How To Speak About Days & Dates In English

Mentioning days and dates in your english sentences when you are a beginner is not that easy and to help you make this task easier I have come up with this hindi to english translation video tutorial. That will let you speak fluent english in front of just about anyone without any hesitation.


Hey, welcome to our fantastic journey into the world of days and dates in English!  We’re about to dive into some everyday English magic that will make you a better communicator. Think about all the conversations you have every day – talking about plans, holidays, and scheduling. After this lesson, you’ll ace those chats with confidence. So, let’s jump right in and explore the secrets of days and dates in English together

Dates और days की दुनिया में आपका स्वागत है! हम आज कुछ ऐसी बातें सीखने जा रहे हैं जो अपनी English को बेहतर बना देंगी। सोचिए, आप रोज़ की बातचीतों के बारे मेंplans, holidays और scheduling बनाने के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं। इस video lesson के बाद, आप इन discussions को confidence से कर पाएंगे। तो, चलिए आइए, हम साथ में dates और days के secrets की खोज में निकलने के लिए तैयार हों!


  1. Yesterday

Hindi Meaningबीता हुआ कल

English Meaning: The day before today.

Example: I saw him yesterday.


  1. Today

Hindi Meaning: आज

English Meaning: The current day.

Example: I’m going to the store today.


  1. Tomorrow

Hindi Meaning: आने वाला कल

English Meaning: The day after today.

Example: We have a meeting tomorrow.


  1. The day before yesterday

Hindi Meaning: कल से एक दिन पहले

English Meaning: Two days before today.

Example: He called the day before yesterday.


  1. The day after tomorrow

Hindi Meaning: परसों

English Meaning: Two days after today.

Example: We’ll leave for the trip the day after tomorrow.


  1. Beginning of the day (BOD)

Hindi Meaning: दिन की शुरुआत

English Meaning: The start of the day.

Example: I like to exercise at the beginning of the day.


  1. End of the day (EOD) / Close of the business (COB)

Hindi Meaning: दिन का अंत

English Meaning: The end of the workday or business hours.

Example: We’ll discuss this matter at EOD.


  1. Last

Hindi Meaning: पिछला

English Meaning: The period just before the current one.

Example: I saw him last year.


  1. This

Hindi Meaning: यह

English Meaning: The current period (month, week).

Example: This week has been busy.


  1. Next

Hindi Meaning: अगला

English Meaning: The period just after the current one.

Example: I have an appointment next Tuesday.


  1. Following

Hindi Meaning: अगले से अगले

English Meaning: Refers to something that comes after another event or time.

Example: The following day, we went to the beach.


  1. Weekdays

Hindi Meaning: सप्ताह के दिन

English Meaning: The days of the week from Monday to Friday.

Example: I work on weekdays.


  1. Weekend

Hindi Meaning: छुट्टी का दिन / सप्ताह का अंत (शनिवार और रविवार)

English Meaning: Saturday and Sunday.

Example: I love spending the weekend at the lake.


  1. Early next week

Hindi Meaning: आने वाले सप्ताह की शुरुआत

English Meaning: The beginning of the next week.

Example: We’ll discuss it early next week.


  1. Middle of next week

Hindi Meaning: आने वाले सप्ताह के बीच में

English Meaning: The middle of the next week.

Example: Let’s meet in the middle of next week.


  1. Late next week

Hindi Meaning: आने वाले सप्ताह के अंत में

English Meaning: The end of the next week.

Example: The report will be ready late next week.


  1. In the week of 

Hindi Meaning: के सप्ताह में

English Meaning: Refers to a specific week.

Example: I am free in the week of 26th June.


  1. Decade

Hindi Meaning: दशक

English Meaning: Ten years.

Example: The ’80s was a memorable decade.


  1. Century

Hindi Meaning: सदी

English Meaning: A period of one hundred years.

Example: The 20th century saw significant technological advancements.


  1. Millennium

Hindi Meaning: हज़ार साल

English Meaning: A period of one thousand years.

Example: The third millennium began in the year 2000.


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  1. Date – British style (15 July, 2016)

Hindi Meaning: तारीखBritish style (15 जुलाई, 2016)

English Meaning: Date format used in British English.

Example: The event is scheduled for 15 July 2016.


  1. American style date (07-07-2016)

Hindi Meaning: तारीख American style (07-07-2016)

English Meaning: Date format used in American English.

Example: The appointment is on 07-07-2016.


  1. Fortnight

Hindi Meaning: दो हफ्ते

English Meaning: Two weeks.

Example: They planned to take a vacation for a fortnight.


  1. Quarter

Hindi Meaning: चौथाई

English Meaning: Three months, typically one-fourth of a year.

Example: The financial report will be ready at the end of the quarter.


  1. Biennial

Hindi Meaning: दो साला

English Meaning: Occurring every two years.

Example: The Olympic Games are held biennially.


  1. Trimester

Hindi Meaning: तिमाही

English Meaning: Three months, especially in the context of pregnancy.

Example: She is in her second trimester of pregnancy.


  1. Leap Year

Hindi Meaning: अधिवर्ष (वर्ष जब 29 दिन का होता है)

English Meaning: A year, occurring every four years, with an extra day (29 days in February).

Example: 2020 was a leap year.


  1. Anniversary

Hindi Meaning: सालगिरह

English Meaning: The date on which an event occurred in a previous year.

Example: We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last week.


  1. Epoch

Hindi Meaning: युग

English Meaning: A particular period in history, typically one characterized by notable events or developments.

Example: The Renaissance was an epoch of cultural rebirth.


  1. Dusk

Hindi Meaning: संध्या

English Meaning: The time of day immediately following sunset.

Example: The sky was painted with beautiful colors during dusk.


  1. Hour

Hindi Meaning: घंटा

English Meaning: A unit of time, equal to 60 minutes.

Example: The meeting is scheduled for 2 o’clock.


  1. Minute

Hindi Meaning: मिनट

English Meaning: A unit of time, equal to 60 seconds.

Example: I’ll be back in a minute.


  1. Second

Hindi Meaning: सेकंड

English Meaning: A unit of time, equal to 1/60th of a minute.

Example: He finished the race in just a few seconds.


  1. Calendar

Hindi Meaning: पंचांग

English Meaning: A system of organizing and measuring time, often displayed in a monthly or yearly format.

Example: I marked the important dates on my calendar.


  1. Duration

Hindi Meaning: अवधि

English Meaning: The length of time during which something continues or exists.

Example: The duration of the movie was three hours.


  1. Month

Hindi Meaning: महीना

English Meaning: A unit of time, typically consisting of 30 or 31 days, or in the case of February, 28 or 29 days.

Example: My birthday is in August.


  1. Week

Hindi Meaning: हफ्ता

English Meaning: A unit of time consisting of seven days.

Example: We have a meeting next week.


  1. Midnight

Hindi Meaning: आधी रात

English Meaning: The middle of the night; midnight.

Example: The party ended at midnight.


  1. Morning

Hindi Meaning: सुबह

English Meaning: The early part of the day, from dawn until noon.

Example: I like to go for a run in the morning.


  1. Evening

Hindi Meaning: शाम

English Meaning: The later part of the day, from late afternoon until night.

Example: Let’s meet in the evening for dinner.


  1. Sunrise

Hindi Meaning: सूर्योदय

English Meaning: The time when the sun first appears above the horizon in the morning.

Example: Watching the sunrise at the beach is a beautiful experience.


  1. Sunset

Hindi Meaning: सूर्यास्त

English Meaning: The time when the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening.

Example: The colors of the sky during sunset are breathtaking.


  1. Daylight

Hindi Meaning: प्रकाश

English Meaning: The natural light of the day; the time when it is light outside.

Example: Daylight is longer during the summer months.


  1. Noontime

Hindi Meaning: दोपहर

English Meaning: The time around midday; or noon.

Example: Let’s have lunch at noontime.


  1. Twilight

Hindi Meaning: संध्या

English Meaning: The soft, diffused light occurring in the morning or evening, often before sunrise or after sunset.

Example: The forest is enchanting in the twilight.


  1. Dawn

Hindi Meaning: सुबह होना

English Meaning: The first light of day; daybreak.

Example: The birds start singing at dawn.


  1. Nocturnal

Hindi Meaning: रात्रिक

English Meaning: Relating to or occurring during the night.

Example: Owls are nocturnal creatures.


  1. Diurnal

Hindi Meaning: रोजाना

English Meaning: Relating to or occurring during the day.

Example: Diurnal routines, such as waking up early in the morning, are important for a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Eternal

Hindi Meaning: अनन्त

English Meaning: Lasting forever; without end.

Example: Love is often considered eternal.


  1. Contemporary

Hindi Meaning: समकालीन

English Meaning: Belonging to the same period; modern.

Example: He is a contemporary artist.


  1. Past

Hindi Meaning: गुज़रा हुआ

English Meaning: The time that has gone by; no longer current.

Example: The past cannot be changed.


  1. Present

Hindi Meaning: वर्तमान

English Meaning: The current time or moment.

Example: Let’s focus on the present.


  1. Future

Hindi Meaning: भविष्य

English Meaning: The time that is yet to come.

Example: Planning for the future is important.


  1. Age

Hindi Meaning: आयु

English Meaning: A particular period in one’s life.

Example: Childhood is a joyful age.


  1. Youth

Hindi Meaning: युवा

English Meaning: The period between childhood and adulthood.

Example: Youth is a time of exploration.


  1. Middle Age

Hindi Meaning: मध्ययुग

English Meaning: The period of life between youth and old age.

Example: He enjoyed traveling in his middle age.


  1. Eon

Hindi Meaning: युग

English Meaning: An indefinitely long period.

Example: The universe’s history spans eons.


  1. Lifetime

Hindi Meaning: जीवनकाल

English Meaning: The duration of a person’s life.

Example: He achieved a lot in his lifetime.


  1. Temporal

Hindi Meaning: कुछ समय का

English Meaning: Relating to time.

Example: Temporal changes are inevitable.


  1. Permanent

Hindi Meaning: स्थायी

English Meaning: Lasting or intended to last indefinitely.

Example: The ink stain is permanent.


  1. Cycle

Hindi Meaning: चक्र

English Meaning: A series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order.

Example: The water cycle is essential for life.


  1. Frequency

Hindi Meaning: बारंबार होना

English Meaning: The rate at which something occurs over some time.

Example: The frequency of earthquakes varies.


  1. Rhythm

Hindi Meaning: ताल

English Meaning: A regular pattern of beats or movements.

Example: The music had a catchy rhythm.


  1. Era

Hindi Meaning: युग

English Meaning: A particular period of history marked by distinctive features or events.

Example: The Renaissance was a remarkable era of art and culture.


  1. Occasion

Hindi Meaning: मौका

English Meaning: A particular event or time, especially one that is special or important.

Example: We celebrated the occasion with a big party.


  1. Timeframe

Hindi Meaning: निर्धारित समयसीमा

English Meaning: A particular period during which something is planned to occur or be completed.

Example: The project has a strict timeframe for completion.


  1. Season

Hindi Meaning: मौसम

English Meaning: The year characterized by particular weather conditions or activities.

Example: Winter is my favorite season because I love snow.


  1. Phase

Hindi Meaning: चरण

English Meaning: A distinct period or stage in a process or development.

Example: We are in the planning phase of the project.


  1. Moment

Hindi Meaning: पल

English Meaning: A very brief period.

Example: The moment he saw her, he knew she was the one.


  1. Intermittent

Hindi Meaning: अनियमित

English Meaning: Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous.

Example: We experienced intermittent rainfall throughout the day.


  1. Hourglass

Hindi Meaning: घड़ी

English Meaning: An instrument that measures time by the flow of sand through a small opening from one glass container to another.

Example: The hourglass on her desk reminded her to stay focused.


  1. Sundial

Hindi Meaning: धूपघड़ी

English Meaning: A device that tells the time of day by the position of the sun’s shadow on a marked plate.

Example: The sundial in the garden is an ancient timekeeping device.


  1. Stopwatch

Hindi Meaning: स्टॉपवॉच

English Meaning: A timekeeping device used to measure the elapsed time of an event with precision.

Example: He used a stopwatch to time his sprint.


  1. Punctual

Hindi Meaning: समय पर

English Meaning: Being on time; arriving or occurring at the appointed time.

Example: She is always punctual for meetings.


  1. Calendar Year

Hindi Meaning: साल

English Meaning: A year according to the calendar, typically 365 days (or 366 in a leap year).

Example: We plan our vacations around the calendar year.


  1. Time Travel

Hindi Meaning: समय यात्रा

English Meaning: The concept of moving between different points in time, either forwards or backward.

Example: Time travel is a popular theme in science fiction.


  1. Delay

Hindi Meaning: देरी

English Meaning: A situation in which something happens later than it should.

Example: The train was delayed due to bad weather.


  1. Synchronize

Hindi Meaning: साथ-साथ होना

English Meaning: To coordinate or make things happen at the same time.

Example: We need to synchronize our schedules for the event.


  1. Calendar Month

Hindi Meaning: महीना

English Meaning: One of the twelve divisions of the calendar year.

Example: July is a calendar month with 31 days.


  1. Lunar

Hindi Meaning: चंद्रमा संबंधित

English Meaning: Relating to the moon or its cycles.

Example: The lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon.


  1. Solar

Hindi Meaning: सूर्य संबंधित

English Meaning: Relating to the sun or its energy.

Example: Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity.


  1. Timer

Hindi Meaning: समय गणना करने का यंत्र

English Meaning: A device that can be set to measure or control a specific amount of time.

Example: I set the timer for the oven to avoid overcooking the food.


  1. Daybreak

Hindi Meaning: सवेरा

English Meaning: The time at which daylight first begins; dawn.

Example: I love the peacefulness of daybreak.


  1. Time Zone

Hindi Meaning: समय क्षेत्र

English Meaning: A region of the Earth that has the same standard time.

Example: New York and London are in different time zones.


  1. Nightfall

Hindi Meaning: संध्या

English Meaning: The beginning of the night; when it becomes dark.

Example: We started our campfire at nightfall.


  1. Timepiece

Hindi Meaning: समय का यंत्र

English Meaning: A device that measures or indicates time, such as a clock or watch.

Example: His antique timepiece is a valuable collectible.


  1. Chronicle

Hindi Meaning: इतिहास

English Meaning: A historical account of events arranged in chronological order.

Example: The book serves as a chronicle of the nation’s history.


  1. Datebook

Hindi Meaning: तिथिपुस्तिका

English Meaning: A book or calendar used to record appointments, dates, and important events.

Example: I keep all my appointments organized in my datebook.


  1. Millisecond

Hindi Meaning: मीलीसेकंड

English Meaning: One-thousandth of a second, a very brief unit of time.

Example: The computer processes data in milliseconds.


  1. Daylight Saving Time


Hindi Meaning: दिन के समय को बचाना

English Meaning: A practice of advancing clocks during the warmer months to extend evening daylight.

Example: We set our clocks forward one hour for daylight saving time.


Correct use of the preposition “On’’ while writing dates and days



Hindi Meaning: किसी एक दिन या तारीख के साथ उपयोग किया जाता है।

English Meaning: Used with a single day or date.

Example: I will come on Tuesday.

Example: The party is on July 4th.



Correct use of the preposition “In’’ while writing dates and days



Hindi Meaning: सप्ताह, महीने, या वर्ष के साथ उपयोग किया जाता है।

English Meaning: Used with weeks, months, or years.

Example: We will meet in July.

Example: I have a meeting in the week of August 15th.

Example: Our anniversary is in the year 2023.



Point to remember: 


Always capitalize the names of days and months: When writing, always use capital letters at the beginning of the names of days (e.g., Monday, Tuesday) and months (e.g., January, February) to follow proper grammar and conventions.



Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How do you talk about date and time?

To discuss dates and times in English, you typically use specific vocabulary. For dates, you mention the day, followed by the month and the year. For times, you use either the 12-hour clock (a.m. and p.m.) or the 24-hour clock.


  1. How do you write date examples?

Dates are written in words by stating the day, followed by the month and the year. For example, “January 1, 2023.”


  1. How do you write time?

Time can be written in words by stating the hour followed by minutes and, if necessary, a.m. or p.m. For example, “3:30 p.m.”


  1. How do you say daytime in English?

In English, “daytime” refers to the period of the day when it is light outside, typically between sunrise and sunset.


  1. How do you say 24-hour time?

In English, the 24-hour clock is also called “military time” or “international time.” It uses a format from 00:00 to 23:59, where 00:00 is midnight, and noon is noon.


  1. Does PM mean day or night?

PM stands for “post meridiem” in Latin, which means “after midday.” Therefore, PM refers to the time in the afternoon and evening, indicating night time when the hour is higher, e.g., 3:00 PM is in the afternoon, and 9:00 PM is at night.


  1. What is the full form of AM?

AM stands for “ante meridiem” in Latin, which means “before midday.” It refers to the time in the morning and forenoon.


  1. Is 12 am in the morning?

Yes, 12:00 AM is midnight, which marks the start of the day.


  1. Why is it called midnight?

“Midnight” is so named because it is the middle point between sunset and sunrise, marking the midpoint of the night.


  1. What time is noon?

Noon is 12:00 PM, marking the middle of the day.


  1. What’s a word for learning new things?

“Learning new things” can be referred to as “education,” “acquiring knowledge,” or “personal growth.”


  1. How do you say days of the week, months, and dates in English?

Days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Dates: In English, dates are typically written as “day of the week, month day, year.”


  1. How do you say days and dates?

To say “days” or “dates” in English, you simply use the words “days” or “dates” in your sentence. For example, “I like to plan my activities on specific dates,” or “I enjoy spending my days outdoors.”


  1. How do you write 12 am in 24-hour clock?

In the 24-hour clock format, 12:00 AM (midnight) is written as “00:00.” There is no “12 AM” in the 24-hour clock; it starts with 00:00 for midnight and goes up to 23:59 for 11:59 PM.


  1. Do you write 2 pm or 2 pm?

Regarding your second question, you can write “2 PM” with or without a space before “PM.” Both “2 PM” and “2 PM” are correct, and it’s a matter of personal preference or the style guide you are following.



As we wrap up our journey through the fascinating world of days and dates in English, remember that every word and concept explored in this lesson serves as a stepping stone toward elevating your English language proficiency. From “calendar” to “weekdays,” “months” to “holidays,” this vocabulary isn’t just about understanding time; it’s about mastering a vital aspect of communication.


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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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