Most of us learn English and start speaking this globally accepted language fluently as well, but there are times when we hesitate about talking about a few things. In this online hindi to English learning free video, you will be able to learn how you can talk about those words or sentences in a grammatically correct manner, such as तुम्हारी जिप खुली है, अपने शू लैस बाँध लो, etc.
In the tapestry of everyday life, there are moments when the unexpected happens, leaving us in situations both unique and awkward. From unzipped zippers to makeup mishaps, communication becomes a delicate art as we navigate these social intricacies. Join us on a journey to master the language of tact and consideration, as we unveil a collection of phrases that gracefully address these awkward encounters, helping you emerge unscathed and always in good grace.
आइए हम कुछ ऐसे अंग्रेजी वाक्यों की ओर देखते हैं जो हमें कोई नहीं सिखाता, और जब बात उन वाक्यों का उपयोग करने की आती है, तो हमें अक्सर यही सोचना पड़ता है कि उन्हें कैसे कहें, क्या कहें।
For the unzipped pant zip (Pant ki khuli zip ke liye):
- “Your zipper is unzipped / your fly is down.”
Meaning: “आपकी pant की zip खुली हुई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the fastener (zipper) on your pants is not closed properly, and it’s open. In more casual language, it means your pants are open in the front, which can be embarrassing.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी pant की zip सही से बंद नहीं है, और वो खुली हुई है। और अधिक casual भाषा में, इसका मतलब है कि आपकी pants का fly बंद नहीं है।
- “Zip up your zipper / Zip up your fly.”
Meaning: “अपनी pant की zip बंद कर लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a polite way of saying that you should close the zipper on your pants. It’s a gentle reminder to fix the issue without embarrassing the person.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक विनम्र तरीका है कि आपको अपनी pant की zip को बंद करने की सलाह दी जा रही है।
For the inside-out shirt (Ulti pahani hui shirt ke liye):
- “You are wearing the shirt inside out.”
Meaning:“आपने shirt उल्टी पहनी हुई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the shirt you are wearing has its inside on the outside, and the outside on the inside.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी पहनी हुई shirt की अंदर की ओर बाहर की तरफ है और बाहर की ओर अंदर की तरफ है।
- “Please put on your shirt properly.”
Meaning: “कृपया अपनी shirt को ठीक से पहन लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a polite request to wear your shirt the right way, ensuring that the outside of the shirt is visible and not inside out.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक विनम्र request है कि आप अपनी shirt को सही तरीके से पहनें, यह ensure करते हुए कि shirt की बाहरी ओर दिखाई देती है और उल्टा नहीं।
For wearing the shoe on the wrong foot (Aapane juta galat per pahna hua hai):
- “You are wearing the shoe on the wrong foot.”
Meaning: “आपने shoe गलत पैर पर पहना हुआ है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the shoe has been worn on the incorrect foot, which is not the usual or intended way to wear it.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि shoe गलत पैर पर पहन लिया है, जो कि सामान्य या उचित तरीके से पहना जाने वाला नहीं है।
- “Wear the shoe on the right foot.
Meaning: “Shoe सही पैर पर पहनो।”
Explanation in English: This is an instruction to put the shoe on the correct foot, ensuring it’s worn the way it should be.
Explanation in Hindi: यह निर्देश है कि shoe सही पैर पर पहनें, यह ensure करते हुए कि वह सही तरीके से पहना गया है।
For untied shoelaces (Aapka shoelace khula hua hai):
- “Your shoelace is untied.”
Meaning: “आपका shoe lace खुला हुआ है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the laces on your shoe are not tied, and they are hanging loose.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके जूते की lace बंद नहीं है।
- “Tie up your shoelace.”
Meaning: “अपनी shoe lace को बंद कर लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a polite way of asking someone to fasten or tie their shoelaces.
Explanation in Hindi: यह किसी से उनकी जूते की lace को बंद करने के लिए विनम्र तरीके से कहने का तरीका है।
For pants falling (Meri pant girti jaati hai):
- “My pants keep falling.”
Meaning: “मेरी pant गिरती जाती है।”
Explanation in English: This indicates that your pants are not staying up properly and are slipping down.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी pant सही तरीके से ऊपर नहीं रह रही है और नीचे गिर रही हैं।
- “I need to pull up my pants.”
Meaning:“मुझे इसे ऊपर खींचना है।”
Explanation in English: This means that you need to raise your pants higher to prevent them from falling.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपको अपनी pants को नीचे गिरने से रोकने के लिए ऊपर खींचने की आवश्यकता है।
For untucked shirt (Aapki shirt pant se bahar a rahi hai):
- “Your shirt is untucked.”
Meaning: “आपकी shirt pant से बाहर आ रही है।”
Explanation in English: This means that your shirt is not neatly tucked into your pants and is coming out.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी shirt सही तरीके से pant में नहीं है और बाहर आ रही है।
- “Tuck in your shirt.”
Meaning: “अपनी shirt को pant में डाल लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a request to neatly tuck your shirt into your pants to make it look tidy and presentable.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक विनम्र अनुरोध है कि आप अपनी shirt को अच्छी तरह से pant में डाल लें।
For a wrinkled shirt (Ek khichak gayi shirt ke liye):
- “Your shirt is wrinkled.”
Meaning: “आपकी shirt खिचक गई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the shirt has creases or folds on it, and it doesn’t look smooth.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि shirt पर झुलसन हैं और यह smooth नहीं दिख रही है।
- “Please iron your shirt.”
Meaning: “कृपया अपनी shirt को इस्त्री कर लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a request to use an iron to remove wrinkles and make the shirt look neat.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक अनुरोध है कि shirt को खिचक दूर करने और साफ दिखने के लिए इस्त्री का उपयोग करें।
For a missing button (Gayab button ke liye):
- “You have a missing button.”
Meaning:” आपकी shirt का एक button गायब है ।”
Explanation in English: This means that one of the buttons on your shirt is not there.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके shirt पर का एक बटन नहीं है।
- “You should get the button sewn back on.”
Meaning: “आपको button को फिर से सिलवाना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to have the missing button reattached.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है button को फिर से लगा देने का सुझाव है।
For a loose belt (Dheeli belt ke liye):
- “Your belt is loose.”
Meaning: “आपकी belt loose है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the belt is not fastened tightly and might not hold your pants up properly.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि belt को सख्ती से नहीं बांधा गया है और आपकी pants को सही तरीके से ऊपर नहीं रख सकती।
- “Please tighten your belt.”
Meaning: “कृपया अपनी belt को सख्त कर लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a request to fasten the belt tightly to keep your pants in place.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक अनुरोध है कि belt को सख्ती से बांधें ताकि आपकी pants स्थिर रहें।
For a wrinkled tie (Khichak gayi tie ke liye):
- “Your tie is wrinkled.”
Meaning: “आपकी tie खिचक गई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the tie you are wearing has creases or folds on it, and it doesn’t look smooth.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि वह tie जिसे आप पहन रहे हैं उसपर झुलसन हैं, और यह समरूप नहीं दिख रही है।
- “Please straighten your tie.”
Meaning: “कृपया अपनी tie को सीधा कर लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a request to adjust and make the tie look neat and properly aligned.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक अनुरोध है कि आप अपनी tie को सीधा करें और उसे साफ और सही तरीके से बांधें।
For a missing earring (Gayab kan ki bali ke liye):
- “You are missing an earring.”
Meaning: “आपकी एक कान की बाली गायब है।”
Explanation in English: This means that one of the earrings is not there in your ears.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके कानों में से एक बाली नहीं है।
- “You should find your missing earring.”
Meaning: “आपको अपनी गायब कन की बाली ढूंढनी चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to look for the missing earring and possibly find it.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि गायब कन की बाली को ढूंढना चाहिए और संभावना है कि आपको मिल सकती है।
For a crooked hat (Tirchi topi ke liye):
- “Your hat is crooked.”
Meaning: “आपकी टोपी टेढ़ी हो गई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the hat is not sitting straight on your head and is tilted.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि टोपी आपके सिर पर सीधी नहीं है और tilt है।
- “Please adjust your hat.”
Meaning: “कृपया अपनी टोपी को समायोजित कर लो।”
Explanation in English: This is a request to straighten or adjust the hat to make it sit properly.
Explanation in Hindi: यह एक अनुरोध है कि टोपी को सीधा करें या समायोजित करें ताकि यह सही तरीके से बैठे।
For a missing sock (Gayab sock ke liye):
- “You have a missing sock.”
Meaning: “आपके पैर का एक मोजा गायब है ।”
Explanation in English: This means that one of your socks is missing from the pair.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके आपके पैर का एक मोजा गायब है ।
- “You should try to find your missing sock.”
Meaning: “आपको अपने गायब मोजे को ढूंढने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to search for the missing sock to complete the pair.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि जोड़ी पूरी करने के लिए आपको अपने गायब मोजे को ढूंढने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए।
For a stained shirt (Dhabbadar shirt ke liye):
- “Your shirt has a stain.”
Meaning: “आपकी shirt पर एक दाग है।”
Explanation in English: This means that there is a visible mark or stain on your shirt.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी shirt पर एक दिखाई देने वाला निशान या दाग है।
- “You should clean the stain.”
Meaning: “आपको दाग को साफ करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to think about removing the stain to make the shirt look cleaner.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि shirt को साफ दिखाने के लिए दाग को साफ करना चाहिए।
For mismatched socks (Milan na milne wale jorron ke liye):
- “Your socks don’t match.”
Meaning: “आपके socks match नहीं कर रहे हैं।”
Explanation in English: This means that the pair of socks you’re wearing do not have the same design or color.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके पहने हुए socks एक ही design या रंग के नहीं हैं।
- “You might want to wear matching socks.”
Meaning: “आपको मेल खाने वाले जोर्रे पहनने चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider wearing socks that match in design or color.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपको मेल खाने वाले जोर्रे पहनने चाहिए।
For a broken zipper (Tutti hui zip ke liye):
- “Your zipper is broken.”
Meaning: “आपकी zip टूटी हुई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that the fastener on your clothing is not functioning properly, and it’s damaged.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके कपड़े की zip सही तरीके से काम नहीं कर रही है और यह टूटी हुई है।
2.”You should get your zipper repaired.”
Meaning: “आपको अपनी zip ठीक करवानी चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to have the broken zipper fixed or replaced.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि टूटी हुई zip को ठीक करवाने की सलाह दी जा रही है।
For a ripped seam (Phati hui silai ke liye):
- “There’s a tear in your seam.”
Meaning: “आपके कपड़े की सिलाई फट गई है ।”
Explanation in English: This means that there’s a rip or tear in the stitching of your clothing.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके कपड़े की सिलाई में फट या टूट गई है।
- “You may want to mend the torn seam.”
Meaning:“आपको फटी हुई seam को ठीक करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to repair the torn seam.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि फटी हुई सीम को ठीक करें।
For a smudged makeup (Smudged makeup ke liye):
- “Your makeup appears smudged.”
Meaning: “आपके चेहरे का makeup खराब हो गया है ।”
Explanation in English: This means that the makeup on your face doesn’t look clean and is smeared.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके चेहरे पर makeup साफ नहीं दिख रहा है और smudge हो गया है।
- “You should fix your makeup.”
Meaning: “आपको अपने makeup को ठीक करने का सोचना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider adjusting or redoing your makeup.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आपको अपना makeup फिर से करना चाहिए ।
For a torn dress (Phati hui dress ke liye):
- “Your dress has a tear.”
Meaning: “आपकी dress में एक छेद है।”
Explanation in English: This means that there’s a visible tear or rip in your dress.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी dress में एक दिखाई देने वाला छेद या फटक है।
- “You may want to mend the torn dress.”
Meaning: “आपको फटी हुई dress को ठीक करने का विचार करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to repair the torn part of the dress.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि फटी हुई dress ठीक करना चाहिए।
For messy hair (Ulajhe hue baal ke liye):
- “Your hair looks a bit messy.”
Meaning: “आपके बाल उलझ गए हैं ।”
Explanation in English: This means that your hair appears disheveled or not well-groomed.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके बाल बिना संवारे या अच्छे से नहीं दिख रहे हैं।
- “You should fix your hair.”
Meaning: “आपको अपने बालों को ठीक करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider grooming or styling your hair.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आपके बालों की देखभाल करने या ठीक करने का विचार करें।
For dirty glasses (Gande chashme ke liye):
- “Your glasses are getting dirty.”
Meaning:“आपका चश्मा गंदा हो रहा है।”
Explanation in English: This means that your eyeglasses have smudges or dirt on them.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके चश्मे पर दाग़ या गंदगी है।
- “You should clean your glasses.”
Meaning: “आपको अपने चश्मे को साफ करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider cleaning your glasses to improve visibility.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि दृश्यता को बेहतर बनाने के लिए अपने चश्मे को साफ करने का विचार करें।
For dirty fingernails (Gande nakhun ke liye):
- “Your nails seem to have dirt underneath.”
Meaning: “लगता है कि आपके नाख़ूनों के नीचे कुछ गंदगी भरी हुई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that there is dirt or grime under your fingernails.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके नाख़ूनों के नीचे गंदगी या मैल है।
- “You might want to clean your nails.”
Meaning:“आपको अपने नाख़ूनों को साफ करने का सोचना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider cleaning your nails for hygiene.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आप अपने नाख़ूनों को सफाई ।
For dirty shoes (Gande jute ke liye):
- “Your shoes look a bit dirty.”
Meaning:“आपके जूते थोड़े गंदे दिख रहे हैं।”
Explanation in English: This means that your shoes appear to have dirt or mud on them.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके जूतों पर गंद या मिट्टी लगी हुई है।
- “You might want to clean your shoes.”
Meaning: “आपको अपने जूतों को साफ करने का सोचना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider cleaning your shoes for a neater appearance.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आप अपने जूतों को साफ करें।
For a broken sandal (Tuti hui sandal ke liye):
- “Your sandal is broken.”
Meaning:“आपकी sandal टूट गई है।”
Explanation in English: This means that there is damage or a break in your sandal.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपकी sandal टूट हो गई है।
- “You should consider repairing or replacing your sandal.”
Meaning:“आपको अपनी सैंडल को ठीक करने या बदलने का विचार करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to think about fixing or getting a new sandal to replace the broken one.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि टूटी हुई sandal को ठीक करने या नई sandal खरीदने की सोचें।
For tangled jewelry (Ulajhi hui nakliyat ke liye):
- “Your jewelry seems to be tangled.”
Meaning:“लगता है कि आपके आभूषणों में प्रवृत्त हैं ।”
Explanation in English: This means that your jewelry items are twisted or intertwined.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि आपके आभूषणों में प्रवृत्त हैं या उलझे हुए हैं।
- “You might want to carefully untangle your jewelry.”
Meaning: “आपको ध्यान से अपने आभूषणों को सुलझाने का सोचना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider unraveling or detangling your jewelry without damaging it.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आपको अपने आभूषणों को नुकसान पहुंचाए बिना सुलझाना चाहिए।
For something stuck in the teeth (Teeth mein kuch phasa h):
- “There’s something caught in your teeth.”
Meaning: “आपके दांतों में कुछ फँसा हुआ है।”
Explanation in English: This means that there is a piece of food or something stuck between the teeth.
Explanation in Hindi: इसका मतलब है कि दांतों के बीच में खाने का टुकड़ा या कुछ फँसा हुआ है।
- “You should check your teeth.”
Meaning: “आपको अपने दांतों को check करना चाहिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider checking and cleaning your teeth to remove the stuck food.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आप अपने दांतों की जाँच करें, फँसे खाने को निकालने के लिए।
For not applying perfume (Perfume lagane bhul gaye hain):
- “You haven’t applied any perfume, have you?”
Meaning: “आपने कोई इत्र लगाई नहीं है, क्या?”
Explanation in English: This question implies that the person may have forgotten to wear perfume.
Explanation in Hindi: यह सवाल इस बात का संकेत देता है कि शायद व्यक्ति इत्र लगाना भूल गया हो।
- “Apply some perfume, if you want.”
Meaning: “अगर आप चाहे तो इत्र लगा लीजिए।”
Explanation in English: This is a suggestion to consider applying perfume to enhance your fragrance.
Explanation in Hindi: इससे यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि आप सुगंध बढ़ाने के लिए कुछ इत्र लगाने का विचार करें।
Frequently Asked Question about Personal Conversation
How can I practice using uncommon English sentences?
Practice using uncommon English sentences by incorporating them into your everyday conversations or writing. You can also use language learning books.
Are the English sentences related to personal things suitable for formal communication?
Some sentences may not be appropriate for very formal or professional settings. It’s essential to gauge the context before using them.
Are the English sentences related to personal conversation necessary for fluency?
Uncommon English sentences are not necessary for basic fluency but can enhance your language skills and make you a more versatile communicator.
What are some common challenges when using uncommon sentences?
Challenges may include knowing when and where to use them appropriately and ensuring that your pronunciation and context are accurate.
Can I use uncommon personal English sentences in written communication?
Yes, you can use uncommon personal English sentences in written communication, such as emails, letters, or creative writing, to add flair and uniqueness to your language.
Are there any resources to help me learn more uncommon English sentences?
Yes, numerous books and websites provide lists and explanations of uncommon English sentences for learners to explore and practice.
Why should I learn uncommon personal English sentences?
Learning uncommon personal English sentences can help you express yourself more effectively and handle unique situations or conversations with confidence.
Is it important to balance common and uncommon sentences in my communication?
Balancing common and uncommon sentences is valuable. Using common sentences ensures clarity, while uncommon ones add variety and depth to your language.
When discussing personal hygiene, how can you recommend to a close friend that they need to freshen up without offending them?
You could say, “Hey, it’s quite warm today. Would you like to freshen up before we continue?”
In a friendly manner, how might you suggest to a colleague that their tie is not properly aligned or their collar is turned up?
You can say, “Just wanted to let you know that your tie is slightly askew, or your collar is up.”
Our collection of simple and effective sentences equips you to gracefully handle life’s unexpected and awkward moments. From broken zippers to makeup blunders, these expressions empower you to navigate through life’s quirks with ease, ensuring that every situation ends on a positive note. So, embrace the art of tactful communication, and let these sentences and idioms be your trusted companions on your journey through the unpredictability of life.
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