Word of the day Acquiescent
Acquiescent meaning in Hindi
वो करना जो बाकी लोग चाहें
Woh karna jo baaki log chahein
Acquiescent meaning in English
Willing to do what other people want
Acquiescent Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Compliant, complying
Acquiescent Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Defiant, resistant
Word Acquiescent Uses and Examples
They are puzzled but acquiescent.
वो लोग असमंजस में हैं लेकिन हमारी बात आसानी से मान लेंगे।
She has a very acquiescent nature.
वो वही करती है जो सब उसे करने को कहते हैं।
Does it mean doing neither and being merely acquiescent?
तो इसका मतलब ये है कि हम कुछ न करें और जो वो कहें वो करते जाएं?
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