Word of the day Discerning
Discerning meaning in Hindi
किसी इंसान या चीज के गुणवत्ता समझना या पहचानना; समझदार होना
Kisi insaan ya chaaz ki gunvatta samajhna ya pehchaanna; samajhdaar hona
Discerning meaning in English
Be able to recognize the quality of somebody/something
Discerning Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Selective, judicious
Discerning Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Undiscerning, indiscriminate
Word Discerning Uses and Examples
It’s good that we have discerning customer in our country.
यह अच्छी बात है कि हमारे देश में समझदार ग्राहक है ग्राहक हैं।
Why should a discerning writer concern himself/herself with such meaningless movies!
एक समझदार लेखक को ऐसी बेतुकी movies के बारे में क्यों चिंता चाहिए!
He is a discerning critic – you should meet him.
वह एक समझदार critic है- तुम्हें उससे मिलना चाहिए।
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