60 Daily Use English Idioms with Hindi Translation

What is Idioms?

Group of words that describe a particular situation or meaning of something but not directly with the words used in the sentence but with the expressions of the words.

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मुहावरे: शब्दों का समूह जो किसी विशेष स्थिति या किसी चीज के अर्थ का वर्णन करता है लेकिन सीधे वाक्य में प्रयुक्त शब्दों के साथ नहीं बल्कि शब्दों के भाव के साथ।


These are the popular idioms that are generally used in our everyday conversation but we find it difficult at times to use them in the appropriate manner. Idioms in English form an important part of communication so to start with firstly let’s understand idiom and its meaning with a list of examples in Hindi and English.

ये लोकप्रिय मुहावरे हैं जो आम तौर पर हमारी रोजमर्रा की बातचीत में उपयोग किए जाते हैं लेकिन हमें कभी-कभी इसका उचित तरीके से उपयोग करना मुश्किल लगता है। अंग्रेजी में मुहावरे संचार का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं, इसलिए सबसे पहले आइए समझते हैं कि मुहावरा और उसका अर्थ हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में उदाहरणों की एक सूची के साथ।


Following are the list of idioms with their Hindi translation:

मुहावरों की उनके हिंदी अनुवाद के साथ सूची निम्नलिखित है:


Now let’s look at 60 everyday popular idioms in English and Hindi, their examples with sentences for students as well as for everyday conversation. 


1. To Go Hand in Hand: When something goes together or is closely related and happens at the same time.

जब कुछ एक साथ जाता है या निकट से संबंधित होता है और एक ही समय में होता है

  • Property and investment goes hand in hand.


2. Every Nook and Corner: In every possible corner of a place.

किसी जगह के हर संभव कोने में।

  • I have searched for my book in every nook and corner.


3. Being Busy Doing Nothing: It means someone is busy doing some pointless works.

इसका मतलब है कि कोई व्यर्थ के कामों में व्यस्त है।

  • He was being busy doing nothing at home in his holidays.


4. Chicken- Hearted: When someone is too timid or coward to do something.

जब कोई कुछ करने के लिए बहुत डरपोक या कायर हो।

  • He couldn’t show his report card to his father as he is chicken-hearted.


5. Laugh in Their Sleeves: To laugh quietly and secretly at others’ mistakes.

दूसरों की गलतियों पर चुपचाप और चुपके से हंसना।

  • One of my colleagues came in strange attire and everyone was laughing in their sleeves.


6. While Away: To spend time doing something happy.

कुछ सुखद करने में समय व्यतीत करना।

  • We whiled away walking around the garden yesterday.


7. Throw Cold Water on Someone’s Pleasure: To be negative about someone’s happiness.

किसी की खुशी के बारे में नकारात्मक होना।

  • His friend threw cold water on his adventure by boasting about it to everyone.


8. Stop Short of Something: When your works stop mid-way due to some circumstances.

जब किन्हीं कारणों से आपके काम बीच में ही रुक जाते हैं।

  • Due to lack of time my answer stopped short of 1 paragraph.


9. To Be in a Fix: To be in a difficult situation.

कठिन परिस्थिति में होना।

  • He was really in a fix when he missed his flight.


10. To Build a Castle in The Air: Unrealistic plans for the future.

भविष्य के लिए अवास्तविक योजनाएँ।

  • My friend was building a castle in the air of getting good marks in the exam without doing any hard work.


11. Cast an Evil Eye: Looking at someone in not a good way.

किसी को अप्रिय तरीके से देखना।

  • Cast an evil eye is a superstition believed by many people.


12. To Beat Around the Bush: To talk something unimportant instead of coming to the main topic. 

मुख्य मुद्दे पर आने की बजाय व्यर्थ की बात करना।

  • Please speak up about what is the matter with you instead of beating around the bush.


13. Be All Ears: Eager to hear something and listen attentively.

कुछ सुनने और ध्यान से सुनने की लालसा।

  • The teacher instructed her students to be all ears in the classroom.


14. Cast off the Evil Eye: When someone has the power to get you rid of the evil eye.

जब किसी में आपको बुरी नजर से छुटकारा दिलाने की ताकत हो।

  • He possesses the power to cast off the evil eye.


15. Birds of a Feather flock together: People with similar interests likes and dislikes go along with each other.

समान रुचि, पसंदनापसंद वाले लोग एक दूसरे के साथ जुड़ते हैं

  • Both the neighbours are like birds of a feather flock together.


16. By and By: When something happens slowly or takes a long time.

जब कोई चीज धीरेधीरे होती है या उतना ही समय लेती है।

  • By and By all your problems will find a solution.


17. Cover a Lot of Ground: To discuss everything in detail.

हर चीज पर विस्तार से चर्चा करने के लिए।

  • He covered a lot of ground with his topic in the seminar.


18. Drop-in On: To pay a sudden visit.

एक अचानक यात्रा का भुगतान करने के लिए।

  • He dropped in on yesterday at the party.


19. Go Through Fire and Water: To face challenges while doing something.

कुछ करते समय चुनौतियों का सामना करना।

  • We had to go through fire and water to save our friends from the picnic spot they were stuck in.


20. Have One’s Way: When someone does things despite other people not liking it.

जब कोई अन्य लोगों को पसंद आने के बावजूद भी कुछ करता है।

  • There are some people who don’t listen to what others are saying and always have their way.


21. Fall in With: To harmonize with or accept someone’s wishes.

किसी की इच्छा के साथ तालमेल बिठाना या स्वीकार करना 

  • His mother fell in with his wish to go on a vacation this year.


22. Empty Vessels Sound Much: People who talk a lot tend to be not much talented or knowledgeable as they often show to the world.

जो लोग बहुत अधिक बात करते हैं वे अधिक प्रतिभाशाली या जानकार नहीं होते हैं जैसा कि वे अक्सर दुनिया को दिखाते हैं।

  • Everyone says she is not very smart because she constantly talks about her knowledge and as it is said empty vessels sound much.


23. Catch The Evil Eye: The superstitious belief of being harmed by an unpleasant stare.

अप्रिय घूरने से नुकसान होने का अंधविश्वास।

  • His parents were worried about him as they thought he caught the evil eye.


24. It Takes Two To Make a Quarrel: Two people are responsible for an argument. One cannot blame it entirely on the other person.

एक तर्क के लिए दो लोग जिम्मेदार हैं। कोई इसे पूरी तरह से दूसरे व्यक्ति पर दोष नहीं दे सकता।

  • Julie and Rita are not talking to each other and Julie say it is all Rita’s fault but it takes two to make a quarrel.


25. Barking Dogs Seldom Bite: People who talk too much or threaten a lot don’t possess the power to do anything.

जो लोग बहुत अधिक बात करते हैं या बहुत धमकी देते हैं, उनमें कुछ भी करने की शक्ति नहीं होती

  • The goon in the town threatens everyone but never does anything as barking dogs seldom bite.


26. Man Catches a Straw: Someone who is in a difficult situation will use every opportunity to come out of it.

कोई व्यक्ति जो कठिन परिस्थिति में है, वह इससे बाहर आने के लिए हर अवसर का उपयोग करेगा।

  • My friend is going to get the surgery done though she is scared a drowning man will catch a straw because she wants to end the pain.


28. Crying in Wilderness: Someone who gives an idea or says something but the other person does not pay attention to it.

कोई  एक विचार देता है या कुछ कहता है लेकिन दूसरा व्यक्ति उस पर ध्यान नहीं देता है।

  • Telling my brother to study is similar to crying in the wilderness.


29. All is Well That Ends Well: If the result of a present situation is happy then all the difficult situations of the past can be forgotten.

यदि वर्तमान स्थिति का परिणाम सुखद हो तो अतीत की सभी कठिन परिस्थितियों को भुलाया जा सकता है।

  • My grandmother advised me to be patient as all is well that ends well.


30. Tit For Tat: When a person takes revenge on the other person because the person has done something similar to him.

जब कोई व्यक्ति दूसरे व्यक्ति से बदला लेता है क्योंकि उस व्यक्ति ने उसके जैसा ही कुछ किया है।

  • Never wrong anyone as the circle of life is tit for tat.


40. It is No Use Crying over Spilled Milk: There is no use being upset over a situation that has already occurred.

जो स्थिति पहले ही हो चुकी है, उससे परेशान होने का कोई फायदा नहीं है।

  • I told him he did not break my phone intentionally so it is no use crying over spilled milk.


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41. A Hard Nut To Crack: Something which is difficult to deal with.

कुछ ऐसा जिससे निपटना मुश्किल हो।

  • The mathematic sum is a hard nut to crack.


42. A Thorn in The Flesh: A bad incident that occurs every time in between work.

एक स्थिति जो किसी कार्य के बीच में हर बार होती है

  • I am not able to finish my presentation as there always arises a thorn in the flesh.


43. Get Into Hot Water: To get into a difficult or dangerous situation.

किसी कठिन या खतरनाक स्थिति में पड़ना।

  • He got into hot water by agreeing to help his colleague.


44. Add Fuel to Fire: Say something to worsen a situation.

स्थिति खराब करने के लिए कुछ कहें।

  • I said I will not add fuel to fire by commenting without knowing the facts.


45. As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The way you act in life is the same way you will receive from others.

आप जीवन में जैसा व्यवहार करते हैं, वैसा ही आप दूसरों से प्राप्त करेंगे।

  • Always remember as you sow, so shall you reap therefore be honest.


46. Hope Sustains Life: We should always hope for the best to live a happy life.

हमें हमेशा सुखी जीवन जीने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ की आशा करनी चाहिए।

  • Keep trying until the end because hope sustains life.


47. Every Dark Cloud Has a Silver Lining: There is always a happy time after going through difficulties or sadness.

कठिनाइयों या दुखों से गुजरने के बाद हमेशा सुखद स्थिति होती है।

  • I found a new job after so much effort. You see every dark cloud has a silver lining.


48. To Make Mountain Of the Mole Hill: Making an issue out of an unimportant thing.

महत्वहीन बात को मुद्दा बनाना।

  • Jane just asked you to lower down your voice she did not mean to embarrass you. Please don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.


49. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed: A friend who helps you in difficulty is a true friend

एक दोस्त जो मुश्किल में किसी की मदद करता है वही सच्चा दोस्त होता है

  • He stayed with me in all my bad times; a friend in need is a friend indeed.


50. Honesty is The Best Policy: Telling the truth is better than lying.

सच बोलना झूठ बोलने से बेहतर है।

  • My teachers taught me at school to be truthful; they said honesty is the best policy.


51. Where There Is a Will There Is a Way: If someone has the desire to do something he can find a way to get it done.

अगर किसी में कुछ करने की ललक है तो वह उसे पूरा करने का तरीका ढूंढ सकता है।

  • If you make your mind you will succeed with flying colours. Where there is a will there is a way.


52. To Err is Human: It is natural for humans to make mistakes.

मनुष्य से गलती होना स्वाभाविक है।

  • We should learn from our mistakes as no one is perfect. It is famously said that to err is human.


53. There is Something Wrong at the Bottom: To discover the real and sometimes the hidden reason behind something.

किसी चीज़ के पीछे वास्तविक और कभीकभी छिपे हुए कारण की खोज करना।

  • The man I saw on the road yesterday was very strange. I think there is something wrong at the bottom.


54. Prevention is Better than Cure: It is better to stop something from happening than to find a solution after getting into the problem.

किसी चीज के घटित होने के बाद उसका समाधान खोजने से बेहतर है कि किसी चीज को होने से रोक दिया जाए।

  • It is better to get your medical checkup done every year because prevention is better than cure.


55. Goodness Never Goes Unrewarded: Be kind to someone and you will surely get the kindness in return when you need it.

किसी के प्रति दयालु रहें और जब आपको इसकी आवश्यकता होगी तो आपको बदले में दया अवश्य मिलेगी।

  • Helping the needy will always pay off as goodness never goes unrewarded.


56. Cast in the Same Mold: Two people similar in habits to each other.

दो लोग एक दूसरे के गुणों में समान हैं।

  • Julia and her mother are cast in the same mold. They both love dogs.


57. Distant Drums Sound Well: Things beyond our reach always fascinate us.

हमारी पहुंच से बाहर की चीजें हमें हमेशा आकर्षित करती हैं।

  • My sister thinks eating pasta in Italy every year is a good idea as distant drums sound well.


58. A Blessing in Disguise: Something seemingly unlucky or bad at first results in good.

पहली बार में कुछ अशुभ या बुरा लगता है, जिसका परिणाम अच्छा होता है।

  • Rita was sad as her flight got canceled due to rain but she realized it was a blessing in disguise because her boss called her to the office to promote her.


59. Let Bygones Be Bygones: To forgive someone for something the person did in the past.

अतीत में किए गए किसी काम के लिए किसी को क्षमा करना।

  • We should focus on what we have rather than thinking about the past. Let bygones be bygones.


60. Sweet are the Fruits of Patience: The process of waiting is hard but the result is always rewarding.

प्रतीक्षा का समय  कठिन है लेकिन परिणाम हमेशा फायदेमंद होता है।

  • Patience is the key to every good work as sweet are the fruits of patience.


ये था 60 Daily Use English Idioms with Hindi Translation. इसी तरह आसान तरीके से हिंदी में अंग्रेजी सीखने के लिए पढें Part of Speech

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