English comprehension audio
यहाँ पर हमने Comprehension for SSC के हिसाब से आपको सिखाने की कोशिश की हैं साथ ही में एक story के साथ खुछ मज़ेदार quiz भी दिये हैं आपको ताकि आप उसे पढ़े और audio सुने ताकि आप quiz के answers ख़ुद ही आप solve कर पाए फिर भी आपको दिक्कत आये तो quiz कें solution हमने आपको provide किये हैं।
Comprehension for SSC – Part 2
There are many aspects of public administration, The ethical aspect is perhaps the most important but the least codified. While administrative rules and procedures have been codified in various public Documents and Manuals. There is no manual for the ethics of public servants. While organisational behaviour analyses the factors which influence the behaviour of individuals in an organisation, ethics refer to the norms and standards to which the behaviour of the people in an Organisation must conform to. You can read our first part of comprehension for the SSC part1
While behaviour analysis deals with factual aspects, ethics relates to the normative aspects of administration. The normative aspects are of the greatest significance. Just as for an individual if a character is lost, everything is lost, so also for an administration if the ethics are lost, everything is lost. Neither efficiency nor loyalty could be a substitute for high ethical standards.
In India, though there is no ethical code for public administrators, there are what’s called, the Government Servants’ Conduct Rules. These rules lay down what constitutes misconduct for public servants. It is apparently implied that such misconduct, which is not permitted, is also unethical conduct.
Listening comprehension exercises for beginners:-
Question 1: As per the passage, organisational behaviour is?
A. Same as ethics in Organisations.
B. Different from ethics in Organisations.
C. Human behaviour in Organisations including ethics.
D. None of these.
Question .2: Ethics is to an administrator, what character is for?
A. An administrator.
B. An official.
C. An individual.
D. None of these.
Question. 3: Government Servant’s Conduct Rules are meant for?
A. Guiding the ethical conduct of government servants.
B. Guiding what constitutes misconduct for the public.
C. Guiding what constitutes misconduct for government servants.
D. None of these.
Question. 4: The word manual in the context of the passage means?
A. Hand operated.
B. Physical.
C. Guide book.
D. None of these.
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