But, Though, Although, and Even-Though


Open this free YouTube English learning video link and know how to use contrasting conjunctions, such as but, though, although and even though with relatable examples. All these words are explained with correct grammatical usage and Hindi to English translation as well as subtitles, which makes the whole learning experience convenient.


In the world of language, tiny words can make a big difference. Four such words that often add color and contrast to our sentences are “but,” “although,” “though,” and “even though.” These small yet powerful words act as linguistic tools, helping us express contrasting ideas, exceptions, and surprises in our everyday conversations and writing. Let’s explore the meanings and uses of these words, which play a vital role in making our communication interesting and clear.

“ये छोटे शब्द हमारी बातचीत में जब हम कुछ अलग या अच्छा-बुरा बताना चाहते हैं, तो हमारी मदद करते हैं।”




Meaning: Think of “but” as a word that acts like a traffic signal in a sentence. When you see “but,” it’s like a red light saying, “Hold on! Something different or opposite is about to happen or be said.” It’s used to show that there’s a change or contrast between two parts of a sentence. For example, “She wanted ice cream, but she didn’t have any money” tells you that she desired ice cream, but there’s a problem – no money.

“लेकिन” एक शब्द है जो वाक्य में दिखाता है कि कुछ अलग या विपरीत होने वाला है, जैसे कि बदलाव या विरोध।


A few examples related to ‘But’ are as follows

English: I love you, but I can’t marry you.

Hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ, पर मैं तुमसे शादी नहीं कर सकता/सकती.


English: I trust you, but you don’t.

Hindi: मुझे तुम पर भरोसा है, पर तुम्हें नहीं है.


English: Your offer is good, but I don’t need a credit card.

Hindi: आपका प्रस्ताव अच्छा है, पर मुझे credit card की आवश्यकता नहीं है.


English: The exam was lengthy, but it was not difficult.

Hindi: परीक्षा लेंदी थी, पर यह कठिन नहीं थी.


English: I tried to find my ring, but I couldn’t find it.

Hindi: मैंने अपनी अंगूठी ढूंढ़ने की कोशिश की, पर मुझे नहीं मिली.



  1. Phrase: “No buts about it”

Hindi Meaning: कोई परेशानी नहीं

English Meaning: No objections or excuses are accepted.

Example: “I understand it’s challenging, ‘but no buts about it,’ we need to get this project done on time.”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but”

Hindi Meaning: कुछ भी पर

English Meaning: Completely the opposite of what is expected.

Example: “The weather is ‘anything but’ sunny today; it’s pouring rain.”


  1. Phrase: “But of course”

Hindi Meaning: लेकिन बिल्कुल

English Meaning: Expressing strong agreement or affirmation.

Example: “You can come over anytime, ‘but of course!'”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but that”

Hindi Meaning: उसके अलावा कुछ भी

English Meaning: Strongly expressing a desire to avoid something.

Example: “I’m willing to do anything, ‘but that.'”


  1. Phrase: “All but”

Hindi Meaning: सब कुछ केवल

English Meaning: Nearly; almost entirely.

Example: “He’s ‘all but’ finished with his assignment.”


  1. Phrase: “Hard to believe, but true”

Hindi Meaning: मुश्किल है लेकिन सच भी

English Meaning: Difficult to accept, but it is a fact.

Example: “It may be ‘hard to believe, but true’ that he won the lottery.”


  1. Phrase: “Challenging but rewarding”

Hindi Meaning: चुनौतीपूर्ण लेकिन फलदायक

English Meaning: Difficult but satisfying in the end.

Example: “The project was ‘challenging but rewarding’; it tested our skills and brought great results.”


  1. Phrase: “Surprising but delightful”

Hindi Meaning: अच्छा लेकिन आश्चर्यजनक

English Meaning: Unexpected but very pleasant.

Example: “The unexpected visit from an old friend was ‘surprising but delightful.'”


  1. Phrase: “Small but significant”

Hindi Meaning: छोटा है लेकिन महत्वपूर्ण भी

English Meaning: Modest in size, but carries great importance.

Example: “The contribution may be ‘small but significant’ in the grand scheme of things.”


  1. Phrase: “Short but sweet”

Hindi Meaning: छोटा है लेकिन प्यारा भी

English Meaning: Brief but enjoyable.

Example: “The visit was ‘short but sweet’; we had a great time.”


  1. Phrase: “Complicated but fascinating”

Hindi Meaning: जटिल है लेकिन रोचक भी

English Meaning: Complex yet very interesting.

Example: “The scientific theory was ‘complicated but fascinating’; it challenged our understanding.”


  1. Phrase: “Old but reliable”

Hindi Meaning: पुराना है लेकिन विश्वसनीय भी

English Meaning: Aged but trustworthy.

Example: “The car may be ‘old but reliable’; it never breaks down.”


  1. Phrase: “Unpredictable but exciting”

Hindi Meaning: अप्रत्याशित है लेकिन रोमांचक

English Meaning: Not following a pattern, but full of adventure.

Example: “Traveling to new places is ‘unpredictable but exciting’; you never know what will happen next.”


  1. Phrase: “Quiet but powerful”

Hindi Meaning: शांत है लेकिन शक्तिशाली भी

English Meaning: Subdued in demeanor, yet possesses great strength.

Example: “She may be ‘quiet but powerful’ in her influence over the team.”


  1. Phrase: “Costly but worthwhile”

Hindi Meaning: महंगा है लेकिन योग्य

English Meaning: Expensive, but the value or benefits outweigh the cost.

Example: “The investment may be ‘costly but worthwhile’ in the long run.”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but easy”

Hindi Meaning: कुछ भी आसान नहीं

English Meaning: Extremely difficult or challenging.

Example: “The climb was ‘anything but easy.'”


  1. Phrase: “All but forgotten”

Hindi Meaning: सब कुछ भूल गए

English Meaning: Almost completely forgotten.

Example: “The old traditions are ‘all but forgotten’ in this modern age.”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but pleased”

Hindi Meaning: खुश नहीं

English Meaning: Not at all pleased; very displeased.

Example: “He was ‘anything but pleased’ with the results of the game.”


  1. Phrase: “All but certain”

Hindi Meaning: सब कुछ स्पष्ट

English Meaning: Almost certain or very likely.

Example: “The victory is ‘all but certain’ for the champion.”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but typical”

Hindi Meaning: सामान्य नहीं

English Meaning: Unusual or far from typical.

Example: “Their love story is ‘anything but typical.'”


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  1. Phrase: “Anything but a walk in the park”

Hindi Meaning: कुछ भी पार्क में सैर नहीं

English Meaning: Extremely challenging or difficult.

Example: “The project was ‘anything but a walk in the park’; it required a lot of effort and dedication.”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but a couch potato”

Hindi Meaning: कुछ भी बिना जिम्मेदारी वाला नहीं

English Meaning: Very active and not lazy at all.

Example: “He may enjoy video games, but he’s ‘anything but a couch potato’; he’s always involved in sports and outdoor activities.”


  1. Phrase: “Anything but the truth”

Hindi Meaning: सच के अलावा कुछ भी

English Meaning: Completely false or far from reality.

Example: “His story was ‘anything but the truth’; it was filled with exaggerations and lies.”


  1. Phrase: “Unpredictable but filled with potential challenges.”

Hindi Meaning: अप्रत्याशित है लेकिन संभावित चुनौतियों से भरपूर।

English Meaning: Unpredictable but potentially filled with challenges.

Example: “The journey may be unpredictable, but it’s filled with potential challenges that we’re ready to face.”


  1. Phrase: “Serene but teeming with life”

Hindi Meaning: शांत है लेकिन जीवन से भरपूर

English Meaning: Peaceful yet bustling with activity.

Example: “The forest was serene, but it was teeming with various creatures.”


  1. Phrase: “Traditional but forward-thinking”

Hindi Meaning: पारंपरिक है लेकिन आगे की सोच वाला

English Meaning: Conforming to tradition yet embracing innovation.

Example: The company is traditional but forward-thinking.


  1. Phrase: “Ordinary but mysteriously captivating”

Hindi Meaning: सामान्य है लेकिन रहस्यमयी तरीके से प्रभावित करने वाला

English Meaning: Commonplace but strangely enchanting.

Example: The town seemed ordinary but mysteriously captivating.


  1. Phrase: “Rural but rich in heritage”

Hindi Meaning: ग्रामीण है लेकिन धरोहर में धनी भी

English Meaning: Countryside but abundant in cultural heritage.

Example: The village is rural but rich in heritage.


  1. Phrase: “Reliable but pleasantly surprising”

Hindi Meaning: विश्वसनीय है लेकिन प्रिय रूप से आश्चर्यजनक

English Meaning: Dependable yet pleasantly unexpected.

Example: Her help was reliable but pleasantly surprising.


  1. Phrase: “Common but deeply cherished tradition”

Hindi Meaning: सामान्य है लेकिन गहरे रूप से प्रिय

English Meaning: Ordinary but profoundly loved practice.

Example: The festival is common but a deeply cherished tradition.




Meaning: “Although” is like a bridge that connects two ideas in a sentence. It’s often used when you want to talk about two things that don’t quite fit together or when one thing seems a bit surprising because of the other. It helps you show that even though one thing is true, something unexpected or contrasting is also true. For instance, “Although it’s hot outside, I’m wearing a sweater” tells you it’s hot, but there’s an unexpected choice of clothing – a sweater.

“हालांकि” वाक्य में दो चीजें बताता है जो अच्छी तरह मिलने वाली नहीं हैं या जो कुछ अप्रत्याशित है।


A few examples related to ‘Although’ are as follows

English: Although the country is progressing, corruption has not been reduced.

Hindi: हालांकि देश प्रगति कर रहा है, भ्रष्टाचार कम नहीं हुआ है।


English: Although I was feeling sleepy, I went out with friends.

Hindi: हालांकि मुझे नींद आ रही थी, मैं दोस्तों के साथ बाहर गया।


English: Although I am single, I am not ready to marry yet.

Hindi: हालांकि मैं अकेला हूँ, मैं अभी शादी के लिए तैयार नहीं हूँ।


English: Although I eat something just an hour I am hungry again.

Hindi: हालांकि मैंने बस एक घंटे पहले कुछ खाया, मुझे फिर से भूख लग रही है।




  1. Phrase: Although the restaurant had a limited menu, the food was exceptional.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि restaurant का menu सीमित था, खाना असाधारण था।

English Meaning: Despite the restaurant offering a limited menu, the food was outstanding.

Example: Although the restaurant had a limited menu, we were pleasantly surprised by the outstanding quality of the food. The flavors were exquisite, and it became a memorable dining experience for us.


  1. Phrase: Although the journey was exhausting, the scenic views were worth it.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि यात्रा थका देने वाली थी, प्राकृतिक दृश्य वाकई देखने लायक थे।

English Meaning: Despite the journey being tiring, the scenic views made it worthwhile.

Example: Although the journey was exhausting, the breathtaking scenic views made it a worthwhile experience. The beauty of nature was mesmerizing, and we cherished every moment.


  1. Phrase: Although the deadline was tight, we managed to deliver the project on time.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि समयसीमा थी, हमने परियोजना को समय पर deliver करने में कामयाबी प्राप्त की।

English Meaning: Despite the challenging deadline, we successfully met the project’s timeline.

Example: Although the deadline was tight, our team’s dedication and hard work ensured we met the project’s timeline. The client was impressed with our efficiency.


  1. Phrase: Although he had little formal education, he possessed profound wisdom.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि उसकी पारंपरिक शिक्षा कम थी, उसमें अत्यधिक ज्ञान था।

English Meaning: Despite his limited formal education, he possessed profound wisdom.

Example: Although he had little formal education, his life experiences gave him profound wisdom. His insights were invaluable in solving complex problems.


  1. Phrase: Although the museum was crowded, we had an enlightening visit.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि museum में भीड़ थी, हमारा दौरा मजेदार था। 

English Meaning: Though the museum was crowded, our visit was enlightening.

Example: Although the museum was crowded, our visit was enlightening as we learned about the rich history on display. The exhibits were fascinating and educational.


  1. Phrase: Although she faced criticism, she remained determined to pursue her dreams.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि उसे आलोचना का सामना करना पड़ा, वह अपने सपनों का पीछा करने के लिए दृढ़ रही।

English Meaning: Despite facing criticism, she remained determined to pursue her dreams.

Example: Although she faced criticism from some, she stayed committed to her goals and eventually achieved success.


  1. Phrase: Although the weather was unpredictable, we decided to go on the picnic.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि मौसम अनियमित था, हमने picnic पर जाने का निर्णय किया।

English Meaning: Though the weather was not certain, we decided to go on the picnic.

Example: Although the weather was unpredictable, we packed our picnic baskets and headed to the park for a fun day outdoors.


  1. Phrase: Although it was a challenging task, he accepted it willingly.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि यह एक चुनौतीपूर्ण कार्य था, उसने इसे खुशी-खुशी स्वीकार कर लिया।

English Meaning: Despite it being a challenging task, he accepted the task willingly.

Example: Although it was a challenging task, he accepted it willingly, demonstrating his enthusiasm and dedication.


  1. Phrase: Although the movie received mixed reviews, it became a box office hit.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि movie को mixed reviews मिले, वह box office पर hit बनी।

English Meaning: Despite receiving mixed reviews, the movie became a box office hit.

Example: Although the movie received mixed reviews from critics, it resonated with the audience and became a box office hit.


  1. Phrase: Although he lacked experience, his enthusiasm was contagious.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि उसमें अनुभव की कमी थी, उसके उत्साह से सभी प्रभावित हो जाते थे।

English Meaning: Despite his lack of experience, his enthusiasm was contagious.

Example: Although he lacked experience in the field, his enthusiasm and passion for the work inspired everyone around him.


  1. Phrase: Although the book was lengthy, it provided a deep insight into the subject.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि किताब लम्बी थी, वह विषय को गहराई से समझाने में मदद करती थी।

English Meaning: Despite the book’s length, it provided a deep insight into the subject.

Example: Although the book was lengthy, it was a valuable resource for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject.


  1. Phrase: Although they were from different cultures, their friendship was harmonious.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि वे अलग-अलग संस्कृतियों से थे, उनकी दोस्ती में समंजस्य था।

English Meaning: Even though they were from different cultures, their friendship was harmonious.

Example: Although they were from different cultures, their friendship was harmonious, and they learned from each other’s traditions.


  1. Phrase: Although the road was under construction, we reached our destination on time.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि सड़क निर्माण के तहत थी, हम अपने गंतव्य को समय पर पहुँचे।

English Meaning: Though the road was under construction, we reached our destination on time.

Example: Although the road was under construction, our journey proceeded smoothly, and we arrived at our destination on time.


  1. Phrase: Although they had disagreements, their partnership was successful.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि उनमें मतभेद थे, उनका साझेदारी सफल रहा।

English Meaning: Despite having disagreements, their partnership was successful.

Example: Although they had disagreements along the way, their partnership proved to be successful, leading to profitable collaborations.


  1. Phrase: Although the experiment faced challenges, it yielded groundbreaking results.

Hindi Meaning: हालांकि प्रयोग समस्याओं का सामना कर रहा था, इसने नई दिशा में परिणाम दिया।

English Meaning: Despite the experiment facing challenges, it yielded groundbreaking results.

Example: Although the experiment faced challenges and setbacks, it ultimately yielded groundbreaking results that revolutionized the field.




Meaning: “Though” works a lot like “although.” It’s like a short and friendly version of it. When you use “though,” you’re still saying that there’s a contrast or something unexpected, but you’re doing it more casually. It’s like saying, “Hey, even though this is true, that’s also true.” For example, “I’m tired, though” lets you know that being tired is true, but there might be more to the story or something you want to add.

“फिर भी” “हालांकि” का एक छोटा रूप है। इसका उपयोग तब किया जाता है जब आप किसी और चीज़ के साथ एक विरोध या आश्चर्य दिखाना चाहते हैं


A few examples related to ‘Though’ are as follows

English: Though I am busy, I have time for you.

Hindi: मैं व्यस्त हूँ, फिर भी मेरे पास तुम्हारे लिए समय है।


English: Though I am lazy, I take a bath every day.

Hindi: हालांकि मैं सुस्त हूँ, मैं रोज़ स्नान करता/करती हूँ।


English: Though I have taken the medicine, I am not feeling better yet.

Hindi: मैंने दवा ले ली है, फिर भी मुझे बेहतर महसूस नहीं हो रहा है।


English: Though he looks tough on the outside, he is very kind on the inside.

Hindi: वो बाहर से कठिन दिखता है, पर अंदर से बहुत दयालु है।


English: Though I don’t know much English, I always try to speak in English.

Hindi: हालांकि मुझे अधिक English नहीं आती है, मैं हमेशा English में बोलने का प्रयास करता/करती हूँ।


English: I have invited them to the party, so I am sure they will not come.

Hindi: मैंने उन्हें party में invite किया है, हालांकि मुझे यकीन है कि वे नहीं आएंगे।





  1. Phrase: “Though it’s raining, I’ll go for a run.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि बारिश हो रही है, मैं दौड़ने जाऊँगा/जाऊँगी।”

English Meaning: This phrase indicates a contrast or concession, stating that despite the rain, the speaker intends to go for a run.

Example: Though it’s raining, I’ll go for a run because I love running in the rain.


  1. Phrase: “Though she’s young, she’s very knowledgeable.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह छोटी है, वह बहुत ज्ञानी है।”

English Meaning: This phrase highlights a contrast by acknowledging that despite her youth, the person is highly knowledgeable.

Example: Though she’s young, she’s very knowledgeable about various subjects.


  1. Phrase: “Though he failed the first exam, he eventually succeeded.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि उसने पहली परीक्षा में असफलता पाई, वह आखिरकार सफल हो गया।”

English Meaning: This phrase introduces a contrast between initial failure and eventual success.

Example: Though he failed the first exam, he worked hard and eventually succeeded in passing.


  1. Phrase: “Though the movie had mixed reviews, it was a box office hit.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि movie को mixed reviews मिले, वह box office पर hit बनी।”

English Meaning: This phrase acknowledges the mixed reviews while emphasizing the movie’s commercial success.

Example: Though the movie had mixed reviews, it was a box office hit, earning millions.


  1. Phrase: “Though he’s quiet, he’s an excellent listener.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह शांत है, उसमें सुनने की बड़ी योग्यता होती है ।”

English Meaning: This phrase juxtaposes someone’s quiet nature with their ability to listen attentively.

Example: Though he’s quiet, he’s an excellent listener, always lending a sympathetic ear to others.


  1. Phrase: “Though it’s late, I’ll finish my work tonight.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि देर हो चुकी है, मैं आज रात अपना काम पूरा करूँगा/करूँगी।”

English Meaning: This phrase indicates a determination to complete work despite the late hour.

Example: Though it’s late, I’ll finish my work tonight to meet the deadline.


  1. Phrase: “Though she’s tired, she won’t give up.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह थक गई है, वह हारने वाली नहीं है।”

English Meaning: This phrase emphasizes resilience and not giving up despite exhaustion.

Example: Though she’s tired, she won’t give up on her goals.


  1. Phrase: “Though the food was spicy, it was delicious.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि खाना तीखा था, वह स्वादिष्ट था।”

English Meaning: This phrase acknowledges spiciness while praising the overall taste of the food.

Example: Though the food was spicy, it was delicious, and I couldn’t stop eating.


  1. Phrase: “Though he’s shy, he’s a great public speaker.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह शर्मीला है, वह एक श्रेष्ठ public speaker है।”

English Meaning: This phrase highlights the contrast between shyness and public speaking skills.

Example: Though he’s shy, he’s a great public speaker who can captivate any audience.


  1. Phrase: “Though they disagree, they respect each other’s opinions.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वे असहमत हैं, वे एक-दूसरे की राय का सम्मान करते हैं।”

English Meaning: This phrase acknowledges a difference in opinion while emphasizing mutual respect.

Example: Though they disagree, they respect each other’s opinions and engage in healthy debates.


  1. Phrase: “Though the book is long, I’ll finish reading it.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि किताब लम्बी है, मैं इसे पढ़कर खतम करूंगा/करूंगी।”

English Meaning: This phrase expresses determination to complete reading a long book.

Example: Though the book is long, I’ll finish reading it because it’s captivating.


  1. Phrase: “Though the weather is cold, we’ll go for a hike.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि मौसम ठंडा है, हम hiking पर जाएंगे।”

English Meaning: This phrase suggests going for a hike despite the cold weather.

Example: Though the weather is cold, we’ll go for a hike and enjoy the outdoors.


  1. Phrase: “Though it’s a small gesture, it means a lot to me.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि यह एक छोटी सी क्रिया है, यह मेरे लिए काफी मायने रखती है।”

English Meaning: This phrase conveys the significance of a small gesture despite its size.

Example: Though it’s a small gesture, your kindness means a lot to me.


  1. Phrase: “Though he’s far away, he’s always in my thoughts.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह दूर है, वह हमेशा मेरे ख्यालों में है।”

English Meaning: This phrase expresses the constant presence of someone in the speaker’s thoughts despite the distance.

Example: Though he’s far away, he’s always in my thoughts, and I miss him.


  1. Phrase: “Though the film was in a foreign language, I enjoyed it.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि फ़िल्म विदेशी भाषा में थी, मुझे मजा आया।”

English Meaning: This phrase mentions enjoyment of a foreign-language film despite the language barrier.

Example: Though the film was in a foreign language, I enjoyed it because of the captivating story.


  1. Phrase: “Though it’s a Monday, I’m in a good mood.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि आज सोमवार है, मेरा मन अच्छा है।”

English Meaning: This phrase indicates a positive mood despite it being a Monday.

Example: Though it’s a Monday, I’m in a good mood because I had a great weekend.


  1. Phrase: “Though the journey is long, the destination is worth it.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि यात्रा लम्बी है, destination वाकई उसे लायक है।” 

English Meaning: This phrase emphasizes the value of the destination, despite the length of the journey.

Example: Though the journey is long, the destination is worth it because it’s a beautiful place.


  1. Phrase: “Though the problem is complex, we can solve it together.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि समस्या जटिल है, हम इसे मिलकर हल कर सकते हैं।”

English Meaning: This phrase encourages collaboration to solve a complex problem.

Example: Though the problem is complex, we can solve it together with teamwork and effort.


  1. Phrase: “Though I’m tired, I’ll stay up to finish this project.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि मैं थका हुआ हूँ, मैं इस project को पूरा करने के लिए जागरूख रहूँगा/रहूँगी।”

English Meaning: This phrase expresses the determination to stay awake and complete a project despite fatigue.

Example: Though I’m tired, I’ll stay up to finish this project because it’s due tomorrow.


  1. Phrase: “Though it’s a small town, it has a lot of charm.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि यह छोटे शहर है, इसमें काफी आकर्षण है।”

English Meaning: This phrase acknowledges the town’s small size while praising its attractiveness.

Example: Though it’s a small town, it has a lot of charm, with friendly people and picturesque scenery.



Even Though:

Meaning: “Even though” is like a spotlight on a surprising or unexpected contrast in a sentence. When you use “even though,” you’re emphasizing that something doesn’t quite make sense when you think about it with something else. It’s like saying, “Guess what? Despite this, that’s still true!” For instance, “Even though I practiced a lot, I didn’t win” makes it clear that practicing a lot should lead to winning, but there’s an unexpected outcome.


“फिर भी” वाक्य में एक बड़ी विपरीतता या चौंकाने वाली बात को जोरदारी से दिखाता है। यह वाक्य में कह रहा है, “इस आश्चर्यजनक चीज के बावजूद, वह चीज अभी भी सच है!”


A few examples related to ‘Even Though’ are as follows

English: Even though it was a major accident, I didn’t get any injury.

Hindi:  फिर भी यह एक प्रमुख दुर्घटना थी, मुझे कोई चोट नहीं आई ।


English: Even though I work so hard for this company, I don’t get a promotion.

Hindi: फिर भी, मैं इस company के लिए इतनी मेहनत करता/करती हूँ, मुझे promotion नहीं मिला ।


English: Even though I eat very little, I am getting fat.

Hindi: फिर भी, मैं बहुत कम खाता/खाती हूँ, मैं मोटा हो रहा/रही हूँ।


English: Even though I can’t breathe in this tight t-shirt, I have completed this lesson.

Hindi: फिर भी, मैं इस tight-t-shirt में सांस नहीं ले सकता/सकती, मैंने यह lesson पूरा किया है ।


Phrases Related to Even Though


  1. Phrase: “Even though it’s raining, we’ll go for a walk.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि बारिश हो रही है, हम सैर पर जाएंगे।”

English Meaning: This phrase indicates that despite the rain, the speaker plans to go for a walk.

Example: Even though it’s raining, we’ll go for a walk because we love the fresh air.


  1. Phrase: “Even though she’s busy, she always makes time for her family.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह व्यस्त है, वह हमेशा अपने परिवार के लिए समय निकालती है।”

English Meaning: This phrase highlights the priority of family despite a busy schedule.

Example: Even though she’s busy, she always makes time for her family gatherings.


  1. Phrase: “Even though he’s young, he’s quite knowledgeable.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह जवान है, वह काफी ज्ञानवान है।”

English Meaning: This phrase acknowledges someone’s knowledge despite their young age.

Example: Even though he’s young, he’s quite knowledgeable about technology.


  1. Phrase: “Even though the movie received mixed reviews, it was a box office success.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि movie को mixed reviews मिले, वह box office पर hit बनी।”

 English Meaning: This phrase mentions the film’s commercial success despite mixed reviews.

Example: Even though the movie received mixed reviews, it was a box office success, earning millions.


  1. Phrase: “Even though he’s tired, he won’t stop until the job is done.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह थका हुआ है, वह काम पूरा होने तक रुकने वाला नहीं है।”

English Meaning: This phrase highlights determination to complete a task despite fatigue.

Example: Even though he’s tired, he won’t stop until the job is done because he’s dedicated.


  1. Phrase: “Even though they argued, they remain close friends.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी उन्होंने झगड़ा किया, वे आपसी मित्र बने रहे ।”

English Meaning: This phrase emphasizes the enduring friendship despite an argument.

Example: Even though they argued, they remain close friends who support each other.


  1. Phrase: “Even though the restaurant is expensive, the food is excellent.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी restaurant महंगा है, खाना उत्कृष्ट है।”

English Meaning: This phrase praises the food’s quality despite the high cost of the restaurant.

Example: Even though the restaurant is expensive, the food is excellent, and it’s worth the price.


  1. Phrase: “Even though it’s cold outside, I’ll go for a run.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी बाहर सर्दी है, मैं दौड़ने जाऊँगा/जाऊँगी।”

English Meaning: This phrase expresses the determination to go for a run despite the cold weather.

Example: Even though it’s cold outside, I’ll go for a run to stay active.


  1. Phrase: “Even though she’s an introvert, she’s a great public speaker.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी वह आंतर्मुखी है, वह एक श्रेष्ठ सार्वजनिक वक्ता है।”

English Meaning: This phrase contrasts introversion with public speaking skills.

Example: Even though she’s an introvert, she’s a great public speaker who can engage an audience.


  1. Phrase: “Even though I studied hard, I didn’t pass the exam.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी मैंने मेहनत की, मैं exam में पास नहीं हुई ।”

English Meaning: This phrase expresses disappointment despite putting in effort.

Example: Even though I studied hard, I didn’t pass the exam, and I need to try again.


  1. Phrase: “Even though the store is far, I’ll go there for the sale.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी दुकान दूर है, मैं वहाँ बिक्री के लिए जाऊँगा/जाऊँगी।”

English Meaning: This phrase conveys the willingness to travel a distance for a sale.

Example: Even though the store is far, I’ll go there for the sale because the discounts are amazing.


  1. Phrase: “Even though I’m on a diet, I couldn’t resist the dessert.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि मैं डाइट पर हूं मैं मिठाई खाने से खुद को रोक नहीं पाया।”

English Meaning: This phrase highlights a lack of willpower to resist dessert despite being on a diet.

Example: Even though I’m on a diet, I couldn’t resist the delicious dessert at the party.


  1. Phrase: “Even though she’s an expert, she continues to learn.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि वह expert है, वह सीखना जारी रखती है।”

English Meaning: This phrase emphasizes ongoing learning despite expertise.

Example: Even though she’s an expert in her field, she continues to learn and stay updated.


  1. Phrase: “Even though I’m introverted, I enjoy socializing occasionally.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि मैं introvert हूं मैं सामाजिक मेलजोल का आनंद लेता हूं।”

English Meaning: This phrase mentions occasional socializing despite being introverted.

Example: Even though I’m introverted, I enjoy socializing occasionally with close friends.


  1. Phrase: “Even though they had differences, they worked together harmoniously.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि उनमें अंतर था, वे साथ मिलकर harmony से काम करते थे ।”

English Meaning: This phrase underscores cooperation despite differences.

Example: Even though they had differences, they worked together harmoniously on the project.


  1. Phrase: “Even though I’m not a morning person, I wake up early for work.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि मैं सुबह जल्दी उठने वाला इंसान नहीं हूँ, लेकिन काम के लिए मैं सुबह जल्दी उठता हूँ।”

English Meaning: This phrase indicates early rising despite not being naturally inclined to mornings.

Example: Even though I’m not a morning person, I wake up early for work to be punctual.


  1. Phrase: “Even though the car is old, it runs perfectly.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि car पुरानी है, यह पूरी तरह से चलती है।”

English Meaning: This phrase acknowledges the age of the car while praising its functionality.

Example: Even though the car is old, it runs perfectly, thanks to regular maintenance.


  1. Phrase: “Even though it’s a small gesture, it means a lot to me.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि यह एक छोटी सी क्रिया है, यह मेरे लिए काफी मायने रखती है।”

English Meaning: This phrase conveys the significance of a small gesture.

Example: Even though it’s a small gesture, your kindness means a lot to me.


  1. Phrase: “Even though we disagreed, we remain friends.”

Hindi Meaning: “हालांकि हमारे बीच विवाद हुआ, हम दोस्त बने रहे।”

English Meaning: This phrase emphasizes maintaining friendship despite a disagreement.

Example: Even though we disagreed, we remain friends because our bond is strong.


  1. Phrase: “Even though it’s a long journey, the destination is beautiful.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिर भी, यह लम्बी यात्रा है, मगर गंतव्य सुंदर है।”

English Meaning: This phrase highlights the beauty of the destination despite the length of the journey.

Example: Even though it’s a long journey, the destination is beautiful, and I can’t wait to explore it.



Frequently Asked Questions


1: What is the usage of “although,” “though,” and “even though”?

“Although,” “though,” and “even though” are used to introduce contrasts or concessions in sentences, indicating something unexpected or contrary to what might be expected.


2: What is the difference between “although,” “though,” and “even though”?

“Although” is a formal conjunction used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce contrast. “Though” is an informal version of “although” and can be placed at the end of a sentence. “Even though” emphasizes the contrast between two ideas more strongly.


3: Is “even though” formal or informal?

 “Even though” is moderately formal and can be used in both formal and informal writing and speech.


4: What type of conjunction is “even though”?

 “Even though” is a subordinating conjunction, used to introduce a subordinate (dependent) clause in a sentence.


5: Can “even though” end a sentence?

Yes, “even though” can end a sentence. While it is more common to find “even though” at the beginning of a sentence to introduce a contrast, you can also use it at the end of a sentence or clause for emphasis or to achieve a specific stylistic effect. Here’s an example:

“He decided to go to the party, even though.”


6: Do I need a comma after “although”?

 A comma is often used before “although” when it begins a sentence, but it’s not always necessary within a sentence.


7: What other conjunctions can be used in place of “but”?

Conjunctions like “yet,” “however,” “nevertheless,” “though,” and “although” can be used in place of “but” to convey contrast or opposition.


8: Why is the conjunction “but” important?

“But” is important because it helps convey contrast or opposition in sentences, adding complexity and clarity to communication.


9: Can you use “however” instead of “but”?

Yes, “however” can be used to show contrast or opposition, much like “but.” It often adds a more formal tone to the sentence.


10: Can I start a sentence with “but,” or is it considered incorrect?

 Yes, you can start a sentence with “but.” Starting a sentence with “but” is acceptable in English and often used to add emphasis or introduce a contrast. For example, “But there’s a catch – you need to complete the assignment by tomorrow.” It can be a useful way to draw attention to the information that follows and create a more conversational tone.


11: When should I use “however” instead of “but”?

“However” can replace “but” when you want to introduce a contrasting idea in a more formal or nuanced way.


12: What’s the difference between “yet” and “but” when indicating contrast?

 “Yet” is similar to “but” and is used to show contrast or unexpected results in a sentence.


13: When is “although” appropriate to use instead of “but”?

“Although” can be used to introduce contrast or concession when you want to emphasize the unexpected aspect of a situation.


14: Can “but” be used to connect more than two contrasting ideas in a single sentence?

 Yes, “but” can be used to connect more than two contrasting ideas in a single sentence. You can use “but” multiple times to show a sequence of contrasting or contradictory information. For instance, “She wanted to visit the beach, but the weather was stormy, the car had a flat tire, and they were low on gas.” Each “but” introduces a new contrast or obstacle, creating a series of contradictions within the sentence. However, be mindful of sentence clarity and readability when using multiple “buts” in a sentence.


15: Are there formal alternatives to “but” for academic or professional writing?

Yes, “however,” “nevertheless,” and “nonetheless” are suitable for formal writing when you need to convey contrast.




These small but impactful words— “but,” “although,” “though,” and “even though”—serve as valuable tools in our everyday communication. They help us express contrasts, exceptions, and surprising connections simply and effectively, making our conversations and writing more engaging and clear. So, remember to use them wisely to add depth and color to your language.




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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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