How to Use is | Am | Are | Was | Were

Watch this spoken English video tutorial and learn how to make use of helping verbs – is, am, are, was and were. This lesson has more than 150 English sentences of daily use with Hindi to English translation for English speaking practice. Don’t wait, make your English learning experience fun by watching this video.


Understanding verb forms is a fundamental aspect of mastering the English language. “Is/am/are,” “was/were,” “will,” and “would” are key verbs that play a pivotal role in expressing actions, events, and conditions in the present, past, and future tenses. These verbs are the building blocks of constructing sentences, whether they convey straightforward facts, hypothetical scenarios, or polite requests. The ability to wield these verbs effectively is a crucial step towards fluency and effective communication in English. In this discussion, we will delve into the usage and nuances of these verbs, exploring their applications in statements, questions, and negative sentences.


Verb रूपों को समझना English भाषा को सीखने के main aspects में से एक है। “Is/am/are,” “was/were,” “will,” और “would” ये महत्वपूर्ण verb हैं जो वर्तमान, भूतकाल, और भविष्य के समय के क्रियाओं, घटनाओं, और स्थितियों को व्यक्त करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं।


Subject: The subject is like the star of the sentence. It tells us who or what the sentence is about. The subject can be a person, place, thing, or even an idea. It’s the “doer” of the action in the sentence.

Example: “John” is the subject in the sentence “John plays the guitar.” Here, we’re talking about John, and he’s the one playing the guitar.

Subject किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु या विचार को दर्शाता है।


Predicate: The predicate is like the action or information about the subject. It tells us what the subject is doing or what is happening to the subject. It often includes a verb.

Example: In the sentence “John plays the guitar,” “plays the guitar” is the predicate. It tells us what John is doing, which is playing the guitar.

Predicate यह बताता है कि subject क्या कर रहा है या subject के साथ क्या हो रहा है।



Formation of sentences with “is,” “am,” or “are”

“Is” – This is the third-person singular form of the verb “to be.” It is used with singular nouns and third-person singular pronouns (he, she, it).

Example: She is a doctor.

Explanation: In this sentence, “is” is used because the subject “She” is a third-person singular pronoun.


“Is” (है) – Third-Person Singular:

इसका उपयोग singular nouns और third-Person Singular pronouns (he, she, it) के साथ होता है।

Example: वह doctor है। 


“Am” – This is the first-person singular form of the verb “to be.” It is used with the first-person singular pronoun “I.”

Example: I am going to the store.

Explanation: “Am” is used because the subject “I” is the first-person singular pronoun.


“Am” (हूँ) – First-Person Singular (I):

“Am” का उपयोग first-Person Singular pronouns “I” के साथ होता है।

Example: मैं दुकान जा रहा हूँ। 


“Are” – This is the second-person singular and all-person plural form of the verb “to be.” It is used with plural nouns and pronouns (you, we, they).

Example: They are playing in the park.

Explanation: “Are” is used because the subject “They” is a plural pronoun.


“Are” (हैं) – Second-Person Singular and All-Person Plural:

“Are” का उपयोग Second-Person Singular और All-Person Plural pronouns (you, we, they) के साथ होता है।

Example: वे park में खेल रहे हैं। 


  1. English: You are crazy.

Hindi: तुम पागल हो।


  1. English: They are tired.

Hindi: वे थके हुए हैं।


  1. English: We are awake.

Hindi: हम जग रहे है।


  1. English: He is very naughty.

Hindi: वह बहुत शरारती है।


  1. English: She is skinny.

Hindi: वह पतली है।


  1. English: It is wet.

Hindi: यह गीला है।


  1. English: I am lazy.

Hindi: मैं सुस्त हूं।


  1. English: My brother is an engineer.

Hindi: मेरा भाई engineer है।


  1. English: You are beautiful.

Hindi: तुम खूबसूरत हो।


  1. English: My sister is a doctor.

Hindi: मेरी बहन doctor है।


  1. English: The train is late.

Hindi: Train देर से है।


  1. English: He is my uncle.

Hindi: वह मेरे चाचा है।


  1. English: We are just friends.

Hindi: हम बस दोस्त हैं।


  1. English: The glass is broken.

Hindi: Glass टूट गया है।


  1. English: The shops are closed today.

Hindi: आज दुकानें बंद हैं।


  1. English: The note is torn.

Hindi: Note फट गया है।


  1. English: Tomorrow is a holiday.

Hindi: कल छुट्टी है।


  1. English: Someone is at the door.

Hindi: किसी ने दरवाज़े पर बुलाया है।


  1. English: I am thirsty.

Hindi: मुझे प्यास लगी है।


  1. English: I am hungry.

Hindi: मुझे भूख लगी है।


  1. English: This is my car.

Hindi: यह मेरी car है।


  1. English: This is my house.

Hindi: यह मेरा घर है।


  1. English: This tomato is rotten.

Hindi: यह टमाटर खराब है।


  1. English: These bananas are ripe.

Hindi: ये केले पके हुए हैं।


  1. English: I am ready.

Hindi: मैं तैयार हूं।


  1. English: Today is Friday.

Hindi: आज Friday है।


  1. English: Today is 10th January.

Hindi: आज 10 January है।


  1. English: He is rich.

Hindi: वह धनवान है।


  1. English: I am in Delhi.

Hindi: मैं Delhi में हूं।


  1. English: I am a student.

Hindi: मैं एक छात्र हूं।


  1. English: My house is near the market.

Hindi: मेरा घर बाजार के पास है।


  1. English: He is 30 years old.

Hindi: वह 30 साल के हैं।


  1. English: Irfan and Muqtadir are brothers.

Hindi: Irfan और Maqtadir भाई हैं।


  1. English: You are still young.

Hindi: तुम अभी भी जवान हो।


  1. English: Crackers are dangerous.

Hindi: पटाखे खतरनाक होते हैं।


  1. English: The planets are a part of the solar system.

Hindi: Planets solar system का हिस्सा होते हैं।


  1. English: He is drunk.

Hindi: वह नशे में है।


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Formation of questions with “is,” “am,” or “are”


In questions, “is,” “am,” or “are” come before the subject to inquire about a particular state or condition. This word order inversion is used to ask for information.

Questions में, “is,” “am,” या “are” का उपयोग विशेष रूप से पूछताछ करने के लिए किया जाता है। इस word order को जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए use किया जाता है।


  1. English: Are you crazy?

Hindi: क्या तुम पागल हो?


  1. English: Are you an Indian?

Hindi: क्या तुम भारतीय हो?


  1. English: Are you from Delhi?

Hindi: क्या तुम Delhi से हो?


  1. English: Am I a fool?

Hindi: क्या मैं पागल हूं?


  1. English: Am I bad?

Hindi: क्या मैं बुरा हूं?


  1. English: Is this room clean?

Hindi: क्या यह कमरा साफ है?


  1. English: Are you sure?

Hindi: क्या तुम्हें यकीन है?


  1. English: Is he a studious kid?

Hindi: क्या वह पढ़ाई में लगा रहता है?


  1. English: Is she your relative?

Hindi: क्या वह तुम्हारी रिश्तेदार है?


  1. English: Is the boss in the office?

Hindi: क्या boss अपने office में है?


  1. English: Are you happy with your new job?

Hindi: क्या आप अपनी नौकरी से खुश हैं?


  1. English: Are you eager to meet her?

Hindi: क्या आप उससे मिलने के लिए उत्सुक हैं?


  1. English: Is he sorry for his mistake?

Hindi: क्या वह अपनी गलती के लिए दुखी है?


  1. English: Is the phone charged?

Hindi: क्या phone charged है?


  1. English: Are the banks closed today?

Hindi: क्या आज bank बंद हैं?


  1. English: Who is that girl?

Hindi: वह लड़की कौन है?


  1. English: Where is my tie?

Hindi: मेरी tie कहां है?


  1. English: When is your exam?

Hindi: आपकी परीक्षा कब है?


  1. English: Why are you late?

Hindi: तुम late क्यों हुए?


  1. English: How are you?

Hindi: तुम कैसे हो?


  1. English: How is your health?

Hindi: आपका स्वास्थ्य कैसा है?


Formation of negative sentences with “is,” “am,” or “are”

In negative sentences, “is,” “am,” or “are” are combined with “not” to express the opposite or negate the statement about a particular state or condition.

Negative sentences में, “is,” “am,” या “are” के साथ “not” जोड़ा जाता है।


  1. English: My name is not Awal.

Hindi: मेरा नाम Awal नहीं है।


  1. English: He is not happy.

Hindi: वह खुश नहीं है।


  1. English: I am not rich.

Hindi: मैं अमीर नहीं हूँ।


  1. English: The boss is not at his desk.

Hindi: Boss अपनी desk पर नहीं है।


  1. English: This restaurant is not good.

Hindi: यह restaurant अच्छा नहीं है।


  1. English: My neighbor is not good.

Hindi: मेरा पड़ोसी अच्छा नहीं है।


  1. English: She is not my dream girl.

Hindi: वह मेरी dream girl नहीं है।


  1. English: This is not my dream job.

Hindi: यह मेरी dream job नहीं है।


  1. English: I work out, so I am fit.

Hindi: मैं कसरत करता हूँ, इसलिए मैं fit हूँ।


  1. English: Who is not desperate to meet Salman Khan?

Hindi: कौन बेताब नहीं है Salman Khan से मिलने के लिए?


  1. English: If you are happy, then I am also happy.

Hindi: अगर आप खुश हैं, तो मैं भी खुश हूँ.


  1. English: I will not come to the office because I am sick.

Hindi: मैं office नहीं आऊंगा क्योंकि मैं बीमार हूं.


  1. English: I am hungry because I didn’t have breakfast in the morning.

Hindi: मुझे भूख लगी है क्योंकि मैंने सुबह नाश्ता नहीं किया.


Formation of sentences with “was” and “were”

Was – This is the past tense form of the verb “to be” used with singular subjects (including first-person, second-person, and third-person singular).

Example: I was happy in childhood.

Explanation: In this sentence, was is used with the subject (I), indicating that the state of being happy occurred in the past.


“Was” singular subjects के साथ उपयोग किया जाता है, जिसमें first-person, second-person, and third-person singular शामिल हैं।

Example: मैं बचपन में खुश था।


Were – This is the past tense form of the verb “to be” used with plural subjects.

Example: We were all playing.

Explanation: In this sentence, were is used with the subject (We), indicating that the action of playing happened in the past.

“Were” plural subjects के साथ उपयोग किया जाता है।

Example: हम सब खेल रहे थे।


  1. English: He was very naughty during childhood.

Hindi: वह बचपन में बहुत शरारती था।


  1. English: I was worried about you.

Hindi: मैं तुम्हारे बारे में चिंतित था।


  1. English: She was there.

Hindi: वह वहाँ थी।


  1. English: The glass was dirty.

Hindi: Glass गंदा था।


  1. English: You were fat before.

Hindi: तुम पहले मोटे थे।


  1. English: We were asleep.

Hindi: हम सो रहे थे।


  1. English: They were nice people.

Hindi: वे अच्छे लोग थे।


  1. English: I was sick yesterday.

Hindi: मैं कल बीमार था।


  1. English: You were outside.

Hindi: तुम बाहर थे।


  1. English: He was a good king.

Hindi: वह एक अच्छा राजा था।


  1. English: Pizza was cold.

Hindi: Pizza ठंडा था।


  1. English: They were tired.

Hindi: वे थके हुए थे।


  1. English: She was a very shy girl.

Hindi: वह बहुत शर्मीली लड़की थी।


  1. English: I was awake.

Hindi: मैं जाग रहा था।


  1. English: I was weak in maths.

Hindi: मुझे maths में कमजोरी थी।


  1. English: We were ten people, and he was alone.

Hindi: हम दस लोग थे, और वह अकेला था।


  1. English: She was happy with her result.

Hindi: अपने परिणाम से वह खुश थी।


  1. English: My uncle was in the army.

Hindi: मेरे चाचा सेना में थे।


  1. English: I was at home.

Hindi: मैं घर पर था।


  1. English: Amrita was Saif’s wife.

Hindi: Amrita Saif की पत्नी थी।


  1. English: It was very dark.

Hindi: बहुत अंधेरा था।


  1. English: The food was delicious.

Hindi: खाना स्वादिष्ट था।


  1. English: The movie was good.

Hindi: Film अच्छी थी।


  1. English: He was angry.

Hindi: वह गुस्सा था।


  1. English: She was sad.

Hindi: वह उदास थी।


Formation of negative sentences with “was” and “were”

In negative sentences, “was” and “were” are combined with “not” to express the opposite or negate the statement about a past state, action, or event.

Negative sentences में, “was” और “were” के साथ “not” जोड़ा जाता है ताकि किसी past स्थिति, क्रिया, या घटना के बारे में कथन को negative बनाया जा सके।


  1. English: He was not there.

Hindi: वह वहां नहीं था।


  1. English: Dhoni was not in the match.

Hindi: Dhoni match में नहीं थे।


  1. English: The first part of the movie was not good.

Hindi: Movie का पहला हिस्सा अच्छा नहीं था।


  1. English: 3rd March was not a Friday.

Hindi: 3rd March को Friday नहीं था।


  1. English: I was not wrong.

Hindi: मैं गलत नहीं था।


  1. English: It was not our fault.

Hindi: यह हमारी गलती नहीं थी।


  1. English: They were not interested in my story.

Hindi: उन्हें मेरी कहानी में दिलचस्पी नहीं थी।



Formation of questions with “was” and “were”


In questions, “was” is used with singular subjects (I, he, she, it), while “were” is used with plural subjects (you, we, they). To form questions, the word order is inverted, placing “was” or “were” before the subject. This inversion is used to inquire about a past state, action, or event.

Questions में, “was” का उपयोग singular subjects (मैं, वह, यह) के साथ किया जाता है, जबकि “were” plural subjects (तुम, हम, वे) के साथ किया जाता है। Questions बनाने के लिए word order को उल्टा किया जाता है, “was” या “were” को विषय के पहले रखकर। इस उलटाव का उपयोग भूतकाल की स्थिति, क्रिया या घटना के बारे में पूछताछ करने के लिए किया जाता है।


  1. English: Was she sad?

Hindi: क्या वह उदास थी?


  1. English: Was he your brother?

Hindi: क्या वह आपका भाई था?


  1. English: Was there a lot of traffic?

Hindi: क्या वहां पर बहुत जाम था?


  1. English: Were you asleep?

Hindi: क्या आप सो रहे थे?


  1. English: Was I in that photo?

Hindi: क्या मैं उस photo में था?


  1. English: Was the boss in his office?

Hindi: क्या boss अपने office में थे?


  1. English: Was she married?

Hindi: क्या वह शादीशुदा थी?


  1. English: Were we drunk?

Hindi: क्या हम नशे में थे?


  1. English: How old was he?

Hindi: वह कितने साल के थे?


  1. English: Which bus was that?

Hindi: वह कौनसी bus थी?


  1. English: Who was she?

Hindi: वह कौन थी?


  1. English: Why were you angry last night?

Hindi: कल रात तुम गुस्से में क्यों थे?


  1. English: Where were you for so long?

Hindi: इतनी देर से तुम कहां थे?


  1. English: How was your trip?

Hindi: तुम्हारी यात्रा कैसी रही?


  1. English: How were your holidays?

Hindi: तुम्हारी छुट्टियां कैसी रहीं?


  1. English: When was your birthday?

Hindi: तुम्हारा जन्मदिन कब था?


Formation of sentences with “will” 

Structure: Subject + will + be + verb

Subject: The person or thing performing an action in the future

 Subject: भविष्य में क्रिया करने वाला व्यक्ति या वस्तु

Will: A modal auxiliary verb indicating a future action or event.

Will:  एक भविष्य की क्रिया या घटना की सूचना देने वाली सहायक क्रिया.

Be: The base form of the verb “to be” 

Be: “to be” क्रिया का मूल रूप.

Verb: The main action word that describes what will happen in the future 

Verb: वह मुख्य क्रिया शब्द है जो भविष्य में होने वाले कार्य का वर्णन करता है.



The structure “subject + will + be + verb” is used to express an action or state that will occur at a specific time in the future. It’s often used to discuss actions or events expected to be ongoing or in progress in the future.


  1. English: I will be free tomorrow.

Hindi: मैं कल free होऊंगा।


  1. English: I will be happy to help you.

Hindi: मुझे आपकी मदद करके खुशी होगी।


  1. English: He will be here by 9.

Hindi: वह 9 बजे तक यहाँ होगा।


  1. English: I will be in London next month.

Hindi: मैं अगले महीने London में होऊंगा।


  1. English: This movie will be good.

Hindi: यह movie अच्छी होगी।


  1. English: It will be cold in Canada.

Hindi: Canada में ठंडी होगी।


  1. English: You will be surprised to see her.

Hindi: उसे देखकर तुम हेरान होगे।


  1. English: I will be late for the party.

Hindi: मैं party के लिए देर से पहुँचूंगा।


  1. English: I will be a graduate by next year.

Hindi: मैं अगले साल तक एक स्नातक होऊंगा।


  1. English: I will not be sad.

Hindi: मैं उदास नहीं होऊंगा।


  1. English: Boss will not be happy with your work.

Hindi: Boss तुम्हारे काम से खुश नहीं होगे।


  1. English: You will not be comfortable in these shoes.

Hindi: तुम इन जूतों में आरामदायक नहीं होगे।


  1. English: They will not be free before evening.

Hindi: वे शाम से पहले free नहीं होगे।


Formation of questions with “will” 

English Explanation:

In questions, “will” is used at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the subject and “be.” This structure is employed to inquire about future actions or events.


Hindi Explanation:

Questions में, “will” का प्रयोग पूर्व क्रिया या घटनाओं के बारे में पूछने के लिए किया जाता है, इसके बाद subject और “be”use होते हैं।


  1. English: Will you be my valentine?

Hindi: क्या तुम मेरी मेरी valentine बनोगी?


  1. English: Will you be my friend?

Hindi: क्या तुम मेरे दोस्त बनोगे?


  1. English: Will this be our last meeting?

Hindi: क्या यह हमारी आखिरी मुलाकात होगी?


  1. English: Will this much food be sufficient?

Hindi: क्या इतना खाना पर्याप्त होगा?


  1. English: Will this area be expensive in future?

Hindi: क्या भविष्य में इस क्षेत्र में महंगाई होगी?


“Would” is employed for hypothetical or polite expressions.

English: Would you be interested in our latest offers?

Hindi: क्या आपको हमारे नवीनतम प्रस्तावों में रुचि होगी?



Frequently Asked Questions


Q1: What is the difference between “is,” “am,” and “are”?

A1: “Is” is used with singular nouns and third-person singular pronouns. “Am” is the first-person singular form, used with “I.” “Are” is the second-person singular and all-person plural form.


Q2: When do we use “was” and “were”?

A2: “Was” is used with singular subjects (I, he, she, it) in the past. “Were” is used with plural subjects (you, we, they) in the past.


Q3: When is “will” used instead of “would”?

A3: “Will” is used for straightforward future actions. “Would” is used for conditional statements, indirect speech, and more polite or tentative future actions.


Q4: How do I form questions with “is/am/are” in English?

A4: In questions, invert the word order by placing “is/am/are” before the subject. For example, “Is she happy?”


Q5: How can I make negative sentences with “was/were”?

A5: To form negative sentences, add “not” after “was” or “were.” For example, “He was not there.”


Q6: In which tenses can “will” be used in English?

A6: “Will” is primarily used in the future tense to indicate actions or events that will happen in the future.


Q7: Can “would” be used to make polite requests?

A7: Yes, “would” is often used for polite requests, such as “Would you mind closing the window?”


Q8: When is “would” used in conditional sentences?

A8: “Would” is used in the second conditional to express hypothetical or unreal situations, as in, “If I had a million dollars, I would travel the world.”


Q9: What is the past form of “will”?

A9: The past form of “will” is “would.”


Q10: Can “was/were” be used in future tenses?

A10: No, “was/were” is used in the past tense, and it’s not used to express future actions.


Q11: What’s the difference between “will” and “shall” when talking about the future?

A11: In modern English, “will” and “shall” are often used interchangeably to indicate future actions. “Shall” is considered more formal and less common in everyday speech.


Q12: When do we use “will have” in English?

A12: “Will have” is used to indicate future perfect actions, which show that something will be completed before a specific point in the future. For example, “By next year, I will have graduated.”


Q13: Can “will” be used in negative questions?

A13: Yes, you can form negative questions with “will” by inverting the word order and placing “not” before the subject. For example, “Will he not come to the party?”


Q14: When should I use “would have” in English sentences?

A14: “Would have” is used in the past perfect tense to express actions that were not completed in the past but were hypothetical possibilities. For example, “I would have called you if I had your number.”


Q15: What is the difference between “am” and “being”?

A15: “Am” is the first-person singular form of the verb “to be” used in the present tense. “Being” is the present participle form of “to be,” indicating an ongoing action. For example, “I am a student” vs. “I am being careful.”


Q16: Can “would” be used in reported speech?

A16: Yes, “would” is commonly used in reported speech when conveying someone else’s statements or requests. For example, “He said he would call you.”


Q17: How do I form negative sentences with “is/am/are” in English?

A17: To form negative sentences, place “not” after “is/am/are.” For example, “She is not coming to the party.”


Q18: Can “will” be used to make predictions about the future?

A18: Yes, “will” can be used to make predictions, especially when you are certain about future events. For example, “It will rain tomorrow.”


Q19: What’s the difference between “was” and “were” in past tense questions?

A19: In past tense questions, “was” is used with singular subjects (I, he, she, it), and “were” is used with plural subjects (you, we, they).


Q20: Is “would” used to indicate willingness or preferences in English?

A20: Yes, “would” can be used to express willingness or preferences. For example, “I would like a cup of tea.”



In conclusion, the understanding of verb forms “is/am/are,” “was/were,” “will,” and “would” is essential for constructing clear and meaningful sentences in English. “Is/am/are” are used to describe present actions or states, “was/were” for past actions, and “will” for future actions. “Would” is employed for hypothetical or polite expressions. The proper use of these verbs, whether in statements, questions, or negatives, enables effective communication and a nuanced grasp of tenses and moods in English.


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