Adverbs are essential in shaping the way we communicate, helping to add more detail and precision to our sentences. In spoken English and everyday conversations, adverbs are frequently used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Whether you’re just beginning to learn English online or looking to improve your fluency, understanding the role of adverbs is key to mastering the language. In this blog, we’ll explore a comprehensive list of common adverbs that can enhance your communication. From frequency adverbs like “always” to manner adverbs like “quickly,” these small but mighty words play a crucial role in spoken English. This adverbs list will not only help you sound more natural but also improve your ability to express ideas more clearly and effectively. Keep reading to discover which common adverbs you should start using in your daily conversations!
50+ List of Common Adverbs With Their Hindi Meanings and Examples
Here is a list of 50+ adverbs that you can use in your daily life to learn spoken English online.
English Meaning: In a fast manner
Hindi Meaning: जल्दी।
Example: She ran quickly to catch the bus.
वह बस पकड़ने के लिए जल्दी दौड़ी।
English Meaning: In a leisurely manner
Hindi Meaning: धीरे-धीरे।
Example: He walked slowly to enjoy the scenery.
वो scenery का आनंद लेने के लिए धीरे-धीरे चला।
English Meaning: At all times
Hindi Meaning: हमेशा।
Example: She always wakes up early.
वह हमेशा जल्दी उठती है।
English Meaning: At no time, not ever
Hindi Meaning: कभी नहीं।
Example: I never eat junk food.
मैं कभी junk food नहीं खाता।
English Meaning: In the way that is normal or typical
Hindi Meaning: आमतौर पर।
Example: I usually have tea in the morning.
मैं आमतौर पर सुबह चाय पीता हूँ।
English Meaning: Frequently, many times
Hindi Meaning: अक्सर।
Example: They often visit the park in the evening.
वे शाम को अक्सर park जाते हैं।
English Meaning: Occasionally, not always
Hindi Meaning: कभी-कभी।
Example: Sometimes I like to relax and watch movies.
कभी-कभी मुझे आराम करने और फिल्में देखने का मन करता है।
English Meaning: Not often, infrequently
Hindi Meaning: शायद ही कभी।
Example: He rarely goes out for dinner.
वह शायद ही कभी रात का खाना बाहर खाता है।
English Meaning: In all places
Hindi Meaning: हर जगह।
Example: We looked everywhere for the keys.
हम चाबियाँ हर जगह ढूंढ रहे थे।
English Meaning: At this moment
Hindi Meaning: अभी।
Example: I am busy right now.
मैं अभी व्यस्त हूँ।
English Meaning: After some time
Hindi Meaning: बाद में।
Example: I’ll call you later.
मैं आपको बाद में call करूंगा।
English Meaning: In the near future
Hindi Meaning: जल्दी ही।
Example: The train will arrive soon.
ट्रेन जल्दी ही आ जाएगी।
English Meaning: In this place
Hindi Meaning: यहाँ।
Example: Come here and sit down.
यहाँ आओ और बैठ जाओ।
English Meaning: In that place
Hindi Meaning: वहाँ।
Example: He is sitting there.
वह वहाँ बैठा है।
English Meaning: On this day
Hindi Meaning: आज।
Example: I have a meeting today.
आज मेरी meeting है।
English Meaning: The next day
Hindi Meaning: कल।
Example: We will leave tomorrow.
हम कल निकलेंगे।
English Meaning: The previous day
Hindi Meaning: कल। (पिछला दिन)
Example: He left yesterday.
वह कल चला गया।
English Meaning: In the open air, not inside
Hindi Meaning: बाहर।
Example: Let’s go outside and play.
चलो बाहर जाकर खेलते हैं।
English Meaning: Within a space or enclosure
Hindi Meaning: अंदर।
Example: I am staying inside today because of the rain.
मैं आज बारिश की वजह से अंदर रह रहा हूँ।
English Meaning: In a poor or unfavorable way
Hindi Meaning: बुरी तरह।
Example: He performed badly in the test.
उसने परीक्षा में बुरी तरह perform किया।
English Meaning: In a good manner
Hindi Meaning: अच्छे से।
Example: She speaks English very well.
वह अंग्रेजी बहुत अच्छे से बोलती है।
English Meaning: In a manner that requires little effort
Hindi Meaning: आसानी से।
Example: She passed the exam easily.
उसने परीक्षा आसानी से पास की।
English Meaning: Almost not, barely
Hindi Meaning: मुश्किल से।
Example: I hardly get any time to relax.
मुझे आराम करने का मुश्किल से समय मिलता है।
English Meaning: Totally, fully
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह।
Example: He completely forgot about the meeting.
उसने meeting के बारे में पूरी तरह भूल गया।
English Meaning: Not often, rarely
Hindi Meaning: बहुत कम।
Example: He seldom eats sweets.
वह बहुत कम मिठाई खाता है।
English Meaning: In a perfect manner
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह से।
Example: She danced perfectly at the recital.
उसने कार्यक्रम में पूरी तरह से dance किया।
English Meaning: In a surprising manner
Hindi Meaning: हैरान करने वाला।
Example: Surprisingly, she finished the project early.
हैरान करने वाली बात यह है कि उसने project जल्दी पूरा किया।
English Meaning: In an exact manner
Hindi Meaning: बिल्कुल।
Example: He did exactly what I asked him to do.
उसने बिल्कुल वही किया जो मैंने उसे करने को कहा था।
English Meaning: In a way that is not restricted
Hindi Meaning: स्वतंत्र रूप से।
Example: They live freely in the wild.
वे जंगल में स्वतंत्र रूप से रहते हैं।
English Meaning: In a kind or considerate manner
Hindi Meaning: कृपया।
Example: Kindly help me with my luggage.
कृपया सामान उठाने में मेरी मदद करें।
English Meaning: In a high volume
Hindi Meaning: ज़ोर से।
Example: The music was playing loudly at the party.
Party में संगीत ज़ोर से बज रहा था।
English Meaning: In a quiet manner
Hindi Meaning: चुपचाप।
Example: She whispered quietly to her friend.
उसने अपने दोस्त से चुपचाप कहा।
English Meaning: In a manner showing anxiety or worry
Hindi Meaning: घबराहट से।
Example: She spoke nervously during the interview.
उसने interview के दौरान घबराहट से बात की।
English Meaning: In an unexpected or abrupt manner
Hindi Meaning: अचानक।
Example: The car suddenly stopped in front of me.
अचानक कार मेरे सामने रुक गई।
English Meaning: In a cautious and thoughtful manner
Hindi Meaning: सावधानी से।
Example: She carefully arranged the books on the shelf.
उसने सावधानी से किताबों को शेल्फ पर रखा।
English Meaning: In a joyful or content manner
Hindi Meaning: खुशी से।
Example: They danced happily at the wedding.
वे शादी में खुशी से नाचे।
English Meaning: In a furious or annoyed manner
Hindi Meaning: गुस्से में।
Example: He shouted angrily at the driver.
उसने driver पर गुस्से में चिल्लाया।
English Meaning: In a sincere or genuine way
Hindi Meaning: सच में।
Example: She truly appreciated the help.
उसने सच में मदद की सराहना की।
English Meaning: Only just, with difficulty
Hindi Meaning: मुश्किल से।
Example: He barely finished the assignment on time.
उसने मुश्किल से assignment समय पर पूरा किया।
English Meaning: Often or regularly
Hindi Meaning: अक्सर।
Example: They visit their relatives frequently.
वे अक्सर अपने रिश्तेदारों से मिलते हैं।
English Meaning: Completely or entirely
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह।
Example: I totally forgot about the meeting.
मैंने पूरी तरह से meeting भूल गई।
English Meaning: For a limited time or period
Hindi Meaning: अस्थायी रूप से
Example: The store is temporarily closed for renovation.
दुकान अस्थायी रूप से मरम्मत के लिए बंद है।
English Meaning: In a general or approximate manner
Hindi Meaning: मोटे तौर पर।
Example: He roughly estimated the cost of repairs.
उसने मरम्मत की कीमत का मोटे तौर पर अनुमान लगाया।
English Meaning: In the end or after a long process
Hindi Meaning: आख़िरकार।
Example: Ultimately, he chose to follow his passion.
आख़िरकार, उसने अपने जुनून का पीछा करने का फैसला लिया।
English Meaning: In a purposeful or intentional way
Hindi Meaning: जानबूझकर।
Example: She deliberately avoided the meeting.
उसने जानबूझकर meeting से बचने की कोशिश की।
English Meaning: In a straightforward or uncomplicated manner
Hindi Meaning: सरलता से।
Example: She simply loves painting.
वह सरलता से पेंटिंग करना पसंद करती है।
English Meaning: In a thorough or complete manner
Hindi Meaning: पूरी तरह से।
Example: The team worked comprehensively on the report.
टीम ने report पर पूरी तरह से काम किया।
English Meaning: In a transparent or understandable manner
Hindi Meaning: साफ़ तरीके से।
Example: He clearly explained the steps to solve the problem.
उसने समस्या हल करने के कदम साफ़ तरीके से समझाए।
English Meaning: Recently or in the recent past
Hindi Meaning: हाल ही में
Example: I haven’t seen him lately.
हाल ही में, मैंने उसे नहीं देखा।
English Meaning: In a steady or uniform manner
Hindi Meaning: लगातार।
Example: She has consistently achieved great results.
उसने लगातार शानदार परिणाम हासिल किए हैं।
English Meaning: After a period of time or delay
Hindi Meaning: आख़िरकार।
Example: She eventually found a solution to the problem.
उसने आख़िरकार समस्या का समाधान ढूँढ लिया।
English Meaning: Without intention, by mistake
Hindi Meaning: गलती से।
Example: I accidentally spilled the coffee.
मैंने गलती से कॉफी गिरा दी।
English Meaning: Done on purpose, with intention
Hindi Meaning: जानबूझकर।
Example: He intentionally missed the meeting.
उसने जानबूझकर meeting को मिस किया।
English Meaning: In a regular or consistent manner
Hindi Meaning: नियमित रूप से।
Example: She regularly practices yoga every morning.
वह नियमित रूप से हर सुबह योग करती है।
English Meaning: Unwillingly or with hesitation
Hindi Meaning: संकोच के साथ।
Example: He reluctantly agreed to go to the party.
उसने संकोच के साथ party में जाने पर सहमति दी।
English Meaning: In a quick or energetic manner
Hindi Meaning: तेज़ी से।
Example: She walked briskly to catch the train.
वह train पकड़ने के लिए तेज़ी से चली।
English Meaning: To a small extent or degree
Hindi Meaning: थोड़ा सा।
Example: The temperature slightly dropped after the rain.
बारिश के बाद तापमान थोड़ा सा गिर गया।
English Meaning: In a manner natural to one’s origin
Hindi Meaning: मूल रूप से।
Example: She speaks Spanish natively.
वह मूल रूप से Spanish बोलती है।
English Meaning: With enthusiasm or excitement
Hindi Meaning: उत्सुकता से।
Example: He eagerly awaited the concert tickets.
वह उत्सुकता से concert के टिकट का इंतज़ार कर रहा था।
English Meaning: Incomplete or to some extent
Hindi Meaning: आंशिक रूप से या कुछ हद तक।
Example: The task was partially completed before the deadline.
काम समय सीमा से पहले कुछ हद तक पूरा हुआ था।
English Meaning: In most situations or usually
Hindi Meaning: आम तौर पर।
Example: Generally, she prefers to work in the morning.
आम तौर पर, वह सुबह काम करना पसंद करती है।
English Meaning: In a truthful or sincere manner
Hindi Meaning: ईमानदारी से।
Example: He honestly confessed to making a mistake.
उसने ईमानदारी से अपनी गलती स्वीकार की।
English Meaning: From time to time or sometimes
Hindi Meaning: कभी-कभी।
Example: We go to the park occasionally on weekends.
हम weekend में कभी-कभी park जाते हैं।
English Meaning: In a natural or instinctive way
Hindi Meaning: स्वाभाविक रूप से।
Example: She is naturally good at solving puzzles.
वह स्वाभाविक रूप से पहेलियाँ हल करने में माहिर है।
English Meaning: In a solemn or earnest manner
Hindi Meaning: गंभीरता से।
Example: You need to seriously consider your health.
आपको अपनी सेहत को गंभीरता से सोचना चाहिए।
English Meaning: In a way that leads to success
Hindi Meaning: सफलता से।
Example: He successfully passed the exam.
उसने सफलता से परीक्षा पास की।
English Meaning: Without interruption or continuously
Hindi Meaning: लगातार।
Example: She constantly works hard to achieve her goals.
वह लगातार अपने लक्ष्य को हासिल करने के लिए मेहनत करती है।
English Meaning: Without any doubt, completely
Hindi Meaning: बिल्कुल।
Example: I absolutely agree with your opinion.
मैं बिल्कुल आपके विचार से सहमत हूँ।
English Meaning: In a manner that can be clearly seen
Hindi Meaning: दिखाई दे रहा है।
Example: He was visibly exhausted after the marathon.
वह marathon के बाद दिखाई दे रहा था कि थका हुआ है।
English Meaning: In a clear, detailed, or exact way
Hindi Meaning: विशेष रूप से।
Example: She specifically requested a vegetarian meal.
उसने विशेष रूप से शाकाहारी भोजन का अनुरोध किया।
English Meaning: Without knowing
Hindi Meaning: अनजाने में।
Example: He unknowingly broke the vase.
उसने अनजाने में फूलदान तोड़ दिया।
English Meaning: In a public manner, openly
Hindi Meaning: सार्वजनिक रूप से
Example: The company announced the news publicly.
Company ने समाचार सार्वजनिक रूप से घोषित किया।
English Meaning: In a courageous manner
Hindi Meaning: साहसिक रूप से या हिम्मत से।
Example: She spoke boldly about the issues.
उसने मुद्दों पर हिम्मत से बात की।
English Meaning: Sometimes, not often
Hindi Meaning: कभी-कभी।
Example: We occasionally go to the cinema.
हम कभी-कभी सिनेमा जाते हैं।
English Meaning: In a fast manner
Hindi Meaning: तेज़ी से।
Example: The cat swiftly caught the mouse.
बिल्ली ने तेज़ी से चूहे को पकड़ लिया।
English Meaning: Slowly over time
Hindi Meaning: धीरे-धीरे।
Example: The weather gradually improved.
मौसम धीरे-धीरे सुधर गया।
English Meaning: In the mind, related to mental capacity
Hindi Meaning: मानसिक रूप से।
Example: She was mentally exhausted after the long day.
वह लंबे दिन के बाद मानसिक रूप से थकी हुई थी।
English Meaning: In a way that is hard to believe
Hindi Meaning: ऐसा जिस्पर भरोसा न हो।
Example: The news was unbelievably shocking.
समाचार वाकई में चौंकाने वाला था।
English Meaning: In comparison, somewhat
Hindi Meaning: कुछ हद तक।
Example: The task was relatively easy.
काम कुछ हद तक आसान था।
English Meaning: In a delicate or careful manner
Hindi Meaning: नाज़ुक तरीके से।
Example: She delicately handled the fragile items.
उसने नाजुक चीज़ों को नाज़ुक रूप से संभाला।
Understanding and using common adverbs in daily life is a crucial step toward becoming fluent in spoken English. Whether you’re looking to improve your conversation skills or enhance your writing, incorporating the right adverbs can make a world of difference. This adverbs list serves as a solid foundation for learning how to express yourself more clearly and naturally. By practicing these adverbs regularly, you’ll not only gain confidence in your English but also communicate more effectively in real-world situations. So, if you’re eager to learn English online or improve your speaking skills, start integrating these common adverbs into your daily conversations. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at using them effortlessly and accurately. Keep learning, stay consistent, and watch your English skills grow!
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