Using Prepositions of Time The Right Way – In On At – Part 3A

It takes a substantial amount of time for both teachers as well as students to get a grasp of the usage of prepositions in English language sentences. It is one of the major reasons why I don’t try to explain all prepositions to my students in one go. In this English online video class, you will get a better idea of prepositions of time, in, on, and at and how to use them.


Understanding how prepositions of time—namely “in,” “on,” and “at”—are used is an essential aspect of mastering the English language. These prepositions play a pivotal role in pinpointing specific moments, time frames, or durations in various contexts. From punctuality to scheduling appointments, these prepositions help convey precise information about when events occur.

Prepositions का उपयोग किसी कार्य के होने के समय को स्पष्ट तरीके से दिखाने में मदद करता है।



A preposition of time is a word that is used to show the relationship between a time reference and other elements in a sentence. Prepositions of time help us understand when an action occurs in relation to a specific point in time, such as a day, date, duration, or clock time.


In: When using “in” with time, it often indicates a period within the future. It refers to time intervals, like hours or minutes, from the present or a reference point.

Example: I’ll be ready in 15 minutes. (Indicates a time interval from now.)


On: “On” is not typically used with clock hours or minutes. It is more commonly associated with specific dates on the calendar.

Example: My anniversary is on October 20th.


At: “At” is used to pinpoint an exact moment on the clock. It specifies a particular hour and minute when an event occurs.

Example: The train leaves at 2:30 p.m. (Indicates an exact time on the clock.)


Let’s understand with the help of examples:
  1. English: My meeting is at 3:00 pm.

Hindi: मेरी meeting दोपहर 3:00 बजे है।


  1. English: The next show of the movie is at 4:40 pm.

Hindi: फिल्म का अगला प्रदर्शन शाम 4:40 बजे है।


  1. English: The train departs at 11:55 am every day.

Hindi: Train रोज़ सुबह 11:55 बजे रवाना होती है।


  1. English: My class will end at 5:00 pm.

Hindi: मेरी class शाम 5:00 बजे समाप्त होगी।


  1. English: Can we have dinner at 7:00 pm today?

Hindi: क्या हम आज रात 7:00 बजे खाना खा सकते हैं?


  1. English: The train departs at 11:55 am.

Hindi: Train सुबह 11:55 बजे रवाना होती है।


  1. English: The train departs at 2:00 pm.

Hindi: Train दोपहर 2:00 बजे रवाना होती है।


  1. English: The sky turns red at sunset.

Hindi: सूर्यास्त के समय आसमान लाल हो जाता है।


  1. English: I went to school in the morning.

Hindi: मैं सुबह स्कूल गया।


  1. English: I can’t drive at night.

Hindi: मैं रात को गाड़ी नहीं चला सकता।


  1. English: I don’t watch TV at night.

Hindi: मैं रात को TV नहीं देखता।


  1. English: I am going to London on Tuesday morning.

Hindi: मैं मंगलवार की सुबह London जा रहा हूँ।


  1. English: My engagement is on Wednesday evening.

Hindi: मेरा सगाई बुधवार की शाम है।


  1. English: I will reach the office in two hours.

Hindi: मैं दो घंटे में office पहुंच जाऊँगा।


  1. English: I will get ready in 15 minutes.

Hindi: मैं 15 मिनट में तैयार हो जाऊँगा।


  1. English: My phone will get switched off in a minute.

Hindi: मेरा phone एक मिनट में बंद हो जायेगा।


  1. English: The ice melts in a few seconds.

Hindi: बर्फ कुछ ही seconds में पिघल जाती है।


  1. English: Can you laugh and cry at the same time?

Hindi: क्या तुम एक ही time पर हंस और रो सकते हो?


Phrases related to “In”


  1. Phrase: “I’ll be home in 30 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “मैं 30 मिनट में घर पहुंच जाऊँगा।”

English Meaning: I will reach home in 30 minutes.

Example: “I’ll be home in 30 minutes, so I can meet you then, and we’ll go over the project details.”


  1. Phrase: “The movie will start in an hour.”

Hindi Meaning: “फिल्म एक घंटे में शुरू होगी।”

English Meaning: The movie will begin in one hour.

Example: “The movie will start in an hour, giving us plenty of time to find good seats, get some popcorn, and enjoy the previews.”


  1. Phrase: “The flight departs in the evening.”

Hindi Meaning: “Flight शाम को उड़ेगी।”

English Meaning: The flight takes off during the evening.

Example: “The flight departs in the evening, which means we have the morning to explore the city before heading to the airport.”


  1. Phrase: “Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “रात का खाना 15 मिनटों में तैयार हो जायेगा।”

English Meaning: Dinner will be prepared within 15 minutes.

Example: “Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes, so feel free to finish your work, and we’ll eat together once it’s prepared.”


  1. Phrase: “She’ll arrive in the morning.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह सुबह पहुंचेगी।”

English Meaning: She will reach in the morning.

Example: “She’ll arrive in the morning, and we can plan our day together, starting with breakfast and sightseeing.”


  1. Phrase: “The train will arrive in 20 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “Train 20 मिनट में आएगी।”

English Meaning: The train will arrive in 20 minutes.

Example: “The train will arrive in 20 minutes, so we should head to the station now to catch it.”


  1. Phrase: “Lunch will be served in an hour.”

Hindi Meaning: “खाना एक घंटे में परोसा जाएगा।”

English Meaning: Lunch will be served in an hour.

Example: “Lunch will be served in an hour, giving us time to finish our work and then eat together.”


  1. Phrase: “The store will open in the morning.”

Hindi Meaning: “दुकान सुबह खुलेगी।”

English Meaning: The store will open in the morning.

Example: “The store will open in the morning, so we can buy what we need then.”


  1. Phrase: “The concert will begin in the evening.”

Hindi Meaning: “संगीत कार्यक्रम शाम को शुरू होगा।”

English Meaning: The concert will start in the evening.

Example: “The concert will begin in the evening, and we have tickets for the show.”


  1. Phrase: “The party will start in two hours.”

Hindi Meaning: “Party दो घंटे में शुरू होगी।”

English Meaning: The party will start in two hours.

Example: “The party will start in two hours, so we have time to get ready and bring some snacks.”


  1. Phrase: “She’ll leave in a moment.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह कुछ ही क्षण में जाएगी।”

English Meaning: She will leave in a moment.

Example: “She’ll leave in a moment, so if you want to say goodbye, you should do it now.”


  1. Phrase: “The presentation will end in 15 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “प्रस्तुति 15 मिनटों में समाप्त होगी।”

English Meaning: The presentation will end in 15 minutes.

Example: “The presentation will end in 15 minutes, and then we can ask questions.”


  1. Phrase: “The conference call will start in half an hour.”

Hindi Meaning: “सम्मेलन call आधे घंटे में शुरू होगी।”

English Meaning: The conference call will start in half an hour.

Example: “The conference call will start in half an hour, and I need to prepare my notes.”


  1. Phrase: “The exam will finish in 10 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “परीक्षा 10 मिनटों में समाप्त होगी।”

English Meaning: The exam will finish in 10 minutes.

Example: “The exam will finish in 10 minutes, and then we can hand in our papers.”


  1. Phrase: “The museum will close in an hour.”

Hindi Meaning: “Museum एक घंटे में बंद हो जाएगा।”

English Meaning: The museum will close in an hour.

Example: “The museum will close in an hour, so we have some time to see the exhibits.”


  1. Phrase: “The bus will depart in 40 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “Bus 40 मिनटों में जाएगी।”

English Meaning: The bus will leave in 40 minutes.

Example: “The bus will depart in 40 minutes, so let’s make sure we have our tickets ready.”


  1. Phrase: “The store will close in five minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “दुकान पांच मिनटों में बंद हो जाएगी।”

English Meaning: The store will close in five minutes.

Example: “The store will close in five minutes, so we should hurry to make our purchase.”


  1. Phrase: “The event will begin in two hours.”

Hindi Meaning: “Event दो घंटे में शुरू होगा।”

English Meaning: The event will start in two hours.

Example: “The event will begin in two hours, and we need to set up the stage before that.”


  1. Phrase: “The restaurant will open in the evening.”

Hindi Meaning: “Restaurant शाम को खुलेगा।”

English Meaning: The restaurant will open in the evening.

Example: “The restaurant will open in the evening, so we can have a nice dinner.”


  1. Phrase: “The show will start in 15 minutes.”

Hindi Meaning: “Show 15 मिनटों में शुरू होगा।”

English Meaning: The show will start in 15 minutes.

Example: “The show will start in 15 minutes, and I can’t wait to see it.”


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Phrases related to “On”


  1. Phrase: “The webinar is scheduled to start on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Webinar समय पर शुरू होने की योजना है।”

English Meaning: The webinar is arranged to start on time.

Example: “Make sure to log in early; the webinar is scheduled to start on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The bus arrives on time every morning.”

Hindi Meaning: “हर सुबह bus समय पर आती है।”

English Meaning: The bus comes on time every morning.

Example: “I rely on this bus because it arrives on time every morning.”


  1. Phrase: “The concert begins on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “संगीत कार्यक्रम समय पर शुरू होता है।”

English Meaning: The concert starts on time.

Example: “I’m excited because the concert always begins on time.”


  1. Phrase: “He logs off from work on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह काम से समय पर log off करता है।”

English Meaning: He logs off from work on time.

Example: “He values his work-life balance and logs off from work on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The store closes its doors on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “दुकान अपने समय पर बंद हो जाती है।”

English Meaning: The store closes when it is supposed to, without any delay.

Example: “We can shop here with confidence because they always close on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The restaurant serves dinner on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Restaurant रात का खाना समय पर परोसता है।”

English Meaning: The restaurant serves dinner punctually.

Example: “We enjoy dining here because the restaurant serves dinner on time.”


  1. Phrase: “She submits her reports on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह समय पर अपनी reports जमा करती है।”

English Meaning: She gives her reports on time.

Example: “Her manager appreciates how she submits her reports on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The school bell rings on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “School की घंटी समय पर बजती है।”

English Meaning: The school bell rings promptly.

Example: “We know when to change classes because the school bell rings on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The event concludes on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Event समय पर समाप्त होता है।”

English Meaning: The event ends on schedule.

Example: “The event concludes on time, allowing everyone to leave as planned.”


  1. Phrase: “The flight takes off on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Flight समय पर उड़ान भरती है।”

English Meaning: The flight takes off punctually.

Example: “We prefer this airline because the flight takes off on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The class starts on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Class समय पर शुरू होती है।”

English Meaning: The class begins punctually.

Example: “The teacher is strict about starting the class on time.”


  1. Phrase: “She finishes her work on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह अपना काम समय पर पूरा कर लेती है।”

English Meaning: She completes her tasks within the designated time.

Example: “Her efficiency ensures she finishes her work on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The show ends on schedule.”

Hindi Meaning: “Show समय पर समाप्त होता है।” 

English Meaning: The show concludes as per the plan.

Example: “Don’t worry; the show ends on schedule.”


  1. Phrase: “The train arrives at the platform on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Train समय पर platform पर आती है।”

English Meaning: The train arrives at the platform at the scheduled time.

Example: “Passengers can board the train confidently as it arrives at the platform on time.”


  1. Phrase: “He delivers the project on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह project समय पर पूरी करता है।”

English Meaning: He completes the project within the specified time.

Example: “His dedication ensures he delivers the project on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The cafe serves breakfast on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Cafe समय पर नाश्ता पेश करता है।”

English Meaning: The cafe serves breakfast punctually.

Example: “We appreciate this cafe because it serves breakfast on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The movie screening starts on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Movie screening समय पर शुरू होती है।”

English Meaning: The movie screening begins promptly.

Example: “I like attending screenings here because the movie starts on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The school bus arrives on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “School bus समय पर आती है।”

English Meaning: The school bus arrives punctually.

Example: “Parents trust the school bus because it arrives on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The presentation ends on time.”

Hindi Meaning: “Presentation समय पर समाप्त होती है।”

English Meaning: The presentation concludes as scheduled.

Example: “The presenter is known for ending the presentation on time.”


  1. Phrase: “The store opens its doors on time every day.”

Hindi Meaning: “दुकान हर दिन समय पर खुलता है।”

English Meaning: The store opens its doors punctually every day.

Example: “Customers appreciate this store because it opens its doors on time.”


Phrases related to “At”


  1. Phrase: “The webinar starts at 9 AM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Webinar सुबह 9 बजे शुरू होता है।”

English Meaning: The webinar commences at 9 AM.

Example: “Don’t be late; the webinar starts at 9 AM.”


  1. Phrase: “The bus arrives at the stop at 7:30 AM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Bus stop पर bus सुबह 7:30 बजे आती है।”

English Meaning: The bus reaches the stop at 7:30 AM.

Example: “Please arrive at the bus stop early; the bus arrives at the stop at 7:30 AM.”


  1. Phrase: “The concert kicks off at 8 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “संगीत कार्यक्रम रात 8 बजे शुरू होता है।”

English Meaning: The concert begins at 8 PM.

Example: “The concert always kicks off at 8 PM, so don’t miss it.”


  1. Phrase: “She logs off from work at 6 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह अपने काम से शाम 6 बजे log off करती है।”

English Meaning: She signs out from work at 6 PM.

Example: “She is disciplined about signing out from work at 6 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The store shuts its doors at 9 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “दुकान अपने दरवाजे रात 9 बजे बंद करती है।”

English Meaning: The store closes its doors at 9 PM.

Example: “Be mindful of the time; the store closes its doors at 9 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The restaurant serves dinner at 7 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Restaurant रात का खाना रात 7 बजे परोसता है।”

English Meaning: The restaurant serves dinner at 7 PM.

Example: “Let’s book a table; the restaurant serves dinner at 7 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “She submits her reports at 7 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह रात 7 बजे अपनी reports जमा करती है।”

English Meaning: She submits her reports at the specified time at 7 PM.

Example: “She’s punctual about submitting her reports at 7 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The school bell rings at 8:30 AM.”

Hindi Meaning: “School की घंटी सुबह 8:30 बजे बजती है।”

English Meaning: The school bell rings punctually at 8:30 AM.

Example: “When the school bell rings at 8:30 AM, it’s time to start the lessons.”


  1. Phrase: “The event ends at 10 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Event रात 10 बजे समाप्त होता है।”

English Meaning: The event concludes at 10 PM.

Example: “We should make sure the event concludes at 10 PM as planned.”


  1. Phrase: “The flight departs at 2:30 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Flight दोपहर 2:30 बजे उड़ान भरती है।”

English Meaning: The flight leaves at 2:30 PM.

Example: “Don’t be late; the flight departs at 2:30 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The class starts at 9 AM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Class सुबह 9 बजे शुरू होती है।”

English Meaning: The class commences at 9 AM.

Example: “The class always commences at 9 AM, so be prepared.”


  1. Phrase: “He wraps up his work at 5 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह अपना काम शाम 5 बजे समाप्त करता है।”

English Meaning: He concludes his work at 5 PM.

Example: “He is diligent about concluding his work at 5 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The show wraps up at midnight.”

Hindi Meaning: “Show रात्रि 12 बजे समाप्त होता है।”

English Meaning: The show concludes at midnight.

Example: “The show always concludes at midnight, so be ready.”


  1. Phrase: “The train arrives at the station at 10 AM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Train station पर सुबह 10 बजे आती है।”

English Meaning: The train reaches the station at 10 AM.

Example: “Passengers can board the train confidently as it reaches the station at 10 AM.”


  1. Phrase: “He presents the project at the meeting at 3 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह प्रस्तुत करता है project को बैठक पर दोपहर 3 बजे।”

English Meaning: He showcases the project during the meeting at 3 PM.

Example: “He’s well-prepared to showcase the project during the meeting at 3 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The store opens its doors at 8 AM every day.”

Hindi Meaning: “दुकान हर दिन सुबह 8 बजे अपने दरवाजे खोलती है।”

English Meaning: The store unlocks its doors at 8 AM daily.

Example: “Customers appreciate this store because it unlocks its doors at 8 AM every day.”


  1. Phrase: “The sun sets at 6:30 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “सूर्यास्त शाम 6:30 बजे होता है।”

English Meaning: The sun sets at 6:30 PM.

Example: “The view is breathtaking when the sun sets at 6:30 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “She leaves work at 7 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “वह काम से शाम 7 बजे निकलती है।”

English Meaning: She departs from work at 7 PM.

Example: “She ensures a healthy work-life balance and departs from work at 7 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The theater’s final showtime is at 10 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “Theater का अंतिम showtime रात 10 बजे है।”

English Meaning: The theater’s last showtime is at 10 PM.

Example: “Don’t miss it; the theater’s last showtime is at 10 PM.”


  1. Phrase: “The meeting is scheduled at 4:30 PM.”

Hindi Meaning: “बैठक दोपहर 4:30 बजे scheduled है।”

English Meaning: The meeting is scheduled at 4:30 PM.

Example: “Please attend the meeting; it is scheduled at 4:30 PM.”


Difference between the phrases “On time” and “in time”.

“On time” and “in time” are similar phrases, but they have subtle differences in their usage:

On Time:

“On time” refers to an exact scheduled time or a deadline, and it means punctuality.

It implies that something happens or is completed exactly at the specified time, neither earlier nor later.


“The exam will begin on time.” (The exam will start at the scheduled time, as planned.)

“I reached the office on time.” (I arrived at the office as scheduled or at the appointed time.)

“The train departed on time.” (The train left precisely at the scheduled departure time.)


In Time:

“In time” also refers to being punctual, but it has a slightly more flexible meaning.

It suggests that something happens or is completed within a reasonable time frame, allowing for some flexibility.

It often implies that there may have been some potential for lateness, but the action was completed before any negative consequences occurred.


“I got the treatment in time.” (I received the treatment within a time frame that prevented further complications.)

“She submitted her project report in time for the review meeting.” (She submitted the report with enough time for the review meeting, without being excessively late.)

“He arrived in time for the party.” (He arrived with enough time to spare, even if he was running slightly late.)

In brief, “on time” is very precise, indicating punctuality at an exact time, while “in time” allows for a slightly more flexible interpretation, implying that something was completed within an appropriate timeframe to avoid negative consequences. Both phrases emphasize being punctual but in different ways.



In On At Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What does the preposition “in” refer to when discussing time in relation to the clock?

“In” is used to denote a general time frame within which an event or action will occur, often concerning hours or minutes. It signifies a period of time in the future without specifying an exact moment.


  1. Could you provide an example that demonstrates the usage of “in” with clock time?

Example: “The meeting is scheduled to start in 15 minutes.” This means that the meeting will commence 15 minutes from the current time, without specifying the exact start time.


  1. When is the preposition “on” appropriately used in the context of clock time?

“On” is employed to indicate a particular day, date, or occasion, rather than a specific time of day. It is more often associated with calendar dates than clock hours or minutes.


  1. Can you provide an example that illustrates the usage of “on” in relation to day?

Example: “The conference call is on Monday.” In this case, “on” specifies the day (Monday) on which the conference call will take place but doesn’t provide the precise time of the call.


  1. How is the preposition “at” utilized when referring to time on the clock?

“At” is used to pinpoint an exact time, down to the specific hour and minute. It signifies a particular moment in time.


  1. Could you give an example of using “at” with clock time?

Example: “The train departs at 2:30 PM.” In this instance, “at” indicates the precise time when the train will leave – 2:30 PM.


  1. Is there a clear distinction between saying “in five minutes” and “at five minutes”?

Yes, there is a distinction. “In five minutes” implies that an event will occur after five minutes have passed from the current moment. On the other hand, “at five minutes” is not a common expression in English and might require specific context for interpretation.


  1. How can I develop a better understanding of when to use “in,” “on,” and “at” in time-related sentences?

To grasp the distinctions, consider “in” as signifying a time frame or period within which something will happen (e.g., “in a few hours”), “on” as designating specific calendar days or dates (e.g., “on Wednesday”), and “at” as precisely pinpointing an exact moment in time (e.g., “at 3:45 PM”). Regular practice and exposure to these prepositions in context will help solidify your understanding.


  1. Are there any established rules for determining when to use “in,” “on,” and “at” with clock times?

While there are general guidelines for usage, learning through exposure and practice is often more effective. The use of these prepositions can vary depending on context and idiomatic expressions.


  1. Can “in,” “on,” and “at” also be applied to seconds on the clock, or are they limited to hours and minutes?

Yes, “in,” “on,” and “at” can be used with seconds on the clock as well. For example, “in a few seconds,” “on the 10th second,” and “at 30 seconds past the minute” are all valid expressions. These prepositions can apply to time intervals of varying lengths, including seconds.


  1. Are there specific situations where using “in” with clock time is more appropriate than “at” or “on”?

“In” is generally used when referring to a time frame in the future without specifying an exact moment. It’s often suitable for phrases like “in a few minutes” or “in an hour.”


  1. Can you provide an example of “on” being used with a specific date or occasion?

Example: “The party is on New Year’s Eve.” Here, “on” specifies a particular date (New Year’s Eve) when the party will take place.


  1. How does the preposition “at” interact with clock time, especially when discussing meetings or appointments?

“At” is employed to indicate an exact, specific time for appointments, meetings, or events, ensuring no ambiguity about when they occur.


  1. Could you give an example where “at” is used with clock time in the context of scheduling a meeting?

Example: “The board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 10 AM.” In this case, “at” precisely specifies the day (Tuesday) and time (10 AM) when the meeting will happen.


  1. What happens if I interchange “in,” “on,” and “at” in a sentence regarding clock time? Does it significantly impact meaning?

Interchanging these prepositions can sometimes alter the meaning or make a sentence sound unusual or incorrect. For example, replacing “in” with “at” in “The party is in ten minutes” would result in “The party is at ten minutes,” which doesn’t convey the intended meaning.


  1. Is there a guideline for using “in,” “on,” and “at” with clock time for non-native English speakers?

Learning to use these prepositions effectively comes with practice and familiarity. Consider common expressions and contexts where each preposition is typically used.


  1. When is the phrase “in the nick of time” used in relation to clock time?

“In the nick of time” is an idiom that means doing something just in time, with only a few seconds or moments to spare. For example, “He arrived at the airport in the nick of time to catch his flight.”


  1. Can “in,” “on,” and “at” be used to describe durations of time, such as “in an hour” or “on a day”?

Yes, these prepositions can be used to indicate durations. For example, “We’ll finish the project in a day” suggests completing it within a day’s duration.


  1. What is the difference between “at this time” and “in this time” when discussing clock hours and minutes?

“At this time” refers to an exact moment, while “in this time” is less common and would typically require specific context. “At this time” is more precise and widely used.


  1. Do these prepositions have equivalent usage in other languages, or are they unique to English?

While other languages may have prepositions for time, the specific usage and distinctions between “in,” “on,” and “at” may vary. These distinctions can be language-specific and may not have direct equivalents in every language.



Understanding how to use prepositions of time, such as “in,” “on,” and “at,” in the context of clock hours and minutes is a fundamental aspect of English language comprehension. These prepositions allow for precise communication regarding time-related matters, whether it’s scheduling appointments, discussing punctuality, or expressing specific durations. By distinguishing between these prepositions, learners can navigate the intricacies of time-related expressions with confidence. This video lesson has provided a comprehensive understanding of their usage, backed by examples and frequently asked questions, making the complexities of time more accessible to English language learners. Mastering these prepositions enhances language proficiency and facilitates effective communication in various settings.


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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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