10 English Phrases Used In Daily Routine

Do you know how to say “कहना आसान है, करना नहीं” or “यह गाना सुबह से मेरे दिमाग में घूम रहा है”? इस वीडियो में ऐसे 10 English Phrases सीखो जो आपके Daily Routine में काम आएंगे | Learn 10 English expressions of daily use to speak fluent English with your colleagues, friends and family members. In this video, Awal has given 10 important phrases that we use in daily English conversation. Awal has explained meaning of each phrase in Hindi, along with simple and interesting examples of daily use. This English lesson is helpful for beginners who want to practice English speaking for more confidence. This English lecture in Hindi will make Spoken English learning easy for you.

Make the most of this English learning video lesson by mastering 10 new English phrases and sentences used in daily routine. Start using these phrases and sentences in your day to day life because they will help you upgrade your English fairly quickly. Don’t wait, start learning English. 



In this video lesson, you’ll find some common English Phrases for everyday use. These phrases are perfect for beginners and are commonly used in various situations. Whether you’re greeting someone, asking for help, or expressing simple feelings, these phrases will help you communicate effectively in a straightforward way. Let’s dive in and explore these common English expressions and the daily use of English sentences.


इस Video lesson मे, हमने आपके लिए कुछ बहुत ही सरल और मजेदार वाक्य लिखे हैं, जो आपकी रोज़ाना की बातचीत में मदद करेंगे। ये वाक्य शुरुआती लोगों के लिए बिल्कुल उपयुक्त हैं और विभिन्न स्थितियों में आसानी से उपयोग हो सकते हैं। किसी के सामने बोलना, मदद मांगना या भावनाओं को व्यक्त करना, ये वाक्य आपको बिना किसी कठिनाई के संवाद करने में मदद करेंगे। आइए इन मजेदार और आसान दिनचर्या वाक्यों की खोज में निकलें!


“Phrases: the secret sauce to speaking with style.”


Below are 200+ English Phrases for use in Daily Routine.


  1. It is easier said than done

Hindi Meaning: कहना आसान है करना नहीं

English Meaning: Saying is easy, doing is not.

Example: Planning a successful event is easier said than done.


  1. Come what may

Hindi Meaning: चाहे कुछ भी होजाए

English Meaning: Regardless of what happens.

Example: I will stand by you, come what may.


  1. Last but not the least

Hindi Meaning: आखिरी पर कम नहीं

English Meaning: Important despite being mentioned last.

Example: Among all the dishes, the dessert was last but not least.


  1. Good riddance

Hindi Meaning: पीछा छुट्टा 

English Meaning: Relief at being free from something undesirable.

Example: After the exhausting project, the completion felt like good riddance.


  1. You are kidding me

Hindi Meaning: मजाक कर रहे हो

English Meaning: You are joking with me.

Example: Did you meet the president? You are kidding me, right?


  1. Stuck in the head

Hindi Meaning: दिमाग में घूमना

English Meaning: Something continuously on the mind.

Example: The catchy tune of the song was stuck in my head all day.


  1. Sooner or later

Hindi Meaning: कभी न कभी

English Meaning: Eventually, at some point.

Example: Sooner or later, everyone faces challenges in life.


  1. I have to say

Hindi Meaning: कहना पड़ेगा / मनना पड़ेगा

English Meaning: I must express.

Example: I have to say, your performance was exceptional.


  1. If that is the case

Hindi Meaning: अगर ऐसा है तो

English Meaning: If that’s true.

Example: If that is the case, we should reconsider our strategy.


  1. Is it just me?

Hindi Meaning: क्या ऐसा सिर्फ मुझे ही लग रहा है?

English Meaning: Am I the only one who feels this way?

Example: Is it just me, or is the room getting colder?


  1. Quality time

Hindi Meaning: गुणवत्ता भरा समय

English Meaning: Time spent in a valuable and meaningful way.

Example: They spent quality time together on their vacation.


  1. Zero hour

Hindi Meaning: शुरूआती समय, महत्वपूर्ण समय

English Meaning: The appointed time for an important event.

Example: The meeting is scheduled for zero hours tomorrow.


  1. From scratch

Hindi Meaning: शुरू से, बिना किसी आधार के

English Meaning: Starting from the beginning, without any existing work.

Example: They built the company from scratch and turned it into a success.


  1. Give someone the benefit of the doubt

Hindi Meaning: किसी को अवगत किए बिना माफ़ कर देना

English Meaning: To trust someone’s good intentions even if you’re unsure.

Example: I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she had a valid reason.


  1. No sweat

Hindi Meaning: कोई परेशानी नहीं

English Meaning: No problem or difficulty.

Example: “Can you help me move this?” “Sure, no sweat!”


  1. When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Hindi Meaning: जब मुश्किल होती है, तब मजबूत लोग कदम बढ़ाते हैं।

English Meaning: When faced with difficulties, strong people become more determined.

Example: Instead of giving up, she faced the challenge head-on; when the going gets tough, the tough get going.


  1. Put someone in their place

Hindi Meaning: किसी को उसकी जगह पर रखना

English Meaning: Make someone aware of their true position or status.

Example: She put him in his place when he tried to boss everyone around.


  1. I’m on it

Hindi Meaning: मैं इस पर काम कर रहा हूँ

English Meaning: I’ll handle it.

Example: Don’t worry about the report; I’m on it.


  1. Chill out

Hindi Meaning: आराम करो

English Meaning: Relax.

Example: You need to chill out and destress.


  1. Hang on a sec

Hindi Meaning: एक सेकंड ठहरो

English Meaning: Wait a moment.

Example: Hang on a sec, I’ll be right there.


  1. That’s cool

Hindi Meaning: यह ठीक है

English Meaning: That’s nice.

Example: You got a new job? That’s cool!


  1. Can I help you?

Hindi Meaning: क्या मैं आपकी मदद कर सकता हूँ?

English Meaning: Do you need assistance?

Example: Can I help you find something in the store?


  1. Sounds good

Hindi Meaning: अच्छा लग रहा है 

English Meaning: I agree.

Example: Let’s meet for lunch. Sounds good.


  1. See you later

Hindi Meaning: फिर मिलेंगे

English Meaning: Goodbye.

Example: I need to go now. See you later!


  1. What a mess

Hindi Meaning: क्या गड़बड़ है

English Meaning: Such a mess.

Example: The kids left the room in a mess.


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  1. What’s the catch?

Hindi Meaning: क्या चाल है?

English Meaning: What’s the hidden aspect?

Example: This offer sounds too good to be true. What’s the catch?


  1. It’s a deal

Hindi Meaning: सौदा हो गया

English Meaning: We agree.

Example: Let’s shake hands. It’s a deal!


  1. What’s the plan?

Hindi Meaning: क्या योजना है?

English Meaning: What’s the idea?

Example: Everyone ready for the weekend? What’s the plan?


  1. Thanks a bunch

Hindi Meaning: धन्यवाद

English Meaning: Thanks a lot.

Example: You helped me move, thanks a bunch!


  1. I’m all ears

Hindi Meaning: मैं ध्यान से सुन रहा हूँ

English Meaning: I’m listening.

Example: Go ahead, I’m all ears.


  1. Let’s call it a day

Hindi Meaning: चलो आज बस इतना ही कर लेते हैं

English Meaning: Let’s finish work.

Example: We’ve done enough; let’s call it a day.


  1. What a relief

Hindi Meaning: कितनी आरामदायक

English Meaning: Such a relief.

Example: Finding my lost keys was a relief.


  1. Nevermind

Hindi Meaning: छोड़ दो

English Meaning: Forget about it.

Example: I forgot to bring the book—oh well, never mind.


  1. You’re welcome

Hindi Meaning: कोई बात नहीं

English Meaning: No problem.

Example: Thanks for your help. You’re welcome.


  1. I don’t get it

Hindi Meaning: मुझे समझ नहीं आया

English Meaning: I don’t understand.

Example: Can you explain that again? I don’t get it.


  1. It’s up to you

Hindi Meaning: यह आपकी मर्जी है।

English Meaning: Your decision.

Example: Should we order pizza or burgers? It’s up to you.


  1. No way!

Hindi Meaning: बिल्कुल नहीं!

English Meaning: I can’t believe it!

Example: I won the contest? No way!


  1. Just kidding

Hindi Meaning: मजाक कर रहा था

English Meaning: I’m joking.

Example: I can’t fly—just kidding!


  1. What’s the word?

Hindi Meaning: क्या चल रहा है?

English Meaning: What’s new?

Example: Hey, long time no see! What’s the word?


  1. Time flies

Hindi Meaning: समय बहुत तेजी से बीतता है

English Meaning: Time goes by quickly.

Example: It’s been a year already? Time flies!


  1. Keep it up

Hindi Meaning: इसी तरीके से आगे बढ़ते रहो

English Meaning: Continue doing well.

Example: You’re doing great in your studies. Keep it up.


  1. You’re the best

Hindi Meaning: तुम सबसे अच्छे हो

English Meaning: You’re excellent.

Example: Thanks for helping. You’re the best.


  1. Let’s get together

Hindi Meaning: चलो मिलकर कुछ करते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting a social gathering.

Example: Let’s get together for a reunion.


  1. It’s no big deal

Hindi Meaning: यह बड़ी बात नहीं

English Meaning: It’s not important.

Example: Don’t worry about it; it’s no big deal.


  1. It’s a shame

Hindi Meaning: यह बहुत ही खराब है

English Meaning: It’s unfortunate.

Example: It’s a shame that the event got canceled.


  1. Let me know

Hindi Meaning: मुझे बताओ

English Meaning: Tell me.

Example: Whenever you decide, let me know.


  1. What’s cooking?

Hindi Meaning: क्या चल रहा है?

English Meaning: What’s happening?

Example: You seem busy—what’s cooking?


  1. I’m starving

Hindi Meaning: मैं भूखा हूँ

English Meaning: I’m very hungry.

Example: I skipped lunch; I’m starving.


  1. You rock!

Hindi Meaning: तुम शानदार हो!

English Meaning: You’re amazing!

Example: You finished the project early? You rock!


  1. That’s a wrap

Hindi Meaning: यह समाप्ति है

English Meaning: It’s finished.

Example: We have completed the shooting, folks—that’s a wrap!


  1. I messed up

Hindi Meaning: मैंने गलती की

English Meaning: I made a mistake.

Example: I overslept and missed the meeting. I messed up.


  1. It’s all good

Hindi Meaning: सब ठीक है

English Meaning: Everything is fine.

Example: Don’t worry; it’s all good.


  1. I’m beat

Hindi Meaning: मैं थक गया हूँ

English Meaning: I’m tired.

Example: After a long day, I’m beaten.


  1. I’m in a hurry

Hindi Meaning: मैं जल्दी में हूँ

English Meaning: I need to go quickly.

Example: Can we talk later? I’m in a hurry.


  1. Long time no see

Hindi Meaning: बहुत लंबा समय हो गया देखे नहीं। 

English Meaning: We haven’t met in a while.

Example: Hey, long time no see!


  1. I’m down

Hindi Meaning: मैं तैयार हूँ

English Meaning: I’m interested.

Example: Going for a hike? I’m down!


  1. That’s the point

Hindi Meaning: वही तो मुद्दा है

English Meaning: That’s the main idea.

Example: You should save money—that’s the point.


  1. I’ll pass

Hindi Meaning: मैं मना करता हूँ

English Meaning: I’m not interested.

Example: Want to try bungee jumping? I’ll pass.


  1. It’s a no-brainer

Hindi Meaning: यह बहुत ही सरल है

English Meaning: It’s obvious.

Example: Choosing pizza over broccoli is a no-brainer.


  1. Time will tell

Hindi Meaning: समय ही बताएगा

English Meaning: The truth will become apparent over time.

Example: We’ll see if this decision was right; time will tell.


  1. Keep your fingers crossed

Hindi Meaning: अपनी उंगलियाँ क्रॉस करो

English Meaning: Hope for good luck or success.

Example: I have an interview tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for me.


  1. It slipped my mind

Hindi Meaning: मेरे दिमाग से यह बात निकल गई थी

English Meaning: I forgot about it.

Example: I was supposed to call her, but it slipped my mind.


  1. That’s a shame

Hindi Meaning: यह खराब है

English Meaning: It’s unfortunate.

Example: He missed the opportunity? That’s a shame.


  1. Make yourself at home

Hindi Meaning: आराम से बैठिए, यह आपका ही घर समझिए

English Meaning: Relax and feel comfortable.

Example: Welcome to my place—make yourself at home.


  1. Don’t get me wrong

Hindi Meaning: मुझे गलत न समझें

English Meaning: Don’t misunderstand me.

Example: I appreciate your input, but don’t get me wrong; I have a different opinion.


  1. Easy does it

Hindi Meaning: धीरे से करो

English Meaning: Do it slowly and carefully.

Example: Move the fragile items with “easy does it.”


  1. Shake a leg

Hindi Meaning: जल्दी करो

English Meaning: Hurry up.

Example: We need to leave soon, so shake a leg!


  1. I’m all set

Hindi Meaning: मैं तैयार हूँ

English Meaning: I’m ready.

Example: Ready to go! I’m all set.


  1. It’s a small world

Hindi Meaning: दुनिया छोटी है

English Meaning: Surprising how interconnected people are.

Example: You know my friend too? It’s a small world.


  1. You’re out of your mind

Hindi Meaning: तुम पागल हो

English Meaning: You’re crazy.

Example: Climbing that mountain? You’re out of your mind!


  1. Get a grip

Hindi Meaning: संयम बनाओ / क़ाबू में रहो

English Meaning: Control yourself.

Example: Stop panicking and get a grip on the situation.


  1. It’s a no-go

Hindi Meaning: यह हो नहीं सकता

English Meaning: It’s not possible.

Example: The plan to travel this weekend is a no-go due to bad weather.


  1. Read my lips

Hindi Meaning: मेरे होंठों को पढ़ो

English Meaning: Pay close attention to what I’m saying.

Example: I won’t change my mind, so read my lips—no more arguments.


  1. Let’s call it even

Hindi Meaning: आओ इसे बराबर मान लें

English Meaning: Let’s consider the matter settled.

Example: You owe me ten dollars, but let’s call it even.


  1. He’s a pain in the neck

Hindi Meaning: वह सर में दर्द है

English Meaning: He’s very annoying.

Example: Dealing with his constant complaints is like dealing with a pain in the neck.


  1. It’s not the end of the world

Hindi Meaning: यह दुनिया का अंत नहीं है

English Meaning: It’s not a catastrophic situation.

Example: Failing this test isn’t the end of the world; you can retake it.


  1. Speak of the devil

Hindi Meaning: जिस व्यक्ति की बात कर रहे थे, वह यहाँ आ गया

English Meaning: When the person you’re talking about arrives.

Example: Speak of the devil—here comes John!


  1. That’s the last straw

Hindi Meaning: यह आखिरी चीज़ है

English Meaning: That’s the final problem or annoyance.

Example: I can’t deal with his constant excuses anymore; this is the last straw.


  1. No problem at all

Hindi Meaning: कोई समस्या नहीं

English Meaning: It’s okay, no trouble.

Example: Forgot your pen? No problem at all.


  1. Let’s do it

Hindi Meaning: चलो करते हैं

English Meaning: We should take action.

Example: The project needs attention. Let’s do it.


  1. Count me in

Hindi Meaning: मेरे बिना मत सोचो

English Meaning: Include me, I’m interested.

Example: Planning a movie night? Count me in.


  1. What’s up?

Hindi Meaning: क्या हो रहा है?

English Meaning: What’s happening?

Example: You look sad, what’s up?


  1. Take care

Hindi Meaning: ख़याल रखना

English Meaning: Look after yourself.

Example: Going on a trip? Take care.


  1. I’m on my way

Hindi Meaning: मैं रास्ते में हूँ

English Meaning: I’m coming.

Example: Are you here yet? I’m on my way.


  1. That’s awesome

Hindi Meaning: यह शानदार है

English Meaning: That’s great!

Example: You got the job? That’s awesome!


  1. Let me think

Hindi Meaning: मैं सोच लूँ

English Meaning: Give me a moment to ponder.

Example: Which movie to watch? Let me think.


  1. It’s a pleasure

Hindi Meaning: यह ख़ुशी की बात है

English Meaning: I’m glad to help.

Example: Thanks for the help. It’s a pleasure.


  1. Nice to see you

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हें देखकर खुशी हुई

English Meaning: It’s good to meet you.

Example: Long time no see! Nice to see you.


  1. Don’t mention it

Hindi Meaning: मत कहिए

English Meaning: No need to thank me.

Example: Thanks for the ride. Don’t mention it.


  1. What do you think?

Hindi Meaning: आपका क्या ख़याल है?

English Meaning: What’s your opinion?

Example: Planning a picnic. What do you think?


  1. I’m fine

Hindi Meaning: मैं ठीक हूँ

English Meaning: I’m okay.

Example: How are you? I’m fine.


  1. That’s right

Hindi Meaning: बिल्कुल सही

English Meaning: Correct.

Example: The answer is 42. That’s right.


  1. Let’s go home

Hindi Meaning: चलो घर चलें

English Meaning: Time to head back.

Example: It’s getting late. Let’s go home.


  1. Can you help me?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं?

English Meaning: Can you assist me?

Example: I can’t find my keys. Can you help me?


  1. I agree

Hindi Meaning: मैं सहमत हूँ

English Meaning: I concur.

Example: Pizza for dinner? I agree.


  1. Let’s go shopping

Hindi Meaning: चलो ख़रीददारी करें

English Meaning: Time for some shopping.

Example: Sale is on. Let’s go shopping.


  1. It’s not a big deal

Hindi Meaning: यह बड़ी बात नहीं है

English Meaning: It’s not significant.

Example: Sorry for the delay. It’s not a big deal.


  1. I don’t understand

Hindi Meaning: मुझे समझ नहीं आया

English Meaning: I’m confused.

Example: Can you explain this again? I don’t understand.


  1. Let’s have fun

Hindi Meaning: मज़ा करें

English Meaning: Enjoy ourselves.

Example: Weekend plans? Let’s have fun.


  1. See you tomorrow

Hindi Meaning: कल मिलेंगे

English Meaning: We’ll meet tomorrow.

Example: Leaving for the day. See you tomorrow.


  1. I’m sorry to hear that

Hindi Meaning: वो सुनकर मुझे दुःख हुआ

English Meaning: I’m sad to know that.

Example: His pet passed away. I’m sorry to hear that.


  1. Let’s grab a bite

Hindi Meaning: चलो कुछ खाने चलें

English Meaning: Let’s eat something.

Example: Lunchtime. Let’s grab a bite.


  1. Can I have the bill?

Hindi Meaning: क्या मैं बिल मांग सकता हूँ?

English Meaning: May I request the check?

Example: Finished eating. Can I have the bill?


  1. Have a great day

Hindi Meaning: अच्छा दिन गुज़ारो

English Meaning: Enjoy your day.

Example: Leaving for work? Have a great day!


  1. Let’s make a plan

Hindi Meaning: चलो एक योजना बनाएं

English Meaning: Let’s create a strategy.

Example: Weekend approaching. Let’s make a plan.


  1. Can you pass the salt?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप नमकीन पास कर सकते हैं?

English Meaning: Can you give me the salt?

Example: Dining together. Can you pass the salt?


  1. Can you help me, please?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं, कृपया?

English Meaning: Asking for assistance.

Example: I can’t lift this box alone. Can you help me, please?


  1. I don’t like that

Hindi Meaning: मुझे वो पसंद नहीं

English Meaning: Expressing dislike.

Example: Trying a new dish? I don’t like that.


  1. Let’s take a break

Hindi Meaning: चलो एक break लें

English Meaning: Suggesting a pause.

Example: Long study session? Let’s take a break.


  1. It’s your turn

Hindi Meaning: आपकी बारी है

English Meaning: Indicating someone’s chance.

Example: It’s your turn to play.


  1. What’s the time?

Hindi Meaning: समय क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking for the time.

Example: Hey, I have a meeting at 2 PM, what’s the time?


  1. Let’s keep in touch

Hindi Meaning: हम समय-समय पर मिलते रहेंगे

English Meaning: Planning to stay connected.

Example: Don’t worry about me changing jobs, we’ll keep in touch.


  1. I’m excited!

Hindi Meaning: मुझे उत्सुकता है!

English Meaning: Showing enthusiasm.

Example: I’m excited about the vacation!


  1. Can you repeat that, please?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप उसे फिर से बोल सकते हैं, कृपया?

English Meaning: Asking for something to be said again.

Example: The announcement was unclear. Can you repeat that, please?


  1. Take a deep breath

Hindi Meaning: गहरी सांस लो

English Meaning: Advising to relax.

Example: Feeling stressed? Take a deep breath.


  1. That’s hilarious!

Hindi Meaning: वो बेहद मजाकिया है!

English Meaning: Finding something very funny.

Example: The joke made me laugh. That’s hilarious!


  1. Let’s go for a walk

Hindi Meaning: चलो सैर पर चलें

English Meaning: Suggesting a stroll.

Example: It’s beautiful weather outside. Let’s go for a walk.


  1. What’s the plan for today?

Hindi Meaning: आज की योजना क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the day’s schedule.

Example: I have a free day ahead. What’s the plan for today?


  1. Sorry, I didn’t catch that

Hindi Meaning: माफ़ कीजिए, मैंने उसे समझा नहीं

English Meaning: Apologizing for not understanding.

Example: He was speaking too fast, sorry, I didn’t catch that.


  1. Let’s give it a shot

Hindi Meaning: चलो इसे एक कोशिश दें

English Meaning: Willing to try something new.

Example: Want to go for a dancing lesson? Let’s give it a shot.


  1. It’s pouring outside

Hindi Meaning: बाहर बरसात हो रही है

English Meaning: Describing heavy rain.

Example: Let’s cancel the picnic. It’s pouring outside.


  1. I’ll be right back

Hindi Meaning: मैं तुरंत वापस आऊंगा

English Meaning: Saying you’ll return soon.

Example: Need to make a call. I’ll be right back.


  1. Let’s find a solution

Hindi Meaning: चलो हम एक समाधान ढूंढें

English Meaning: Suggesting to solve a problem.

Example: Equipment malfunctioning? Let’s find a solution.


  1. Can I have a favor?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? 

English Meaning: Asking for assistance or help.

Example: Need help moving? Can I have a favor?


  1. That’s interesting

Hindi Meaning: यह तो मजेदार है

English Meaning: Expressing curiosity or intrigue.

Example: I didn’t know about it. That’s interesting.


  1. Let’s enjoy the moment

Hindi Meaning: चलो पल का आनंद लें

English Meaning: Encouraging to appreciate the present.

Example: Don’t use your phone during the movie. Let’s enjoy the moment.


  1. What’s the matter with you?

Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारे साथ क्या हो रहा है?

English Meaning: Asking if something is wrong.

Example: Looking upset. What’s the matter with you?


  1. I can’t believe it!

Hindi Meaning: मुझे यकीन नहीं हो रहा!

English Meaning: Expressing astonishment.

Example: I can’t believe it, I won the competition.


  1. Let’s make memories

Hindi Meaning: चलो यादें बनाते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting to create memorable experiences.

Example: Vacation time! Let’s make memories.


  1. Can you lend me a hand?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप मुझे मदद कर सकते हैं?

English Meaning: Asking for help.

Example: Hey, I am moving furniture. Can you lend me a hand?


  1. I don’t mind

Hindi Meaning: मुझे फ़र्क नहीं पड़ता

English Meaning: Expressing flexibility.

Example: Any cuisine is fine. I don’t mind.


  1. It’s better late than never

Hindi Meaning: देर आये दुरुस्त आये

English Meaning: Emphasizing the value of doing something, even if delayed.

Example: Learning to swim at 30. It’s better late than never.


  1. Let’s celebrate!

Hindi Meaning: चलो मनायें!

English Meaning: Suggesting to rejoice.

Example: The project was a hit. Let’s celebrate!


  1. What’s your favorite color?

Hindi Meaning: आपका पसंदीदा रंग क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about personal preference.

Example: I was shopping for you. What’s your favorite color?


  1. I have a question

Hindi Meaning: मेरा एक सवाल है

English Meaning: Indicating a query.

Example: I have a question about the lecture.


  1. Let’s go on an adventure

Hindi Meaning: चलो एक साहसिक यात्रा पर चलें 

English Meaning: Suggesting an exciting journey.

Example: It’s a long weekend. Let’s go on an adventure.


  1. Can you pass me the remote?

Hindi Meaning: क्या आप मुझे रिमोट पास कर सकते हैं?

English Meaning: Asking for an object.

Example: Can you pass me the remote? I want to change the channel.


  1. It’s not worth it

Hindi Meaning: यह उसके लायक नहीं है

English Meaning: Saying something isn’t deserving of effort.

Example: Waiting for hours just for a pizza. It’s not worth it.


  1. Let’s enjoy the show

Hindi Meaning: चलो शो का आनंद लें

English Meaning: Suggesting to relish an event.

Example: Stop complaining about the seat. Let’s enjoy the show.


  1. How’s your day going?

Hindi Meaning: आपका दिन कैसा चल रहा है?

English Meaning: Asking about someone’s day.

Example: Hey, How’s your day going?


  1. I’m feeling under the weather

Hindi Meaning: मैं थोड़ा बीमार महसूस कर रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Indicating not feeling well.

Example: I have to cancel the plan, I’m feeling under the weather.


  1. Let’s go outside

Hindi Meaning: चलो बाहर जाएँ

English Meaning: Suggesting outdoor activity.

Example: It’s such a bright and sunny day. Let’s go outside for a picnic.


  1. I can’t wait!

Hindi Meaning: मैं इन्तजार नहीं कर सकता!

English Meaning: Eagerly anticipating.

Example: I can’t wait for the concert.


  1. Let’s wrap it up

Hindi Meaning: चलो इसे समाप्त करें

English Meaning: Suggesting to conclude.

Example: We are done with the meeting. Let’s wrap it up.


  1. What’s the matter?

Hindi Meaning: क्या मसला है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about a concern.

Example: You seem upset. What’s the matter?


  1. I’m almost done

Hindi Meaning: मैं लगभग खत्म हो गया हूँ

English Meaning: Indicating nearing completion.

Example: I’m almost done with my homework.


  1. How was your weekend?

Hindi Meaning: आपका weekend कैसा था?

English Meaning: Inquiring about someone’s weekend.

Example: I saw your pictures, how was your weekend?


  1. Let’s go for coffee

Hindi Meaning: चलो कॉफी पीने चलें

English Meaning: Suggest a coffee break.

Example: I am tired of all this work, let’s go for coffee.


  1. I can’t believe my eyes

Hindi Meaning: मैं अपनी आँखों पे विश्वास नहीं कर सकता

English Meaning: Expressing shock or disbelief.

Example: It is such a beautiful sight. I can’t believe my eyes.


  1. Let’s catch up soon

Hindi Meaning: जल्दी मिलते हैं

English Meaning: Planning to reconnect.

Example: Hey, it’s been so long since I saw you. Let’s catch up soon.


  1. I’m sorry

Hindi Meaning: मैं वाकई माफी चाहता हूँ

English Meaning: Apologizing sincerely.

Example: I’m sorry, I missed the event.


  1. Let’s keep it simple

Hindi Meaning: चलो इसे सरल रखें

English Meaning: Suggesting an uncomplicated approach.

Example: I was thinking of throwing a party. Let’s keep it simple.


  1. I don’t believe you

Hindi Meaning: मैं आप पर यकीन नहीं करता

English Meaning: Expressing doubt.

Example: Did she say that? I don’t believe you.


  1. Let’s go out for dinner

Hindi Meaning: चलो खाने के लिए बाहर जाएँ

English Meaning: Suggesting eating at a restaurant.

Example: Let’s go out for dinner on this special occasion.


  1. I’ll be right there

Hindi Meaning: मैं तुरंत आ रही हूँ

English Meaning: Saying you’ll arrive soon.

Example: Wait for 10 minutes, I’ll be right there.


  1. What’s the weather like?

Hindi Meaning: मौसम कैसा है?

English Meaning: Asking about current weather conditions.

Example: Let’s plan a trip. What’s the weather like?


  1. Let’s find a solution together

Hindi Meaning: चलो साथ में समाधान ढूंढें

English Meaning: Suggesting collaborative problem-solving.

Example: You have many problems, let’s find a solution together.


  1. I don’t have time

Hindi Meaning: मेरे पास समय नहीं है

English Meaning: Expressing lack of time.

Example: I don’t have time for cooking a meal.


  1. Let’s stick to the plan

Hindi Meaning: चलो योजना का पालन करें

English Meaning: Suggesting to follow the original idea.

Example: Don’t change the topic, let’s stick to the plan.


  1. I’m glad you’re here

Hindi Meaning: मुझे खुशी है कि आप यहाँ हो

English Meaning: Expressing happiness about someone’s presence.

Example: I’m glad you’re here, let’s work on this project together.


  1. What’s the latest news?

Hindi Meaning: सबसे नवीनतम समाचार क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about recent events.

Example: I have not read today’s newspaper. What’s the latest news today?


  1. I’m feeling better now

Hindi Meaning: मैं अब अच्छा महसूस कर रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Indicating health improvement.

Example: Don’t worry, carry on your work, I’m feeling better now.


  1. What’s your opinion?

Hindi Meaning: आपकी राय क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking for someone’s viewpoint.

Example: Preeti and Mahek are thinking of going abroad for further studies. What’s your opinion?


  1. Let’s stay positive

Hindi Meaning: चलो सकारात्मक रहें

English Meaning: Suggesting an optimistic outlook.

Example: I know it’s difficult to face hardship, let’s stay positive and pray for a better future.


  1. I’ll let you know

Hindi Meaning: मैं आपको बता दूंगा

English Meaning: Promising to provide information later.

Example: I’ll let you know the details of the project soon.


  1. What’s the secret?

Hindi Meaning: राज़ क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about something undisclosed.

Example: You’ve all been laughing for a long time. What’s the secret?


  1. Let’s get going

Hindi Meaning: चलो चलते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting to start moving.

Example:  Let’s get going for the party.


  1. Can I have the bill, please?

Hindi Meaning: क्या मैं बिल पा सकता हूँ, कृपया?

English Meaning: Asking for the bill in a restaurant.

Example: I have eaten dinner. Can I have the bill, please?


  1. I’m not sure

Hindi Meaning: मुझे पूरा यकीन नहीं है

English Meaning: Expressing uncertainty.

Example: I’m not sure, but I will try my best to join you all.


  1. I’m so excited!

Hindi Meaning: मैं बहुत उत्साहित हूँ!

English Meaning: Expressing enthusiasm.

Example:  I’m so excited about this event.


  1. Let’s see how it goes

Hindi Meaning: देखते हैं कैसे होता है

English Meaning: Taking things as they come.

Example: I’m starting a new project, let’s see how it goes.


  1. What time is it?

Hindi Meaning: कितने बजे हैं?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the time.

Example: I am running late, what time is it?


  1. Let’s find out

Hindi Meaning: चलो पता करते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting to discover information.

Example: I am curious about this fact, let’s find out.


  1. I’m sorry about that

Hindi Meaning: मुझे इसके लिए खेद है

English Meaning: Apologizing for a mistake.

Example: I missed your call yesterday, I’m sorry about that.


  1. I’m feeling tired

Hindi Meaning: मुझे थकान महसूस हो रही है

English Meaning: Expressing fatigue.

Example: After a long day at work, I’m feeling tired now and can’t wait to relax.


  1. Let’s make a deal

Hindi Meaning: चलो सौदा करें

English Meaning: Suggesting an agreement.

Example: Let’s make a deal, if you help me with my project, I’ll help you with yours.

  1. What’s for lunch?

Hindi Meaning: Lunch में क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking about the meal.

Example: I prepared some sandwiches and salad. What’s for lunch at your end?


  1. Let’s give it a try

Hindi Meaning: चलो इसे एक बार आजमाएं

English Meaning: Suggesting experimentation.

Example: That’s a great idea! Let’s rent some equipment and hit the slopes. Let’s give it a try!


  1. I’m not feeling well

Hindi Meaning: मैं बीमार महसूस कर रहा हूँ

English Meaning: Indicating illness.

Example: I am skipping today’s class, I’m not feeling well.


  1. Can I have some water?

Hindi Meaning: क्या मैं पानी पी सकता हूँ?

English Meaning: Requesting a drink.

Example: I am feeling thirsty, can I have some water?


  1. Let’s get started

Hindi Meaning: चलो शुरू करें

English Meaning: Suggesting to begin.

Example: Welcome to our class. Today, we’re going to learn about astronomy. So, without further ado, let’s get started!


  1. How’s it going?

Hindi Meaning: कैसे चल रहा है?

English Meaning: Asking about progress or well-being.

Example: I will join the class tomorrow, by the way, how’s it going?


  1. Let’s have some fun

Hindi Meaning: चलो मजा करते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting enjoyment.

Example: Let’s have some fun this weekend.


  1. I don’t know

Hindi Meaning: मुझे नहीं पता

English Meaning: Expressing lack of knowledge.

Example:  I don’t know the answer to this problem.


  1. What’s the point?

Hindi Meaning: मुद्दे क्या है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the purpose.

Example: Why are you both fighting? What’s the point?


  1. It’s my pleasure

Hindi Meaning: यह मेरी खुशी है

English Meaning: Responding to thanks.

Example: It’s my pleasure to help you with this project. 


  1. I have no idea

Hindi Meaning: मेरे पास कोई ख्याल नहीं है

English Meaning: Expressing a complete lack of knowledge.

Example: I have no idea about this subject.


  1. What’s the big deal?

Hindi Meaning: यह क्या बड़ी बात है?

English Meaning: Asking about the significance.

Example: Why are you overreacting? What’s the big deal?


  1. Let’s take a vote

Hindi Meaning: चलो वोट लेते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting a decision through voting.

Example: We have two project proposals on the table. Let’s take a vote.


  1. It’s not a problem

Hindi Meaning: कोई चिंता नहीं करो    

English Meaning: Responding to thanks or requests.

Example: I can carry these bags, it’s not a problem.


  1. Let’s meet up later

Hindi Meaning: बाद में मिलते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting a future meeting.

Example: I am busy now, let’s meet up later.


  1. Let’s take a guess

Hindi Meaning: चलो अनुमान लगाते हैं

English Meaning: Suggesting to make an estimation.

Example: I don’t know, but let’s take a guess. Maybe he can run at 10 miles per hour.


  1. What do you mean?

Hindi Meaning: आपका मतलब क्या है?

English Meaning: Asking for clarification.

Example: What do you mean? Which part of the lesson was confusing for you?


  1. Let’s see what happens

Hindi Meaning: देखते हैं क्या होता है

English Meaning: Adopting a wait-and-see approach.

Example: Well, you’ve done your best in the interview. Let’s see what happens.


  1. I don’t agree

Hindi Meaning: मैं सहमत नहीं हूँ

English Meaning: Expressing disagreement.

Example: I don’t agree. I think the current layout is clear and effective.


  1. What’s the rush?

Hindi Meaning: जल्दी क्यों है?

English Meaning: Asking about the hurry.

Example: What’s the rush? Can’t we leave in a few minutes?


  1. What’s the occasion?

Hindi Meaning: इस मौके पर क्या खास बात है?

English Meaning: Inquiring about the reason for the celebration.

Example: What’s the occasion? Why all the preparations?”


  1. Let’s go with that

Hindi Meaning: चलो, इसी के साथ चलते हैं

English Meaning: Agreeing to a suggestion.

Example: I’m in the mood for pizza. Let’s go with that.


  1. I’m not interested

Hindi Meaning: मुझे दिलचस्पी नहीं है

English Meaning: Expressing lack of interest.

Example: I appreciate the invitation, but I’m not interested in hiking.


  1. No worries

Hindi Meaning: चिंता मत करो

English Meaning: Assuring someone not to be concerned.

Example: No worries, we didn’t miss much. Let’s enjoy the film.


“Common phrases are the bridges that connect us in the journey of everyday conversations.”



 Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What phrases do we use every day?

Everyday phrases are commonly used expressions that help us communicate in our daily lives. These phrases are simple and familiar, making conversations smoother. They include greetings, expressions of gratitude, asking for help, and more.


  1. What are English common phrases?

English common phrases are widely used combinations of words that have a specific meaning. These phrases help convey messages, express feelings, or share information. They are part of everyday speech and are easily recognizable by native and non-native English speakers alike.


  1. What are simple phrases?

Simple phrases are uncomplicated groups of words that carry a clear meaning. They are easy to understand and commonly used in various situations. Simple phrases help us express ourselves, interact with others, and navigate everyday conversations.


  1. What is an excellent example of a phrase?

A good example of a phrase is “How are you?” This simple expression is used to inquire about someone’s well-being. It’s a common greeting that shows interest in the other person’s feelings.


  1. What are the four common types of phrases?

Four common types of phrases include:

Noun phrases: These include a noun and the words that modify or describe it.

Verb phrases: These include a main verb and its auxiliary verbs or modifiers.

Prepositional phrases: These consist of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers.

Adjective phrases: These include an adjective and any words that modify or describe it.


  1. How do you identify a phrase?

A phrase is a group of words that work together to convey a meaning. To identify a phrase, look for a collection of words that don’t form a complete sentence but still express an idea. Common types of phrases include noun phrases, verb phrases, prepositional phrases, and more.


  1. How do you use common phrases?

Using common phrases is simple. They are ready-made expressions that fit into various situations. Incorporate them into conversations to greet, ask for help, express feelings, or share information. Practicing common phrases helps make your communication more natural and relatable.


  1. What are 5 positive phrases?

Here are five positive phrases:

“You’re doing great!”

“I believe in you.”

“You make a difference.”

“Today is a new day.”

“You’re a ray of sunshine.”


  1. Is a phrase a sentence or a word?

A phrase is neither a complete sentence nor a single word. It’s a group of words that lacks a subject and a predicate required for a sentence. However, phrases convey meaning and play an essential role in language.


  1. How to learn English phrases?

Learning English phrases can be fun and effective:

  1. Start with common phrases used in everyday situations.
  2. Practice using them in conversations with native speakers or language partners.
  3. Make flashcards with the phrase, its meaning, and an example sentence.
  4. Watch movies, TV shows, or videos to hear phrases in context.
  5. Keep a phrase journal to note down new expressions and their meanings.


These simple phrases make everyday conversations a breeze. These common English phrases for everyday use are like your friendly toolkit for connecting with others effortlessly. From greetings to expressing feelings, these common English phrases are the key to smooth interactions. With this video lesson, you’re all set to navigate through daily chats with confidence. 


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About Awal

Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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