100+ Idioms That Will Make You Fluent In Speaking English

Idioms in English are the best way to convey your thoughts simply and creatively. Idioms are those expressions that add a creative touch to our language and express the most complex emotion in the easiest way possible.


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In this blog, we will be exploring some most common idioms in English that we can use in our everyday conversation to express our thoughts. These idioms in English are given with meanings and examples that will help you to understand them easily and the examples will teach you about how you can use these idioms in English. In this blog, you will find some commonly used English idioms with meanings and examples, that will help you learn spoken English and become fluent in speaking English.


What Do You Mean By an Idiom?

An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning is different from the exact meaning of its words. Simply put, it is a commonly used phrase that has a meaning different from the exact meaning of its words.

Idioms are specific to any language or culture that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of their words. The meaning of an idiom is established through common usage over time and usually has a metaphorical or symbolic meaning.

For example, if someone says “It is raining cats and dogs” during the rainy season it does not mean that small animals are falling from the sky. This idiom simply means “it is raining very heavily.”


What is The Importance of Idiom in the English Language?

Idioms have great importance in the English language. The following points clarify its importance:

Language Richness: Idioms make a language rich. They add colour and life to language, as well as encourage originality and imagination.

Concise Expression: Idioms are used to express an idea concisely in one phrase instead of several words. For example, “to rub one’s nose” means “to be embarrassed.”

Cultural Context: Idioms reflect the culture and traditions of a language. They reflect the thinking and mentality of the people who speak that language.

Sarcasm and Metaphor: Idioms are often witty, sarcastic or metaphorical, adding interest and charm to the language.

Precise Expression: Some thoughts and feelings are difficult to express verbatim. The use of idioms helps to express them in a precise and effective manner.

Colloquial Language: Idioms are an integral part of colloquial language. They are easy to use orally and make the language sound natural.


Where You Should Use Idioms?

Idioms can be used in different situations in conversations. Following are some of the major opportunities:

Making a Serious Topic Light: Sometimes idioms are used to lighten the atmosphere while talking about tough or serious topics. It reduces stress and makes conversation smoother.

Clarifying Ideas: When we are unable to express an idea or experience in words, idioms help us express them clearly and effectively.

Use of Sarcasm or Humor: When speaking in a humorous tone, idioms can be used to bring out sarcasm and humor. It makes the conversation interesting.

Giving Cultural Context: When we talk about our culture, traditions and beliefs, idioms help us express them better.

Precise Expression: Some feelings and experiences are difficult to express in words. On such occasions, idioms help express them accurately.

Conversations With Friends and Family: Due to the closeness and trust in relationships, idioms are used more in conversations with friends and family.


Where You Should Avoid Using Idioms?

Yes, there are some situations and occasions where using idioms is not considered appropriate. Following are some prominent examples:

Formal Office Situations: The use of idioms should be avoided in formal meetings, presentations and official correspondence in offices. This can make the atmosphere informal.

Conversations with Foreigners/other Language Speakers: When you are talking to someone who is not a native speaker of English/Hindi, the use of idioms should be avoided as they may be difficult for them to understand.

Educational Settings: Teachers in schools, colleges and universities should avoid excessive use of idioms to maintain their serious image.

Legal Documents and Official Legal Correspondence: The use of idioms should be avoided in legal documents and formats as it is important to keep them precise and clear.

Moreover, excessive use of idioms should be avoided even while conversing with experts and respected persons. In general, idioms should be used only when you cannot express your sentiment simply and clearly.


Daily Use Idioms for Everyday Life With Hindi Meanings

We use idioms in our daily conversations, which add spark and vibrance to our language. Here we have highlighted some common idioms used in daily life with meanings and examples. These daily use idioms will help you express your thoughts in a simple and precise manner. Below is a list of daily use idioms with examples and meanings to help you improve your fluency in spoken English.  For more, you can read these daily use idioms in English.


Back of My Hand

Meaning: To have complete knowledge about something.

किसी बात की पूरी जानकारी होना।

Example: I know Delhi like the back of my hand.

                मैं दिल्ली के बारे में पूरी तरह से जानता हूं।


Take It Easy

Meaning: To relax.

आराम करना।

Example: Gaurav, whenever you get angry, you should take it easy.

                 गौरव, जब भी आपको गुस्सा आए, आपको इसे शांति से लेना चाहिए।


All of A Sudden

Meaning: A thing that happened unexpectedly and quickly.

एक ऐसी चीज़ जो अचानक से और तेज़ी से हुई है।

Example: We were enjoying our picnic all of a sudden it started raining.

                 हम अपनी picnic के मज़े ले रहे थे कि अचानक बारिश होने लगी।


Herculean Task

Meaning: A work that is difficult to do.

ऐसा काम जिसे करना मुश्किल हो।

Example: It is a herculean task to defeat Usain Bolt in racing.

                 Racing में उसेन बोल्ट को हराना एक मुश्किल काम है।


Double Minded

Meaning: One who is confused.

जो हमेशा confused रहता है। 

Example: Ramesh is a double-minded person, he could not select his clothes.

                 रमेश confused इंसान है, वह अपने कपड़ों को भी नहीं चुन पाता है।


A Piece Of Cake

Meaning: A task/work/thing that is very easy.

एक ऐसा काम/चीज़ जो बहुत आसान है।

Example: Typing 40 words per minute is a piece of cake for me.

                  एक minute में 40 शब्द type करना मेरे लिए बहुत आसान है। 


To Cost an Arm and A Leg

Meaning: Very Expensive

बहुत महंगा।

Example: The diamond necklace she selected cost an arm and a leg to me.

                 उसने जो हीरे का हार चुना है, वो बहुत महंगा है।


Break a Leg

Meaning: To wish somebody good luck.

किसी को शुभकामना देना।

Example:  “Break a leg, my son, I am excited about your performance.” My mother wishes me on an annual day.

                  “शुभकामनाएँ, मेरे बेटे, मैं तुम्हारे performance को लेकर उत्साहित हूं।” मेरी मां ने मुझे annual day पर सुभकामनाएँ दी।


Hit the Sack

Meaning: Go to bed.

सोने जाओ।

Example: I was tired yesterday so I hit the sack at 8 O’clock. 

                 मैं कल थक गया था इसलिए मैं 8 बजे ही सो गया था।


All Greek and Latin to Me

Meaning: Difficult to understand.

समझने में मुश्किल।

Example: Today’s Economics lecture was all Greek and Latin to me.

                 आज का Economics का lecture समझने में मुश्किल था।


To Feel Under The Weather

Meaning: To feel ill.

बीमार महसूस करना।

Example: I want to play football but feel under the weather today.

                 मैं football खेलना चाहता हूँ लेकिन आज मुझे तबियत ठीक नहीं लग रही है।


Lose Your Marbles

Meaning: Going crazy or doing something insane. 

पागल हो जाना या कुछ पागलपन कर देना।

Example: Ashish is losing his marbles after being fired from the job.  

                 नौकरी से निकाले जाने के बाद आशीष पागल हो गया है।


Bread and Butter

Meaning: Earnings of someone for a living. 

जीवन गुज़र करने के लिए कमाई। 

Example: Arun is the only person in his house who earns bread and butter for their living.

               अपने घर में अरुण ही एक ऐसा इंसान हैं जो जीवन यापन के लिए कमाता है।


Easier Said Than Done

Meaning: It is easy to say something and then do it in practice. 

कहना आसान है बजाये उसे करने के। 

Example: Whatever Riya is saying is easier said than done. 

                 रिया जो कुछ भी कह रही है वो कहना आसान है बजाये करने के। 


Living Hand-to-mouth

Meaning: Being extremely poor and struggling for minimum necessities. 

बहुत ज़्यादा गरीब होना और छोटी छोटी ज़रूरतों के लिए संघर्ष करना।

Example: Karan is living hand to mouth after his business failed.

                 Business fail होने के बाद करण छोटी छोटी ज़रूरतों के लिए भी संघर्ष रहा है। 


Most Commonly Used English Idioms With Hindi Meanings

Here we will be sharing some most commonly used idioms in English with Hindi meanings that will help you understand these English idioms. These common idioms can be used in daily use sentences for different conversations and will also help you become fluent in spoken English. If you want to know more about such idioms, you can read some common idioms in English here.


By The Skin of One’s Teeth

Meaning: Barely/ by a narrow margin/ just.

बहुत ही छोटे से अंतर से। 

Example: I have attempted too many competitive exams and failed by the skin of my teeth.

                मैंने कई competitive exams देने का प्रयास किया है और बहुत ही छोटे से अंतर से असफल रहा हूँ।


Forty Winks

Meaning: To take a nap during the day.

दिन में झपकी लेना।

Example: Arjun was catching forty winks in the office after the lunch break. 

                 Lunch break के बाद Arjun office में झपकी ले रहा था।


Hold One’s Peace

Meaning: To remain silent.

चुप रहना।

Example: You should hold your peace when you don’t know the whole matter. 

                 जब आपको पूरा मामला नहीं पता हो तो आपको चुप रहना चाहिए।


Go Cold Turkey

Meaning: Suddenly stopping any bad behavior, or quitting any addiction. 

अचानक कोई बुरा व्यवहार बंद कर देना, या कोई लत छोड़ देना।

Example: Controlling anger issues is not easy, you cannot go cold turkey. 

                 गुस्से पर काबू पाना आसान नहीं है, आप अचानक से गुस्सा करना नहीं छोड़ सकते।


Draw a Longbow

Meaning: To exaggerate or lie about something. 

किसी बात को बड़ा-चड़ा के बोलना या झूठ बोलना।

Example: Abhishek has a habit of drawing a longbow, I cannot trust him. 

                 अभिषेक को बातें बड़ा-चड़ा कर बोलने की आदत है, मैं उस पर विश्वास नहीं कर सकता।


Chalk and Cheese

Meaning: It denotes two things or people who are completely different from each other. 

यह दो चीज़ों या लोगों को दिखाता है जो एक दूसरे से बिल्कुल अलग हैं।

Example: Though Arjun and Neha are chalk and cheese, still they are together for 5 years. 

                 हालांकि अर्जुन और नेहा एक दूसरे से बिलकुल अलग हैं, लेकिन फिर भी वे 5 साल से साथ हैं।


Play Ducks and Drakes

Meaning: When someone is showing reckless behavior, or misusing someone’s wealth. 

लापरवाह व्यवहार दिखाना, या बेफिज़ूल किसी के पैसे उड़ाना। 

Example: Rishabh is playing ducks and drakes with his father’s wealth. 

                 ऋषभ अपने पिता की दौलत उड़ा रहा है।


Haul Someone Over the Coal

Meaning: Scolding or reprimanding someone for their bad behaviour. 

किसी को उसके बुरे व्यवहार के लिए डांटना या फटकारना।

Meaning: Mr. Mehra has hauled his son over the coal for fighting with his friends. 

                 मिस्टर मेहरा ने अपने बेटे को अपने दोस्तों के साथ लड़ने के लिए डांटा।


Between a Rock And a Hard Place

Meaning: Making a choice between two unarguable options.

दो मुश्किल चीज़ों  में से एक चुनना। 

Example: Riya wants to marry Akash, but cannot leave her parents. She is stuck between a rock and a hard place. 

                 रिया आकाश से शादी करना चाहती है, लेकिन अपने माता-पिता को नहीं छोड़ सकती। उसके लिए दोनों में से एक चुनना बहुत मुश्किल हो गया है।


Down To The Wire

Meaning: Something is full of suspense till the very last second.

जब कुछ आखिरी second तक suspense से भरा हुआ हो।

Example: The India-Pakistan cricket match went down to the wire. 

                 भारत-पाकिस्तान का cricket match आखिरी समय तक suspense से भरा हुआ था।


Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Meaning: Getting fame for a very short span of time.

बहुत ही कम समय के लिए fame हासिल करना।

Example: Some actors rose to fifteen minutes of fame, and then they vanished.

                 कुछ अभिनेताओं को बहुत ही कम समय के लिए fame मिला और फिर वे गायब हो गए।


Kicking Myself

Meaning: Having regret about something you shouldn’t have done. 

किसी ऐसी बात का पछतावा होना जो आपको नहीं करनी चाहिए थी।

Example: Akash feels like kicking himself for not being able to attend his sister’s convocation ceremony. 

                 आकाश को अपनी बहन के convocation ceremony में शामिल नहीं हो पाने की वजह से पछतावा हो रहा है।


Its Takes Two Fools To Argue

Meaning: A wise person never finds it sensible to argue with a fool.

एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति कभी भी किसी मूर्ख से बहस करना बुद्धिमानी नहीं समझता।

Example: It takes two fools to argue with someone who doesn’t want to listen to anything. 

                 जब कोई कुछ भी सुनना नहीं चाहता, तो उसके साथ बहस बुद्धिमानी नहीं होती है।


Turn Up Trumps

Meaning: To succeed even in a very unlikely situation.

बहुत ही नामुमकिन स्थिति में भी सफल होना।

Example: Every participant in the competition was well deserving, but Rohit turned up the trumps. 

                 Competition में हर प्रतिभागी योग्य था, लेकिन रोहित ने ऐसी नामुमकिन स्थिति में जीतकर पासा पलट दिया।


Four Corners Of The Earth

Meaning: Indicating from all directions or from everywhere.

सभी दिशाओं से या हर जगह से संकेत करना।

Example: We have invited people from all corners of the world for the climate change webinar.

                 हमने climate change webinar के लिए दुनिया के कोने-कोने से लोगों को आमंत्रित किया है।


Upset The Apple Cart

Meaning: Causing trouble, or spoiling someone’s plan. 

परेशानी पैदा करना, या किसी की योजना को बिगाड़ना।

Example: I am putting lots of effort to make this event happen, I don’t want anything to upset the apple cart. 

                 मैं इस event को सफल बनाने के लिए बहुत प्रयास कर रहा हूं, मैं नहीं चाहता कि कोई भी चीज़ इस event को बिगाड़े।


The Crack Of Doom

Meaning: It signifies doomsday or judgment day. 

यह प्रलय या judgment day या समय के अंत का प्रतीक है।

Example: I promise to love you, and be with you until the crack of doom. 

                मैं तुमसे प्यार करने और कयामत  तक तुम्हारे साथ रहने का वादा करता हूं।


Draw A Blank

Meaning: It signifies a failed attempt.

यह एक असफल प्रयास का प्रतीक है।

Example: Ayesha had been trying to convince her parents to let her go abroad for studies, but she had drawn a blank. 

                 आयशा अपने माता-पिता को अपनी पढ़ाई के लिए विदेश जाने देने के लिए मनाने की कोशिश कर रही थी, लेकिन कोई नतीजा नहीं निकाला।


Keep a Stiff Upper Lip

Meaning: Being brave and courageous, even in pain or adverse conditions.

दर्द या विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी बहादुर और साहसी बने रहना।

Example: After her parents died in an accident, Aditi is keeping a stiff upper lip. 

                  एक दुर्घटना में अपने माता-पिता की मौत के बाद, अदिति इतने मुश्किल समय में भी साहसी बनी हुई है।


Donkey’s Year

Meaning: A very long period of time. 

एक बहुत लंबा समय।

Example: Anita has been practicing yoga for donkey’s year.  

                 अनीता बहुत लम्बे समय से योगा कर रही है। 


One Stop Shop

Meaning: A firm that offers a variety of products and services under one roof. 

एक firm जो एक छत के नीचे कई तरह के product और service offer करती है।

Example: We are offering a one-stop-shop solution for all hair and skin-related problems.

                 हम बालों और त्वचा संबंधी सभी समस्याओं के लिए one stop shop समाधान पेश कर रहे हैं।


Kettle of Fish

Meaning: An awkward situation that is very difficult to handle, or makes you nervous. 

एक अजीब स्थिति जिसे संभालना बहुत मुश्किल होता है, या आपको परेशान करती है।

Example: Performing stand-up on the stage is like a kettle of fish for most beginners. 

                 बहुत से नए लोगों के लिए मंच पर stand-up करना बहुत मुश्किल होता है। 


Badger to Death

Meaning: To harass or trouble someone constantly.

किसी को लगातार परेशान करना।

Example: Ishita’s roommate badgers her to death by asking the same question continuously the whole day. 

                 इशिता की roommate पूरे दिन लगातार एक ही सवाल पूछकर उसे परेशान कर देती है।


Off the Cuff

Meaning: Without any preparation or spontaneously.

बिना किसी तैयारी के या तुरंत।

Example: Shivam was asked to give the presentation off the cuff by the manager.

                 Manager ने शिवम को तुरंत presentation देने को कहा।


To Bank on Something

Meaning: Expecting that something is going to happen or depending on it.

यह उम्मीद करना कि कुछ होने वाला है या उस पर निर्भर होना।

Example: I am banking on his management skills, to make the team work efficiently on this project. 

                 Team को इस project पर अच्छे से काम करने के लिए मैं उनके management skills पर भरोसा कर रहा हूं। 


Beat The Air

Meaning: It signifies futile efforts that do not give any result. 

व्यर्थ प्रयास जो कोई परिणाम नहीं देते हैं।

Example: Convincing Vivek for something is like beating the air. 

                 विवेक को किसी बात के लिए राज़ी करना व्यर्थ है।


Blue Eyed Boy

Meaning: It signifies someone who is highly admired by everyone.

ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसकी हर कोई बहुत ज़्यादा तारीफ करता है।

Meaning: The overall incharge of this event is given to the blue-eyed boy of the team.

                  इस event की पूरी ज़िम्मेदारी टीम के सबसे चहेते इंसान को दी गयी है। 


Blue Blood

Meaning: It signifies a person who belongs to a socially prominent family.

एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जो सामाजिक रूप से मुख्य परिवार से संबंधित है।

Example: Since Anahita has got blue blood, she is very rude and arrogant. 

                 चूँकि अनाहिता बड़े और अमीर परिवार की है, इसलिए वह बहुत ही असभ्य और घमंडी है।


Pick Your Brain

Meaning: Ask anyone for their advice and opinion on something. 

किसी से किसी बात पर उनकी सलाह और राय मांगना।

Example: Anshuman has been picking my brain about how AI can help us in this project. 

                अंशुमान मेरी सलाह इस बारे में मांग रहा था कि इस project में AI हमारी मदद कैसे कर सकता है।


Learn Some Difficult to Understand Idioms With Simple Meanings

Some idioms in English are quite difficult to understand, but they convey a very common or situations that are quite difficult to express. Here we are sharing some difficult idioms with meanings and examples. For more such idioms, you can read more difficult idioms here.


 A Chink In The Armour

Meaning: A problem or obstacle that creates a hurdle, and delays success. 

एक समस्या जो परेशानी पैदा करती है, और सफलता में देरी करती है।

Example: Anjali has the calibre of excelling in her job, but her family problems are a chink in the armour. 

                अंजलि के पास अपनी नौकरी में अच्छा करने की क्षमता है, लेकिन उसकी पारिवारिक समस्याएं उसकी सफलता में मुश्किल पैदा कर रही हैं।


By Dint of

Meaning: As a result of doing something, or something happened.

कुछ करने या होने का नतीज़ा। 

Example: Krati got shortlisted in the UPSC examination by dint of his hard work and dedication. 

                कृति अपनी कड़ी मेहनत और लगन की वजह से UPSC परीक्षा में shortlist हुई हैं।


Cock and Bull Story

Meaning: A made-up story that is not worth believing. 

एक मनगढ़ंत कहानी जो विश्वास करने लायक नहीं है।

Example: Don’t give me this cock and bull story, I know where you have been for the last 4 days.

                मुझे यह मनगढंत कहानी मत सुनाओ, मुझे पता है कि तुम पिछले 4 दिनों से कहां हो।


Chew the Cud

Meaning: Thinking slowly and carefully about something, before arriving at any conclusion.

किसी भी नतीजे पर पहुंचने से पहले आराम से और ध्यान से किसी चीज के बारे में सोचना।

Example: Armaan is chewing the cud before deciding to shift to Dubai.

                दुबई में shift होने का फैसला करने से पहले अरमान बहुत ही आराम से और ध्यान से सोच रहा है।


Close, But No Cigar

Meaning: Being almost successful in doing something, but not completely. 

किसी काम को करने में लगभग सफल होना, पर पूरी तरह नहीं।

Example: As a fresher, you gave a fantastic pitch. Your pitch was close but no cigar. 

                 Fresher के तौर पर आपने शानदार pitch दी। आपकी pitch सफल थी लेकिन पूरी तरह नहीं।



Meaning: Getting stuck in an isolated place with no possible help.

बिना किसी मदद के एक सुनसान जगह पर फंस जाना।

Example: Out of excitement Richa went solo trekking in the remote hills, the castaway couldn’t find help for hours.

                 उत्साह में आकर, ऋचा सूनसान पहाड़ियों में अकेले trekking के लिए चली गयी, और घंटो तक उसे मदद नहीं मिली। 


Asleep At The Switch

Meaning: Missing any opportunity, or failing to perform a responsibility due to negligence.

किसी अवसर को गंवाना, या लापरवाही के कारण किसी ज़िम्मेदारी को निभाने में असफल होना।

Example: Akash is very irresponsible, whenever he is given any task, he is always asleep at the switch. 

                आकाश बहुत गैरज़िम्मेदार है, उसे जब भी कोई काम दिया जाता है तो वह हमेशा ज़िम्मेदारी निभाने में असफल रहता है।


Got My Mojo Working

Meaning: Having your luck work miraculously in any situation.

आपका भाग्य किसी भी स्थिति में चमत्कार की तरह काम करेगा।

Example: Even though Divyansh’s interview didn’t go well, he got his mojo working and got the job. 

                 भले ही दिव्यांश का interview अच्छा नहीं गया, लेकिन उसके भाग्य के चमत्कार से उसे नौकरी मिल गयी।


Might and Main

Meaning: Putting all the possible efforts into doing anything. 

किसी भी काम को करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास करना।

Example: Akash is studying might and main to crack the UPSC examination. 

                 आकाश UPSC की परीक्षा पास करने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास कर रहा है।


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Express the Beauty of Love with Love Idioms

Being in love is the most beautiful feeling, and expressing this feeling is quite a difficult job. Here we are going to share some love idioms in English that can be used to express the feeling of love. These English idioms about love with meaning and examples are a fun way to learn spoken English online. Read some more love idioms here.


Head Over Heels

Meaning: To be in love.

प्यार में होना।

Example: Whenever Tanu sees Rohan, she feels her head over heels.

                 तनु जब भी रोहन को देखती है, उसे उससे प्यार हो जाता है।



Meaning: A term used to refer affectionately to a couple who are very much in love.

प्रेमी या प्रेमिका। 

Example: They are like lovebirds, always holding hands and smiling. 

                 वे प्रेमियों की तरह हैं, हमेशा हाथ पकड़े और मुस्कुराते रहते हैं।


Love at first sight

Meaning: Falling in love immediately upon first seeing someone.

पहली नज़र में प्यार। 

Example: It was love at first sight when they met in the park. 

                जब वो park में मिले तो उन्हें पहली नज़र में ही प्यार हो गया। 


Cupid’s arrow

Meaning: The idea of being struck by love as if hit by Cupid’s arrow, implying sudden and intense romantic attraction.

प्यार के देवता का तीर या प्यार हो जाना। 

Example: She felt like she had been hit by Cupid’s arrow the moment she saw him. 

                उसने महसूस किया कि उसे उसकी पहली नज़र में ही प्यार हो गया था।



Meaning: Excessively affectionate or romantic behavior between couples.

बहुत प्यार करनेवाला। 

Example: They are always so lovey-dovey, even after years of marriage. 

                वे हमेशा एक-दूसरे को इतना ही प्यार करते हैं, शादी के सालों के बाद भी। 


Love’s Young Dream

Meaning: The idealized notion of young love or romantic relationships.

जवानी का प्यार। 

Example: They were living in love’s young dream until reality set in. 

                वे जवानी के प्यार में जी रहे थे जब तक वास्तविकता ने प्रभावित नहीं किया।


Love is in the air

Meaning: A feeling or atmosphere of love or romance.

हवा में प्यार होना। 

Example: With all the flowers and couples holding hands, love is definitely in the air today. 

               सभी फूलों और जोड़ों का एक-दूसरे के हाथ पकड़ता हुआ होना देखकर, आज निश्चित रूप से प्यार हवा में है।


Win someone’s heart

Meaning: To gain someone’s affection or love.

किसी का दिल जीतना। 

Example: He won her heart by always being there for her. 

                उसने हमेशा उसके लिए खड़ा होकर उसका दिल जीत लिया। 


Learn Some Money Idioms With Meanings and Examples

Talking about money through money idioms is quite a fun way to have a conversation in English. Here we will be exploring some money idioms with meanings and examples so that you can do some money talks hassle-free. These common idioms about money will help you speak English fluently. For more, read some money idioms and phrases here to use in your daily conversations.


Cash cow

Meaning: A reliable source of continuous profit or income.

पैसों का खज़ाना।

Example: The new software program has become our company’s cash cow. 

                 नया software program हमारी company के लिए पैसों का खज़ाना बन गया है।


Money talks

Meaning: Wealth and financial power have influence.

पैसा बोलता है। 

Example: Money talks, so if you want something done, be prepared to pay for it. 

                पैसा बोलता है, तो अगर आप कुछ करवाना चाहते हैं, तो उसके लिए पैसे देने के लिए तैयार रहिए।


Money doesn’t grow on trees

Meaning: Money is not easily obtained; it must be earned through hard work.

पैसा पेड़ों पर नहीं उगता। 

Example: You can’t just buy everything you want; remember, money doesn’t grow on trees. 

                आप जो चाहते हैं बस उसे ऐसे ही खरीद नहीं सकते हैं; याद रखिए, पैसा पेड़ों पर नहीं उगता है।


In the red

Meaning: Operating at a financial loss or having negative financial balance.

नुकसान में। 

Example: The company has been in the red for the past few months. 

                Company पिछले कुछ महीनों से नुकसान में चल रही है।


Penny pincher

Meaning: Someone who is extremely frugal or stingy with money.


Example: My grandfather is such a penny pincher; he never spends money on anything unnecessary. 

               मेरे दादा इतने कंजूस हैं; वे कभी भी किसी बेफिज़ूल चीज़ पर पैसा नहीं खर्च करते।


Money to burn

Meaning: Having more money than one needs or knows what to do with.

फ़िज़ूल खर्च करने के लिए पैसा होना। 

Example: After winning the lottery, he suddenly had money to burn. 

                Lottery जीतने के बाद, उसके पास अचानक बहुत पैसा हो गया था।


Tighten one’s belt

Meaning: To spend less money; to live more frugally.

अपने पैसे को बचाना। 

Example: With the current economic situation, we need to tighten our belts and cut unnecessary expenses. 

               वर्तमान आर्थिक स्थिति के साथ, हमें अपने पैसे को बचाना और बेवजह खर्च को कम करना होगा।


Pay through the nose

Meaning: To pay an excessively high price for something.

बहुत ज़्यादा कीमत चुकाना। 

Example: I had to pay through the nose to get tickets for the concert at the last minute. 

                मुझे आखिरी मौके पर concert की ticket हासिल करने के लिए बहुत ज़्यादा कीमत चुकानी पड़ी।


Rob Peter to pay Paul

Meaning: To take from one source to provide for another, especially when both are needed or both suffer as a result.

एक जगह से पैसे लेकर दूसरी जगह में देना। 

Example: He’s just robbing Peter to pay Paul by borrowing money to cover his debt. 

                वह क़र्ज़ को चुकाने के लिए के लिए एक तरफ से पैसे उधार लेकर दूसरी तरफ लौटा रहा है।


Embrace Happiness With These Idioms on Happiness

Happiness doubles when shared, and for this, expressing this happiness in words is very important. Let’s embrace this happiness with English idioms on happiness with meanings and examples. These common happiness idioms will help you become a fluent English speaker. Read some common happiness idioms here. 


On cloud nine

Meaning: Extremely happy or euphoric.

बहुत ज़्यादा खुश होना। 

Example: When  Akhil proposed to her, she felt like she was on cloud nine. 

                जब अखिल ने उसे propose किया, तो वो बहुत ज़्यादा खुश हुई। 


Walking on air

Meaning: Feeling elated or euphoric.

उत्साहित होना। 

Example: After receiving the good news, she felt like she was walking on air. 

              अच्छी खबर मिलने के बाद, उसे ऐसा लगा कि वह हवा में है।


On top of the world

Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and successful.

बहुत ज़्यादा खुश होना। 

Example: Winning the championship made him feel on top of the world. 

                Championship जीतने पर उसे बहुत ख़ुशी महसूस हुई थी।


Bursting with happiness

Meaning: Feeling extremely happy and overflowing with joy.

खुशी से भरपूर। 

Example: Seeing her newborn baby, she was bursting with happiness. 

                अपने नवजात बच्चे को देखकर, वह बहुत खुश थी।


In seventh heaven

Meaning: Extremely happy or blissful.

सातवें आसमान में। 

Example: Winning the lottery put him in seventh heaven. 

                 Lottery जीतने के बाद वो सातवें आसमान पर था।


Like a kid in a candy store

Meaning: Very excited and delighted, like a child in a candy store.

खुशी से पागल होना। 

Example: Exploring the theme park, she was like a kid in a candy store. 

                Theme park में घुमते समय, वह खुशी से पागल हो गयी थी।


All smiles

Meaning: Very happy or cheerful, showing a big smile.

मुस्कान बिखेरते हुए। 

Example: She was all smiles when she received praise for her performance. 

                जब उसे अपनी performance के लिए तारीफ़ मिली, तो वह बहुत खुश हुई।


Explore the Creativity With Some Common Art Idioms

Idioms are creative in the English language, and this time we are going to explore some art idioms with meanings and examples. These art idioms in English will help you express art and creativity in English and will also help you learn spoken English at home. For more, read some art idioms and phrases here.


Colouring outside the lines

Meaning: Going outside conventional thinking or rules and adopting unusual or informal methods.

समाज की सोच और नियमों से हटकर कुछ अलग करना। 

Example: Instead of following the traditional career path, Sneha decided to colour outside the lines and start her own business. 

                सबकी तरह career चुनने के बजाय स्नेहा ने सामाजिक सोच से अलग हटकर कुछ करने का फैसला किया और अपना खुद का business शुरू किया। 


A brush with destiny

Meaning: Experiencing an important or fateful event that has a deep impact.

कुछ बहुत ख़ास या अलग हटकर महसूस करना। 

Example: The explorer’s brush with destiny came when he stumbled upon the ancient ruins in the jungle. 

                Explorer को कुछ अलग हटकर महसूस हुआ जब उसे जंगल में सदियों पुराने खंडहर मिले। 


Strokes of genius

Meaning: Display of extraordinary intelligence, imagination, or virtuosity.

असाधारण या सबसे अलग बुद्धिमानी या सोच दिखाना।    

Example: The new iPhone design showed strokes of genius from the engineers at Apple. 

                नया iPhone Apple के engineers की अनोखी सोच और बुद्धिमानी को दिखाता है। 


Artful dodger 

Meaning: Someone who avoids trouble or circumvents the law in a very clever and sly way.

ऐसा इंसान जो परेशानी से बचने के लिए बहुत ही चालाकी से नियमों को चकमा दे देता है। 

Example: The artful dodger managed to talk his way out of the parking ticket yet again. 

                चालाक आदमी parking में बिना ticket के चकमा देकर बाहर निकलने में कामयाब रहा। 



We hope these idioms in English have become your best guide while navigating through the complexities of expressing your thoughts. These common idioms in English will make your English learning experience easier and more fun. If you want to learn spoken English at home and become fluent in speaking English, then you can join Awal sir’s spoken English course online.


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