Listening comprehension passages with questions and answers:-
यहाँ पर हमने Comprehension for SSC के हिसाब से आपको सिखाने की कोशिश की हैं साथ ही में एक story के साथ खुछ मज़ेदार quiz भी दिये हैं आपको ताकि आप उसे पढ़े और audio सुने ताकि आप quiz के answers ख़ुद ही आप solve कर पाए फिर भी आपको दिक्कत आये तो quiz कें solution हमने आपको provide किये हैं।
Comprehension preparation in English podcast:-
No one knows when or by whom rockets were invented. In all probability, the rocket was not suddenly invented but evolved gradually over a long period of time, perhaps in different parts of the world at the same time. Some historians of rocketry, notably Willy Ley, trace the development of rockets to 13th century China, a land noted in ancient times for its firework display. In the year 1232 AD when the Mongols laid siege to the city of Kai-Feng Pu, the capital of Honan province, the Chinese defenders used weapons that were described as “arrows of flying fire”.
There is no explicit statement that these arrows were rockets, but some students have concluded that they were because the record does not mention bows or other means of shooting the arrows. In the same battle, we read, the defenders dropped. from the walls of the city, a kind of bomb described as “heaven-shaking thunder”. From these meager references, some students have concluded that the Chinese, by the year 1232 had discovered gunpowder and had learned to use it to make explosive bombs as well as propulsive charges for rockets.
SSC comprehension passage and test:-
QUESTION 1. The passage gives primarily a history of?
A. The bravery of the Chinese.
B. The invention of rockets.
C. The attacks on China by the Mongols.
D. The battle against the Chinese wall.
QUESTION 2. According to this passage, rockets were invented by?
A. Willy Ley.
B. Unknown people.
C. The Mongols.
D. The ruler of Honan province.
QUESTION 3. According to this passage, rockets were?
A. A gift of God to the Chinese.
B. Invented in the twentieth century.
C. Invented in 1232 AD.
D. Developed over many centuries.
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