How to use the word ‘Rather’ Correctly

Watch this English learning video lesson to learn how to use the adverb ‘Rather’ in the English language with the help of 5 different ways. In this online English tutorial, you will get to understand English sentences for expressions using rather like ‘or rather’, ‘rather than’ etc. Hurry up, improve your English now.




“Rather” is an adverb in English, used to modify adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. It expresses a degree of preference, contrast, or surprise in a sentence. This versatile word plays a crucial role in enhancing the clarity and expressiveness of our language. 

“Rather” एक छोटा शब्द है जो वाक्यों को अधिक स्पष्ट बनाने में मदद करता है। यह वाक्यों में हमारी पसंद, तुलना, या आश्चर्य को दिखाने का काम करता है।


Uses of “Rather”


  • Let’s understand the first use of “Rather”


Often, we find ourselves refining and clarifying our statements as we speak, turning them into more precise expressions. 

For example, instead of saying someone ‘She fell badly in the bathroom,’ we might adjust it and say ‘She fell badly in the bathroom or rather slipped.’ In situations like these, where we’re in the process of speaking and making our words more accurate, we insert ‘or rather’ before elaborating further. This helps the listener or reader understand that we’ve corrected or improved our statement. 

Look at this sentence ‘Give me a Pepsi or rather give me a Coke.’ In this sentence, ‘give me’ is repeated twice. It’s better to shorten the sentence by removing the repetition ‘give me’, like this: ‘Give me a Pepsi, or rather a Coke.’ Writing ‘or rather’ before ‘a coke’ clarifies where the first part of the sentence ends, making it easier to read and understand.”


“Rather” शब्द का उपयोग हमारे भाषण को सुधारने के लिए होता है। जब हम किसी बात को स्पष्ट करना चाहते हैं या उसे और अच्छा बनाना चाहते हैं, तो हम “rather” का उपयोग करते हैं।


Let’s understand the use of ‘or rather with the help of some suitable examples


  1. English: “Keep two chairs in this room, or rather three.”

Hindi: “इस कमरे में दो कुर्सियां रखो, बल्कि तीन।”


  1. English: “I want to lie down, or rather sleep for some time.”

Hindi: “मैं लेटना चाहता हूँ, बल्कि कुछ समय के लिए सोना चाहता हूँ।”


  1. English: “He is my brother, or rather elder brother.”

Hindi: “वह मेरा भाई है, बल्कि बड़ा भाई।”


  1. English: “The weather is hot today, or rather, it’s pleasantly warm.”

Hindi: “आज मौसम गरम है, बल्कि सुहाना है।”

  1. English: “She didn’t travel alone; she had a companion, or rather, her best friend with her.”

Hindi: ” उसने अकेले यात्रा नहीं की; उसके साथ एक साथी था, बल्कि उसका सबसे अच्छा दोस्त उसके साथ था।”


Phrases related to ‘’or rather’’


  1. Phrase: “It’s a hot day, or rather, very sunny.”

Hindi Meaning: “यह एक गर्म दिन है, बल्कि, काफी धूप है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that the hot day is better described as “very sunny,” making the description more precise.

Example: “I think we should wear sunscreen today. It’s a hot day, or rather, it’s very sunny.”


  1. Phrase: “She’s friendly, or rather, extremely welcoming.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह दोस्ताना है, बल्कि, अत्यधिक स्वागत करने वाली है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that her friendliness goes beyond being friendly; it’s better described as “extremely welcoming,” providing a more precise description.

Example: “When I visited her house, she was friendly, or rather, extremely welcoming.”


  1. Phrase: “He’s intelligent, or rather, highly knowledgeable.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह बुद्धिमान है, बल्कि, उच्च ज्ञानवान है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to specify that his intelligence is better characterized as “highly knowledgeable,” making the statement more precise.

Example: ” He’s intelligent, or rather, highly knowledgeable in various subjects.”


  1. Phrase: “It’s a short journey, or rather, a quick trip.”

Hindi Meaning: “यह एक छोटी सी यात्रा है, बल्कि, त्वरित यात्रा है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to clarify that the short journey is better described as a “quick trip,” offering a more precise description.

Example: “Pack light; it’s not a long journey, or rather, it’s a quick trip to the nearby town.”


  1. Phrase: “This book is interesting, or rather, quite captivating.”

Hindi Meaning: “यह किताब रोचक है, बल्कि, काफी मोहक है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that the book’s quality goes beyond being interesting; it’s more precisely described as “quite captivating.”

Example: “I started reading this book, and it’s interesting, or rather, quite captivating.”


  1. Phrase: “The food is tasty, or rather, absolutely delicious.”

Hindi Meaning: “खाना स्वादिष्ट है, बल्कि, पूरी तरह से स्वादिष्ट है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that the food’s quality surpasses “tasty” and is better described as “absolutely delicious,” making the statement more precise.

Example: “The food is tasty, or rather, absolutely delicious, I will prefer eating it again.”


  1. Phrase: “The weather is pleasant, or rather, delightfully cool.”

Hindi Meaning: “मौसम सुहाना है, बल्कि, आरामदायक है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that the pleasant weather is better described as “delightfully cool,” making the description more precise.

Example: “Let’s take a walk outside; the weather is pleasant, or rather, delightfully cool.”


  1. Phrase: “It’s a simple recipe, or rather, an easy-to-follow one.”

Hindi Meaning: “यह एक सरल recipe है, बल्कि, आसानी से follow की जा सकने वाली है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to specify that the recipe is better characterized as “easy-to-follow,” making the statement more precise.

Example: “Even if you’re not an experienced cook, you can make this dish; it’s a simple recipe, or rather, an easy-to-follow one.”


  1. Phrase: “This car is fast, or rather, exceptionally speedy.”

Hindi Meaning: “यह car तेज़ है, बल्कि, अत्यधिक तेज़ है।”

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that the car’s speed goes beyond being just fast; it’s better described as “exceptionally speedy,” providing a more precise description.

Example: “I didn’t expect this car to be so fast; this car is fast, or rather, exceptionally speedy.”


  1. Phrase: “Her singing is good, or rather, truly melodious.

Hindi Meaning: “वह अच्छा गाती है, बल्कि, काफी मधुर गाती है “

English Meaning: “Or rather” is used to emphasize that her singing quality is better characterized as “truly melodious,” making the statement more precise.

Example: “Her singing is good, or rather, truly melodious, I am her big fan.”


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  • Let’s explore the second use of “Rather.”


Imagine a situation where someone has made a choice or taken an action, but you believe there’s a better or more appropriate option. Instead of directly criticizing or complaining, you can use “rather than” to suggest the alternative action you think should have been taken.


Here’s a simple breakdown:

Initial Situation: You encounter a situation where someone does something you disagree with.

Desired Change: Instead of directly criticizing, you use “rather than” to introduce the alternative action or choice you believe would have been better.

Result: This helps you express your preference or recommendation without confrontation, making communication more constructive and clear.

Let’s understand the examples of ‘rather’ in a sentence. Imagine you’re riding a bike, and suddenly someone crosses your path, causing you to brake abruptly. Instead of apologizing, the person starts shouting at you. In such situations, we often find ourselves in a position where we wish the other person had acted differently.

In English, we can use the term “rather than” to convey this idea. For example, instead of shouting at me, you should have simply said sorry. This sentence consists of two parts: the first suggests an alternative action (“saying sorry” instead of “shouting”), and the second part highlights the issue you want to emphasize. So, the sentence becomes, “You are shouting at me, rather than saying sorry.”

This construction allows us to shift the focus of the sentence to what we believe should have been done differently. It makes our communication more effective and helps us express our preferences or expectations clearly.

“Rather” का उपयोग करके दूसरे व्यक्ति की कार्रवाई को हम अपने पसंदीदा विकल्प के रूप में प्रकट कर सकते हैं, जिससे हम संवाद को बिना संघर्ष केअधिक प्रभावी बना सकते हैं।



Let’s understand the use of ‘rather than’ with the help of some suitable examples


  1. English: You should wake up early, rather than getting ready in a rush.

Hindi: आपको जल्दी उठना चाहिए, जल्दी में तैयार होने की बजाय।


  1. English: I am thinking about buying my own house, rather than staying on rent.

Hindi: मैं अपना खुद का घर खरीदने की सोच रहा हूँ, किराए पर रहने की बजाय।


  1. English: Rather than asking someone for help, I will do this work myself.

Hindi: किसी से मदद मांगने की बजाय, मैं यह काम खुद कर लूँगा।


  1. English: You should support your wife, rather than find faults.

Hindi: तुम्हें अपनी पत्नी के साथ खड़े रहकर सहयोग करना चाहिए, गलतियाँ ढूंढ़ने की बजाय।


  1. English: I prefer tea, rather than coffee.

Hindi: मुझे चाय पसंद है, कॉफ़ी की बजाय।


  1. English: I prefer the blue shirt, rather than the red one.

Hindi: मुझे नीली कमीज़ पसंद है, लाल वाली की बजाय।


  1. English: They decided to walk, rather than use the elevator.

Hindi: उन्होंने लिफ्ट का उपयोग करने की बजाय पैदल जाने का निर्णय लिया।


  1. English: Rather than ordering takeout, she cooked dinner at home.

Hindi:  Order करने की बजाय, उसने घर पर खाना बनाया।


  1. English: He enjoys reading books, rather than watching TV.

Hindi: उसको पुस्तकें पढ़ना अच्छा लगता है, TV देखने की बजाय।


  1. English: Rather than going to the gym, she prefers outdoor workouts.

Hindi: Gym जाने की बजाय, उसे बाहर व्यायाम करना पसंद है।



Phrases related to “rather than”


  1. Phrase: Rather than playing video games

Hindi Meaning: Video games खेलने की बजाय

English Meaning: As an alternative to playing video games

Example: He decided to read a book instead of playing video games.


  1. Phrase: Rather than complaining

Hindi Meaning: शिकायत करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of expressing dissatisfaction

Example: She chose to find a solution rather than complaining.


  1. Phrase: Rather than staying indoors

Hindi Meaning: घर में रहने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of remaining inside a building

Example: They enjoyed outdoor activities rather than staying indoors.


  1. Phrase: Rather than arguing

Hindi Meaning: झगड़ने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of engaging in a verbal dispute

Example: They decided to have a constructive conversation rather than arguing.


  1. Phrase: Rather than buying new

Hindi Meaning: नया खरीदने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of purchasing something brand new

Example: He prefers to refurbish old furniture rather than buy new.


  1. Phrase: Rather than taking a break

Hindi Meaning: Break लेने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of pausing or resting

Example: He continued working rather than taking a break.


  1. Phrase: Rather than following the crowd

Hindi Meaning: समुदाय का पालन करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of conforming to the majority

Example: She believes in her unique style rather than following the crowd.


  1. Phrase: Rather than relying on luck

Hindi Meaning: भाग्य पर निर्भर करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of depending on chance

Example: He believes in hard work rather than relying on luck.


  1. Phrase: Rather than feeling anxious

Hindi Meaning: चिंतित होने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of experiencing worry or nervousness

Example: She practiced mindfulness rather than feeling anxious.


  1. Phrase: Rather than accepting defeat

Hindi Meaning: हार को स्वीकार करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of acknowledging loss or failure

Example: He fought back rather than accepting defeat.


  1. Phrase: Rather than making excuses

Hindi Meaning: बहाने बनाने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of providing reasons for not doing something

Example: She took responsibility rather than making excuses.


  1. Phrase: Rather than overspending

Hindi Meaning: अधिखर्च करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of spending excessively

Example: They focused on budgeting rather than overspending.


  1. Phrase: Rather than imitating others

Hindi Meaning: दूसरों की नकल करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of copying someone else’s actions

Example: He chose to be original rather than imitating others.


  1. Phrase: Rather than neglecting health

Hindi Meaning: स्वास्थ्य को उपेक्षित करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of ignoring one’s well-being

Example: She focused on fitness rather than neglecting health.


  1. Phrase: Rather than waiting for help

Hindi Meaning: मदद का इंतजार करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of expecting assistance from others

Example: He took initiative rather than waiting for help.


  1. Phrase: Rather than postponing tasks

Hindi Meaning: कार्यों को तालने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of delaying or deferring responsibilities

Example: She completed her assignments promptly rather than postponing tasks.


  1. Phrase: Rather than regretting later

Hindi Meaning: बाद में पछताने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of feeling remorse afterward

Example: He made a careful decision rather than regret it later.


  1. Phrase: Rather than compromising on quality

Hindi Meaning: गुणवत्ता पर समझौता करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of settling for lower-quality

Example: They prioritize excellence rather than compromising on quality.


  1. Phrase: Rather than rushing to conclusions

Hindi Meaning: निष्कर्षण पर जल्दबाज़ी करने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of forming judgments hastily

Example: They gather evidence rather than rushing to conclusions.


  1. Phrase: Rather than seeking revenge

Hindi Meaning: बदला लेने की बजाय

English Meaning: Instead of retaliating against someone

Example: She chose forgiveness rather than seeking revenge.


  • Let’s explore the third use of “Rather


Let’s understand the examples of ‘rather’ in a sentence. “Imagine your friends invite you to watch a Tiger Shroff movie, but you prefer doing something else. You can express this by saying, “I would like to sleep rather than watch a Tiger Shroff movie.” This sentence is perfectly fine, but there’s another way to convey the same preference. When we’re choosing between two options and expressing our preference, we can use “rather” instead of “like.” So, the sentence becomes, “I would rather sleep than watch a Tiger Shroff movie.”


In this way, “rather” helps us express our choice between two alternatives more concisely. It simplifies our sentences and makes our intentions clear. Whether you say, “I would like to sleep” or “I would rather sleep,” both convey the same message: you prefer sleeping over watching the movie. This use of “rather” is handy when you want to express your choice or preference effectively.

In situations where the other person has already initiated the conversation about a particular topic, you can respond more succinctly. For example, if Preeti asks you, “Will you marry me?” you don’t necessarily need to repeat the whole statement ‘I would rather die than marry you’.  Instead, you can simply say, “I would rather die.” This way, you convey your strong preference against marrying without restating the entire question. In English, this use of “rather” allows you to respond more efficiently and get your point across clearly without unnecessary repetition.


तीसरे प्रकार के “rather” का उपयोग हम अपने चयन को व्यक्त करने के लिए करते हैं। मान लीजिए कि आपके दोस्त आपको Tiger Shroff की movie देखने के लिए बुलाते हैं, लेकिन आपको कुछ और करना पसंद है। आप इसे इस तरह से व्यक्त कर सकते हैं, “मुझे Tiger Shroff की movie नहीं देखनी, मैं सोना पसंद करूंगा।”


इस प्रकार, “rather” दो विकल्पों के बीच अपने चयन को सुंदरता से व्यक्त करने में मदद करता है। यह हमारे वाक्य को सरल और स्पष्ट बनाता है, और हमारी इच्छा को स्पष्ट करता है। “rather” का उपयोग हमारी पसंद को प्रकट करने में मदद करता है, जब हम दो विकल्पों के बीच चयन कर रहे हैं।



Let’s understand the use of ‘rather’ with the help of some suitable Question Answer examples


  1. English:

Question: Do you want to fail?

Response: I would rather work hard.


Question: क्या आप असफल होना चाहते हैं?

Response: मैं कठिन मेहनत करना पसंद करूँगा।


  1. English:

Question: Do you want to bat first?

Response: I would rather bowl first.


Question: क्या आप पहले बल्लेबाजी करना चाहते हैं?

Response: मैं पहले गेंदबाजी करना पसंद करूँगा।


  1. English:

Question: Do you want to eat out tonight?

Response: I would rather cook at home.


Question: क्या आप आज रात बाहर खाना खाना चाहते हैं?

Response: मैं घर पर खाना पकाना पसंद करूँगा।


  1. English:

Question: Should we take a taxi to the airport?

Response: I would rather take the subway.


Question: क्या हम airport जाने के लिए taxi लें?

Response: मैं subway लेना पसंद करूँगा।


  1. English:

Question: Would you like to go to the beach?

Response: I would rather visit the mountains.


Question: क्या आप समुंदर के किनारे जाना चाहेंगे?

Response: मैं पहाड़ों की यात्रा करना पसंद करूँगा।


Let’s understand the use of “rather,” when we’re talking about expressing our preference for someone else’s actions or choices. Let’s understand the examples of ‘rather’ in a sentence.

Imagine someone telling you, “I will come on Tuesday.” Do you think it would be better if they came on Monday instead? In English, you can say, “I would rather you come on Monday.”

Notice that we used the past tense “came” for the other person’s action, even though we’re talking about a future event. This is how we use “rather” to express our preference for someone else’s actions or choices. It’s a way of suggesting what you would like them to do without being too direct.

So, when you use “rather” in this context, you’re indicating your preference for someone else’s actions or decisions, and you convey it by using past tense verbs.


जब हम किसी और की क्रियाओं या चयनों को पसंद करने के बारे में बात करते हैं, तो “rather” का उपयोग कैसे करते हैं, इसे समझने के लिए एक उदाहरण लेते हैं।

मान लीजिए कि कोई आपको कहता है, “मैं मंगलवार को आ रहा हूँ।” आपको लगता है कि उनका सोमवार को आना बेहतर हो सकता है। इस परिस्थिति में, आप English में कह सकते हैं, “मैं चाहता हूँ कि आप सोमवार को आएं।” यहाँ पर आप दूसरे व्यक्ति की क्रियाओं की प्राथमिकता को दिखा रहे हैं, जिसके बारे में आपकी पसंद है।

इस प्रकार, इस संदर्भ में “rather” का उपयोग करके आप दूसरे के कार्यों या चयनों की प्राथमिकता दिखा रहे हैं।


Let’s understand the use of ‘rather’ with the help of some suitable examples


  1. English: “I would rather you worked hard.”

Hindi: “मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम मेहनत करो।”


  1. English: “I would rather you kept your promise.”

Hindi: “मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम अपना वादा याद रखो।”


  1. English: “I would rather you came on time.”

Hindi: “मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम समय पर आओ।”


  1. English: “I would rather you study regularly.”

Hindi: “मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम नियमित रूप से पढ़ाई करो।”


  1. English: “I would rather you save some money.”

Hindi: “मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम कुछ पैसे बचाओ।”



Phrases related to “rather”


  1. Phrase: “She would rather he completed the assignment by Friday.”

Hindi Meaning: उसे यही अच्छा लगेगा कि वह Friday तक काम पूरा कर ले।

English Meaning: She prefers if he finishes the assignment by Friday.

Example: She would rather he complete the assignment by Friday to avoid any delays.


  1. Phrase: “He would rather they brought the documents to the meeting.”

Hindi Meaning: उसे यही अच्छा लगेगा कि वे meeting में documents लेकर आएं।

English Meaning: He prefers if they bring the documents to the meeting.

Example: He would rather they brought the documents to the meeting for reference.


  1. Phrase: “They would rather you wear formal attire at the event.”

Hindi Meaning: उन्हें यही अच्छा लगेगा कि तुम समारोह में औपचारिक कड़पे पहनो।

English Meaning: They prefer you to wear formal clothing at the event.

Example: They would rather you wear formal attire at the event to maintain a professional appearance.


  1. Phrase: “I would rather he left a note when he leaves.”

Hindi Meaning: मुझे यही अच्छा लगेगा है कि वह जब भी जाए, एक नोट छोड़ दे।

English Meaning: I prefer if he leaves a note whenever he departs.

Example: I would rather he left a note when he leaves so that I know where he went.


  1. Phrase: “She would rather you called her before you arrive.”

Hindi Meaning: उसे यही अच्छा लगेगा कि तुम पहुंचने से पहले उसे call करो।

English Meaning: She prefers if you call her before you arrive.

Example: She would rather you call her before you arrive to coordinate plans.


  1. Phrase: “They would rather we booked the tickets in advance.”

Hindi Meaning: उन्हें यही अच्छा लगेगा कि हम पहले से ही tickets book कर लें।

English Meaning: They prefer if we book the tickets in advance.

Example: They would rather we booked the tickets in advance to secure our seats.


  1. Phrase: “I would rather you studied for the exam tonight.”

Hindi Meaning: मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम आज रात परीक्षा के लिए पढ़ाई करो।

English Meaning: I prefer that you study for the exam tonight.

Example: I would rather you study for the exam tonight to be well-prepared.


  1. Phrase: “He would rather she arrived on time for the appointment.”

Hindi Meaning: उसे यही अच्छा लगेगा कि वह appointment के लिए समय पर पहुंचे।

English Meaning: He prefers it if she arrives on time for the appointment.

Example: They would rather she arrived on time for the appointment to avoid any delays.


  1. Phrase: “She would rather you complete the project by next week.”

Hindi Meaning: उसे यही अच्छा लगेगा कि तुम अगले हफ्ते तक project पूरा कर लो।

English Meaning: She prefers that you complete the project by next week.

Example: She would rather you complete the project by next week to meet the deadline.


  1. Phrase: “I would rather you call me when you reach the airport.”

Hindi Meaning: मैं चाहूंगा कि तुम airport पहुंचते समय मुझे call करो।

English Meaning: I prefer that you call me when you reach the airport.

Example: I would rather you call me when you reach the airport so that I can pick you up.


  • Let’s understand the fourth use of “Rather”


The word “rather” is being used to convey a contrast or correction to a previous statement or assumption. It is used to emphasize that the reality is different from what was initially suggested or believed.

Let’s understand the examples of ‘rather’ in a sentence, when someone says, “The shop is very expensive, and everything there is double the price,” and you respond with, “No, rather, everything there is available at half the price,” you are using “rather” to correct or contradict the initial statement. It indicates that the shop is not as expensive as suggested; in fact, it offers items at a much lower cost. So, “rather” is used to introduce a correction or an alternative viewpoint in a conversation.

“Rather” का उपयोग किसी पूर्व बयान या धारणा को सुधारने या विरोध करने के लिए किया जाता है । यह दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है कि वास्तविकता कुछ अलग है। “Rather” का उपयोग बात में correction या विचार को प्रस्तुत करने के लिए होता है।


Let’s understand the use of ‘rather’ with the help of some suitable examples


  1. English: “We didn’t get bored, rather enjoyed a lot.”

Hindi: “हमें bore नहीं हुआ, बल्कि हमने बहुत मजा किया।”


  1. English: “The train was not late, rather it was before time.”

Hindi: “Train देर से नहीं थी, बल्कि यह समय से पहले थी।”


  1. English: “You should not sue him, rather settle the matter out of court.”

Hindi: “तुम्हें उस पर मुकदमा नहीं करना चाहिए, बल्कि मामले को court के बाहर ही सुलझा लेना चाहिए।”


English: “She didn’t complain about the weather, rather embraced the rain.”

Hindi: “उसने मौसम की शिकायत नहीं की, बल्कि बरसात का स्वागत किया।”


English: “He didn’t scold the child, rather praised her for her efforts.”

Hindi: “उसने बच्चे को डांटने की बजाय, उसकी प्रयासों की सराहना की।”



Phrases related to “rather”



  1. Phrase: “Rather appreciate than criticize.”

Hindi Meaning: आलोचना करने की बजाय मूल्यांकन करें।

English Meaning: It’s better to appreciate rather than criticize.

Example: When someone puts in effort, it’s wiser to appreciate their work rather than criticize their shortcomings.


  1. Phrase: “Rather smile than frown.”

Hindi Meaning: मुर्झाने की बजाय मुस्कराएं।

English Meaning: It’s better to smile rather than frown.

Example: In challenging situations, it’s more pleasant to smile rather than wear a frown on your face.


  1. Phrase: “Rather help than hinder.”

Hindi Meaning: बाधा देने की बजाय मदद करें।

English Meaning: It’s better to help rather than hinder.

Example: When a friend is in need, it’s more admirable to offer assistance rather than create obstacles.


  1. Phrase: “Rather forgive than hold grudges.”

Hindi Meaning: इरादा रखने की बजाय क्षमा करें।

English Meaning: It’s better to forgive rather than hold grudges.

Example: It’s healthier to forgive someone for their mistakes rather than harboring resentment.


  1. Phrase: “Rather learn than ignore.”

Hindi Meaning: उदासीनता की बजाय सीखें।

English Meaning: It’s better to learn rather than ignore.

Example: When faced with new information, it’s wiser to learn from it rather than ignore its significance.


  1. Phrase: “Rather embrace change than resist it.”

Hindi Meaning: प्रतिरोधित करने की बजाय परिवर्तन का स्वागत करें।

English Meaning: It’s better to embrace change rather than resist it.

Example: Adapting to new circumstances can be more beneficial than resisting change, as it opens up new opportunities.


  1. Phrase: “Rather listen than speak.”

Hindi Meaning: बोलने की बजाय सुनें।

English Meaning: It’s better to listen rather than speak.

Example: In a conversation, sometimes it’s more valuable to actively listen rather than always wanting to speak your thoughts.


  1. Phrase: “Rather choose love than hatred.”

Hindi Meaning: नफ़रत करने की बजाय प्यार करें।

English Meaning: It’s better to choose love rather than hatred.

Example: Fostering love and understanding among people is more constructive than harboring hatred.


  1. Phrase: “Rather give than take.”

Hindi Meaning: लेने की बजाय दें।

English Meaning: It’s better to give rather than take.

Example: Being generous and helping others is often more rewarding than constantly seeking to take from others.


  1. Phrase: “Rather dream big than limit yourself.”

Hindi Meaning: खुद को सीमित करने की बजाय बड़े सपने देखें।

English Meaning: It’s better to dream big rather than limit yourself.

Example: Setting ambitious goals and pursuing your dreams can lead to greater achievements than settling for mediocrity.


  • Let’s understand the fifth use of “Rather”


The word “rather” is also used to express a comparison or contrast between expectations and reality.

Let’s understand the examples of ‘rather’ in a sentence. When we try to open a bottle and it doesn’t open easily, we say, “It’s rather tight.” This means it’s tighter than expected. We thought it would open easily, but it’s quite tight.

So, in this case, “rather” is used to convey that something is different from what was expected, and it’s often used in casual conversations to add nuance or emphasis to the situation.

“Rather” शब्द का उपयोग आशा और वास्तविकता के बीच तुलना या विरोध व्यक्त करने के लिए होता है।



Let’s understand the use of ‘rather’ with the help of some suitable examples


  1. English: “That boy is rather tall.”

Hindi: “वह लड़का काफी लम्बा है।”


  1. English: “You sing rather well.”

Hindi: “तुम काफी अच्छा गा लेते हो।”


  1. English: “You speak English rather well.”

Hindi: “तुम काफी अच्छी English बोल लेते हो।”


  1. English: “She cooks rather delicious meals.”

Hindi: “वह काफी स्वादिष्ट खाना पकाती है।”


  1. English: “He’s rather talented in playing the guitar.”

Hindi: “वह guitar बजाने में काफी प्रतिष्ठित है।”


  1. English: “They are rather excited about the upcoming trip.”

Hindi: “उन्हें आने वाले trip के बारे में काफी उत्सुकी हैं।”


  1. English: “The movie was rather boring.”

Hindi: “फ़िल्म काफी boring थी।”


  1. English: “She’s rather shy around strangers.”

Hindi: “वह अजनबियों के साथ काफी शरमीली है।”


  1. English: “He’s rather forgetful when it comes to names.”

Hindi: “जब बात नामों की होती है, तो वह काफी भूलकड़ है।”


  1. English: “The weather is rather unpredictable this time of year.”

Hindi: “इस समय के मौसम का काफी अपूर्णनीय है।”


Phrases related to “rather”


  1. Phrase: “Rather hot”

Hindi Meaning: बहुत गरम

English Meaning: Very hot

Example: The weather is rather hot today; we should stay hydrated.


  1. Phrase: “Rather cold”

Hindi Meaning: बहुत ठंड

English Meaning: Very cold

Example: The ice cream was rather cold, perfect for a hot summer day.


  1. Phrase: “Rather expensive”

Hindi Meaning: काफी महंगा

English Meaning: Quite costly

Example: The restaurant’s menu was rather expensive, but the food was worth it.


  1. Phrase: “Rather cheap”

Hindi Meaning: काफी सस्ता

English Meaning: Quite affordable

Example: I found the smartphone to be rather cheap considering its features.


  1. Phrase: “Rather big”

Hindi Meaning: काफी बड़ा

English Meaning: Quite large

Example: The new house is rather big, with plenty of space for our family.


  1. Phrase: “Rather small”

Hindi Meaning: काफी छोटा

English Meaning: Quite compact

Example: The studio apartment is rather small but cozy.


  1. Phrase: “Rather surprising”

Hindi Meaning: काफी चौंकानेवाला

English Meaning: Quite unexpected

Example: Her sudden arrival was rather surprising; we didn’t expect her today.


  1. Phrase: “Rather disappointing”

Hindi Meaning: काफी निराशाजनक

English Meaning: Quite unsatisfying

Example: The movie’s ending was rather disappointing; it left us wanting more.


  1. Phrase: “Rather busy”

Hindi Meaning: काफी व्यस्त

English Meaning: Quite occupied

Example: I’m rather busy with work this week, so let’s plan the meeting for next week.


  1. Phrase: “Rather quiet”

Hindi Meaning: काफी शांत

English Meaning: Quite silent

Example: The library was rather quiet, perfect for studying.


  1. Phrase: “Rather late”

Hindi Meaning: काफी देर

English Meaning: Quite delayed

Example: The train was rather late, so I missed my appointment.


  1. Phrase: “Rather early”

Hindi Meaning: काफी जल्दी

English Meaning: Quite soon

Example: We arrived at the party rather early, but it gave us a chance to help with the preparations.


  1. Phrase: “Rather crowded”

Hindi Meaning: काफी भीड़

English Meaning: Quite full of people

Example: The shopping mall was rather crowded on the weekend.


  1. Phrase: “Rather empty”

Hindi Meaning: काफी खाली

English Meaning: Quite vacant

Example: The parking lot was rather empty, so we easily found a spot.


  1. Phrase: “Rather unexpected”

Hindi Meaning: काफी अप्रत्याशित

English Meaning: Quite surprising

Example: His sudden decision to travel was rather unexpected; we didn’t see it coming.



Frequently Asked Questions About Rather



  1. Can I start a sentence with rather?

Yes, you can start a sentence with “rather.” For example, “Rather than going out, I decided to stay in.”


  1. Can a sentence end with rather?

Yes, a sentence can end with “rather.” For instance, “I’d prefer coffee, rather.”


  1. What is an example of rather not?

An example of “rather not” is: “I would rather not go to the party tonight.”


  1. Is it rather a positive word?

“Rather” is a neutral word that can be used in both positive and negative contexts. It depends on the sentence. For instance, “She’s rather talented” is positive, while “The weather is rather gloomy” is negative.


  1. What is the difference between rather and very?

“Rather” and “very” both express degree, but “rather” usually indicates a moderate degree, while “very” indicates a high degree. For example, “It’s rather cold” suggests it’s moderately cold, whereas “It’s very cold” suggests it’s extremely cold.


  1. What is the opposite of rather?

The opposite of “rather” in terms of degree is “less” or “not very.” For example, if something is “rather expensive,” its opposite might be “not very expensive” or “rather cheap.”


  1. What does “I rather say” mean?

“I rather say” is used to introduce or emphasize a statement. For example, “I rather say, it was a remarkable achievement.”


  1. Would you rather I do or did?

The choice between “do” and “did” depends on the context and tense. “Do” is present tense, and “did” is past tense. For example, “Would you rather I do the dishes now or later?” (Present) or “Would you rather I did the dishes yesterday?” (Past).


  1. What is the difference between “had better” and “would rather”?

“Had better” is used to give advice or warn about potential consequences. “Would rather” is used to express a preference. For example, “You had better study for the exam” (advice) vs.. “I would rather stay home tonight” (preference).


  1. What is the difference between “would rather” and “would sooner”?

“Would rather” and “would sooner” are often used interchangeably, but “would rather” is more common. Both express a preference. For example, “I would rather go to the beach” or “I would sooner go to the beach” means the same thing, indicating a preference for the beach over another option.



 The word “rather” is a versatile tool in English, used to express preferences, comparisons, and unexpected situations. It adds nuance and emphasis to our conversations, making them more colorful and precise. Whether it’s describing something as “rather expensive,” expressing surprise with “rather surprising,” or indicating a preference with “I would rather,” this small word plays a significant role in our everyday communication. Its ability to convey subtleties simply makes it a valuable part of the English language, allowing us to express ideas with clarity and flair.



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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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