Dirt | Day 601 | Word of the day

Word of the day Dirt


Dirt meaning in Hindi


गंदगी, मिट्टी, धूल
Gandgi, mitti, dhool

Dirt meaning in English

Loose soil or earth; any substance that makes something dirty, such as mud or dust


Dirt Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Soil, grime, filth, dust, mud

Dirt Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Cleanliness, purity, neatness, hygiene


Word Dirt Uses and Examples

1. The children played in the dirt all afternoon.
बच्चे दोपहर भर मिट्टी में खेलते रहे।

2. The floor was covered with dirt after the storm.
तूफान के बाद फर्श पर धूल की परत चढ़ गई थी।

3. She wiped the dirt off the table before setting the dishes.
उसने बर्तन रखने से पहले मेज से गंदगी साफ की।

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