Present Perfect Tense: पूर्ण वर्तमान काल
Tenses are fundamental in English grammar, and the Present Perfect Tense is important for describing actions that have been completed at some point in the past, but still have relevance to the present. In this blog, we will explore the Present Perfect Tense in Hindi, including its structure, rules, and examples.
Here, you will learn about the Present Perfect Tense in Hindi, including its rules, structure, sentences, and Present Perfect examples. This understanding will help you in learning English online, similar to a spoken English language course.
इस blog में, आप Present Perfect Tense के बारे में सीखेंगे, जिसमें हम इसके rules, structure और examples पर ध्यान देंगे।
What is the Present Perfect Tense?
The Present Perfect Tense describes actions that have been completed recently or at some indefinite time in the past. It is used for actions that affect the present in some way. The verb in this tense is formed using “has/have” with the past participle of the verb (verb + -ed or the third form of irregular verbs).
Present Perfect Tense उन क्रियाओं को बताता है जो हाल ही में पूरी हुई हैं या किसी समय में past में हो चुकी हैं। इसका use उन actions के लिए किया जाता है जिनका असर present में होता है। इस tense में verb को “has/have” और verb की तीसरी form (verb + -ed या irregular verbs की तीसरी form) के साथ बनाया जाता है।
सीखें Present Perfect Tense बिना Grammar में उलझे through this video
Definition of Present Perfect Tense
The Present Perfect Tense is used to describe actions that have happened at some point in the past and are still relevant now.
Present Perfect Tense वह tense होता है जिसका use ऐसी situations के लिए किया जाता है जो past में पूरी हो चुकी हैं, लेकिन उनका असर present में भी होता है।
Structure and Formula of Present Perfect Tense
The structure of the Present Perfect Tense follows this formula:
Subject + has/have + Verb (past participle form) + Object/Complement
-Subject: The person or thing performing the action.
–has/have: Used based on whether the subject is singular or plural.
–Verb (past participle): The third form of the verb.
–Object/Complement: Additional information or the person/thing affected by the action.
Present Perfect Tense का structure बहुत आसान होता है जहाँ subject के साथ has/have का use होता है, और verb की तीसरी form लगती है।
Types of Present Perfect Tense
There are four main types of Present Perfect Tense sentences:
1. Assertive Sentence
Formula: Subject + has/have + Verb (past participle) + Object
I have sung a song.
मैंने एक गाना गाया है।
You have cooked a nice dinner.
आपने अच्छा खाना बनाया है।
She has sent a letter.
उसने एक letter भेजा है।
He has recited a good poem.
उन्होंने एक अच्छी कविता का पाठ किया है।
We have done our work.
हमने अपना काम कर लिया है।
2. Negative Sentence
Formula: Subject + has/have + not + Verb (past participle) + Object
I have not gone to the office.
मैं office नहीं गया हूं।
She has not written the letter.
उसने letter नहीं लिखा है।
We have not walked in the park.
हम park में नहीं चले हैं।
He has not cooked lunch.
उसने दोपहर का खाना नहीं बनाया है।
They have not informed us about their arrival.
उन्होंने हमें अपने आने की जानकारी नहीं दी है।
3. Positive Interrogative Sentence
Formula: Has/Have + Subject + Verb (past participle) + Object?
Have you sung the song?
क्या आपने गाना गाया है?
Has she eaten her lunch?
क्या उसने अपना दोपहर का खाना खा लिया है?
Has he dropped you home?
क्या उसने तुम्हें घर छोड़ दिया है?
Have we ordered groceries this month?
क्या हमने इस महीने राशन order किया है?
Have they come back?
क्या वे वापस आ गए हैं?
4. Negative Interrogative Sentence
Formula: Has/Have + Subject + not + Verb (past participle) + Object?
Has she not written the email?
क्या उसने email नहीं लिखा है?
Have you not walked on the ground?
क्या तुम मैदान में नहीं चले?
Has he not cooked dinner?
क्या उसने रात का खाना नहीं बनाया है?
Have I not ordered food?
क्या मैंने खाना order नहीं किया है?
Have we not gone out today?
क्या हम आज बाहर नहीं गए हैं?
Some WH Sentences Example of Present Perfect Tense
The Present Perfect Tense can also be used in WH sentences (questions starting with who, what, where, why, when, and how) to inquire about completed actions or situations. The WH word is placed at the beginning, followed by “has/have” and the past participle of the verb.
Present Perfect Tense का use WH शब्दों (जैसे कौन, क्या, कहाँ, क्यों, कब, कैसे) के साथ भी किया जा सकता है, ताकि पूरी हो चुकी क्रिया या स्थिति के बारे में सवाल पूछा जा सके। Sentence की शुरुआत WH शब्द से होती है, उसके बाद “has/have” और फिर क्रिया की तीसरी form का use होता है।
Where have they gone?
वे कहाँ गए हैं?
They have gone to school.
वे school गए हैं।
Which food have they eaten?
उन्होंने कौन सा खाना खाया है?
They have eaten the food which was kept in the fridge.
Fridge में रखा खाना उन्होंने खा लिया है।
How have you come?
आप कैसे आए हैं?
I have come by bus.
मैं bus से आया हूँ।
What have you done with your books?
आपने अपनी किताबों का क्या किया है?
I have kept my books in the cupboard.
मैंने अपनी किताबें almirah में रख दी हैं।
5 Exceptions to the Rule of Present Perfect Tense:
Stative Verbs: Certain verbs that express a state or condition (e.g., believe, love, know, understand) are generally not used in the present perfect tense.
Stative Verbs वे क्रियाएँ होती हैं जो किसी अवस्था या स्थिति को दिखाती हैं (जैसे: मानना, पसंद करना, जानना, समझना)। इनका use आमतौर पर Present Perfect Tense में नहीं किया जाता है।
Incorrect: She has been understanding the problem for years.
Correct: She has understood the problem for years.
Non-action Verbs: Verbs that describe possession or mental states (e.g., own, want, appear) are typically not used in the present perfect tense.
Non-action Verbs वे क्रियाएँ होती हैं जो किसी अधिकार या मानसिक स्थिति को बताते हैं (जैसे: मालिक होना, चाहना, लगना या महसूस होना)। इनका use आमतौर पर Present Perfect Tense में नहीं किया जाता।
Incorrect: She has been owning that car for a year.
Correct: She has owned that car for a year.
Time Expressions with ‘Since’ or ‘For’: The present perfect tense is not used with specific time expressions like “yesterday” or “last year.” Instead, general periods of time (since, for) are used.
Present Perfect Tense का use specific समय के हिस्सों जैसे “कल,” “पिछले वर्ष” के साथ नहीं किया जाता है। इसके बजाय, ‘since’ या ‘for’ का use किया जाता है
Incorrect: I have visited him yesterday.
Correct: I have visited him several times since last year.
Completed Actions in the Past: The present perfect tense is not used when talking about actions that happened at a specific point in the past. The simple past tense is more appropriate.
Present Perfect Tense का use उन क्रियाओं के लिए नहीं होता जो अतीत में एक specific समय पर पूरी हो चुकी हैं। इसके लिए Simple Past Tense अधिक सही होता है।
Incorrect: She has gone to the market last week.
Correct: She went to the market last week.
Immediate Past: For actions completed just moments ago, “just” is often used, but for very recent actions, the simple past tense might be better.
हाल ही में पूरी हुई क्रियाओं के लिए Present Perfect का use किया जा सकता है, लेकिन कभी-कभी Simple Past ज्यादा सही होता है।
Incorrect: I have finished the task just now.
Correct: I finished the task just now.
What Do You Use Present Perfect Tense For?
Uses of the Present Perfect Tense:
Actions Completed in the Recent Past: Present perfect tense describes actions that have been completed recently and have relevance to the present moment.
Example: “I have just finished my homework.”
Experiences: It is used to describe life experiences up until the present moment.
Example: “She has travelled to many countries.”
Unfinished Actions: Describes actions that started in the past and are still continuing.
Example: “They have lived here for five years.”
Change Over Time: Describes changes or developments over time.
Example: “He has become more confident over the years.”
Achievements: Indicates accomplishments or successes up to the present moment.
Example: “They have won several awards.”
Present Perfect Tense का use हाल ही में पूरी हुई क्रियाओं, जीवन के अनुभवों, चल रही क्रियाएँ, समय के साथ हुए बदलावों, और सफलताओं को बताने के लिए किया जाता है।
General Rules to Form Present Perfect Tense
Here are some key rules to follow while forming the Present Perfect Tense:
Use the correct form of the auxiliary verb ‘have/has’ based on the subject.
Example: “I have completed,” “She has studied,” “They have worked.”
Add the past participle form of the main verb.
Example: “play” becomes “played,” “write” becomes “written.”
Ensure the sentence structure follows the formula: Subject + have/has + past participle + Object.
Example: “She has cooked dinner.”
Be mindful of irregular verbs when forming the past participle.
Example: “go” becomes “gone,” “eat” becomes “eaten.”
Present Perfect Tense के लिए सही auxiliary verb ‘have/has’ का use करें, main verb की past participle form को add करें और सही sentence बनाने के तरीके को अपनाएँ।’
Where Not to Use Present Perfect Tense
Do not use the Present Perfect Tense where it is not appropriate:
For actions that happened at a specific time in the past: Use the simple past tense instead.
Example: Instead of “He has gone to school yesterday,” say “He went to school yesterday.”
For habitual actions or universal truths: Simple present or past tense is more appropriate.
Example: Instead of “He has been going to school every day,” say “He goes to school every day.”
For actions that are planned or arranged in the future: Use the simple future tense.
Example: Instead of “I have been meeting him tomorrow,” say “I will meet him tomorrow.”
Present Perfect Tense का use specific समय, आदतों, या भविष्य की योजनाओं के लिए नहीं होता।
Verbs That Cannot Be Used With Present Perfect Tense
Stative Verbs: These verbs express a condition or state of being, rather than an action.
Examples: to admire, to recognize, to possess.
Dynamic Verbs with Non-continuous Meanings: Some dynamic verbs do not make sense in the continuous form.
Examples: to know, to understand, to belong.
Present Perfect Tense में कुछ verbs जैसे कि stative verbs का use ज़्यादातर नहीं किया जाता।
Examples of Present Perfect Tense
Here are some sentences using Present Perfect Tense to illustrate its use:
I have read the book.
मैंने वह किताब पढ़ी है।
She has written a letter.
उसने एक letter लिखा है।
We have travelled to Paris.
हमने Paris की यात्रा की है।
He has cooked dinner.
उसने रात का खाना बनाया है।
They have watched a movie.
उन्होंने एक movie देखी है।
You have studied hard.
आपने मेहनत से पढ़ाई की है।
Practice Questions
Identify and tick the Present Perfect Tenses:
I have read your book.
मैंने आपकी किताब पढ़ ली है।
She has come here last week.
वह पिछले हफ्ते यहां आई हैं.
He has eaten the last slice of bread.
उसने bread का आखिरी टुकड़ा खा लिया है।
Jane has finished her homework.
जेन ने अपना homework पूरा कर लिया है।
We went there today.
हम आज वहां गए थे।
Have you come here for the first time?
क्या आप यहां पहली बार आए हैं?
Has she not gone to the party?
क्या वह party में नहीं गई है?
Did she meet you?
क्या वह आपसे मिली थी?
I have eaten my lunch.
मैंने दोपहर का भोजन कर लिया है|
He has slept already.
वह पहले ही सो चुका है।
Present Perfect Tense Fill-in-the-Blanks Exercise
- I ___ (finish) my homework just now.
- They ___ (visit) the new museum already.
- She ___ (read) three books this month.
- We ___ (not/see) that movie yet.
- The kids ___ (complete) their school project.
- My parents ___ (travel) around Europe this summer.
- He ___ (meet) the director twice.
- You ___ (buy) a new laptop recently.
- The birds ___ (return) to their nests.
- I ___ (learn) a lot from this experience.
- have finished
- have visited
- has read
- have not seen
- have completed
- have travelled
- has met
- have bought
- have returned
- have learned
Present Perfect Tense: Active and Passive Voice Exercise
Below is an exercise designed to help you practice converting active voice sentences into passive voice in the Present Perfect Tense.
- They have launched a new product this month.
- The artist has painted a beautiful portrait.
- The courier has delivered the documents.
- Researchers have identified a new virus strain.
- The chef has cooked a fantastic dinner.
- Technicians have repaired the malfunctioning machine.
- The manager has approved the project proposal.
Answers (Passive Voice):
- A new product has been launched this month by them.
- A beautiful portrait has been painted by the artist.
- The documents have been delivered by the courier.
- A new virus strain has been identified by researchers.
- A fantastic dinner has been cooked by the chef.
- The malfunctioning machine has been repaired by the technicians.
- The project proposal has been approved by the manager.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the main function of the Present Perfect Tense?
Answer: The Present Perfect Tense describes actions that have been completed at an unspecified time before now or actions that started in the past and continue into the present.
Example: He has already cleaned the house.
2. How do I construct a sentence in the Present Perfect Tense?
Answer: To form a sentence in the Present Perfect Tense, use the subject + auxiliary verb (have/has) + the past participle of the main verb.
Example: We have watched the movie.
3. Can the Present Perfect Tense be used to describe actions with an impact on the present?
Answer: Yes, it is commonly used to describe actions or events that have an effect on the present situation.
Example: I have lost my keys (and I still can’t find them).
4. Is the Present Perfect Tense used to describe life experiences?
Answer: Yes, it is often used to talk about personal experiences without specifying when they occurred.
Example: They have travelled to Japan several times.
5. Can the Present Perfect Tense be used for ongoing situations?
Answer: Yes, it can describe situations or actions that started in the past and are still ongoing.
Example: She has lived in New York for five years (and still lives there).
We hope this blog on the Present Perfect Tense in Hindi has helped you understand the nuances of this tense. We have discussed its structure, rules, and various uses in everyday conversation. Understanding the Present Perfect Tense will improve your English fluency and help you express actions connected to both the past and present. If you are looking for more support in mastering English, consider joining a Spoken English Course to advance your skills.
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