Many learners prefer newspapers to learn English faster, and they try to understand the news vocabulary words with the help of a dictionary or the internet. But searching for news words for their meaning is quite a hectic task and it disrupts the learning process. But what if you get more than 50 new words from a newspaper with meaning in just one blog? Isn’t it so exciting to get all news words with meaning and examples in the same place? In this blog, we will be sharing with you more than 50 new words from English newspapers with meanings and examples.
In this English video tutorial, you will get to learn 10 new English words, which will surely make you smarter and will help you improve your English vocabulary. It consists of examples as well as exercises with Hindi to English translations and subtitles, which will make the entire learning process simpler.
हम सभी जानते हैं कि Social Media हमारे जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन गया है और वहां हर दिन कुछ नए और रोचक शब्द उभरते रहते हैं। इन Trendy शब्दों को समझना और उन्हें इस्तेमाल करना महत्वपूर्ण है ताकि हम Social Media पर बेहतर ढंग से बात कर सकें। तो चलिए, इस मजेदार भाषा सफर में सम्मिलित होकर Social Media के Trendy शब्दों के पीछे की रहस्यमय दुनिया को खोजते हैं!
English Meaning: New work which has not yet grown completely.
Hindi Meaning: नया-नया काम जो अभी पूरी तरह से grow नहीं हुआ।
Example: I won’t invest in a nascent business.
मैं किसी नए-नए शुरू हुए काम में पैसा नहीं लगाऊंगा।
English Meaning: To make someone happy by obeying him or to persuade him.
Hindi Meaning: किसी की बात मानकर उसे खुश कर देना या उसे मना लेना।
Example: I have tried everything to appease my wife.
मैंने अपनी पत्नी को खुश करने के लिए सब कुछ try कर लिया है।
English Meaning: To be shameless; Any wrongdoing done shamelessly.
Hindi Meaning: बेशर्म या shameless होना; बेशर्मी से किया गया कोई गलत काम।
Example: How to get rid of the brazen corruption?
बेशर्मी से किये जा रहे भ्रष्टाचार से छुटकारा कैसे पाएं?
English Meaning: Being unkind or stone-hearted.
Hindi Meaning: बेरहम या पत्थर दिल होना।
Example: People are so callous that they don’t help an injured on the road.
लोग इतने बेरहम हैं कि सड़क पर घायल किसी की मदद नहीं करते।
English Meaning: That way of speaking in which the speaker presents his point very well, whether it is true or not.
Hindi Meaning: बयानबाज़ी का वो तरीका जिसमे बोलने वाला बहुत अच्छे से सजाकर अपनी बात को पेश करता है चाहे उसमे सच्चाई हो या न हो; बड़ी बड़ी बातें।
Example: This is just the rhetoric before the elections.
ये सिर्फ election से पहले होने वाली बड़ी-बड़ी बातें हैं।
English Meaning: Being in some power and providing advantages to your relatives in a wrong or unfair way.
Hindi Meaning: किसी power में होकर गलत या unfair तरीके से अपने रिश्तेदारों का फायदा करवाना।
Example: Nepotism is highly prevalent in politics.
Politics में nepotism बहुत चलती है।
English Meaning: Misappropriation of money.
Hindi Meaning: पैसों का गबन या हेरा-फेरी।
Example: The clerk is accused of embezzlement.
Clerk पर पैसों की हेरा-फेरी का इलज़ाम है।
English Meaning: Hostility or disaffection between two people. This enmity can also be between two people, countries or companies.
Hindi Meaning: दो लोगों का आपस में बैर या दुश्मनी। ये दुश्मनी दो लोगों, देशों या company की भी हो सकती है।
Example: He killed his friend because of an old enmity.
पुरानी दुश्मनी के कारण उसने अपने दोस्त को मार दिया।
English Meaning: Any artificial or false thing made, or woven, in order to deceive or to escape punishment.
Hindi Meaning: कोई बनावटी या झूठी बात जो बनायी गयी है, बुनी गयी है या गड़ी गयी है धोखा देने के लिए या किसी सज़ा से बचने के लिए।
Example: Your story is fabricated.
तुम्हारी कहानी बनावटी है।
English Meaning: A person with whom you share your secrets, you are sure that he will not break your trust; trustworthy.
Hindi Meaning: एक ऐसा इंसान जिसके साथ आप अपने secret share करते हो, आपको यकीन होता है कि वो आपका भरोसा या trust तोड़ेगा नहीं।
Example: Karan Johar is Shahrukh Khan’s confidant.
करन जोहर शाहरुख़ खान का भरोसेमंद दोस्त है।
English Meaning: A claim or assertion that someone has done something wrong or illegal.
Hindi Meaning: आरोप या दावा कि किसी ने कुछ गलत या illegal किया है।
Example: The politician denied the allegations of corruption.
नेता ने भ्रष्टाचार के आरोपों से इनकार किया।
English Meaning: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ ऐसा जो standard, normal या उम्मीद से अलग हो।
Example: The strange weather pattern was an anomaly for this time of year.
मौसम का अजीब pattern साल के इस समय के लिए एक anomaly थी।
English Meaning: To prohibit or forbid something by law or authority.
Hindi Meaning: कानून या अधिकार द्वारा किसी चीज़ पर रोक लगाना।
Example: The government announced a ban on single-use plastics.
सरकार ने single-use plastics पर रोक लगाने की घोषणा की।
English Meaning: Prejudice in favour of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another.
Hindi Meaning: दूसरों की तुलना में किसी चीज़, इंसान, या group का साथ देना।
Example: The news channel was criticized for its political bias.
समाचार channel को political bias के लिए criticize किया गया था।
English Meaning: To refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a form of protest or pressure.
Hindi Meaning: विरोध या दबाव की वजह से किसी चीज़ को खरीदने, इस्तेमाल करने या उसमें भाग लेने से मना करना।
Example: The students organized a boycott of the school cafeteria to demand better food.
छात्रों ने बेहतर खाने की मांग को लेकर स्कूल के cafeteria का बहिष्कार (boycott) किया।
English Meaning: An event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering.
Hindi Meaning: एक घटना जिसकी वजह से अक्सर अचानक नुक्सान या तकलीफ होती है।
Example: The earthquake was a catastrophic event for the region.
भूकंप इस क्षेत्र के लिए एक catastrophic event था।
English Meaning: The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc.
Hindi Meaning: किताबों, फिल्मों, समाचारों आदि के किसी भी हिस्से को suppress या prohibit करना, जिसे अश्लील, politically unacceptable या सुरक्षा के लिए खतरा माना जाता है।
Example: The government was accused of censorship for restricting access to social media.
Social media पर पहुंच पर रोक लगाने के लिए सरकार पर censorship का आरोप लगाया गया था।
English Meaning: A disagreement or argument, typically public and prolonged, about a matter of opinion.
Hindi Meaning: आम तौर पर लंबे समय तक किसी राय के बारे में publically बहस।
Example: The new policy sparked controversy among the employees.
नई policy को लेकर employees में बहस छिड़ गयी।
English Meaning: Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.
Hindi Meaning: भ्रष्टाचार या रिश्वत लेकर काम करना।
Example: The investigation uncovered widespread corruption in the government.
जांच में सरकार में हो रहे बहुत बड़े भ्रष्टाचार का खुलासा हुआ।
English Meaning: A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.
Hindi Meaning: परेशानी या खतरे का समय।
Example: The country was facing an economic crisis.
देश आर्थिक परेशानी से जूझ रहा था।
English Meaning: A sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.
Hindi Meaning: अचानक और शर्मनाक विफलता; एक असफलता।
Example: The product launch was a debacle due to a technical glitch.
Technical खराबी की वजह से product launch नाकामयाब रहा।
English Meaning: Settling an issue; producing a definite result.
Hindi Meaning: किसी मुद्दे को सुलझाना; किसी चीज़ पर आखिरी नतीजा देना।
Example: The Supreme Court’s decision was decisive and final.
Supreme Court का फैसला decisive और आख़िरी था।
English Meaning: Done consciously and intentionally.
Hindi Meaning: जानबूझकर कुछ करना।
Example: The attack was a deliberate act of terrorism.
आतंकवादी हमला जानबूझकर किया गया था।
English Meaning: Highly destructive or damaging.
Hindi Meaning: बहुत ज़्यादा विनाशकारी या हानिकारक।
Example: The hurricane had a devastating impact on the coastal communities.
तूफान का coastal communities पर हानिकारक प्रभाव पड़ा।
English Meaning: A disagreement, argument, or debate.
Hindi Meaning: किसी बात पर सहमत न होना या लड़ाई करना।
Example: The workers went on strike to settle a dispute over wages.
वेतन विवाद को लेकर workers हड़ताल पर चले गए।
English Meaning: An official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country or organization.
Hindi Meaning: किसी ख़ास देश या संगठन के साथ व्यापार या दूसरे commercial activity पर official रोक।
Example: The government imposed an embargo on the sale of weapons to certain countries.
सरकार ने कुछ देशों को हथियारों की बिक्री पर रोक लगा दी।
English Meaning: To remove someone from a place of danger to a safer location.
Hindi Meaning: किसी को खतरे से निकालकर सुरक्षित जगह पर पहुँचाना।
Example: The residents were ordered to evacuate due to the approaching hurricane.
आने वाले तूफान की वजह से residents को evacuate करने का आदेश दिया गया था।
English Meaning: To make a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling worse.
Hindi Meaning: किसी समस्या, बुरी स्थिति या negative feeling को और बढ़ाना और बुरा बनाना।
Example: The company’s decision to lay off workers exacerbated the unemployment crisis.
Workers के lay off के company के फैसले ने बेरोजगारी को और बढ़ा दिया।
English Meaning: Resulting in death.
Hindi Meaning: घातक या जिसकी वजह से मौत हो जाये।
Example: The car accident was fatal for all the passengers.
Car accident सभी यात्रियों के लिए घातक थी।
English Meaning: Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
Hindi Meaning: धोखाधड़ी।
Example: The businessman was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to prison.
Businessman को धोखाधड़ी का दोषी पाया गया और जेल की सज़ा सुनाई गई।
English Meaning: Relating to the whole world; worldwide.
Hindi Meaning: पूरी दुनिया से संबंधित; दुनिया भर।
Example: The COVID-19 pandemic had a global impact on the economy.
COVID-19 महामारी का प्रभाव दुनिया भर की economy पर पड़ा।
English Meaning: Certain to happen; unavoidable.
Hindi Meaning: जिसका होना तय हो।
Example: The rise in sea levels due to climate change is inevitable.
Climate change की वजह से समुद्र के स्तर का बढ़ना तय है।
English Meaning: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling.
Hindi Meaning: वह rate जिस पर goods और services के लिए कीमतों का सामान्य स्तर बढ़ता है, जिससे purchasing power कम हो जाती है, इसे महंगाई कहते हैं।
Example: The government announced measures to curb inflation and stabilize the economy.
सरकार ने महंगाई को रोकने और economy को stabilize करने के उपायों की घोषणा की।
English Meaning: A formal or systematic examination or research into something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ की formal तरीके से जांच करना।
Example: The police launched an investigation into the alleged fraud.
पुलिस ने alleged धोखाधड़ी की जांच शुरू की।
English Meaning: Relating to young people; immature or childish.
Hindi Meaning: युवा लोगों से संबंधित; immature या बचकाना।
Example: The juvenile delinquent was sentenced to community service.
Juvenile अपराधी को community service की सज़ा सुनाई गई थी।
English Meaning: A thing handed down by a predecessor.
Hindi Meaning: Predecessor या पूर्वज द्वारा सौंपी गई विरासत।
Example: The founder’s legacy was carried on by his son.
Founder की विरासत को उनके बेटे ने आगे बढ़ाया।
English Meaning: To impose a tax, fee, or fine.
Hindi Meaning: Tax, fees या जुर्माना लगाना।
Example: The government levied a new tax on imported goods.
सरकार ने imported चीज़ों पर एक नया tax लगाया।
English Meaning: Combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause.
Hindi Meaning: आतंकवादी।
Example: The militant group staged a violent protest against the government.
Militant group ने सरकार के खिलाफ हिंसक protest किया।
English Meaning: False or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive.
Hindi Meaning: झूठी या misleading जानकारी जो जानबूझकर धोखा देने के लिए फैलाई जाती है।
Example: The spread of misinformation on social media has become a serious problem.
Social media पर गलत जानकारी फैलाना एक गंभीर समस्या बन गई है।
English Meaning: The sudden occurrence of a disease, fire, war, etc.
Hindi Meaning: किसी बीमारी, आग, युद्ध आदि का अचानक होना।
Example: The outbreak of war caught the country by surprise.
युद्ध के प्रकोप (outbreak) ने देश को आश्चर्य में डाल दिया।
English Meaning: A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
Hindi Meaning: एक इंसान जो एक हानिकारक, illegal या immoral काम करता है।
Example: The police were searching for the perpetrator of the robbery.
पुलिस लूट के आरोपी की तलाश कर रही थी।
English Meaning: A formal request, usually signed by many people, appealing to a higher authority for a specific cause.
Hindi Meaning: एक formal request, आमतौर पर कई लोगों द्वारा signed, एक ख़ास वजह के लिए higher authority से appeal करता है जिसे हिंदी में याचिका कहते हैं।
Example: The activists submitted a petition to the government to ban plastic bags.
Activists ने plastic की थैलियों पर रोक लगाने के लिए सरकार को एक petition सौंपी।
English Meaning: A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
Hindi Meaning: एक खतरनाक, मुश्किल, या unfortunate situation.
Example: The refugees were in a desperate plight, with no food or shelter.
Refugees एक हताश स्थिति में थे, उनके पास खाने और रहने की जगह नहीं है।
English Meaning: A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual.
Hindi Meaning: नीति।
Example: The company’s policy on employee benefits was under review.
Employee के फायदे पर company की नीति review की जा रही थी।
English Meaning: A survey of public opinion, usually conducted by asking people questions.
Hindi Meaning: आम तौर पर लोगों से सवाल पूछकर public opinion का survey करना।
Example: The latest poll showed the incumbent candidate leading in the election.
Latest poll ने चुनाव में मौजूदा उम्मीदवार को आगे दिखाया।
English Meaning: To investigate or explore in detail.
Hindi Meaning: विस्तार से छानबीन या explore करना।
Example: The committee was tasked with probing the allegations of corruption.
Committee को भ्रष्टाचार के आरोपों की जांच करने का काम सौंपा गया था।
English Meaning: Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause or point of view.
Hindi Meaning: जानकारी, ख़ास तौर पर biased या misleading nature की, जिसका इस्तेमाल किसी ख़ास political मुद्दे या point of view को बढ़ावा देने के लिए किया जाता है।
Example: The government was accused of spreading propaganda to sway public opinion.
सरकार पर जनता की राय को प्रभावित करने के लिए propaganda फैलाने का आरोप लगाया गया था।
English Meaning: A public demonstration of objection or disapproval, often organized for a specific cause.
Hindi Meaning: धरना देना।
Example: The students staged a protest against the government’s education policies.
छात्रों ने सरकार की education policies के खिलाफ धरना दिया।
English Meaning: A limited or fixed number or amount of something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ की limited या fixed संख्या या राशि।
Example: The company imposed a quota on the number of products each salesperson could sell.
Company ने हर salesperson द्वारा बेचे जाने वाले products की संख्या पर एक quota लगाया।
English Meaning: A person who resists authority, control, or convention.
Hindi Meaning: एक इंसान जो authority, control या convention का विरोध करता है।
Example: The rebel group staged an uprising against the government.
विद्रोही समूह ने सरकार के खिलाफ विद्रोह किया।
English Meaning: A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced.
Hindi Meaning: आर्थिक मंदी।
Example: The country entered a recession due to the global economic downturn.
दुनिया भर में आर्थिक तंगी की वजह से देश recession में प्रवेश कर गया।
English Meaning: A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
Hindi Meaning: ऐसा इंसान जिसे युद्ध, persecution या natural disaster से बचने के लिए अपना देश छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर किया गया हो।
Example: The government granted asylum to the refugees fleeing the civil war.
सरकार ने civil war से भागे हुए शरणार्थियों (refugees) को रहने की जगह दी।
English Meaning: A government, especially an authoritarian one.
Hindi Meaning: एक सरकार, खासकर सत्तावादी (authoritarian)।
Example: The overthrow of the regime led to political instability.
शासन को उखाड़ फेंकने से political instability पैदा हुई।
English Meaning: The act of formally giving up one’s position or office.
Hindi Meaning: किसी पद से इस्तीफ़ा देना।
Example: The CEO announced his resignation following the company’s financial scandal.
Company के financial scandal के बाद CEO ने अपने इस्तीफे की घोषणा की।
English Meaning: A violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
Hindi Meaning: दंगा।
Example: The police used tear gas to disperse the rioters.
पुलिस ने दंगाइयों को इधर-उधर करने के लिए आंसू gas का इस्तेमाल किया।
English Meaning: Deliberate destruction or damage to property or equipment.
Hindi Meaning: जानबूझकर किसी चीज़ को खराब करना या नुकसान पहुंचाना।
Example: The terrorist group was responsible for the sabotage of the power grid.
Power grid में तोड़फोड़ के लिए आतंकवादी समूह ज़िम्मेदार था।
English Meaning: A penalty or measure, usually political or economic, taken against a country or individual.
Hindi Meaning: एक सज़ा या उपाय, आमतौर पर political या economical, किसी देश या इंसान के खिलाफ लिया जाता है।
Example: The UN imposed economic sanctions on the country for its human rights abuses.
UN ने अपने human rights का मज़ाक के लिए देश पर economic sanctions लगाए।
English Meaning: An action or event regarded as morally or legally wrong and causing public outrage.
Hindi Meaning: घोटाला।
Example: The politician’s affair caused a scandal and led to his resignation.
Politician का affair एक घोटाले की वजह बना जिससे उसे इस्तीफ़ा देना पड़ा।
English Meaning: To withdraw formally from an organization, union, or political entity.
Hindi Meaning: Formal तरीके से किसी organization, union या political entity से हटना।
Example: The region threatened to secede from the country over the issue of autonomy.
Autonomy के मुद्दे पर इस क्षेत्र ने देश से अलग होने की धमकी दी।
English Meaning: The surrounding of a place by armed forces in order to capture it or force its surrender.
Hindi Meaning: कब्ज़ा करना या घेरना।
Example: The army launched a siege against the rebel stronghold.
सेना ने विद्रोहियों के गढ़ की घेराबंदी शुरू कर दी है।
English Meaning: The illegal transportation of goods or people across borders.
Hindi Meaning: सीमाओं के पार माल या लोगों को गैरकानूनी तरीके से भेजना।
Example: The authorities seized a large shipment of drugs smuggled into the country.
Authorities ने देश में तस्करी (smuggling) कर लाई गई दवाओं की एक बड़ी shipment ज़ब्त की है।
English Meaning: A meeting between the leaders of two or more countries to discuss important matters.
Hindi Meaning: ज़रूरी मामलों पर चर्चा करने के लिए दो या दो से ज़्यादा देशों के नेताओं के बीच एक meeting.
Example: The G7 summit was held to address global issues such as climate change and economic inequality.
Climate change और economic inequality जैसे global issues के बारे में बात करने के लिए G7 summit आयोजित किया गया था।
English Meaning: Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
Hindi Meaning: नज़र रखना।
Example: The police conducted surveillance on the suspect’s movements.
पुलिस ने संदिग्धों की गतिविधियों (movements) पर नज़र रखी।
English Meaning: A person who is believed to have committed a crime or offence.
Hindi Meaning: ऐसा इंसान जिसके बारे में माना जाता है कि उसने कोई अपराध किया है।
Example: The police arrested a suspect in connection with the robbery.
पुलिस ने लूट में शामिल एक आरोपी को गिरफ्तार किया है।
English Meaning: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Hindi Meaning: आतंकवाद।
Example: The country was on high alert for terrorist attacks.
आतंकवादी हमलों को लेकर देश high alert पर था।
English Meaning: The exchange of goods and services between countries.
Hindi Meaning: देशों के बीच goods और services का आदान-प्रदान।
Example: The government negotiated a new trade deal with a neighbouring country.
सरकार ने एक पड़ोसी देश के साथ एक नई trade deal पर बातचीत की।
English Meaning: An event causing great suffering, destruction, and distress.
Hindi Meaning: बहुत ज़्यादा तकलीफ, विनाश और मुश्किल पैदा करने वाली घटना।
Example: The plane crash was a tragedy that claimed the lives of all on board.
Plane crash एक tragedy थी जिसने विमान में सवार सभी लोगों की जान ले ली।
English Meaning: A formal agreement between two or more countries or organizations.
Hindi Meaning: दो या दो से ज़्यादा देशों या organizations के बीच एक formal समझौता।
Example: The peace treaty ended the long-standing conflict between the two countries.
Peace treaty ने दोनों देशों के बीच लंबे समय से चले आ रहे संघर्ष को ख़त्म कर दिया।
English Meaning: A state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation among a population.
Hindi Meaning: आबादी के बीच dissatisfaction और अशांति की स्थिति।
Example: The country was experiencing political unrest due to the economic crisis.
Economic crisis की वजह से देश political unrest का अनुभव कर रहा था।
English Meaning: The administration of a vaccine to stimulate the immune system and prevent disease.
Hindi Meaning: बीमारी को रोकने के लिए एक टीका लगवाना।
Example: The government launched a mass vaccination campaign to combat the spread of COVID-19.
सरकार ने फैले COVID-19 का मुकाबला करने के लिए एक mass vaccination campaign शुरू किया।
English Meaning: Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Hindi Meaning: हिंसा या लड़ाई जिसमे लोगों को चोट लगे या उनकी मौत हो जाये।
Example: The protests turned violent, with clashes between police and demonstrators.
पुलिस और demonstrators के बीच झड़पों के साथ protest हिंसक हो गया।
English Meaning: A state of armed conflict between nations, states, or societies.
Hindi Meaning: युद्ध या जंग।
Example: The country declared war on its neighbouring country over a territorial dispute.
देश ने territorial dispute को लेकर अपने पड़ोसी देश पर युद्ध की घोषणा की।
English Meaning: A person who exposes illegal or unethical behaviour within an organization.
Hindi Meaning: एक इंसान जो किसी organization के अंदर हो रहे गैरकानूनी या गलत व्यवहार को सबके सामने लेकर आता है।
Example: The whistleblower revealed the company’s fraudulent accounting practices.
Whistleblower ने company की धोखाधड़ी वाली accounting practices का खुलासा किया।
English Meaning: Having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ या किसी के बारे में mixed feelings या contradictory विचार होना।
Example: She was ambivalent about the job offer because it required her to relocate.
वह नौकरी के offer को लेकर ambivalent थी क्योंकि इसके लिए उसे किसी और जगह पर जाने की ज़रूरत थी।
English Meaning: Not connected with or relevant to something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ से जुड़ा या relevant न होना।
Example: The argument he made was irrelevant to the topic at hand.
उन्होंने जो argument दिया वह विषय के लिए वो irrelevant था।
English Meaning: Completely baffled or puzzled.
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह से हैरान।
Example: The teacher was perplexed by the student’s sudden change in behavior.
छात्र के व्यवहार में अचानक आए इस बदलाव से शिक्षक हैरान रह गए।
English Meaning: Creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ होने के बाद प्रतिक्रिया देने के बजाय कुछ होने से पहले उसे रोकने के लिए कदम उठाना।
Example: The company took proactive measures to improve its customer service.
Company ने अपनी customer service में सुधार के लिए proactive कदम उठाए।
English Meaning: Producing many works, results, or offspring.
Hindi Meaning: फलदार या उपजाऊ।
Example: The author was known for his prolific writing, having published over twenty books.
लेखक अपने prolific writing के लिए जाने जाते थे, जिनकी बीस से ज़्यादा किताबें publish हो चुकी हैं।
English Meaning: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions.
Hindi Meaning: कठिन परिस्थितियों का सामना करना या जल्दी से ठीक हो जाना।
Example: The community showed its resilient spirit in the face of a natural disaster.
Community ने natural disaster के सामने अपनी लचीली भावना (resilient spirit) दिखाई।
English Meaning: Strong and healthy; vigorous.
Hindi Meaning: मज़बूत और स्वस्थ; ज़ोरदार।
Example: The company’s robust sales performance was a result of its effective marketing strategy.
Company की मज़बूत sales performance उसकी प्रभावी marketing strategy का नतीजा थी।
English Meaning: Of considerable importance, size, or worth.
Hindi Meaning: काफी ज़रूरत, size या कीमत का।
Example: The project required a substantial amount of funding and resources.
Project को substantial amount में funding और resources की ज़रूरत थी।
English Meaning: Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
Hindi Meaning: फ़ालतू या बेवजह।
Example: The extra decorations were superfluous and only added clutter to the room.
ज़्यादा सजावट बेवज़ह थी और केवल कमरे में clutter को बढ़ा दिया।
English Meaning: To keep in existence; maintain or prolong.
Hindi Meaning: Existence में रखना; किसी चीज़ को बनाए रखना।
Example: The company struggled to sustain its profits during the economic downturn.
Company ने आर्थिक मंदी के दौरान अपने मुनाफे को बनाए रखने के लिए संघर्ष किया।
English Meaning: Tending to keep a firm hold of something; persistent.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ पर firm hold; ज़िद्दी होना।
Example: The athlete’s tenacious spirit allowed her to overcome numerous obstacles.
Athlete की ज़िद्द ने उसे कई मुश्किलों को दूर करने में मदद की।
English Meaning: Allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly; easily understood or recognized.
Hindi Meaning: जिस चीज़ से आर-पार दिखे; जो साफ़-साफ़ हो या जिसे आसानी से समझा जा सके।
Example: The company’s financial statements were transparent, showing all expenses and revenues.
Company के financial statements transparent थे, जिसमें सभी खर्चे और revenues दिख रहे थे।
English Meaning: Never done or known before; without previous example.
Hindi Meaning: जो पहले कभी नहीं किया या जाना गया हो।
Example: The pandemic caused an unprecedented level of disruption to daily life.
महामारी ने रोज़मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी में जो पहले कभी नहीं हुई ऐसी मुश्किलें पैदा की।
English Meaning: Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
Hindi Meaning: Physical या emotional हमले या नुकसान की चपेट में आना।
Example: The elderly population is vulnerable to the effects of the heatwave.
बुजुर्ग आबादी गर्मी की लहर के प्रभाव की चपेट में है।
English Meaning: Distributed or occurring over a wide area or among a large number of people.
Hindi Meaning: सब जगह फैला हुआ।
Example: The wildfire caused widespread damage to homes and natural resources.
जंगल की आग ने घरों और natural resources को बहुत नुकसान पहुंचाया।
English Meaning: Describing or predicting a catastrophic event or end-of-the-world scenario.
Hindi Meaning: किसी विनाशकारी घटना या दुनिया के ख़त्म होने की भविष्यवाणी करना।
Example: The scientist’s apocalyptic warnings about climate change have gained widespread attention.
Climate change के बारे में वैज्ञानिक की खतरनाक चेतावनियों ने सबका ध्यान उसकी ओर खींच लिया है।
English Meaning: Able to be believed; convincing.
Hindi Meaning: भरोसे लायक।
Example: The witness’s testimony was credible and helped to secure a conviction.
गवाह की गवाही भरोसे लायक थी और conviction को सुरक्षित करने में मदद मिली।
English Meaning: Well known for bad quality or deed.
Hindi Meaning: खराब quality या काम के लिए जाना जाने वाला।
Example: The city’s mayor was infamous for his corrupt practices.
शहर के mayor अपने भ्रष्ट हरकतों के लिए बदनाम थे।
Hindi Meaning: पलटाव
English Meaning: The ability to bounce back and recover from challenges or difficult situations.
Example: Despite facing numerous setbacks, her resilience allowed her to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Hindi Meaning: अधिकार देना
English Meaning: To give someone the authority, confidence, and support to take control of their life or situation.
Example: The organization’s mission is to empower underprivileged youth by providing them with educational opportunities.
Hindi Meaning: प्रभावशाली
English Meaning: Having a strong and significant influence or effect on someone or something.
Example: The speaker delivered an impactful presentation that left a lasting impression.
Hindi Meaning: तालमेल
English Meaning: The combined effect or interaction of different elements that produces a greater result than the sum of individual efforts.
Example: The synergy between the marketing and sales teams resulted in a significant increase in revenue for the company.
Hindi Meaning: उत्साही
English Meaning: Overflowing with enthusiasm, excitement, or high spirits.
Example: The team’s ebullient celebration followed their victory in the championship match.
Hindi Meaning: गूढ़
English Meaning: Intended for or understood by a small, specialized group with specific knowledge or interests.
Example: The professor’s lecture on quantum physics was highly esoteric.
Hindi Meaning: मजबूत
English Meaning: Strong, sturdy, and capable of withstanding pressure or difficult conditions.
Example: The robust security measures ensured that the sensitive data remained protected from cyber threats.
Hindi Meaning: परोपकारी
English Meaning: Showing selfless concern for the well-being of others and putting their needs before one’s own.
Example: Her altruistic nature led her to volunteer at the local shelter to help those in need.
Hindi Meaning: सहज
English Meaning: Existing as a natural or essential part of something; intrinsic or innate.
Example: The artist’s creativity was inherent, evident in every piece of artwork she created.
Hindi Meaning: ईमानदार
English Meaning: Diligent, thorough, and taking great care in one’s work or duties.
Example: She was known for her conscientious approach to complete projects ahead of deadlines.
Hindi Meaning: सच्चाई
English Meaning: Truthfulness, accuracy, and conformity to facts.
Example: The journalist was praised for her commitment to reporting with veracity and integrity.
Hindi Meaning: निर्मल
English Meaning: In its original, clean, and unspoiled condition; pure and untouched.
Example: The hiker marveled at the pristine beauty of the untouched wilderness.
Hindi Meaning: व्यावहारिक
English Meaning: Dealing with situations in a practical and sensible way, focusing on practical results rather than theories or ideals.
Example: The company’s pragmatic approach to problem-solving, helped them adapt to changing market conditions.
Hindi Meaning: प्रवक्ता
English Meaning: Expressing ideas or feelings in a clear, fluent, and persuasive manner.
Example: The CEO’s eloquent speech captivated the audience during the product launch event.
Hindi Meaning: कुशाग्र बुद्धि
English Meaning: Keen insight, sharpness, or shrewdness in making judgments or decisions.
Example: Her business acumen played a vital role in the company’s successful expansion into new markets.
Hindi Meaning: दृढ़
English Meaning: Persistent, determined, and unwilling to give up despite difficulties or obstacles.
Example: The tenacious athlete trained tirelessly to achieve her goal of winning the championship.
Hindi Meaning: हर जगह पर होना
English Meaning: The state of being present or found everywhere at the same time.
Example: With the ubiquity of smartphones, accessing information has become effortless.
Hindi Meaning: समावेशी
English Meaning: Promoting the involvement and participation of all individuals, regardless of their background or differences.
Example: The company’s inclusive policies fostered a diverse and welcoming work environment.
Hindi Meaning: ज़ोरदार
English Meaning: Convincing, clear, and logical, making a strong argument or case.
Example: The lawyer presented a cogent defense, swaying the jury in favor of the defendant.
Hindi Meaning: मिसाल
English Meaning: A typical example, model, or pattern that represents a particular concept or theory.
Example: The discovery of DNA’s structure marked a paradigm shift in the field of Biology.
Hindi Meaning: अति सावधान
English Meaning: Showing great attention to detail and being precise in one’s work or tasks.
Example: The architect’s meticulous planning ensured every aspect of the design was flawless.
Hindi Meaning: शब्दाडंबरपूर्ण
English Meaning: Using more words than necessary; wordy and overly elaborate.
Example: The verbose speech bored the audience as the speaker went on and on without making a clear point.
Hindi Meaning: क्षणिक
English Meaning: Lasting for a very short period; transient or temporary.
Example: The beauty of cherry blossoms is ephemeral, as the flowers bloom a few weeks each spring.
Hindi Meaning: कम करना
English Meaning: To make something less severe, harsh, or intense; to alleviate or lessen.
Example: The new safety measures were implemented to mitigate potential risks at the construction site.
Hindi Meaning: परोक्ष
English Meaning: Experienced or felt indirectly through the feelings or experiences of others.
Example: She lived vicariously through her friend’s travel stories, as she couldn’t go on the trip herself.
Hindi Meaning: उदार
English Meaning: Generous, forgiving, and noble in spirit, especially towards those who have wronged or offended.
Example: Despite the harsh criticism, she responded with a magnanimous gesture, offering her support to her critics.
Hindi Meaning: प्रशंसातीत
English Meaning: Beyond expression in words; too great, beautiful, or powerful to be described adequately.
Example: The breathtaking sunset over the mountains left her in an ineffable state of awe.
Hindi Meaning: गहन
English Meaning: Difficult to understand due to being complex, obscure, or deeply intellectual.
Example: The professor’s lecture on quantum physics was abstruse, leaving many students perplexed.
Hindi Meaning: परिपूर्ण
English Meaning: Representing the most perfect or typical example of something.
Example: The old bookstore was the quintessential place for book lovers, with its cozy ambiance and vast collection.
Hindi Meaning: अवास्तविक
English Meaning: Unrealistically idealistic, impractical, or visionary, often pursuing noble goals without regard to practicality.
Example: His quixotic quest to bring world peace, through simple gestures earned admiration, but faced criticism for being impractical.
Hindi Meaning: निपुण
English Meaning: Highly skilled or proficient in a particular area or activity.
Example: She is adept at playing multiple musical instruments, showcasing her versatility as a musician.
Hindi Meaning: अत्यधिक
English Meaning: Unreasonably high or excessive, often referring to prices or costs.
Example: The hotel’s exorbitant room rates made it difficult for budget travelers to afford a stay.
Hindi Meaning: रहस्यमय
English Meaning: Mysterious, puzzling, and difficult to understand or interpret.
Example: The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa has intrigued, art enthusiasts for centuries.
Hindi Meaning: शोर
English Meaning: A harsh and discordant mixture of sounds; a chaotic and unpleasant noise.
Example: The construction site was filled with a cacophony of drilling and hammering sounds.
Hindi Meaning: साहसिकता
English Meaning: The quality of being determined, persistent, and not giving up easily in the face of challenges.
Example: His tenacity in pursuing his dreams helped him overcome numerous obstacles and achieve success.
Hindi Meaning: बुद्धिमान
English Meaning: Having keen insight, wisdom, and good judgment in making decisions.
Example: The sagacious leader guided the team through challenging times with thoughtful strategies.
Hindi Meaning: चापलूस
English Meaning: A person who flatters or praises someone excessively to gain favor or advantages.
Example: The ambitious employee was known for being a sycophant to the boss, hoping for a promotion.
Hindi Meaning: मधुर
English Meaning: Sweet-sounding, smooth, and pleasant to the ear, especially in speech or music.
Example: The singer’s mellifluous voice captivated the audience during the concert.
Hindi Meaning: हार मानना
English Meaning: To surrender or yield to an opponent’s demands or conditions.
Example: After a lengthy negotiation, the company decided to capitulate to the union’s requests.
Hindi Meaning: विद्वान
English Meaning: Having great knowledge, learning, and scholarly expertise in various subjects.
Example: The erudite professor was respected for his extensive research and contributions to academia.
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