
20 Practical Ways to Speak English Fluently : Speak English with Confidence

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Learning English can be exciting but sometimes tricky too! Luckily, there are simple ways to get better at it. By using things like personal tutors, technology, and paying attention to how you say words, speaking English becomes easier.


Let’s discuss few Practical Ways to Speak English Fluently


  1. Incorporate Idioms:

What is an idiom? An idiom is a group of words whose meaning is different from the literal meanings of each individual word. In simpler terms, it’s like a special phrase where the words together have a unique meaning that can’t be understood from the meanings of the individual words.


  1. A. “Break the ice”: This idiom doesn’t mean actually breaking ice. It’s used when starting a conversation to make people feel more comfortable. Imagine you’re at a party where people don’t know each other. If you say, “Let’s break the ice and introduce ourselves,” you’re suggesting starting conversations to make everyone feel at ease.
  2. “Piece of cake”: If someone says, “Learning to ride a bike is a piece of cake,” they’re not talking about real cake! This idiom means that something is not complicated. It’s like saying that learning to ride a bike is as easy as eating a piece of cake.


  1. Choose the Right Idioms:

Not all idioms fit every situation. Select idioms that are appropriate for the context you’re in. 

For instance, using business-related idioms like “cutting corners” or “thinking outside the box” might be suitable in a professional environment, whereas idioms related to food or sports might be more casual.

Once you’ve mastered common English idioms, it’s important to recognize that using the appropriate ones for your dialect – whether it’s British English in the UK or American English in the US – is key to achieving true fluency in English communication.


1. In American English, “to pat yourself on the back” means acknowledging your own achievements in a positive way. It’s like giving yourself recognition or praise for something you’ve done well. For instance, if someone says, “I don’t mean to pat myself on the back, but I did a great job on the project,” they’re acknowledging their success without being too modest.

In British English, “to give yourself a big hand” has a similar meaning to “to pat yourself on the back.” It’s about recognizing your own accomplishments and giving yourself credit for a job well done. For example, if someone in the UK says, “I don’t want to give myself a big hand, but I performed really well in the competition,” they’re expressing a similar sentiment of self-praise

2. In American English, “to lay into someone” means to harshly criticize or attack someone with words. It’s like verbally reprimanding someone in a severe or forceful manner. For instance, if someone says, “She really laid into him for missing the deadline,” it implies a strong and direct verbal confrontation.

In British English, “to give someone a piece of your mind” also involves criticizing or confronting someone verbally. It means expressing your thoughts, opinions, or grievances forcefully and directly to someone. For example, if someone in the UK says, “She gave him a real piece of her mind for forgetting their anniversary,” they’re describing a situation where someone is expressing strong disapproval or frustration verbally.


  1. Enhance Your Vocabulary:

Expand your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases regularly. Try to incorporate these words into your conversations to become more comfortable using them. 

For instance, if you learn the word “eclectic,” try using it when describing someone’s taste in music or fashion.

To enhance your language skills, consider reducing your dependence on “very” and “really” in your expressions. Challenge yourself to utilize more precise and sophisticated vocabulary to convey your ideas effectively. 

For instance: Exchange “very fortunate” for “blessed” to emphasize gratitude.


  1. Learn Whole Phrases, Not Just Individual Words:

Instead of focusing solely on memorizing isolated words, learn and practice whole phrases and expressions in context. It’s like learning to dance by mastering choreography rather than individual steps. By learning phrases, you understand how words are used together and sound more natural in conversation. 

For example, instead of learning “book” and “store” separately, learn the phrase “bookstore” and understand its meaning and usage in everyday language. This approach enhances your fluency and helps you communicate more effectively in real-life situations.


  1. Choose a Dialect (or Not):

English has various dialects spoken around the world. You can choose to focus on a specific dialect, such as British English or American English, or you can embrace the diversity of English-speaking cultures and learn from a variety of sources.


  1. Understand the Culture:

Language and culture go hand in hand. To speak English fluently, it’s important to understand the cultural context behind the language. 

For instance, when someone asks “How are you?” in English-speaking countries, it’s not just a question about your well-being; it’s also a way to start a conversation. However, the expected response may vary across cultures. In the United States, a simple “I’m good, thank you” is common, while in other cultures, responses may be more indirect. Understanding these differences helps in smoother communication and building connections.


  1. Master Slang:

Slang refers to informal expressions and words commonly used in everyday language, often by specific social groups or communities. To master slang is to understand the nuances of informal communication, which can greatly enhance one’s fluency in a language. 

For instance, the word “cool” is a widely used slang term with various meanings. In different contexts, “cool” can signify approval, agreement, or even indifference. Understanding the subtle shifts in meaning based on context allows speakers to navigate informal conversations with ease. Additionally, learning slang enables individuals to connect more deeply with native speakers and understand the cultural subtleties embedded in language usage.


  1. Watch TV Shows and Movies:

Watching English-language TV shows and movies is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in the language. These mediums expose you to various accents, idioms, and expressions used by native speakers, helping you improve language skills naturally. 

Shows like “Friends,” “Breaking Bad,” and “Stranger Things” offer diverse linguistic and cultural insights. You can easily access these shows on streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu. 

Through entertainment, you absorb language nuances, understand cultural contexts, and improve listening comprehension. By paying attention to character interactions and dialogue, you enhance vocabulary and grasp informal language usage effortlessly. Enjoying TV shows and movies makes language learning engaging and effective.


  1. Mimic Others:

Improving pronunciation and fluency in English involves paying attention to how native speakers pronounce words and phrases. One effective strategy is to mimic their intonation and rhythm. 

For instance, listening to TED talks or interviews by renowned Indian speakers like Shashi Tharoor or Priyanka Chopra allows you to closely observe their speech patterns. By imitating their intonation and rhythm, you can internalize correct pronunciation and develop a more natural speaking style.


  1. Immerse Yourself with English:

Immerse yourself in the English language by engaging in various activities. Listen to English music from different genres, such as pop, rock, or hip-hop, to expose yourself to different accents and vocabulary related to music. Reading English books, whether novels, magazines, or newspapers, helps you grasp grammar and expand your vocabulary. Joining English-speaking classes for practice and cultural exchange. 

Whenever possible, converse with native speakers, whether through language exchange programs or social events. By surrounding yourself with English in diverse ways, you’ll gradually feel more comfortable and fluent in the language, making learning an enjoyable and rewarding experience.


  1. Don’t Be Scared to Make Mistakes:

Making mistakes while learning English is natural and necessary for improvement. Like learning to ride a bicycle, you might stumble before mastering balance. Similarly, in English, don’t fear errors. 

For instance, mispronouncing words when ordering food shouldn’t embarrass you. Instead, use it to learn. Similarly, when talking to a professor or classmate in English, don’t worry about grammatical errors. Embrace mistakes as chances to grow and gain confidence in your language skills.


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  1. Practice, Practice, Practice:

Just like mastering any skill, improving your English speaking requires consistent practice. Think about it like playing a musical instrument. The more you practice playing the guitar, the better you become. Similarly, contribute time each day to practice speaking English. You can practice with friends, family, language, language partner, or even by yourself. By practicing regularly through group discussion or just talking to your friends, you’ll notice gradual improvements in your fluency and confidence.


  1. Listen:

Listening is a fundamental aspect of language learning. Imagine you’re learning to dance by watching others perform. Similarly, listening to English podcasts, radio programs, music, and audiobooks exposes you to different accents, vocabulary, and intonations.

For example, by listening to native speakers talk about various topics, you’ll pick up new words, phrases, and pronunciation patterns, which will enhance your speaking skills.


  1. Celebrate Success:

Acknowledge and celebrate your progress in learning English. Whether you hold a conversation with a native speaker, comprehend a movie without subtitles, or grasp a new word, celebrate these milestones. 

For instance, if you master a challenging grammar rule, acknowledge your accomplishment. Additionally, receiving positive feedback on your English writing or speaking skills from others is worth celebrating. Furthermore, successfully navigating through an English-speaking environment, such as ordering food at a restaurant or giving directions to a tourist, is a significant achievement. 

Recognize your growth and the effort you’ve invested in your language journey. Moreover, consider treating yourself to a special meal or outing, giving yourself a high-five, or sharing your success with a supportive friend or language learning group to celebrate your achievements. Each step forward in your English language journey deserves recognition and encouragement.


  1. Talk to Yourself:

Engage in self-talk in English, especially when you’re alone. Pretend you’re giving a presentation or explaining a concept to someone. For example, while doing household chores, describe what you’re doing and why you’re doing it in English. Talking to yourself helps you practice forming sentences, expressing ideas, and improving pronunciation without feeling self-conscious. 

Let’s understand this in detail with the help of an example:

Imagine you’re cooking Paneer Do Pyaza, narrate the steps of preparing Paneer Do Pyaza in English, and here we go:

“Today, I’m making Paneer Do Pyaza. First, I’ll cut onions and garlic into small pieces. Then, I’ll put some oil in a pan and heat it. When it’s hot, I’ll add the onions and garlic and cook them until they turn brown and smell good.

Next, I’ll add chopped tomatoes and cook until they become soft. Then, I’ll add some spices like cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, and salt. I’ll mix everything and let it cook for a bit.

After that, I’ll add pieces of paneer and some sliced green chilies. I’ll mix it gently and let it cook for a few minutes until the paneer becomes soft and soaks up the flavors.

Finally, I’ll sprinkle some fresh coriander leaves on top and serve it hot with chapatis or rice.”

Always narrate like this while cooking anything in kitchen, even while cleaning utensils narrate all the steps in your mind which you need to follow while cleaning and drying up the utensils.

Let’s discuss one more example to help us understand how we can learn spoken English at home:

While Walking on the Roof or in the Park:

When you’re walking on the roof or in the park, talk to yourself about what you see and feel:

“As I walk on the roof, I see colorful kites flying high in the sky. They dance with the wind and make me smile. The sun shines bright, making everything look golden and warm. I hear kids laughing and playing, and birds chirping happily.

Oh, look! There’s a golgappa vendor on the street! He’s busy filling crispy golgappa shells with spicy potato and tangy sauce. It smells delicious! I wish I could have some right now.

Down below, there’s a beautiful garden. I see vibrant flowers blooming in all colors – red, yellow, and purple. They sway gently in the breeze, spreading their sweet fragrance. I also smell fresh-cut grass and the earth after the rain. It’s so refreshing!

As I continue walking, I notice a group of children playing with a ball. They’re laughing and having fun together. It reminds me of my own childhood, playing games with friends. It’s wonderful to see the joy and energy they bring to the park.”


  1. Tongue Twisters:

Tongue twisters are phrases or sentences designed to challenge pronunciation and speech clarity. They’re like verbal hurdles that require skill and practice to overcome. 

Examples include “She sells seashells by the seashore” and “How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Repeating these phrases challenges your mouth muscles and helps you articulate sounds accurately. 

Starting slowly and gradually increasing your speed as you become more comfortable with the words is key. Tongue twisters serve as effective tools for improving pronunciation and strengthening speech muscles.


  1. Start Speaking English with a Personal Tutor:

Engaging a personal tutor for English conversation practice offers tailored guidance and immediate feedback. Think of it as having a coach for a sport you’re learning. A tutor helps identify your strengths and weaknesses, customizes lessons to suit your learning style, and provides constructive criticism. 

For instance, during tutoring sessions, you can focus on specific language skills, such as vocabulary expansion, grammar correction, or improving fluency through interactive discussions.


  1. Make the Most of Technology:

Embrace technology as a powerful tool for enhancing your English speaking skills. Consider your smartphone as your language learning companion. There are various websites, like language exchange platforms, pronunciation trainers, and vocabulary builders, designed to support your learning journey. 

For example, you can use language websites and classes like AwalEnglish to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing English at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.


  1. Use Resources Made for Your Level:

Utilize resources specifically tailored to your proficiency level in English. Think of it as choosing the right difficulty level for a video game. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner, there are plenty of materials available to suit your needs. 

For instance, beginner-level learners can start with simple conversations, basic vocabulary, and easy-to-understand texts, while intermediate and advanced learners can explore more complex topics, idiomatic expressions, and authentic materials like podcasts, news articles, and novels.


  1. Work on Your Pronunciation:

Paying attention to pronunciation is crucial for clear English communication. Imagine yourself as a musician tuning your instrument for a perfect performance. Focus on mastering English sounds and intonation patterns. 

For example, practice tricky sounds like “th” and “r”. Listen to recordings of native speakers and mimic their pronunciation. Use pronunciation guides to refine your accent. Record yourself speaking and compare it with native speakers to identify areas for improvement. By practicing sounds, listening, and recording, you can enhance your pronunciation for better communication.




Improving your English skills is like taking small steps toward a big goal. With practice and patience, you’ll get there! Remember to use resources effectively and don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Keep at it, and soon you’ll feel more confident speaking English every day.

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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