Word of the day Inaugurate
Inaugurate meaning in Hindi
उद्घाटन करना या विशेष औपचारिक समारोह में किसी नए अफ़सर या नेता आदि का परिचय देना
Udghatan karna ya vishesh aupcharik samaroh mein kisi naye afsar ya neta aadi ka parichay dena
Inaugurate meaning in English
To put something into use or action officially or to introduce a new official, leader, etc. at a special formal ceremony
Inaugurate Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Instate, open
Inaugurate Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Word Inaugurate Uses and Examples
Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as president in 1861.
Abraham Lincoln 1861 में president चुना गया था।
He wants to inaugurate his museum next year.
वो अपने museum का उद्घाटन अगले साल करना चाहता है।
We’ll inaugurate the flyover today.
हम आज इस flyover का उद्घाटन करेंगे।
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