Learn Complete English Tenses in Hindi

Bachpan se humein school mein tense ke baare mein padhaya jata hai. Tenses English grammar ke building block ki tarah hote hai. Bina tenses padhe aap English bolna nahi seekh sakte hai. English grammar mein tenses ke baare mein padhna isliye bhi bahut important hai, kyunki aapki baaton ka meaning tenses par depend karta hai. Agar tenses ka use rule ke according sahi tarike se nahi kiya gaya, toh aapke sentence ka meaning poori tarah se badal jayega. Bhale hi humein tenses ke baare mein school mein padaya jata hai, lekin zyadatar log English grammar mein tense ke concept ko samajh nahi paate hain. Tense ke kitne types hote hain, tense ke rules kya hote hai, ye sab samajhne mein bahut logo ko dikkat hoti hai. Isliye hum tenses ko bahut hi aasan tareeke se samjhayenge, jisse aap English grammar mein tenses ko easily learn kar sakte hain. 


Meaning of Tense

The form of a verb that expresses the state and time of an action or an event is known as tense in English grammar. The tense tells us if the event has already happened, is happening, or will happen in the future. 

Tense verb की वो form होती है, जो किसी भी action या event के time और state के बारे में बताती है।Tense से हमें पता चलता है कि कोई भी event पहले हो चूका है, या अभी हो रहा है, या आगे होने वाला है।


Types of tenses

Tenses in English grammar are of three types:

English grammar में tenses तीन तरह के होते हैं।

  1. Present Tenses (वर्तमान काल)
  2. Past Tenses (भूत काल)
  3. Future Tenses (भविष्य काल)

General points before starting 

Tense ke baare mein padhne se pehle kuch important points hain jin par dhyan dena zaruri hai:

  • Sentences ke 4 types hote hain, affirmative, negative, interrogative, and negative interrogative.
  • Kisi bhi sentence ke teen parts hote hain, subject, verb, and object.
  • Sentence mein subject ko teen tarah se refer kiya jata hai, 1st person, 2nd person, and 3rd person. 


Form 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
Singular I He, She, It, That, This, and Singular noun 
Plural We You These, Those, They, Plural noun. 


  • Subject ke sath lagne wale main verb yani ki auxiliary verbs ke bhi teen form hote hain, jo tenses ke different types par depend karte hai. 


Main Verb Do Be Have
Past Form Did Was/ Were Had
Present Form Do/ Does Is/ Am/ Are Has/ Have
Future Form Will Do Will Be Will Have


  • ‘Did’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person ke saath hota hai. 
  • ‘Does’ ka use 3rd person singular ke saath hota hai, aur ‘do’ ka use 1st person singular aur 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person plural ke saath bhi hota hai.
  • ‘Will do’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person singular aur plural dono ke saath hota hai.
  • ‘Was’ ka use 3rd person singular ke saath hota hai, lekin ‘was’ ka use 1st person singular ke saath bhi hota hai.
  • Were’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person plural ke saath hota hai.
  • ‘Am’ ka use 1st person singular ke saath hota hai, ‘is’ ka use 3rd person singular, aur ‘are’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person plural ke saath hota hai.
  • ‘Will be’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person singular aur plural dono ke saath hota hai.
  • ‘Had’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person singular aur plural dono ke saath hota hai.
  • ‘Has’ ka use 3rd person singular ke saath hota hai, aur ‘have’ ka use 1st person singular aur 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person plural ke saath hota hai.
  • ‘Will have’ ka use 1st person, 2nd person aur 3rd person singular aur plural dono ke saath hota hai.


  1. Present Tense  

The form of the verb which tells about something happening in the present is called the present tense. 

Verb की वो form जो किसी घटना के present time में होने के बारे में बताती है, उसे present tense कहते हैं. 

Example: Ravi is playing cricket. 

                रवि क्रिकेट खेल रहा है।

                Aman is going to school.

                अमन स्कूल जा रहा है।


Types of Present Tense 

Present tense ke 4 types hote hain,

  • Present Indefinite Tense
  • Present Continuous Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Continuous 


  1. Present Indefinite Tense

Present Indefinite tense tells that an event is happening in the present time or it happens regularly. This tense is also called simple present tense. In the simple present tense, the verb is used in its base form. 

Present Indefinite tense किसी भी event के present time में होने के बारे में बताते हैं. इन्हे simple present tense भी कहा जाता है। अगर किसी भी sentence में verb के end में ता है, ती है, ते हैं, लगता है, तो वो simple present tense है। 

            Examples: Reena goes shopping. 

                            रीना खरीदारी करने जाती है।

                            Children play football. 

                            बच्चे फुटबॉल खेलते हैं। 


Rules for Present Indefinite Tense 

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + verb1 + (3rd person singular + s/es) + object.

Example: I eat a mango.

                मैं एक आम खाता हूँ।

                He writes an essay.

                वह निबंध लिखता है।

Note– agar subject third person singular hai, toh verb ke saath s/ es lagta hai, lekin subject ke baaki kisi form mein s/ es nahi lagta. Baaki sabhi cases mein verb ke sath ‘es’ lagta hai.


  • Negative Sentence

Subject + do/does + not + verb1 + object.

Example: Amit does not play cricket.

                अमित क्रिकेट नहीं खेलता है।

                I do not go to school.

                मैं स्कूल नहीं जाता हूँ। 

  • Interrogative Sentence

Do/ Does + Subject + Verb1 + Object?

Example: Does she sing?

                क्या वो गाती है?

                 Do they live nearby? 

                 क्या वे पास में रहते हैं? 

Special case: 

Wh- Subject + Do/ Does + Verb1 + Object?

Example: Who empties the bottle?

                बोतल कौन खाली करता है? 

                Who writes this letter?

                 यह पत्र कौन लिखता है?

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Do/ Does + Subject + not + Verb1 + Object?

Example: Do they not come home? 

                क्या वो घर नहीं आते हैं? 

                Does Sara not answer?

                क्या सारा जवाब नहीं देती है?

Special case:

WH- subject + Do/ Does + not + Verb1 + Object?

Example: Who does not dance?

                डांस कौन नहीं करता है?

                Who does not eat sweets?

                मिठाई कौन नहीं खाता है?       


2. Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous tense is the form of the verb, which defines that the action or an event is happening now. In the present continuous tense, the ing form of the verb is used in the sentence. 

Present Continuous Tense verb की वो फॉर्म है,जो किसी इवेंट या action के present time में होने के बारे में बताती हैं। Present Continuous Tense में verb के साथ रहा है, रही है, और रहे हैं लगता है। 


           Example: Ramu is eating food.

                           रामू खाना खा रहा है।

                           We are going to a party. 

                            हम एक पार्टी में जा रहे हैं।


Rules for Present Continuous Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + is/ are/ am + verb1 + ing + object

Example: Diksha is playing badminton. 

                दीक्षा बैडमिंटन खेल रही है।

                I am going to Delhi.

                मैं दिल्ली जा रहा हूँ।

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + is/ are/ am + not + verb1 + ing + object

Example: I am not going to school.

                मैं स्कूल नहीं जा रहा हूँ।

                Riza is not making dessert.

                रिज़ा मिठाई नहीं बना रही है।

  • Interrogative Sentence

is/ are/ am + subject + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Are you relocating?

                 क्या तुम शिफ्ट कर रहे हो?

                When is Riya going to the party?

                रिया पार्टी में कब जा रही है? 

Special case

WH-subject + is/ are/ am + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Who is coming as a chief guest?

                चीफ गेस्ट बन कर कौन आ रहे हैं?

                 Who is buying this plot?

                 ये प्लाट कौन खरीद रहा है?

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

is/ are/ am + subject + not + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Are you not coming with us to school?

                क्या तुम हमारे साथ स्कूल नहीं आ रहे हो?

                Is she not participating in the competition?

                क्या वो कॉम्पीटीशन में भाग नहीं ले रही है?

Special case

WH-subject + is/ are/ am + not + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Why Sneha is not playing?

                स्नेहा खेल क्यों नहीं रही है?

                Where are they going?

                ये लोग कहाँ जा रहे हैं? 


3. Present Perfect Tense

When an action has just happened in the recent past and still has its effect in the present time, or when an action shows an indefinite time of the past, the role of the present perfect tense comes into play. In the present perfect tense, has and have are used before the verb in the sentence.

जब कोई action या event अभी हाल ही में हुआ हो, और present time  में उसका effect  अभी भी है, या जब कोई action या event अतीत के indefinite time को दिखाता है, तो उसे Present perfect Tense कहते है। Present perfect Tense में sentence में चुका है, चुकी है, लिया है, दिया है, दी है, आदि लगते हैं।

Example: Amit has completed his homework.

                अमित ने अपना होमवर्क पूरा कर लिया है।

               I have bought all the items on the list.

               मैंने लिस्ट का सारा सामान खरीद लिया है।                

Rules for Present Perfect Tense

  • Affirmative sentence

Subject + has/ have + verb3 + object

Example: Ramesh has bought a new car.

                रमेश ने एक नई कार खरीदी है।

                We have completed our task.

                 हमने अपना टास्क पूरा कर लिया है।

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + has/ have + not + verb3 + object

Example: He has not eaten anything.

                उसने कुछ नहीं खाया है।

                I have told her everything

                मैंने उसे सब बता दिया है।

  • Interrogative Sentence

has/ have + Subject + verb + object?

Example: Have you lied?

                क्या तुमने झूठ बोला है? 

                Has Raghav gone to the office?

                क्या राघव ऑफिस चला गया है?

Special case

WH-Subject + has/ have + verb3 + object?

Example: Who has stolen her scarf?

                 उसका स्कार्फ़ किसने चुराया है? 

                 Who has cheated in the exam?

                 एग्जाम में किसने चीटिंग की है?

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

 has/ have + Subject + not + verb3 + object?              

Example: Have you not registered for the event?

                क्या तुमने इवेंट के लिए रजिस्टर नहीं किया है? 

                Have you not slapped her?

                क्या तुमने उसे थप्पड़ नहीं मारा है?

Special case

WH-Subject + has/ have + not + verb3 + object?

Example: Who all guests have you not invited?

                तुमने कौन कौन से मेहमान नहीं इन्वाइट किए  हैं?

                Which all books have you read?

                तुमने कौन कौन सी बुक पड़ी हैं।


4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The form of the verb which represents that the event has started in the past and the said event is still happening in the present is known as the Present Perfect Continuous. This tense is recognized by have been or has been with the verb in the sentence. ‘For’ and ‘since’ are used in the sentence to represent time.


Verb की वो form जो represent करता है कि कोई event हाल ही में शुरू हुआ है, और वो event अभी भी (present  में) चल रहा है, उसे Present Perfect Continuous tense कहते हैं। इस tense में sentence में verb के साथ रहा है, रही हैं, रहे हैं, लगता है।sentence में समय को दिखने के लिए ‘for’ और ‘since’ का use होता है।

            Examples: I have been waiting for her since morning.

                               मैं सुबह से उसका इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ।

                               We have been calling him for two days.

                                हम उसे दो दिन से कॉल कर रहे हैं। 


Rules for Present Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + has been/ have been + verb 1 ing + object + since/ for + time

Example: Rohan has been playing cricket for three years.

                रोहन तीन साल से क्रिकेट खेल रहा है।

                We have been working from home since last month.

                हम पिछले महीने से घर में काम कर रहे हैं। 

  • Negative Sentence

 Subject + has/ have + not + been + verb 1+ ing + object + since/ for + time

Example: I have not been talking to her for a year.

               मैं उससे एक साल से बात नहीं कर रही हूँ। 

             Risabh has not been going to school for four days.

             ऋषभ चार दिन से स्कूल नहीं जा रहा है।

  • Interrogative Sentence

 has/ have + subject + been + verb 1+ ing + object + since/ for + time

Example: Have you been playing since morning?

                क्या तुम सुबह से खेल रहे हो?

                Has Rohit been calling me for two days?

                क्या रोहित मुझे दो दिन से कॉल कर रहा है ?

Special case

WH- subject + has/ have + been + verb 1 + ing + object + since/ for + time

Example: Who all have been working for 2 weeks?

                 कौन कौन दो हफ़्तों से काम कर रहा है?

                 Who all have been acting for four years?

                  कौन कौन चार सालों से एक्टिंग कर रहा है?

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

 has/ have + subject + not + been + verb 1+ ing + object + since/ for + time

Example: Has she not been attending classes for three weeks?

                क्या वो तीन हफ़्तों से क्लास अटेंड नहीं कर रही है?

                Have you not been feeling well for two weeks?

                 क्या आप दो हफ़्तों से अच्छा मेहसूस नहीं कर रहे हैं?

Special Case

WH- subject + has/ have + not + been + verb 1+ ing + object + since/ for + time

Example: Who has not been going to school for ten days?

                कौन दस दिन से स्कूल नहीं जा रहा है?

                Who has been taking medicines for two days?

                 कौन दो दिन से दवाई नहीं ले रहा है?


2. Past Tense  

The form of the verb which tells about something that has happened in the past is called past tense. 

Verb की वो form जो किसी घटना के अतीत में होने के बारे में बताती है, उसे past tense कहते हैं। 

Example: Ravi was playing cricket. 

    रवि क्रिकेट खेल रहा था ।

    Aman was going to school.

    अमन स्कूल जा रहा था ।


Types of Past Tense 

Past tense ke 4 types hote hain,

  • Past Indefinite Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Past Perfect Continuous


  1. Past Indefinite Tense

The form of the verb which tells that the event has already happened in the past is known as past indefinite tense. It is also called simple past tense. In the simple past tense ‘did’ is used with the verb in the sentence.

verb की वो form जो बताती है कि कोई भी event या action अतीत में हो चूका है, उसे Past Indefinite Tense कहते है। इस tense को simple past tense भी कहा जाता है। Past Indefinite Tense में सेंटेंस में verb के साथ आया, गया, ली, दी, आदि लगते हैं। 

Example: Rakesh went to the office.

                राकेश ऑफिस चला गया। 

                Sneha did not eat anything.

                 स्नेहा ने कुछ नहीं खाया। 

Rules for Past Indefinite Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + verb2 + object

Example: Reema ate chocolates.

                रीमा ने चॉकलेट खाया। 

                 Anubhav did play piano well.

                                                    अनुभव ने पियानो बखूबी बजाया।.

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + did not + verb1 + object

Example: Seema did not buy anything.

                सीमा ने कुछ नहीं खरीदा।

                 Rehan did not go to school.

                 रेहान स्कूल नहीं गया।   

  • Interrogative Sentence

WH-word + did + subject + verb1 + object?

Example: Why did you eat pasta?

                 तुमने पास्ता क्यों खाया?

                 Where did Roy go?

                 रॉय कहाँ गया?

Special case

WH- Subject + verb2 + object?

Example: Who ate all the apples?

                सारे सेब किसने खाये? 

                Who threw the stone?

                किसने पत्थर फेंका?

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

did + subject + not + verb1 + object?

Example: Did Rohan not slap his friend?

               क्या रोहन ने अपने दोस्त को थप्पड़ नहीं मारा?

               Did you not gossip with her?

                क्या तुमने उसके साथ बुराई नहीं की?

Special case

WH-word  + did not + verb2 + object?

Example: Who did not go to the party?

                पार्टी में कौन नहीं गया?

                Who did not give the exam?

                किसने परीक्षा नहीं दी?


2. Past Continuous Tense

The form of the verb which shows that an event was happening in the past at a definite time or someone was performing an action at a particular time in the past is known as past continuous tense. In the past continuous tense, was or were + ing form of the verb is used in the sentence. Verb की वो form  जो यह दिखाये कि कोई घटना अतीत में एक definite time पर हो रही थी, या कोई व्यक्ति अतीत में किसी विशेष समय पर कोई काम कर रहा था, उसे past continuous tense कहते हैं।  इस tense में sentence में verb के end में रहा था, रहे थे, रही थी, आदि लगता है।

Example: I was waiting for you.

                मैं तुम्हारा इंतज़ार कर रहा था। 

               Neha was singing at an event.

               नेहा एक इवेंट में गा रही थी।

Rules for Past Continuous Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + was/ were + verb1 + ing + object.

Example: Riya was helping him.

                रिया उसकी मदद कर रही थी।

                We were planning for the trip.

                हम ट्रिप की प्लानिंग कर रहे थे।


  • Negative Sentence

Subject + was/ were + not + verb1 + ing + object.

Example: Ayesha was not eating ice-cream.

               आयेशा आइसक्रीम नहीं खा रही थी। 

               They were not asking for help.

                वो लोग मदद नहीं मांग रहे थे।


  • Interrogative Sentence

was/ were + subject + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Was he mistreating you?

                क्या वो तुमसे गलत बर्ताव कर रहा था? 

                 Were they going to a party?

                 क्या वो पार्टी में जा रहे थे?

Special case

WH- Subject + was/ were + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Whose friend was coming here?

                किसकी फ्रेंड यहाँ आ रही थी?

                Who all were attending the seminar?

                कौन कौन सेमिनार अटेंड कर रहा था?


  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

was/ were + subject + not + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Was Nina not doing her job properly?

                क्या नीना अपना काम सही से नहीं कर रही थी?

                Were you not happy with her performance?

                क्या तुम उसकी परफॉरमेंस से खुश नहीं हो?

Special case

WH- Subject + was/ were + not + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Who all were not taking him in the group?

                 कौन कौन इसे ग्रुप में नहीं ले रहा था?

                  Why were you not attending the class?

                              क्यों तुम क्लास अटेंड नहीं कर रहे थे?


3. Past Perfect Tense

The form of the verb which shows that an action has already happened and completed in the past is known as the past perfect tense. In this tense, ‘had’ is used with the verb in the sentence. This tense is also known as pluperfect as it talks about the event that has already been completed in the past before some particular point. 

Verb की वो form जो ये बताती है, कि कोई भी घटना अतीत में होकर पूरी हो चुकी है, उसे past perfect tense कहते हैं। इस tense में sentence में verb के साथ लिया था, दिया था, चुका था, चुकी थी, आदि लगते हैं।

Example: Rishabh had gone to the office.

                ऋषभ ऑफिस गया था।

                We had ordered pizza.

                हमने पिज़्ज़ा आर्डर किया था। 


Rules for Past Perfect Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + had + verb3 + object

Example: Rehan had eaten ice-cream.

                रेहान ने आइसक्रीम खायी थी।

                Jack had given me a pencil.

                जैक ने मुझे पेंसिल दी थी।


  • Negative Sentence

Subject + had + not + verb3 + object

Example: They had not given us farewell.

                 उन्होंने हमें फेयरवेल नहीं दिया था।

                 She had not organized the event.

                 उसने कार्यक्रम का आयोजन नहीं किया था।


  • Interrogative Sentence

Had + Subject + Verb 3 + object?

Example: Had John given a test?

                क्या जॉन ने टेस्ट दिया था? 

             Had they completed the project?

             क्या उन्होंने प्रोजेक्ट पूरा कर लिया था?

Special case

WH-Subject + had + verb3 + object?

Example: Who all had joined the webinar?

                 कौन कौन वेबिनार में जुड़ा था?

                 Whose sister had completed her graduation?

                 किसकी बहन ने अपनी ग्रेजुएशन पूरी कर ली थी?


  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Had + Subject + not + Verb3 + object?

Example: Had Sam not worked hard?

                क्या सैम ने कड़ी मेहनत नहीं की थी?

                Had they not attended the meeting?

                क्या उन्होंने मीटिंग अटेंड नहीं की थी?

Special Case

WH-Subject + had + not + verb3 + object?

Example: Who had not gone on a trip?

                 कौन ट्रिप पर नहीं गया था?

               Why you had not taken her home?

               तुम उसे घर क्यों नहीं ले गए थे?


4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

   The form of the verb which shows that an action or event had already begun in the past, and has happened until some specific time in the past is known as past perfect continuous tense. Generally ‘had been’ is used with the verb in the sentence. ‘Since’ and ‘for’ are used to specify the time in the past perfect continuous tense. 

Verb की वो form जिससे ये पता चलता है कि, कोई भी action या event अतीत में पहले ही शुरू हो चुकी थी, और अतीत में कुछ definite time तक हुई है, उसे past perfect continuous tense कहते हैं। यहाँ sentence में verb के साथ, ता रहा था, ती रही थी, ते रहे थे आदि लगता है। Past perfect continuous tense में समय का भी जिक्र होता है।

Example: We had been working together for many years.

                हम कई सालों से साथ काम कर रहे थे। 

                She has been shopping since 5o’clock.

                वो पांच बजे से खरीदारी कर रही है।


Rules for Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + had been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ since + time.

Example: She had been working since 3 o’clock.

                वो तीन बजे से काम कर रही थी।  

                They had been roaming outside for 2 hours. 

                 वे दो घंटे से बहार घूम रहे थे।

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + had not been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ since + time.

Example: Jack had not been coming to the office for six weeks.

                 जैक 6 हफ़्तों से ऑफिस नहीं आ रहा था। 

                Riya had not been eating since morning.

                रिया सुबह से खाना नहीं खा रही थी।


  • Interrogative Sentence

Had + subject + been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ since + time?

Example: Had John been wasting his time since morning?

                क्या जॉन सुबह से अपना टाइम बर्बाद कर रहा था? 

                Had she been studying since 5 o’clock?

                क्या वो पांच बजे से पढ़ रही थी?

Special case

WH- subject + had been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ since + time?

Example: Who had been asking for tea for one hour?

                 एक घंटे से चाय कौन मांग रहा था?

                Who had been shopping since 4 o’clock?

                             कौन चार बजे से खरीदारी कर रहा था?


  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Had + subject + not been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ since + time?

Example: Had Steve not been coughing for half an hour?

                क्या स्टीव आधे घंटे से खांस नहीं रहा था? 

                Had Sneha not been working since 11 o’clock?

                क्या स्नेहा 11 बजे से काम नहीं कर रही थी?

Special Case

WH- subject + had not been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ since + time?

Example: Why had Sam not been taking medicines for 3 days?

                सैम तीन दिन से दवाई क्यों नहीं ले रहा था?

                 Why had they not been talking since Friday?

                  वो लोग शुक्रवार से बात क्यों नहीं कर रहे थे?


3. Future Tense

The form of the verb which tells that an event or action will happen in the future is known as future tense.

Verb की वो फॉर्म जिससे किसी भी event या action के भविष्य में होने के बारे में पता चलता है, उसे future tense कहते हैं।


Types of Future Tense

Future tense ke 4 types hote hain,

  • Future Indefinite Tense
  • Future Continuous Tense
  • Future Perfect Tense
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense


  1. Future Indefinite Tense

The form of the verb which shows that an event or action will happen in the future is known as the future indefinite tense. It is also known as Simple Future tense. In the future indefinite tense the subjects are followed by ‘will’ or ‘shall’ in the sentence. 

Verb की वो फॉर्म जो ये बताती है कि, कोई  भी event या action भविष्य में होगा, उसे future indefinite tense कहते हैं। Future indefinite tense को simple future tense भी कहते हैं, और इस tense में sentence में verb के साथ गा, गी, और गे लगता है।

Example: I will tell the truth.

                मैं सच बता दूंगा। 

                Rohan will go to school.

                मैं सच बता दूंगा। 

Rules for Future Indefinite Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall + verb1 + object

Example: Jack will visit his mother. 

                जैक अपनी माँ से मिलने जायेगा।

                Sheena will cook food.

                 शीना खाना बनाएगी। 

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall + not + verb1 + object

Example: Neha will not eat ice cream.

                नेहा आइसक्रीम नहीं खयेगी।  

                They will not come.

                 वो नहीं आएंगे।

  • Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + verb1 + object?

Example: Will you buy a car?

                   क्या तुम कार खरीदोगे? 

                  Will Ravi go to school?

                  क्या रवि स्कूल जायेगा? 

Special case

WH- Subject + will/ shall + verb1 + object?

Example: Who will lead the project?

                कौन प्रोजेक्ट लीड करेगा? 

                Who will take this challenge?

                कौन कौन ये चैलेंज लेगा?  

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + not + verb1 + object?

Example: Will Nikhil not do graduation?

                 क्या निखिल ग्रेजुएशन नहीं करेगा?

                Will they consider me for competition?

                 क्या वे मुझे प्रतियोगिता में मानेंगे?

Special Case

WH- Subject + will/ shall + not + verb1 + object?

Example: Who will not join the team?

                कौन कौन टीम का हिस्सा नहीं बनेगा?

               Who will not go to the seminar?

                कौन कौन सेमिनार में नहीं जायेगा?


2. Future Continuous Tense

The form of a verb that tells that some action or event is about to happen or will continue to happen in the future is known as future continuous tense. In this tense, the verb will be preceded by ‘will be’ in the sentence.

Verb की वो form जो ये बताती है कि, कोई भी action या event  भविष्य में होने वाला है या होता रहेगा, उसे future continuous tense कहते हैं। Future continuous tense में sentence में रहा होगा, रहे होंगे, या रही होगी लगता है।

Example: He will be working.

                वो काम कर रहा होगा। 

                Will Sam be coming?

                 क्या सैम आ रहा होगा?

Rules for Future Continuous Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall  be + verb + ing + object.

Example: Dad will be coming home.

                पापा घर आ रहे होंगे।

                Neha will be going to Jaipur.

                नेहा जयपुर जा रही होगी। 


  • Negative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall not be + verb + ing + object.

Example: Janes will not be working in the late hours.

                            जेन्स देर तक काम नहीं कर रहा होगा। 

                            She will not be doing homework.

                            वो होमवर्क नहीं कर रही होगी। 


  • Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + be + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Will he be going to Banglore?

                क्या वो बंगलोर जा रहा होगा?

                Will they be planning for an event?

                क्या वे किसी कार्यक्रम की तैयारी कर रहे होंगे?

Special Case

WH- Subject + will be + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Who will be coming to the party?

                कौन कौन पार्टी में आ रहा होगा? 

                 Where all will be going?

                  सब लोग कहाँ जा रहे होंगे?


  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + not + be + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Will she not be coming?

                क्या वो नहीं आ रही होगी?

                Will it not be snowing tomorrow?

                 क्या कल बर्फ नहीं गिर रही होगी?

Special case

WH- Subject + will not be + verb1 + ing + object?

Example: Why it will not be raining tomorrow?

                कल बारिश क्यों नहीं होगी?

                Who will not be joining the webinar?

                कौन कौन वेबिनार में शामिल नहीं होंगे?


3. Future Perfect Tense

The form of a verb that shows that an action or event will be completed at a particular time in the future is called future perfect tense. In the future perfect tense, the subject will be followed by ‘will have’ in the sentence. 

Verb की वो फॉर्म जो ये बताती है कि, कोई भी action या event भविष्य में किसी particular समय में पूरा हो जायेगा, उसे future perfect tense कहते हैं। Future perfect tense में sentence में verb के साथ लिया होगा, दिया होगा, चुका होगा, चुकी होगी, चुके होंगे, आदि लगते हैं।

Example: She will have an exam tomorrow. 

                कल उसकी परीक्षा होगी।   

               They will have booked the ticket.

                उन्होंने टिकट बुक कर लिया होगा।


Rules for Future Perfect Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + will have/ shall have + verb3 + object

Example: Neha will have bought the car. 

                नेहा कार खरीद चुकी होगी।

                They will have heard the song.

                उन्होंने गाना सुना होगा।

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall + not have + verb3 + object

Example: They will not have won the match.

                वो मैच नहीं जीते होंगे। 

                 She will not have met Diksha.

                 वो दीक्षा से नहीं मिली होगी 

  • Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + have + verb3 + object?

Example: Will Tina have bought a house?

                 क्या टीना ने घर खरीद लिया होगा? 

              Will they have met the President?

              क्या वे राष्ट्रपति से मिल चुके होंगे?

Special Case

WH- Subject + will have + verb3 + object?

Example: Where Karan will have gone on a trip?

                करन ट्रिप पर कहाँ गया होगा?

                How many people will have eaten dinner?

                 कितने लोगों ने खाना खाया होगा?


  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + not + have + verb3 + object?

Example: Will she not have eaten ice cream?

                क्या वो आइसक्रीम नहीं खा चुकी होगी?

                Will they not have attended the class?

                क्या वे क्लास में उपस्थित नहीं होंगे?

Special case

WH- Subject + will not have + verb3 + object?

Example: Who will not have boarded the flight?

                कौन कौन फ्लाइट पर नहीं चढ़ा होगा?

                 Why Suresh will not have visited the doctor?

                 सुरेश डॉक्टर के पास क्यों नहीं गया होगा?


4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    The form of the verb which tells that an action or event will start at a particular time in the       future and will continue until a certain time in the future is known as the Future Perfect Continuous Tense. In this tense, the subject will be followed by ‘will/ shall have been’ in the future. ‘For’, ‘from’,  and ‘since’ are used to indicate time in this tense.

Verb की वो form जो यह बताती है कि कोई भी action या event भविष्य में किसी विशेष समय पर शुरू होगी और भविष्य में एक निश्चित समय तक चलती रहेगी, उसे Future Perfect Continuous Tense कहते हैं इस tense में verb के साथ रहा होगा, रही होगी, रहे होंगे लगता है। Future Perfect Continuous Tense में समय का भी जिक्र होता है।

Example: They will have been going to Delhi today for two days. 

                 वे दो दिन के लिए आज दिल्ली जा रहे होंगे।

                 Arjun will have been practicing football from tomorrow.   

                 अर्जुन कल से फुटबॉल का अभ्यास कर रहा होगा।  

Rules for Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Affirmative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall + have been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ from/ since + time

Example: She will have been taking leave from tomorrow. 

                वह कल से छुट्टी ले रही होगी। 

                Rajat will have been selecting the team members from tomorrow. 

                रजत कल से टीम के सदस्यों का चयन कर रहा होगा।

  • Negative Sentence

Subject + will/ shall + not have been + verb1 + ing + object + for, from, since + time.

Example: Ayesha will not have been going to school for one week. 

                आयशा एक हफ्ते से स्कूल नहीं जा रही होगी।

                Aryan will not have been painting for five years. 

                आर्यन पांच साल से पेंटिंग नहीं कर रहा होगा।

  • Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + have been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ from/ since + time?

Example: Will we have been studying for four hours?

                क्या हम चार घंटे से पढ़ रहे होंगे?

                Will Meera have been working since 3’o o’clock?

                क्या मीरा 3 बजे से काम कर रही होगी?

Special Case

WH- subject + will/ shall + have been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ from/ since + time?

Example: Who will have been attending the meeting for 3 hours?

                कौन 3 घंटे से मीटिंग में शामिल हो रहा होगा?

                Where you will have been going to the workshop tomorrow?

                 आप कल से वर्कशॉप में कहाँ जा रहे होंगे?

  • Negative Interrogative Sentence

Will/ shall + subject + not have been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ from/ since + time?

Example: Will it not have been raining since morning?

                क्या सुबह से बारिश नहीं हो रही होगी ?

                Will there not have been a vacation in the school from Monday?

                 क्या सोमवार से स्कूल में छुट्टियां नहीं हो रही होंगी?. 

Special Case

WH- subject + will/ shall + not have been + verb1 + ing + object + for/ from/ since + time?

Example: Why will there not have been any guests at the party since 8 o’clock?

                 8 बजे से पार्टी में कोई मेहमान क्यों नहीं आया होगा?

                  Why will Amit not have been going to the office for three days?

                   अमित तीन दिन से ऑफिस क्यों नहीं जा रहा होगा?


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2 responses on "Learn Complete English Tenses in Hindi"

  1. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sanatani Pandit RahulOctober 24, 2024 at 1:13 pmReply

    Love reading it.

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