
Which Class is Best For English Speaking?

Many people have this common question where they are unable to decide which English-speaking class is best for them. With the market filled with a variety of options, picking up the best English-speaking class is a tough nut to crack. This blog is the answer to all your questions and we will share different insights that will help you know which English-speaking class is best for you. This blog is divided into different sections where we will answer your question about which class is best for English speaking. 


Types of English-Speaking Classes

Mastering the English language, often considered the global lingua franca, opens doors to countless opportunities in both personal and professional life. However, achieving proficiency in spoken English requires dedicated learning and practice. English-speaking classes come in various forms, catering to different needs and proficiency levels. Let’s delve into some popular types of English-speaking classes available today:

अंग्रेज़ी सीखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है कि आप कोई अच्छी सी English-speaking class join कर लें। लेकिन अपने लिए एक best English-speaking class चुनने से पहले ये जानना बहुत ज़रूरी है कि English-speaking class कितने तरह की होती है। यहाँ हम बात करने वाले हैं English-speaking classes के कुछ types की जिससे आपको अपने लिए एक best English-speaking class चुनने में मदद मिलेगी। 


1. Spoken English Classes

Spoken English classes focus on enhancing conversational skills. These classes are ideal for beginners or individuals seeking to improve their day-to-day communication in English. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and everyday expressions. They often involve interactive sessions, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to build confidence in speaking.  You can be a part of spoken English classes either through online mode or physical mode. Online spoken English classes enhance your daily English conversation by helping you learn common grammar rules, pronunciation techniques, common English words, idioms and phrases, etc., through video lessons, online tests, online practice groups, etc. 

Spoken English class आपकी रोज़मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी में होने वाली English में बातचीत को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करती है।  इस class में आप vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, और spoken English से जुडी तमाम चीज़ें सीखते हैं जिसकी मदद से आप fluently English बोलना सीख सकते हैं। 


2. Professional English Classes

Tailored for working professionals, these classes are designed to refine language skills in a corporate setting. They concentrate on business communication, email etiquette, presentation skills, and professional terminology. Such classes aim to equip individuals with the linguistic tools necessary to excel in their careers, enhance networking abilities, and navigate professional environments confidently.  Like spoken English classes, you can be part of professional English classes either through physical or online mode. Professional English classes become your best guide when it comes to writing emails, handling professional meetings, delivering presentations confidently, excelling in telephonic conversations, and talking to any customer, colleague, or boss. Learning professional English can become a boon for you in excelling in your professional life.

अगर आप अपने career में ऊंचाइयां हासिल करना चाहते हैं और अपने office में अपनी communication skills से सबको impress करना चाहते हैं, तो आपके लिए सबसे बेहतर option है professional English classes. इन classes की मदद से आप अंग्रेज़ी में email लिखना, presentation देना, meeting शुरू करना और customer या boss से confidently बात करना सीख सकते हैं। 


3. IELTS Classes

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a standardized test that assesses English proficiency for non-native English speakers, especially those planning to study or work abroad. If you plan to continue your higher studies abroad, secure a job in a better company abroad or settle in a foreign land, these classes will provide perfect guidance and assistance to you. IELTS classes provide targeted preparation for each exam section, focusing on listening, reading, writing, and speaking. These classes often incorporate simulated tests and strategies to help individuals achieve their desired scores.

अगर आप देश से बाहर जाकर अपनी पहचान बनाना चाहते हैं, या किसी दूसरे देश में जाकर अपनी पढाई पूरी करना चाहते हैं, तो उसके लिए आपको IELTS exam clear करना होगा। इस exam को निकालने के लिए आपकी English पर अच्छी पकड़ होना बहुत ज़्यादा ज़रूरी है, ऐसे में आपके लिए सबसे अच्छा option है IELTS classes. 


4. Live English Classes

Live English classes offer an interactive and immersive experience in language learning. Conducted through online platforms or in-person sessions, these classes provide real-time engagement between learners and instructors. They enable immediate practice, personalized learning paths, and varied teaching methodologies, and foster cultural exchange, enhancing motivation, and accountability among learners. The live English classes involve fun and interactive learning practices like picture prompts, mock interviews, debate, translation, pronunciation, etc.

आज कल digital दुनिया का ज़माना है, जहाँ हर चीज़ हमारे mobile या laptop की screen पर मौजूद है।  इस बदलते ज़माने में English सीखना अब और भी आसान हो गया है। बहुत से लोग अपने काम या ज़िम्मेदारियों की वजह से class join नहीं कर पाते हैं, ऐसे में वो आराम से घर बैठकर अपने mobile या laptop की मदद से English बोलना सीख सकते हैं। Live English class में आप घर बैठे physical classroom का मज़ा उठाकर English बोलना सीख सकते हैं। 


5. Personal Coaching Classes

Personal coaching offers customized and one-on-one guidance for English language learners. These classes focus on addressing specific learning gaps, targeting individual weaknesses, and capitalizing on strengths. Personal coaching classes provide personalized study plans, continuous feedback, and mentorship, offering a tailored approach that adapts to the learner’s pace and needs.

कितना अच्छा हो न जब कोई हमें बिना किसी दखलंदाज़ी के one-on-one तरीके से English सिखा सके। ऐसा मौका मिलता है personal coaching classes में जहाँ हमारी कमियों पर बारीकी से काम किया जाता है, और हमें बेहतर तरीके से English बोलना सिखाया जाता है। 



How to Choose the Best English-Speaking Class for You?

English proficiency has become vital in today’s globalized world, opening doors to countless opportunities. Whether aiming to enhance professional prospects, academic pursuits, or simply seeking to communicate more effectively, enrolling in an English-speaking class can be a transformative step. However, with a multitude of options available, choosing the right class that aligns with your goals and learning style is crucial. Here are some insightful tips to help you navigate and select the best English-speaking class:

इतने सारे English-speaking classes के option देखकर आपका confuse होना बनता है। इतने सारे options देखने के बाद ये समझ पाना मुश्किल है कि कौन सी class चुने या कौन सी नहीं। आपकी इसी उलझन को सुलझाने के लिए यहाँ हम बताने वाले हैं कुछ ऐसी tips जिससे आपके लिए अपने लिए एक एक best English-speaking class चुनना आसान हो जायेगा:


1. Assess Your Goals

Determine the purpose behind learning English. Are you aiming for basic conversational skills, professional advancement, exam preparation, or specialized language mastery? Understanding your specific objectives will guide you towards the most suitable class.

अपने लिए English-speaking class चुनने से पहले आपके मन में ये तय होना चाहिए कि आप English बोलना क्यों सीखना चाहते हैं, या आप किस वजह से English सीखना चाहते हैं। 


2. Determine Your Proficiency Level

Evaluate your current proficiency in English. Some classes cater to beginners, while others focus on intermediate or advanced learners. Assessing your level will help select a class that challenges you appropriately.

दूसरी चीज़ जो आपको अपने लिए English-speaking class चुनते समय ध्यान में रखनी है वो है कि आपका proficiency level क्या है। आपको ये पता होना बहुत ज़रूरी है कि आप beginner हैं, या intermediate या advanced learner. 


3. Consider Learning Styles

Reflect on your preferred learning style—whether you learn better through visual aids, interactive sessions, personalized attention, or structured lectures. Choose a class that aligns with your learning preferences for a better experience.

तीसरी चीज़ आपको ये ध्यान रखनी है कि आप किस तरीके से या किस style से चीज़ें बेहतर तरीके से सीख सकते हैं। 


4. Research Class Formats

Explore the various formats offered. Some classes are conducted in person, while others are online. Live sessions, self-paced courses, group discussions, or one-on-one coaching—each format has its advantages. Pick the format that suits your schedule, accessibility, and comfort.

English speaking class को चुनने से पहले उसके format को पहले देख लें और समझ लें। साथ ही ये ज़रूर देख लें कि या ये format आपके schedule या comfort के हिसाब से है या नहीं। 


5. Review Course Curriculum

Examine the course syllabus and curriculum. Ensure it covers the aspects of English you want to improve—whether it’s grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or specific skills like business communication or exam preparation.

अपने लिए एक अच्छी English speaking class चुनने से पहले उसके syllabus और curriculum को अच्छे से देख लें कि क्या वो English से जुडी सभी ज़रूरी चीज़ें पढ़ा रहे हैं या नहीं। 


6. Seek Recommendations and Reviews

Seek recommendations regarding these classes from your friends, colleagues, or online communities. Reviews and testimonials from previous students provide valuable insights into the class’s effectiveness, quality of instruction, and overall experience.

किसी भी English speaking class को join करने से पहले उससे जुड़े reviews या recommendations को एक बार ज़रूर देख लें। 


7. Try Trial Classes or Demos Before Enrolling

Many English-speaking classes offer trial sessions or demos. Utilize these opportunities to get a firsthand experience of the class structure, teaching style, and compatibility with your learning preferences before committing.

किसी भी English speaking class को join करने से पहले उसका trial session या demo ज़रूर ले लें। Demo में आपको उनके पढ़ाने का तरीका, structure, सब कुछ आसानी से समझ आ जायेगा। 


8. Consider Cost and Value

Compare costs among different classes but also weigh the value you’ll receive. A class might be more expensive but it offers personalized coaching or additional resources that align perfectly with your goals.

Class चुनते वक़्त उसकी fees और क्या वो उस कीमत के लायक है या नहीं ये देखना बहुत ज़रूरी है। 


9. Trust Your Instincts

Finally, trust your instincts. Select a class that resonates with you and where you feel motivated to learn. Your comfort and enthusiasm in the learning environment are vital for successful language acquisition.

सबसे ज़रूरी चीज़ जो आपको अपने लिए best English speaking class चुनते वक़्त ध्यान में रखनी है वो है खुद पर भरोसा और अपनी choice पर भरोसा। 


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Tips to Make Make Most of an English-Speaking Class 

Engaging in an English-speaking class can be a transformative experience, accelerating your journey towards language proficiency. However, merely attending classes isn’t enough to reap the full benefits. To truly excel and make substantial progress in your English language skills, it’s essential to actively participate and employ effective learning strategies. Here are some valuable tips to help you make the most of your spoken English class:

आपने सुना होगा कि ताली दोनों हाथों से बजती है, इसलिए आप चाहते हैं कि आपको  English speaking class से सबसे ज़्यादा फायदा मिले तो आपको भी कुछ चीज़ों को ध्यान में रखना होगा, जैसे:


1. Set Clear Goals

Define your objectives for attending the class. Whether it’s improving fluency, refining pronunciation, boosting confidence in conversations, or preparing for exams, having clear goals will guide your focus and efforts.

Class attend करने के आपके goal या objective को ध्यान में रखें कि आप किस लिए class attend करना चाहते हैं। 


2. Active Participation is Key

Actively engage in class activities, discussions, and exercises. Take initiative in conversations, ask questions, and contribute your thoughts. Participation not only reinforces learning but also builds confidence in using the language.

Class के दौरान होने वाली activities, discussions या exercises में हिस्सा लें। इससे आपका confidence बढ़ेगा और आपको English सीखने में मदद मिलेगी। 


3. Practice Consistently

Practice regularly outside of class. Devote time to daily English practice—reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Utilize language learning apps, podcasts, movies, or online resources to reinforce what you learn in class.

सिर्फ class में पढ़ने से कुछ नहीं होगा, आपको खुद से भी मेहनत करने की ज़रूरत है। इसलिए class के बाद में अपने दोस्तों के साथ या घर में English बोलने, लिखने और सुनने की practice करें। 


4. Take Notes and Review

Take diligent notes during class sessions. Review and revise your notes regularly to reinforce learning. Summarizing key points helps in retention and comprehension.

Class में पढ़ाई जाने वाली हर चीज़ को ध्यान से सुनें और अपने notes में उन्हें लिख लें। Notes बनाकर आपको चीज़ों को याद करने में आसानी होगी। 


5. Don’t Fear Mistakes—Embrace Them

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are stepping stones to improvement. Embrace errors as opportunities to learn and refine your language skills.

गलतियां करने से डरे नहीं, बल्कि अपनी गलतियां को सुधारें और कोशिश करें कि ऐसी गलती आपसे दोबारा न हो। 


6. Seek Clarification and Feedback

If something isn’t clear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification from the instructor or peers. Actively seek feedback on your language usage and pronunciation to identify areas for improvement.

अगर आपको कोई चीज़ समझ नहीं आ रही है तो उसे पूछने से न घबराएं। आपको जो कुछ भी समझ न आये वो अपने teacher से पूछें और अपने  बारे में उनसे feedback ज़रूर लें। 


7. Use Language in Real-Life Situations

Apply what you learn in real-life situations. Engage in conversations with friends, colleagues, or language exchange partners. Practice using new vocabulary and phrases in practical contexts.

Class में आप जो कुछ भी सीखें उसे असल ज़िन्दगी में इस्तेमाल ज़रूर करें, इसे आपकी English बोलने की अच्छी practice होगी। जैसे अगर आपने कोई नया शब्द या idiom सीखा है तो उसे अपनी रोज़मर्रा की बातों में इस्तेमाल करने की कोशिश करें। 


8. Record and Listen to Yourself

Record yourself speaking in English. Listen to your recordings to identify areas where you need improvement, such as pronunciation, intonation, or pacing. Self-assessment can be a powerful tool for improvement.

बेहतर तरीके से English सीखने के लिए, English बोलते वक़्त उसे record करें और खुद को सुनें। सुनते वक़्त खुद की गलतियां निकालें और उन्हें ठीक करने की कोशिश करें। 


9. Stay Committed and Consistent

Consistency is key to language learning. Stay committed to attending classes regularly and dedicating time to practice. Set aside a specific time each day for language study and practice.

English सीखने के  सफर में अपनी लगन न छोड़े और पूरी मेहनत करें। 


10. Review Previous Lessons

Continuously revisit and review previous lessons. Repetition aids retention. Revisiting past lessons helps reinforce learning and ensures you’re building upon a solid foundation.

समय-समय पढ़ाई गयी पुरानी चीज़ों को दुबारा से पढ़ें और उन्हें revise करें। 


11. Create Opportunities for Immersion

Immerse yourself in the English language. Surround yourself with English media—watch movies, listen to music, or read books/news in English—to familiarize yourself with diverse accents, vocabulary, and expressions.

अपने आप को English से भरे माहौल में पूरी तरह से डुबा दें। English movie देखें, गाने सुने, किताब या अखबार पढ़ें ताकि हर जगह आपको English सीखने का मौका मिले। 


12. Celebrate Progress and Stay Motivated

Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Celebrate milestones achieved in your language journey. Staying motivated and positive is crucial for long-term success.

English सीखने के इस सफर में हिम्मत न हारें और हर कदम पर motivated बने रहे। 





1. What are the different types of English-speaking classes available?

There are various types of English-speaking classes, including spoken English classes, professional English classes, IELTS preparation classes, advanced English courses, personal coaching, and live online classes.


2. How can I choose the right English-speaking class for my needs?

Determine your goals, assess your proficiency level, consider your learning style, research class formats, review the curriculum, seek recommendations, attend trial classes, and trust your instincts to choose the best class.


3. What should I expect from an English-speaking class?

Expect structured lessons covering grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and conversation skills. Classes may include interactive sessions, group discussions, role-playing, and exercises tailored to your proficiency level.


4. How can I improve my English speaking skills outside of class?

Practice regularly by speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners, watching English movies or TV shows, reading books or articles in English, and using language learning apps or online resources.


5. How long does it take to become fluent in English through classes?

The duration varies based on individual factors such as current proficiency, learning consistency, practice, and dedication. Fluency goals typically require months to years of consistent effort.


6. Can I join an English-speaking class if I’m a beginner with no prior knowledge?

Absolutely! Many classes cater specifically to beginners, offering foundational lessons to help you build essential language skills from scratch.


7. Are online English-speaking classes as effective as in-person classes?

Yes, online classes can be equally effective due to interactive platforms, live sessions, personalized attention, and the flexibility they offer, allowing for effective learning from anywhere.


8. Will joining an English-speaking class help improve my job prospects?

Yes, enhancing your English proficiency can significantly boost job prospects, especially for positions requiring strong communication skills or international opportunities.


9. Can I enroll in an English-speaking class if English isn’t my native language?

Absolutely! English-speaking classes cater to non-native speakers seeking to improve their language skills for personal, academic, or professional reasons.


10. What if I’m not satisfied with my English-speaking class?

If you’re not satisfied, consider discussing your concerns with the instructor or administration. Alternatively, explore other classes or instructors that better suit your learning preferences and objectives.



We hope this blog has answered your question about which English-speaking class is best for you pretty well. You can use these tips and tricks while picking the best English-speaking class for you. These tips will help you in choosing the right class for you and will also help you make the most out of any English-speaking class. 

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Awal is the most loved English coach on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. His unique style of explaining a concept with simple and interesting examples is super hit among his fans. Learn English With Awal and shine!

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