
Use of Make in Written and Spoken English

After watching this informative online english learning tutorial, you will learn exactly how to use the verb ‘make’ in an English sentence. Moreover, you will get a better idea on different types of sentences using different forms of make, made, will make, became, will become, has made, had made etc. which are useful for daily English conversation.


Definition: “Make” is a versatile verb in the English language that signifies the action of creating, producing, constructing, or forming something new. It involves the transformation of various components into a specific result or outcome. Let’s understand the different meanings of ‘Make’ in everyday speech.


“Make” एक शब्द है जिसका मतलब कुछ नया बनाना है।

“Make” का मतलब है कि आप कुछ नया बना रहे हैं, जैसे की कोई खाना, गेम, दोस्ती, या निर्णय। इसका मतलब है कि आप different चीजें या विचारों को मिलाकर कुछ नया बना रहे हैं।


Examples of Make


  1. Making Tea:

Hindi Meaning: पानी उबालकर और चाय पत्ति को मिलाकर चाय बनाना।

English Meaning: Preparing tea by boiling water and adding tea leaves.

Example: मैं पानी उबालकर और चाय पत्ति को मिलाकर चाय बनाऊंगा। 

(I will make tea by boiling water and adding tea leaves.)


  1. Making a Drawing:

Hindi Meaning: Crayons  या pencils का उपयोग करके एक चित्र बनाना।

English Meaning: Creating a picture using crayons or pencils.

Example: वह crayons का उपयोग करके एक खूबसूरत चित्र बनाएगी। 

(She will make a beautiful drawing using crayons.)


  1. Making Friends:

Hindi Meaning: नए लोगों को दोस्त बनना।

English Meaning: Becoming friends with new people.

Example: मुझे स्कूल में नए दोस्त बनाने की इच्छा है।

 (I want to make new friends at school.)


  1. Making a Decision:

Hindi Meaning: क्या करना है यह तय करना।

English Meaning: Deciding what to do.

Example: उन्हें अपनी छुट्टी के लिए कहाँ जाना है, यह निर्णय लेना होगा। 

(They need to decide where to go for a vacation.)


  1. Making Money:

Hindi Meaning: पैसे कमाना या वेतन प्राप्त करना।

English Meaning: Earning income or getting paid.

Example: वह अपने परिवार के लिए पैसे कमाने के लिए मेहनत करता है। 

(He works hard to make money for his family.)


Past Form of “Make” 


Hindi Meaning: “Make” का past रूप “made” होता है।

English Meaning: The past form of “make” is “made.”

Example: उसने कल स्वादिष्ट केक बनाया। 

(She made a yummy cake yesterday.)


Use “Did” (Questions and Negatives)


When constructing sentences in English, it’s important to understand the use of the verbs “make,” “did,” and “made.”


  • “Make” is the base form of the verb, often used in the present tense. For example, “I make breakfast every morning.”


  • “Did” is the past tense of the auxiliary verb “do.” It is used to form questions and negative sentences in the past tense. For example, “Did you eat breakfast yesterday?”


  • When you want to use “make” in the past tense with “did,” you do not add “made” after “did.” Instead, you keep “make” in its base form. For instance, “He did make an effort to finish the project on time.”



English में वाक्य बनाते समय, “make,” “did,” और “made” धातुओं का प्रयोग समझना महत्वपूर्ण है।


  • “Make” धातु का मूल रूप होता है, जो आमतौर पर वर्तमान काल में प्रयुक्त होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, “मैं हर रोज़ सुबह नाश्ता बनाता/बनाती हूँ।”


  • “Did” auxiliary verb “do” का past tense होता है। इसका use questions और past tense के negative sentences बनाने के लिए होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, “क्या तुमने कल नाश्ता किया?”


  • “Did” के साथ “make” का past tense में उपयोग करने के लिए, आप “did” के बाद “made” नहीं जोड़ते हैं। बजाय इसके, आप “make” को उसके मूल रूप में ही रखते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, “उसने परियोजना को समय पर पूरा करने के लिए प्रयास किया।”


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Uses of Make: 


1. “Make” is a word that means doing different things. It can be creating reasons to avoid something like making excuses, making funny faces, forming new friendships, or tricking someone to look foolish (making a fool). It’s like a handy tool for different situations!


  1. Making Money 

Hindi Meaning: पैसे कमाना

English Meaning: Earning money.

Example: My friend has made good money in his business.


  1. Making Excuses 

Hindi Meaning: बहाने बनाना

English Meaning: Creating reasons or excuses for something.

Example: I know you are making excuses.


  1. Making Plans

Hindi Meaning: योजना बनाना

English Meaning: Creating a plan or arrangement.

Example: Make a plan to visit us someday.


  1. Making a Fool

Hindi Meaning: बेवक़ूफ बनाना

English Meaning: Tricking or deceiving someone.

Example: He made a fool of you.


  1. Making Faces 

Hindi Meaning: भावनाओं का अभिव्यक्ति करना

English Meaning: Expressing emotions or reactions through facial expressions.

Example: Don’t make a face on seeing the food.



2. “Make” in English means “to do something.” It’s a word we use when we talk about doing various actions or tasks, like making an effort, making decisions, making promises, or making plans. It’s a way of describing the act of doing things in different situations.


  1. Make Changes 

English Meaning: To fix or change something.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ सुधारना या बदलना।

Example: We need to make changes to the design of the website.


  1. Make Arrangements 

English Meaning: To plan or set things up.

Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ की योजना बनाना या व्यवस्था करना।

Example: She made arrangements for the party.


  1. Make a Choice 

English Meaning: To pick one thing from many.

Hindi Meaning: बहुत सारी चीज़ों में से एक चुनना।

Example: You have to make a choice if you want to stay here or leave.


  1. Make a Decision 

English Meaning: To decide or choose something.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ चुनना या निर्णय लेना।

Example: You have to decide on the major you want to study in college.


  1. Make a Difference 

English Meaning: To change things for the better.

Hindi Meaning: चीज़ों में सुधार करना।

Example: Your kindness can make a difference in someone’s life.


  1. Make an Effort 

English Meaning: To try hard.

Hindi Meaning: मेहनत करना।

Example: She always makes an effort to excel in her studies.


  1. Make an Enquiry 

English Meaning: To ask questions to learn something.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ जानने के लिए सवाल पूछना।

Example: He enquired about the available job positions.


  1. Make a Mess 

English Meaning: To create a big, untidy situation.

Hindi Meaning: बड़ी, गड़बड़ वाली स्थिति पैदा करना।

Example: The kids made a mess in the living room with their toys.


  1. Make a Mistake 

English Meaning: To do something wrong.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ गलत करना।

Example: I made a mistake in my math homework.


  1. Make a Move 

English Meaning: To start doing something.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ करना शुरू करना।

Example: It’s time to make a move and find a new job.


  1. Make a Noise 

English Meaning: To create a sound, often a loud one.

Hindi Meaning: आवाज़ उत्पन्न करना, अक्सर जोरदार ध्वनि।

Example: The fireworks made a lot of noise.


  1. Make Payment 

English Meaning: To give money for something you buy.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ खरीदने के लिए पैसे देना।

Example: I will make the payment for the online order.


  1. Make Profit 

English Meaning: To earn more money than you spent.

Hindi Meaning: उस से ज़्यादा पैसे कमाना जो आपने खर्च किए।

Example: The company worked hard to make a profit this year.


  1. Make a Promise 

English Meaning: To say you will do something.

Hindi Meaning: कहना कि आप पक्का कुछ करेंगे।

Example: He made a promise to help me with my homework.


  1. Make a Sound 

English Meaning: To create noise or produce a sound.

Hindi Meaning: ध्वनि उत्पन्न करना।

Example: The birds make a pleasant sound in the morning.


  1. Make Time 

English Meaning: To set aside time for something.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ करने के लिए समय निकालना।

Example: I need to make time for my hobbies.


  1. Make a Wish 

English Meaning: To hope for something to happen.

Hindi Meaning: कुछ होने की आशा करना।

Example: On your birthday, you can make a wish before blowing out the candles.


3. “Make” in English can be used when someone causes or influences another person to become a certain way or to achieve something. It’s like saying, “Someone made someone else into something.” For example, “He made him rich” means someone helped another person become wealthy. It’s about one person’s actions or influences changing someone else situation or characteristics.


  • Making Someone Something 


Hindi Meaning:  किसी के व्यक्तित्व, व्यवहार, या चरित्र को बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करना

English Meaning: It refers to the act of influencing or shaping someone’s character, behavior, or identity.


English: She made him a superstar with her guidance. 

Hindi: उसने उसे अपने मार्गदर्शन से एक superstar बना दिया।


English: They made her happy by throwing her a surprise party.

 Hindi: उन्होंने एक surprise party देकर उसे खुश कर दिया।


English: You made me sad with your harsh words.

 Hindi: तुमने अपने कठोर शब्दों से मुझे दुखी किया।


English: I don’t want to make him angry, so I’ll be careful with my words.

 Hindi: मैं उसे गुस्सा नहीं दिलाना चाहता, इसलिए मैं अपने शब्दों के साथ सावधान रहूंगा।



  • Making Something Better 


Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज को और भी अच्छा बनाने का प्रयास करना

English Meaning: It refers to the act of taking an existing thing or situation and making changes or modifications to enhance its overall quality, effectiveness, or desirability. This can apply to various aspects of life, such as making improvements to a product, a process, a relationship, or any other situation where enhancement is needed.


English: She made the room cozy with warm colors and soft cushions. 

Hindi: उसने  रंगों और मुलायम cushions के साथ कमरा आरामदायक बना दिया।


English: They made the old house look new with a fresh coat of paint.

 Hindi: उन्होंने ताजे paint की एक परत से पुराने घर को नया बना दिया।


4.  When you use “make” in this context, it means you are forcing or compelling someone to do something, often against their will, by using your authority or control over them.



English: She made her employees work late into the night to finish the project. 

Hindi: उसने अपने employees को project को पूरा करने के लिए रात में देर तक काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया।


English: The teacher made the students stay after school for extra practice. 

Hindi: शिक्षक ने छात्रों को extra practice के लिए school के बाद रुकने के लिए मजबूर किया।


English: The manager made it clear that punctuality was expected from all employees. 

Hindi: Manager  ने स्पष्ट किया कि सभी employees से समय पर आने की उम्मीद है।


English: The principal made the students apologize for their behavior. 

Hindi: Principal ने छात्रों से उनके व्यवहार के लिए माफी मांगने को मजबूर किया।


English: My parents made me clean my room before I could go out to play. 

Hindi: मेरे माता-पिता ने मुझसे खेलने जाने से पहले अपना कमरा साफ करने के लिए मजबूर किया।


English: The boss made the employees attend a mandatory training session. 

Hindi: Boss ने employees से mandatory training session में भाग लेने के लिए कहा।


English: The coach made the team run laps as punishment for being late. 

Hindi: Couch ने team को देरी के लिए सजा के रूप में लैप दौड़ने को किया।


English: The teacher made the students redo their homework because it wasn’t up to the mark.

 Hindi: शिक्षक ने छात्रों से उनके homework को दोबारा करने को कहा क्योंकि वो मानक के अनुसार नहीं था।


English: The manager made it a rule that all employees must wear a uniform to work.

 Hindi: Manager ने नियम बनाया कि सभी employees का काम पर uniform पहनना जरूरी है।


English: She made her friend accompany her to the doctor’s appointment for support. 

Hindi: उसने अपने दोस्त से सहारा पाने के लिए  doctor  के  appointment  पर साथ जाने को कहा ।


English: The traffic police officer made the driver stop and show their license. 

Hindi:  Traffic police officer ने driver को रुकने और उनका license दिखाने को कहा।



The word “make” in English is a helpful tool that helps us express different things. It can mean doing something, creating something, helping someone become something, or even showing our feelings through our faces. So, it’s like a Swiss army knife of words, and its meaning depends on the situation we use it in. It makes talking and understanding things easy.


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