Often while reading English texts or listening to podcasts, terms like “go through”, “come up”, “wind up”, etc might have come your way. Do you know what these words are called?
We call them phrasal verbs. How about discussing them in a little more detail?
When a verb is accompanied by an adverb or a preposition that changes its meaning. It is known as a phrasal verb. For example in the phrasal verb “go through” both “go” and “through” if separated have a different meaning, but when used together mean something else. This is how the phrasal verb works.
I have tried to put together many such examples of daily use phrasal verbs in this blog with their meanings and uses in a sentence. We use these phrasal verbs for everyday life quite normally while expressing ourselves or talking to friends or family. Check out how many daily life phrasal verbs are already known to you among these.
Down the row are the 30 common phrasal verbs people use in their day-to-day life.
1. Aim at
To intend to achieve something.
कुछ पाने की कोशिश करना।
One should always aim at achieving something great in life.
Ravi aims at making a successful career in business.
2. Ask for
To request to have something.
किसी से कुछ पूछना या मांगना।
He didn’t ask for a single leave from the office this week.
I always ask for help from my best friend whenever I am in trouble.
3. Break down
(of a vehicle or machine) stop working or functioning.
किसी वाहन या मशीन का चलते-चलते बंद हो जाना।
My car broke down yesterday.
Our bike broke down on our way home.
4. Calm Down
To become or make someone less angry or excited
किसी को शांत करना, उसके गुस्से या उत्सुकता को कम करना
Please calm down or it will affect your health badly.
The mob was calmed down by the courageous police personnel.
5. Come across
To meet or find something or someone unexpectedly.
अचानक किसी से मिलना या कोई चीज़ मिलना।
I have come across many new words while reading this book.
I came across my friend yesterday.
6. Cheer Up
To make a person happy, encourage someone.
खुश हो जाओ, ज्यादा उदास मत रहो।
Cheer up guys, we still have another chance.
Cheer up, my friend! You didn’t perform badly.
7. Call off
To cancel something or postpone something.
किसी चीज को कैंसल कर देना या आगे के लिए बढ़ा देना ।
The empires decided to call off the match as it was raining heavily.
The higher authorities have decided to call off the business meeting scheduled today.
8. Deal with
To take action to solve a problem or achieve something.
किसी समस्या को खत्म करने के लिए या कुछ पाने के लिए कदम उठाना।
I can deal with a lot of work at a time.
He deals with situations quite appropriately.
9. Enter into
To be involved in an activity or matter.
किसी भी चीज में हिस्सा लेना।
The client wants to enter into a business project launched by our company.
One should try to prepare well before entering into a debate competition.
10. End up
To reach an unexpected or unplanned place or situation.
किसी ऐसी जगह या परिस्थिति में पहुंच जाना जो पूर्व नियोजित नहीं हो।
Ram forgot the way to his friend’s house and ended up taking the wrong way.
He ended up failing the examination.
11. Find out
To search for something or investigate the matter.
खोज निकालना।
The policemen are trying to find out the real culprit behind the robbery.
The CCTV will help us to find out who entered the cabin last night.
12. Get together
To invite everyone to one place for a party or a meet.
एक साथ इकट्ठा होना किसी पार्टी या फंक्शन के लिए।
We all should get together for a drink sometime.
My friends and I will get together at my place next month.
13. Go ahead
To continue or begin with something.
आगे बढ़ो, जारी रखो।
Go ahead with your speech, you sound confident.
The team members encouraged the batsman to go ahead with the plan.
14. Grow up
To ask someone to think like a mature person.
बड़े हो जाओ।
The father asked his son to grow up as he was deliberately making some mistakes.
It is high time you grow up.
15. Give up
To accept defeat or lose hope.
हार मान जाना।
Failures are a part of life, never give up and keep trying consistently.
He never gave up during odd circumstances and fought quite bravely.
16. Hang out
To go for an outing, or enjoy the time outside.
बाहर घूमने जाना।
Most of us like to hang out during our leisure time.
We go to the nearby ice cream parlour to hang out.
17. Look forward to
await something eagerly.
किसी चीज़ के होने का बेसब्री से इंतजार या उम्मीद करना।
I am looking forward to joining a new company.
I look forward to helping you in this tough time.
18. Look after
To take care of someone or something
ध्यान रखना, देख भाल करना।
He looks after his parents well.
He looks after himself.
19. Put together
To compile something.
कई चीजों को एक साथ करना।
All the files are put together in the cupboard beside my table.
All the group photos have been put together in a folder.
20. Run out
Something which is not there in stock.
खत्म हो जाना।
The poor people often run out of daily essential commodities.
The bank ATMs have run out of cash.
21. Switch off
To close something or shut down a machine.
किसी चीज को बंद कर देना।
All the students were asked to switch off their mobile phones before entering the auditorium.
I usually switch off my mobile while working on an important task.
22. Switch to
To change or shift to other things.
बदल लेना।
I switched to an Apple device after using android for a long time.
I was happy to switch to my new job.
23. Show off
To exaggerate something or to express something boastfully.
दिखावा करना
Richard’s friend always shows off his costly gadgets to him.
He always tries to show off.
24. Stick to
To stand rigid on one’s decision or not change one’s plan.
अडिग रहना, बात पर कायम रहना।
Mohit sticks to his principles irrespective of any loss that he suffers in business.
My friends stick to their plan of going abroad for higher studies.
25. Turn down
To not accept a request or offer
किसी चीज को मना करना।
The headmaster turned down our request to organize a sports event at our school.
All the leave applications were turned down by the office manager.
26. Throw away
To discard something.
फेंक देना।
We usually throw away the unwanted garbage while cleaning our house.
Throw away these books; they are of no use.
27. Take off
To fly off to the sky.
उड़ान भरना।
My flight will take off at 9 am.
The plane will take off soon.
28. Settle down
To become calm and quiet or make someone become calm and quiet.
शांत हो जाना या शांत करना।
The teacher asked everyone to settle down after entering the class.
Settle down yourself as the exam is about to start.
29. Work out
To exercise.
कसरत करना।
He goes to the gym to work out after work.
She works out at home.
30. Warm up
To prepare to do an activity or sport by practising gently
हलके अभ्यास द्वारा किसी काम को करने या खेल खेलने की तैयारी करना।
We should always warm up before working out.
The team had warmed up before the match started.
Practicing and using these expressions while one interacts with help them enrich their vocabulary and eventually help them learn English. Learning such phrasal verbs will become quite easy after you join a Spoken English Course where topics like phrasal verbs are taught creatively.
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