Word of the day Incessant
Incessant meaning in Hindi
बिना रुके; लगातार
Bina ruke; lagataar
Incessant meaning in English
Continuing without pause or interruption
Incessant Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Incessant Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Word Incessant Uses and Examples
People of this region endured weeks of incessant rain.
इस क्षेत्र के लोगों ने हफ्तों तक मूसलाधार बारिश का सामना किया।
They passed their time with incessant chatter.
उन्होंने बिना रुके बातचीत करते करते अपना गुज़ारा।
I am annoyed by the incessant quarreling.
मैं इस लगातार तू-तू मैं-मैं परेशान हो गया हूं।
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