Whenever we want to talk about the future, the first thing that comes to our mind while framing sentences is the future tense. In this blog, we will be talking about simple future tense and all the details and information related to it. To help you with a better understanding, we have divided the topic into different subheadings like simple future tense structure and formula, simple future tense rules, simple future tense sentences, etc. This detailed blog on simple future tense will help you understand and learn about this tense in a better way. The trickiest part of English grammar will become easy with this blog, and this will also help you learn English speaking online.
इस blog में आप सीखने वाले हैं simple future tense के बारे में जहाँ हम इस simple future tense से जुड़े कुछ नियम, उसके structure और simple future tense sentences के बारे में जानने की कोशिश करेंगे।
सीखें Simple Future Tense बिना Grammar में उलझे through this video
What is Simple Future Tense?
Simple Future Tense is a type of sentence that shows the time of occurrence of an action or event in the future. In this, the time to act is specified. In this, the word ‘will’ or the supporting word ‘shall’ is used in place of the verb, such as ‘I will go to school tomorrow’. The verb in the simple future tense is often placed at the end of the sentence, but sometimes it can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence. It is also used to express uncertain future events, such as ‘It may rain tomorrow’. This future tense can also be used for thinking and estimating.
Definition of Simple Future Tense
It describes events and incidents which have not happened yet and will only take place in the future.
Simple Future Tense का इस्तेमाल उन घटनाओं और काम के बारे में बताने के लिए किया जाता है जो अभी तक नहीं हुई हैं और केवल भविष्य में घटित होंगी। जिन वाक्यों में क्रिया (verb) के अंत में गा/गी/गे लगता है, वो simple future tense के अंदर आते हैं।
Structure and Formula of The Simple Future Tense
The structure of the Simple Future Tense consists of the subject followed by the auxiliary verb “will” or “shall” or its contracted form “‘ll” (for example, “I will” or “I’ll”), and then the base form of the main verb. The formula is:
Subject + will/’ll or shall/’ll + base form of the main verb + object
- The subject is the person or thing that performs the action or is described by the sentence.
- The verb is the action word that shows what the subject is going to do in the future. In the simple future tense, the verb remains in its base form (the form without any endings or changes).
- And, object or complement is the person or thing affected by the verb’s action, or additional information about the subject.
Simple Future Tense के structure में subject के साथ will/’ll या shall/’ll और verb की base form लगती है और उसके साथ object या complement जो subject के बारे में और ज़्यादा जानकारी देता है।
Types of Simple Future Tense
There are four types of Simple Future Tense and these types are given along with their formula below:
1. Assertive Sentences
Formula: Subject+Will/Shall+V1+Object
- I shall write a book.
मैं एक किताब लिखूंगा।
- We will go shopping.
हम खरीदारी करने जाएंगे।
- You will eat lunch with us.
आप हमारे साथ दोपहर का भोजन करेंगे।
- He shall be here for dinner.
वह यहाँ रात के खाने के लिए होगा।
- She will stay at our place.
वह हमारे यहां रहेगी।
2. Negative Sentences
Formula: Subject+will/shall+not+V1+Object.
- I will not meet her.
मैं उससे नहीं मिलूंगा।
- We shall not go tomorrow.
हम कल नहीं जाएंगे।
- You will not get late.
आपको देर नहीं होगी।
- They will not go to the party.
वे party में नहीं जाएंगे।
- He will not eat dinner.
वह रात का खाना नहीं खाएगा।
3. Interrogative Sentences
Formula: Will/Shall + Subject+V1+Object?
- Will you go to the party?
क्या आप पार्टी में जाएंगे?
- Shall we go shopping tomorrow?
क्या हम कल खरीदारी करने जाएंगे?
- Will she eat pasta?
क्या वह पास्ता खाएगी?
- Will he sing-song in the function?
क्या वह समारोह में गाना गाएंगे?
- Shall we sleep sometime before going out?
क्या हम बाहर जाने से कुछ देर पहले सोएं?
4. Negative Interrogative Sentences
Formula: Will/Shall+Subject+not+V1+Object
- Will she not sing a song?
क्या वह गाना नहीं गाएगी?
- Shall we not go to the party?
क्या हम party में नहीं जाएंगे?
- Will he not eat lunch?
क्या वह दोपहर का भोजन नहीं करेगा?
- Will they not stay here?
क्या वे यहाँ नहीं रहेंगे?
- Shall I not sit with them?
क्या मैं उनके साथ न बैठूं?
Some WH Sentences Example of Simple Future Tense
The simple future tense can be used in WH (question words like who, what, where, why, when, and how) sentences to ask questions about actions that you will perform in the future. The WH word is placed at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the auxiliary verb (will/shall) for yes-no questions in English. Some of the examples are given below:
- Where will you go?
तुम कहाँ जाओगे?
- I will go to the office.
- मैं office जाऊंगा।
- When will she return home?
वह घर कब लौटेगी?
- She will return home in two days.
- वह दो दिन में घर लौट आएगी।
- What shall I wear tomorrow to the party?
कल मैं party में क्या पहनूं?
- You should wear the red dress you bought last week
- आपको वह लाल रंग के कपडे पहनने चाहिए जो आपने पिछले हफ्ते खरीदी थी।
- Who will she come with?
वह किसके साथ आएगी?
- She will come with her brother.
- वह अपने भाई के साथ आएगी।
- How will you go to the airport?
आप airport कैसे जाएंगे?
- I will go by car.
- मैं एक गाडी से जाऊंगा।
What Do You Use Simple Future Tense For?
The Simple Future Tense is used for the following purposes:
- Expressing actions that are going to take place in the future.
Example: I will go home tomorrow.
मैं कल घर जाऊँगा।
- Making predictions about the future.
Example: It may rain tomorrow.
कल बारिश हो सकती है।
- Stating Intentions or plans related to the future.
Example: I am ready for my trip in the coming month.
मैं आने वाले महीने अपनी यात्रा के लिए तैयार हूँ।
- Making promises about the future.
Example: We will support you.
हम तुम्हें सहारा देंगे।
- Forming offers or suggestions.
Example: Will you play with me?
क्या तुम मेरे साथ खेलोगे?
- Asking polite questions
Example: Will you give me your phone?
क्या आप मुझे अपना फ़ोन देंगे?
- Expressing Certainty or Deductions about the Future
Example: He will get good results in his exams.
उसकी परीक्षा में अच्छा परिणाम होगा।
Simple future tense का इस्तेमाल भविष्य में होने वाली चीज़ों के लिए किया जाता है, भविष्यवाणी करने के लिए, भविष्य से जुड़े किसी plan के बारे में बताने के लिए, आने वाले समय में कोई वादा करने के लिए, कोई offer देने के लिए या भविष्य में जिस चीज़ की संभावना हो उसके बारे में बताने के लिए किया जाता है।
General Rules to Form Simple Future Tense
Here are the general rules that you should know to form Simple Future Tense sentences in point form with examples.
- Identify the Subject: The subject of the sentence indicates who or what will act in the future.
सबसे पहले किसी भी sentence में subject को पहचानना बहुत ज़रूरी है।
Example: वह (He), तुम (You), हम (We), वे (They)
- Add ‘will’ or its contracted form ‘ll’ after the subject: ‘Will’ is the auxiliary verb used to indicate future tense. It is placed after the subject.
‘Will’ एक auxiliary verb है जिसका इस्तेमाल future tense में subject के बाद किया जाता है।
Example: You will go.
तुम जाओगे।
Example: We will work.
हम काम करेंगे।
- Use the base form of the main verb after ‘will’: The base form of the main verb (infinitive without ‘to’) is used after ‘will’.
‘Will’ के बाद sentence में verb की main form या base form लगती है।
Example: He will eat.
वह खाएगा।
Example: They will play.
वे खेलेंगे।
- For negative sentences, add ‘will not’ or ‘won’t’ after the subject: ‘Will not’ or its contracted form ‘won’t’ is used to form negative sentences.
Negative sentences में verb से पहले will के साथ not या won’t का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।
Example: You won’t come.
तुम नहीं आओगे।
Example: He won’t go there.
वह यहाँ नहीं जाएगा।
- For questions, invert the subject and ‘will’: In questions, the subject and ‘will’ are inverted.
जिन sentences में सवाल पूछे जाते हैं, वहां subject से पहले will लगता है।
Example: Will you tell the truth?
क्या तुम सही बात कहोगे?
Example: Will he come?
क्या वह आएगा?
- Use ‘shall’ instead of ‘will’ with ‘I’ and ‘we’ for suggestions or offers: ‘Shall’ can be used instead of ‘will’ with ‘I’ and ‘we’ for suggestions, offers, or polite requests.
‘I’ और ‘we’ के साथ कोई भी suggestion, offer या request करते वक़्त ‘will’ की जगह ‘shall’ का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।
Example: I shall help you.
मैं तुम्हें मदद करूँगा।
Example: We shall support you.
हम तुम्हें सहारा देंगे।
These rules provide a comprehensive guide for forming the Simple Future Tense, enabling the expression of actions or events that will occur in the future.
Points to Remember While Using Simple Future Tense
Here are the points to remember while using the Simple Future Tense
- Indicates Future Actions: The Simple Future Tense is used to talk about actions or events that will happen in the future.
- Use of ‘Will’ or ‘Shall’: Auxiliary verbs ‘will’ or ‘shall’ are used to indicate future tense. ‘Will’ is used with all subjects, while ‘shall’ is typically used with ‘I’ and ‘we’ for suggestions or offers.
- Base Form of Verb: After ‘will’ or ‘shall’, the base form (infinitive without ‘to’) of the main verb is used.
- Negative Form: To form negative sentences, ‘will not’ or ‘won’t’ is used after the subject.
- Question Form: In questions, the subject and ‘will’ are inverted. Additionally, question words (who, what, where, etc.) are used to form interrogative sentences.
- Use of Time Expressions: Time expressions such as tomorrow, next week, two months, etc., are often used with the Simple Future Tense to specify when the action will take place.
- Intentions, Predictions, Promises: The Simple Future Tense is used to express intentions, predictions, plans, promises, or expectations about the future.
- Polite Requests and Offers: ‘Will’ or ‘shall’ can be used to make polite requests, offers, or suggestions about future actions.
- Certainty or Deduction: It can also express certainty or deductions about future events based on current evidence or knowledge.
- Context and Clarity: Pay attention to the context of the sentence to ensure clarity in communication, especially when using the Simple Future Tense for predictions or expectations.
Where Not to Use Simple Future Tense
Here are some situations where the simple future tense is not used:
- Past Events: Simple future tense is not used for past events.
Example: He went to school yesterday. Here ‘went’ is a past tense verb.
- Direct Commands: Simple future tense is not used in direct commands.
Example: Going to school next week. Here ‘go’ is a direct command.
- Ongoing Actions: Simple future tense is not used for an action or situation that is in progress.
Example: Today he is watching a movie with his friend. Here ‘looking’ is an ongoing verb.
- Historical Facts: Simple future tense is not used for historical facts.
Example: Mahatma Gandhi gave independence to India in 1947. Here ‘gave’ is a historical fact.
- Habitual Actions: Simple future tense is not used for regular habits or practices.
Example: He plays cricket every Friday. Here ‘plays’ describes a regular habit.
गुज़रे कल में हुए किसी काम के बारे में बताने के लिए, कोई आदेश या command देने के लिए, किसी चल रहे काम के बारे में बताने के लिए, किसी ऐतिहासिक पल के बारे में बताने के लिए या किसी आदत के बारे में बताने के लिए future tense का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाता है।
In these situations, the use of simple future tense is not appropriate and other future tense forms are used.
Use of Will and Shall in Simple Future Tense
- Will is used in Future Simple Tense to predict the future or tell about the events to take place in the future.
भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी करने या भविष्य में होने वाली घटनाओं के बारे में बताने के लिए Simple Future Tense में Will का उपयोग किया जाता है।
The sun will rise tomorrow.
कल सूरज निकलेगा।
She will go to the concert tomorrow.
वह कल संगीत कार्यक्रम में जाएगी।
- We use will with conditional sentences.
हम सशर्त वाक्यों (conditional sentences) के साथ विल का उपयोग करते हैं।
If it doesn’t rain, we will go shopping.
अगर बारिश नहीं होती है तो हम खरीदारी करने जाएंगे।
Let’s go early. They will provide us with all the facilities.
जल्दी चलो। वे हमें सारी सुविधाएं मुहैया कराएंगे।
- It is mainly used to get someone’s opinions, suggestions, and advice on something.
इसका उपयोग मुख्य रूप से किसी चीज़ पर किसी की राय, सुझाव और सलाह लेने के लिए किया जाता है।
Shall I come to the party tomorrow?
क्या मैं कल party में आऊं?
What shall we eat for dinner?
रात के खाने में हम क्या खायें?
Contractions Used in Simple Future Tense
Following are some of the contractions used in Future Simple Tense:
1. Will –‘ll
He‘ll go to the picnic.
वह picnic पर जाएगा।
She‘ll eat all the chocolates.
वह सारी chocolate खा लेगी।
I‘ll have some coffee.
मैं coffee पियूँगी।
2. Will Not –Won’t
नहीं होगा – नहीं होगा
I won’t go to the market.
मैं बाजार नहीं जाऊंगा।
She won’t come to the party.
वह party में नहीं आएंगी।
They won’t travel next week.
वे अगले हफ्ते यात्रा नहीं करेंगे।
3. Shall Not –Shan’t
नहीं होगा
They shan’t go the office.
वे office नहीं जाएंगे।
We shan’t eat dinner.
हम रात का खाना नहीं खाएंगे।
I shan’t go tomorrow.
मैं कल नहीं जाऊँगा।
Verbs That Cannot be Used With Simple Future Tense
Here is a list of some types of verbs that are not used with the simple future tense:
Dynamic Verbs
Dynamic verbs describe a sensitive or temporary process that is not stable or temporary.
Example: sleeping, playing, sitting
Example: He plays cricket every day.
Stative Verbs
Stative verbs describe situations, conditions, or feelings that are not actions but are stable or unchanging.
Example: want, understand, know
Example: I need your help.
Modal Verbs
Modal verbs express possibility, necessity, permission, or ability. They are not usually used in their original form with the simple future tense.
Example: can, should, might
Example: You should do your work.
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs are made up of a main verb and one or more particles (conjunctions or adverbs). They often then have a negative meaning and are not used in their original form with the simple future tense.
Examples: to rise, to close, to end
Example: He closed the door.
Verbs with Continuous Aspect
Actions that usually occur regularly or procedurally do not occur with the simple future tense.
Example: writing, speaking, sleeping
Example: I am reading a book now.
How to Form Future Simple Tense Examples With Answers
Here are some simple future tense examples with answers that will help you in sentence formation.
- Will you read the newspaper?
क्या आप अखबार पढ़ेंगे?
Yes, I will.
हाँ, पढूंगा।
No, I won’t.
नहीं, मैं नहीं पढूंगा।
- Will she come to the ceremony?
क्या वह समारोह में आएंगी?
Yes, she will.
हाँ, वह आएगी।
No, she won’t.
नहीं, वह नहीं आएगी।
- Will it rain tomorrow?
क्या कल बारिश होगी?
Yes, it will.
हाँ, यह होगी।
No, it won’t.
नहीं, नहीं होगी।
- Will you help me with cleaning tomorrow?
क्या आप कल सफाई में मेरी मदद करेंगे?
Yes, I will.
हाँ, करूँगा।
No, I won’t.
नहीं, मैं नहीं करूंगा।
- Will they have lunch with us?
क्या वे हमारे साथ दोपहर का भोजन करेंगे?
Yes, they will.
हाँ, वे करेंगे।
No, they won’t.
नहीं, वे नहीं करेंगे।
Some Sentence Examples of Simple Future Tense
- They will stand in the queue.
वे कतार में खड़े होंगे।
- I will enter the hall in five minutes.
मैंने पांच मिनट में hall में प्रवेश करूंगा।
- You shall talk to him about the work schedule tomorrow.
आप कल उससे कार्यसूची के बारे में बात करेंगे।
- We will eat lunch together.
हम दोपहर का भोजन एक साथ करेंगे।
- He will go to the market.
वह बाजार जायेगा।
- It will rain heavily tomorrow.
कल भारी बारिश होगी।
We hope this blog on simple future tense will help you learn about one of the 12 tenses of English grammar simply and easily. This blog has explained to you about simple future tense structure, rules and sentences for better understanding. If you want to excel in English grammar want to learn English speaking online and looking for the best English-speaking course online, then you can join a spoken English course.
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