10 Daily Use English Phrases

Make the most of this English learning video lesson by mastering 10 new English phrases and sentences. Start using these phrases and sentences in your day to day life because they will help you upgrade your English fairly quickly. Don’t wait, start learning English.


Welcome to the world of everyday English phrases and idioms! These are the special words and expressions that make everyday conversations interesting and colorful. Whether you’re learning English or just curious about language, you’re in for a fun and educational ride. We’ll explore the meanings and stories behind these phrases, so you can use them with confidence in your daily chats. Let’s dive in and discover the magic of language together!

इस video lesson में हम सीखेंगे हर दिन use होने वाले English वाक्य और मुहावरे! इनका उपयोग हमारी बातचीत को और interesting बनाता है। चलिए इन्हें समझें और सिखें।


  1. Believe it or not 

Meaning: मानो या ना मानो


Believe it or not, he has taken a bribe.

(मानो या ना मानो, उसने रिश्वत ली है।)

Believe it or not, all leaders are alike from within.

(मानो या ना मानो, सभी नेता अंदर से एक समान होते हैं।)


  1. At least 

Meaning: कम से कम


You should have told me at least.

(तुमें कम से कम मुझे बताना चाहिए था।)

Don’t spoil your mood today at least.

(आज कम से कम अपने मनोबल को नष्ट मत करो।)


  1. Sooner or later 

Meaning: आज नहीं तो कल


Everybody will get to know sooner or later.

(हर कोई जल्दी या देर से समझ जाएगा।)

You will have to tell her sooner or later.

(तुम्हें उसको आज नहीं तो कल बताना होगा।)


  1. I bet 

Meaning: में दावे के साथ कह सकता हूं


I bet he has a girlfriend.

(मैं दावे के साथ कह सकता हूं कि उसकी कोई girlfriend है।)

I bet you didn’t take a bath today.

(मैं दावे के साथ कह सकता हूं कि आज तुमने नहाया नहीं।)


  1. I doubt 

Meaning: मुझे समझ नहीं आता


I doubt he has a girlfriend.

(मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि क्या उसकी कोई girlfriend है।)


  1. Rumor has it 

Meaning: उड़ती उड़ती खबर सुनी है


Rumor has it that he has resigned.

(उड़ती उड़ती खबर है कि वह नौकरी छोड़ दी है।)

Rumor has it that our college teachers are going on a strike.

(उड़ती उड़ती खबर है कि हमारे college के शिक्षक हड़ताल पर जा रहे हैं।)


  1. It’s not that 

Meaning: ऐसा नहीं है की


It’s not that he didn’t see me, but he ignored me.

(ऐसा नहीं है कि उसने मुझे नहीं देखा, बल्कि उसने मुझे ignore कर दिया।)

It’s not that I don’t remember you.

(ऐसा नहीं है कि मुझे तुम्हारी याद नहीं आती।)

It’s not that it doesn’t matter to me.

(ऐसा नहीं है कि यह मेरे लिए मायने नहीं रखता है।)


  1. I don’t understand/I fail to understand 

Meaning: मुझे समझ नहीं आता


I don’t understand why people go to Goa.

(मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि लोग Goa क्यों जाते हैं।)

I fail to understand what these leaders want.

(मुझे समझ नहीं आता कि ये नेता क्या चाहते हैं।)


  1. On top of that 

Meaning: ऊपर से


I already left late from home, and on top of that, I met with a lot of traffic.

(मैं घर से पहले ही देर से निकल लिया, और ऊपर से, मैं traffic में फंस गया।)

I was already in a hurry, and on top of that, a policeman caught me.

(मैं पहले ही जल्दी में था, और ऊपर से, एक पुलिस वाले ने मुझे पकड़ लिया।)


  1. Remind me of 

Meaning: याद दिलाते है


Your toys remind me of my childhood.

(तुम्हारे खिलौने मुझे मेरे बचपन की याद दिलाते हैं।)

Your story reminds me of my father.

(तुम्हारी कहानी मुझे मेरे पिता की याद दिलाती है।)


Daily used English phrases

  1. Phrase: It’s up to you.

Hindi Meaning: यह आप पर है।

English Meaning: The decision is yours.

Example: You can choose the movie; it’s up to you.


  1. Phrase: I don’t mind.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता।

English Meaning: I have no preference or objection.

Example: You can pick the restaurant; I don’t mind.


  1. Phrase: Let me think about it.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे इसके बारे में सोचने दें।

English Meaning: I need some time to consider the options.

Example: Can you give me a moment to let me think about your offer?


  1. Phrase: I’m not sure.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे यकीन नहीं है।

English Meaning: I lack certainty or confidence.

Example: I’m not sure if I can make it to the meeting.


  1. Phrase: Let’s make a deal.

Hindi Meaning: चलो सौदा करते हैं।

English Meaning: Let’s agree on something.

Example: We both want the same thing; let’s make a deal.


  1. Phrase: What’s your opinion?

Hindi Meaning: आपका क्या विचार है?

English Meaning: Asking for someone’s viewpoint.

Example: What’s your opinion on the new project?


  1. Phrase: I’m running late.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे देर हो रहा हूँ।

English Meaning: I don’t have much time; I’m behind schedule.

Example: Sorry, I’m running late for our appointment.


  1. Phrase: I can’t wait.

Hindi Meaning: मैं बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहा/रही हूँ।

English Meaning: I’m excited and looking forward to something.

Example: I can’t wait for the weekend to start.


  1. Phrase: It’s not a big deal.

Hindi Meaning: यह बड़ी बात नहीं है।

English Meaning: It’s not significant or important.

Example: Don’t worry; it’s not a big deal.


  1. Phrase: I’m feeling under the weather.

Hindi Meaning: मुझे ठीक नहीं लग रहा/रही है।

English Meaning: I’m not feeling well or healthy.

Example: I won’t be at the party tonight; I’m feeling under the weather.


  1. Phrase: Let’s stay in touch.

Hindi Meaning: हम संपर्क में रहेंगे।

English Meaning: We’ll continue to communicate or keep contact.

Example: Even after you move, let’s stay in touch.


  1. Phrase: You’re kidding!

Hindi Meaning: आप मजाक कर रहे हैं!

English Meaning: Expressing surprise or disbelief.

Example: You got a promotion? You’re kidding!


  1. Phrase: Go ahead.

Hindi Meaning: आगे बढ़ो.

English Meaning: Give permission or encouragement to proceed.

Example: If you’re ready, go ahead and start.


  1. Phrase: That’s a relief.

Hindi Meaning: यह सुकून है.

English Meaning: Expressing a sense of comfort or relief.

Example: Finding my lost keys was a relief.


  1. Phrase: Don’t mention it.

Hindi Meaning: मत कहो.

English Meaning: Responding humbly to thanks or gratitude.

Example: Don’t mention it, I am always ready to help you.


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  1. Phrase: I’m all set.

Hindi Meaning: मैं तैयार हूं.

English Meaning: I’m prepared and ready.

Example: We can leave now; I’m all set.


  1. Phrase: Let’s get going.

Hindi Meaning: चलो चलते हैं.

English Meaning: Suggesting to start or leave.

Example: We’ve rested enough; let’s get going.


  1. Phrase: It slipped my mind.

Hindi Meaning: मेरे दिमाग से निकल गया.

English Meaning: I forgot about it.

Example: I’m sorry; it slipped my mind to call you.


  1. Phrase: What’s the catch?

Hindi Meaning: क्या शर्त है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about hidden conditions or motives.

Example: This offer sounds too good; what’s the catch?


  1. Phrase: Take your time.

Hindi Meaning: आप आराम से करें.

English Meaning: There’s no rush; do it at your own pace.

Example: No need to hurry; take your time.


  1. Phrase: I’m swamped.

Hindi Meaning: मैं काम में डूबा हुआ हूँ।

English Meaning: Very busy with work or tasks.

Example: I can’t talk right now; I’m swamped with deadlines.


  1. Phrase: It’s a done deal.

Hindi Meaning: यह बिल्कुल तय हो गया है।

English Meaning: The decision or agreement has been finalized.

Example: The contract is signed; it’s a done deal.


  1. Phrase: The sooner, the better.

Hindi Meaning: जल्दी ही, बेहतर है.

English Meaning: Doing something as soon as possible is preferred.

Example: Let’s finish this project sooner rather than later.


  1. Phrase: In the long run.

Hindi Meaning: दीर्घ काल में.

English Meaning: Considering the overall or future outcome.

Example: Investing in education pays off in the long run.


  1. Phrase: Go for it.

Hindi Meaning: बस आगे बढ़ो.

English Meaning: Encouraging someone to pursue something.

Example: You want to start a business? Go for it!


  1. Phrase: Let’s get to the point.

Hindi Meaning: मुद्दे पर आओ.

English Meaning: Focusing on the main issue or topic.

Example: Instead of talking in circles, let’s get to the point.


  1. Phrase: It’s a long story.

Hindi Meaning: यह एक लम्बी कहानी है।

English Meaning: The explanation is complex and would take a while to tell.

Example: How did you end up in this town? Well, it’s a long story.


  1. Phrase: Take it one step at a time.

Hindi Meaning: इसे एक कदम के रूप में लो.

English Meaning: Deal with things gradually and not all at once.

Example: Don’t feel overwhelmed; take it one step at a time.


  1. Phrase: I’m not in the mood.

Hindi Meaning: मेरा मनोबल नहीं है.

English Meaning: Not feeling like doing something at the moment.

Example: I’m not in the mood for a movie tonight.


  1. Phrase: Let’s get back to business.

Hindi Meaning: चलो काम पर वापस आते हैं.

English Meaning: Let’s refocus on the task or work.

Example: After the break, let’s get back to business.


Daily used English idioms


  1. Idiom: Read between the lines

Hindi Meaning: बातों के बीच का अर्थ समझना

English Meaning: To understand the hidden or implied meaning in a message.

Example: Her words had a deeper message; you need to read between the lines.


  1. Idiom: Break a leg

Hindi Meaning: शुभकामना

English Meaning: A way to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance.

Example: You’re going to do great in your play tonight—break a leg!


  1. Idiom: Bite the bullet

Hindi Meaning: संकट में विवश होना

English Meaning: To face a difficult situation with courage.

Example: I had to bite the bullet and ask for a raise.


  1. Idiom: The ball is in your court

Hindi Meaning: अब तुम्हारे हाथ में है

English Meaning: It’s your turn to make a decision or take action.

Example: I’ve made my offer; now the ball is in your court.


  1. Idiom: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Hindi Meaning: परिणाम या सफलता को वास्तविक होने से पहले मानने की गलती न करें

English Meaning: Don’t assume success or results before they actually happen.

Example: We haven’t won the game yet; don’t count your chickens before they hatch.


  1. Idiom: Play it by ear

Hindi Meaning: अच्छा विचार है

English Meaning: To make plans as you go, without a fixed schedule.

Example: Let’s see how we feel tomorrow and play it by ear.


  1. Idiom: Birds of a feather flock together

Hindi Meaning: जैसा साथ, वैसा व्यवहार

English Meaning: People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate with each other.

Example: It’s no surprise that they became friends; birds of a feather flock together.


  1. Idiom: Don’t cry over spilled milk

Hindi Meaning: बिखरा हुआ दूध देखकर रोने का कोई फायदा नहीं है

English Meaning: Don’t worry about things that have already happened and can’t be changed.

Example: There’s no use crying over spilled milk; let’s find a solution.


  1. Idiom: Practice makes perfect

Hindi Meaning: सुधारें और आखिर में पूर्णता प्राप्त करें

English Meaning: Consistent practice leads to improvement and perfection.

Example: Keep practicing because practice makes perfect.


  1. Idiom: The sky’s the limit

Hindi Meaning: आकाश सीमा है

English Meaning: There are no limits to what can be achieved.

Example: With hard work and determination, the sky’s the limit.


  1. Idiom: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Hindi Meaning: एक विकल्प में सब कुछ न लगाएं; विविधता बढ़ाएं

English Meaning: Don’t invest everything in one option; diversify.

Example: Spread your investments; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.


  1. Idiom: Let’s keep it under wraps

Hindi Meaning: हम इसे गुप्त रखेंगे

English Meaning: Keep something a secret or confidential.

Example: This project is confidential; let’s keep it under wraps.


  1. Idiom: A penny for your thoughts

Hindi Meaning: तुम क्या सोच रहे/रही हो?

English Meaning: Asking someone what they’re thinking.

Example: You seem lost in thought; a penny for your thoughts?


  1. Idiom: The whole nine yards

Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह से

English Meaning: Everything or all the way.

Example: She decorated the house for the party with the whole nine yards.


  1. Idiom: I’m at a loss for words

Hindi Meaning: मेरे पास शब्द नहीं हैं

English Meaning: Unable to express oneself adequately, often due to strong emotions.

Example: When she gave me that surprise, I was at a loss for words.


  1. Idiom: It’s a catch-22

Hindi Meaning: जिसमें कोई आसान समाधान नहीं है या जिसमें एक विकल्प समस्या बनाता है

English Meaning: A situation with no easy solution or in which one choice creates a problem.

Example: I need experience to get a job, but I can’t get experience without a job—it’s a catch-22.


  1. Idiom: Back to the drawing board

Hindi Meaning: फिर से सोचने की आवश्यकता है

English Meaning: Starting over or rethinking a plan.

Example: Our initial design didn’t work; it’s back to the drawing board.


  1. Idiom: Don’t judge a book by its cover

Hindi Meaning: किसी को केवल बाहरी दिखावे पर आधारित मत करो

English Meaning: Don’t judge someone or something based on appearance alone.

Example: He may seem quiet, but don’t judge a book by its cover; he’s very talented.


  1. Idiom: Out of the blue

Hindi Meaning: अचानक से

English Meaning: Something that happens unexpectedly or without warning.

Example: I received an out-of-the-blue job offer today.


  1. Idiom: The early bird catches the worm

Hindi Meaning: वे लोग जो जल्दी कार्रवाई करते हैं, वे सफल होते हैं

English Meaning: Those who act promptly and early will be successful.

Example: I woke up at 5 am to study; the early bird catches the worm.


  1. Idiom: A penny saved is a penny earned

Hindi Meaning: बचा हुआ पैसा अर्जित पैसे के समान होता है

English Meaning: Saving money is just as valuable as earning it.

Example: I try to cut unnecessary expenses because a penny saved is a penny earned.


  1. Idiom: Actions speak louder than words

Hindi Meaning: क्रियाएँ शब्दों से ज्यादा कहती हैं

English Meaning: What you do is more important than what you say.

Example: Instead of promising to help, show up and assist—actions speak louder than words.


  1. Idiom: Read the room

Hindi Meaning: माहौल को समझें

English Meaning: Be aware of the atmosphere and respond accordingly.

Example: When everyone is stressed, it’s essential to read the room and be supportive.


  1. Idiom: The devil is in the details

Hindi Meaning: विस्तार में ही सभी समस्याओं का समाधान होता है

English Meaning: The most important or challenging aspects are found in the details.

Example: Planning a successful event requires careful attention to the devil in the details.


  1. Idiom: Burn the midnight oil

Hindi Meaning: रात भर काम करना

English Meaning: To work or study late into the night.

Example: I had to burn the midnight oil to finish my project on time.


  1. Idiom: A picture is worth a thousand words

Hindi Meaning: एक चित्र हजार शब्दों के बराबर होता है

English Meaning: Visual images can convey complex ideas more effectively than words.

Example: This infographic illustrates the concept perfectly—a picture is worth a thousand words.


  1. Idiom: Break the ice

Hindi Meaning: बातचीत शुरू करना

English Meaning: To start a conversation or interaction in a friendly way.

Example: He told a funny joke to break the ice at the party.


  1. Idiom: The grass is always greener on the other side

Hindi Meaning: लोग अक्सर सोचते हैं कि दूसरों के पास बेहतर होता है जबकि वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं होता

English Meaning: People often think others have it better when they actually don’t.

Example: Don’t assume that their job is perfect; the grass is always greener on the other side.


  1. Idiom: Piece of cake

Hindi Meaning: बहुत ही आसान

English Meaning: Something very easy to do.

Example: Solving this crossword puzzle was a piece of cake.


  1. Idiom: A watched pot never boils

Hindi Meaning: देखते रहने से कुछ भी जल्दी नहीं होता

English Meaning: Time seems to pass more slowly when you’re anxiously waiting for something.

Example: Stop checking your email every five minutes; a watched pot never boils.


Frequently Asked Questions Related To Phrases


Q1: What are the differences between phrases and idioms in English?

A1: Phrases are groups of words that convey a specific meaning together, while idioms are expressions with meanings that cannot be deduced from the individual words. Idioms are figurative and have cultural or contextual significance.


Q2: Can you provide examples of commonly used English phrases in everyday conversations?

A2: Certainly! Common phrases include “at the end of the day,” “take it easy,” and “hang in there.” These phrases are used to express various ideas or sentiments.


Q3: How can I effectively incorporate English phrases into my conversations?

A3: To use English phrases effectively, it’s essential to understand their meanings and contexts. Practice by using them in relevant conversations to make your speech more natural and expressive.


Q4: What are some idioms related to success and achievement?

A4: Idioms like “reach for the stars,” “the sky’s the limit,” and “make a name for yourself” are commonly used to express ideas related to success and achievement.


Q5: Are there any idioms that convey the importance of perseverance and hard work?

A5: Yes, idioms like “put your nose to the grindstone,” “burn the midnight oil,” and “never say die” emphasize the significance of perseverance and diligence.


Q6: How can I enhance my English language skills by learning phrases and idioms?

A6: Learning and using phrases and idioms can improve your language skills by adding depth and variety to your expressions. Regular practice and exposure to native speakers are also helpful.


Q7: What idioms are commonly used to describe honesty and truthfulness?

A7: Idioms such as “call a spade a spade,” “speak your mind,” and “face the music” are often used to describe honesty and truthfulness.


Q8: Can you provide examples of idioms that convey the concept of time and deadlines?

A8: Certainly! Idioms like “beat the clock,” “race against time,” and “time flies” are commonly used to express the idea of time and deadlines.


Q9: How do I use idiomatic expressions in a way that sounds natural in conversations?

A9: To use idiomatic expressions naturally, pay attention to the context and the emotions you want to convey. Listen to native speakers and practice in everyday conversations.


Q10: Are there any English phrases and idioms that are specifically related to relationships and emotions?

A10: Yes, phrases like “wear your heart on your sleeve,” “clear the air,” and “bitter pill to swallow” are commonly used to describe emotions and relationships.


Q11: Can you explain the origin of the phrase “beyond the shadow of a doubt”?

A11: The phrase “beyond the shadow of a doubt” suggests absolute certainty or no room for uncertainty. Its origin is rooted in the legal system, emphasizing the need to prove a case without any doubt, even the faintest shadow of one, to secure a conviction.


Q12: What are some idioms that describe the feeling of being overwhelmed or stressed?

A12: Idioms like “up to my neck,” “running around like a headless chicken,” and “swamped with work” are used to convey feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed due to a heavy workload.


Q13: How can I use idioms to add humor to my conversations?

A13: Incorporating humorous idioms like “spill the beans,” “let the cat out of the bag,” and “pulling your leg” can add a light-hearted and humorous tone to your conversations. Timing and context are essential for humor to land effectively.


Q14: Are there idioms related to learning and acquiring knowledge?

A14: Indeed! Idioms such as “hit the books,” “learn the ropes,” and “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” are commonly used to describe the process of learning and gaining knowledge.


Q15: What phrases and idioms are often used to describe situations of unexpected good luck or fortune?

A15: Phrases like “strike gold,” “win the jackpot,” and idioms like “a lucky break” and “a blessing in disguise” describe situations where unexpected good luck or fortune comes into play.


Q16: How do I make idioms and phrases a part of my everyday vocabulary?

A16: To make idioms and phrases a regular part of your vocabulary, try learning a new one each day and then consciously use it in your conversations. Reading books and articles that include idiomatic language can also be beneficial.


Q17: Can you provide examples of idioms related to decision-making and choices?

A17: Certainly! Idioms like “cross that bridge when you come to it,” “between a rock and a hard place,” and “ball is in your court” are used to describe decision-making and choices.


Q18: What are some idioms that describe situations of unexpected problems or challenges?

A18: Idioms such as “caught between a rock and a hard place,” “hit a brick wall,” and “when it rains, it pours” describe situations where unexpected problems or challenges arise.


Q19: How can I effectively remember and use idiomatic expressions in my writing and speaking?

A19: To remember and use idiomatic expressions effectively, create flashcards with the idiom, its meaning, and an example sentence. Practice using them in context, read books, and watch films to see how they are used naturally.


Q20: Can you explain the meaning and origin of the phrase “take it with a grain of salt”?

A20: The phrase “take it with a grain of salt” means to be skeptical about something or not fully believe it. Its origin can be traced back to ancient times when salt was believed to have medicinal properties. Taking it with a grain of salt implied a certain level of skepticism toward its effectiveness, much like with certain information or claims today.



In conclusion, the world of everyday English phrases and idioms is a fascinating journey. These expressions add color to our conversations and bring language to life. By exploring their meanings and stories, you’ve taken a step towards becoming a more confident and expressive communicator. So, keep learning and enjoy the beauty of language!


About Awal

Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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