Example: They waited for an auspicious time to start their journey.
- Inauspicious Time
Hindi Meaning: अशुभ समय
English Meaning: An unfavorable period associated with bad luck.
Example: Starting a new project during an inauspicious time is avoided.
- Superstitious
Hindi Meaning: अंधविश्वासपूर्ण
English Meaning: Believing in and influenced by superstitions.
Example: Some people avoid walking under ladders due to superstitious beliefs.
- Superstitions
Hindi Meaning: अंधविश्वास
English Meaning: Beliefs or practices based on supernatural causality.
Example: Various cultures have their superstitions about the number 13.
- Blessing
Hindi Meaning: आशीर्वाद
English Meaning: A prayer or act invoking divine favor.
Example: The priest gave his blessing for a prosperous journey.
- Magic Wand
Hindi Meaning: जादू की छड़ी
English Meaning: Symbolic stick used in magic rituals.
Example: In fairy tales, a fairy’s magic wand grants wishes.
- Jinxed
Hindi Meaning: अशुभ
English Meaning: Cursed or under a spell of bad luck.
Example: Some people feel jinxed when everything goes wrong.
- Curse
Hindi Meaning: अभिशाप
English Meaning: Uttering harmful words believed to bring misfortune.
Example: It’s said that cursing someone can lead to bad luck.
- Luck
Hindi Meaning: भाग्य
English Meaning: Success or failure by chance rather than one’s actions.
Example: Finding a four-leaf clover is considered a sign of good luck.
- Fear
Hindi Meaning: डर
English Meaning: Unpleasant emotion caused by perceived danger.
Example: Many people fear the number 13 due to superstitions.
- Omen
Hindi Meaning: लक्षण
English Meaning: Sign believed to predict future events.
Example: Seeing a black cat is often considered an omen of bad luck.
- Magic
Hindi Meaning: जादू
English Meaning: Supernatural practices to influence events.
Example: Some people believe in the power of magic to change outcomes.
- Wish
Hindi Meaning: ख्वाहिश
English Meaning: Desire for something to happen.
Example: Blowing out birthday candles and making a wish is a common superstition.
- Charm
Hindi Meaning: सुंदरता
English Meaning: Object believed to bring luck or protection.
Example: Carrying a horseshoe as a charm is thought to bring good luck.
- Sign
Hindi Meaning: संकेत
English Meaning: Indication of something to come.
Example: Seeing a shooting star is often seen as a sign of good luck.
- Tradition
Hindi Meaning: परंपरा
English Meaning: Beliefs or practices passed down through generations.
Example: Avoiding walking under a ladder is a traditional superstition.
- Myth
Hindi Meaning: कल्पना
English Meaning: Traditional story or belief not based on facts.
Example: The idea that breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck is a myth.
- Ritual
Hindi Meaning: रिवाज़
English Meaning: Series of actions performed in a specific order.
Example: Throwing salt over the shoulder is a common ritual to ward off bad luck.
- Witch
Hindi Meaning: चुड़ैल
English Meaning: A person believed to practice magic and supernatural powers.
Example: In some stories, a witch can cast spells and curses.
- Ghost
Hindi Meaning: भूत
English Meaning: The spirit of a dead person believed to appear to the living.
Example: Many superstitions revolve around avoiding places believed to be haunted by ghosts.
- Auspicious
Hindi Meaning: शुभ
English Meaning: Conducive to success or favorable outcomes.
Example: Many couples consider rain on their wedding day to be an auspicious sign.
- Palmistry
Hindi Meaning: हस्तरेखा
English Meaning: The practice of reading and interpreting lines on the palms to predict the future.
Example: Some people consult palmists to gain insights into their life path.
- Ancestor Worship
Hindi Meaning: पूर्वज पूजा
English Meaning: Honoring and seeking guidance from deceased ancestors.
Example: Ancestor worship is integral to certain cultural and religious practices.
- Oracle
Hindi Meaning: भविष्यवाणीकर्ता
English Meaning: A person or object that predicts the future.
Example: The crystal ball was used as an oracle to foresee events.
- Taboo
Hindi Meaning: पाबंदी
English Meaning: A social or cultural practice considered unacceptable or forbidden.
Example: Opening an umbrella indoors is considered taboo in some cultures.
- Prediction
Hindi Meaning: भविष्यवाणी
English Meaning: A statement about what will happen in the future.
Example: Many people read horoscopes for predictions about their future.
- Astrology
Hindi Meaning: ज्योतिष
English Meaning: The study of the positions of celestial bodies to predict events.
Example: Some people consult astrology to understand their personality and predict their future.
- Spirit
Hindi Meaning: आत्मा
English Meaning: A non-physical entity, often associated with the supernatural.
Example: Some people believe that the spirits of loved ones can watch over them.
- Fate
Hindi Meaning: भाग्य
English Meaning: The predetermined course of events beyond human control.
Example: Some believe that crossing paths with a black cat can alter their fate.
- Phobia
Hindi Meaning: भय
English Meaning: An extreme or irrational fear.
Example: Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13, often rooted in superstitions.
- Wishbone
Hindi Meaning: फ़रकुला
English Meaning: A forked bone believed to grant wishes when broken.
Example: Breaking a wishbone with a friend is a playful way to make a wish.
- Misfortune
Hindi Meaning: दुर्भाग्य
English Meaning: Bad luck or an unfortunate event.
Example: Breaking a mirror is often associated with misfortune.
- Prophecy
Hindi Meaning: पूर्वानुमान
English Meaning: A prediction of future events.
Example: Some cultures have ancient prophecies about the end of the world.
- Enchantment
Hindi Meaning: मोहित
English Meaning: A magical spell or charm.
Example: The prince was under an enchantment that turned him into a frog.
- Legend
Hindi Meaning: किस्सा
English Meaning: A traditional story believed to be based on historical events.
Example: The legend of King Arthur is filled with myths and superstitions.
- Hex
Hindi Meaning: जादूटोणा
English Meaning: A magical spell or curse.
Example: Witches were believed to cast hexes on people.
- Cursed
Hindi Meaning: श्रापित
English Meaning: Subject to an evil spell or bad luck.
Example: Some people believe that certain objects are cursed and bring misfortune.
- Folklore
Hindi Meaning: लोककथा
English Meaning: Traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community.
Example: Folklore often includes legends and superstitions passed down through generations.
- Warding
Hindi Meaning: बचाने वाला
English Meaning: Protecting against harm or evil influences.
Example: Hanging a horseshoe over the doorway is a way of warding off bad luck.
- Mystical
Hindi Meaning: रहस्यमय
English Meaning: Relating to mysterious or supernatural powers.
Example: The old forest was said to have a mystical aura, giving rise to many superstitions.
- Candle Magic
Hindi Meaning: मोमबत्ती जादू
English Meaning: Using candles in rituals or spells to bring about desired outcomes.
Example: Candle magic is often practiced to attract love or prosperity.
- Conjuring
Hindi Meaning: जादू टोना
English Meaning: Performing magic tricks or summoning spirits.
Example: The magician’s conjuring act amazed and mystified the audience.
- Premonition
Hindi Meaning: चेतावनी
English Meaning: A strong feeling that something will happen, often negative.
Example: She had a premonition of the accident and decided not to travel that day.
- Witchcraft
Hindi Meaning: जादू–टोना
English Meaning: The practice of magic, often associated with witches.
Example: Witchcraft has been both feared and revered throughout history.
- Spellbound
Hindi Meaning: जादू में जकड़ा
English Meaning: Enchanted or captivated as if by a spell.
Example: The audience was spellbound by the magician’s performance.
- Talisman
Hindi Meaning: तावीज़
English Meaning: An object believed to have magical powers of protection.
Example: The traveler carried a talisman for safety on their journey.
- Divination
Hindi Meaning: भविष्यवाणी
English Meaning: The practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown.
Example: Tarot cards and crystal balls are often used for divination.
- Hexagram
Hindi Meaning: षट्कोण
English Meaning: A six-pointed star used in various magical and spiritual contexts.
Example: The hexagram is a powerful symbol in certain forms of mysticism.
- Incantation
Hindi Meaning: जादू
English Meaning: A spoken or sung formula of words believed to have magical power.
Example: The sorceress chanted an incantation to summon a protective barrier.
- Enchanted
Hindi Meaning: मोहित
English Meaning: Under a spell or magical influence.
Example: The forest had an enchanted quality, evoking feelings of wonder.
Superstitions form a tapestry of human beliefs woven from a blend of history, culture, and the unexplainable. They provide a unique lens through which we perceive and interact with the world around us. Whether we find cheer in lucky charms or shiver at the thought of Friday the 13th, superstitions reveal our innate desire to understand and control the uncertain forces that shape our lives. As we navigate this complex interplay between the known and the mystical, superstitions remain a testament to the enduring allure of the unknown, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human thought and imagination.
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