Comprehension for SSC – Part 6

Podcast for SSC comprehension preparation in Hindi:-

यहाँ पर हमने Comprehension for SSC के हिसाब से आपको सिखाने की कोशिश की हैं साथ ही में एक story के साथ खुछ मज़ेदार quiz भी दिये हैं आपको ताकि आप उसे पढ़े और audio सुने ताकि आप quiz के answers ख़ुद ही आप solve कर पाए फिर भी आपको दिक्कत आये तो quiz कें  solution हमने आपको provide किये हैं।

Comprehension for SSC – Part 6

There is more than a modicum of truth in the assertion that “a working knowledge of ancient history is necessary to the intelligent interpretation of current events”. But the sage who uttered these words of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying particularly the famous battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership.

Such a study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win-and certain deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same pattern recurs consistently, again and again, throughout the centuries.

Quiz of Comprehension for SSC:-

QUESTION 1. Does the expression ‘more than a modicum of truth’ mean?

A. Nothing but the truth.

B. Some truth.

C. Much truth.

D. More than a small amount of truth.

QUESTION 2. In this context, ‘intelligent interpretation of current events’ means?

A. Skillful interpretation of events.

B. Intellectual outlook on events.

C. Appropriate understanding of events.

D. A rational explanation of events.

QUESTION 3. According to the writer, a study of the famous battles of history?

A. Provide food to modern leaders for reflection.

B. Be beneficial to wise men.

C. Help us understand the art of human warfare.

D. Be more useful than general knowledge of ancient history.

QUESTION 4. A person who aspires to lead could learn from the history of battles?

A. The qualities and deficiencies of commanders of these battles.

B. What led the previous leaders to win a battle.

C. What made them lose a battle.

D. The strategies they evolved in course of these battles.

QUESTION 5. A knowledge of history is necessary to interpret current problems because?

A. They may be repetitions of past events.

B. Only then they can be put in a proper context.

C. They have roots in the past.

D. They can be contrasted with past events.

हम आशा करते है की हम आपकी लाइफ में हम कुछ value add कर पाए होंगे और अगर आपको English बोलने में कही भी दिक्कत आ रही है तो आप हमारा Spoken English Course ख़रीद सकते है और अपनी लाइफ में grow कर सकते हैं।

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