Austere | Day 525 | Word of the day

Word of the day Austere


Austere meaning in Hindi


कठिनता से युक्त; संयमी; सीमित; तपस्या से भरपूर

Kathinata se yukt; Sanyami; Seemit; Tapasya se bharpoor


Austere meaning in English

Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance; simple, plain, and without luxury


Austere Synonyms (Related Similar Words)

Ascetic, disciplined, stern, frugal, plain


Austere Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)

Indulgent, luxurious, lavish, extravagant, ornate


Word Austere Uses and Examples

1. His austere lifestyle reflected his commitment to simplicity and discipline.

उसकी कठिन जीवनशैली उसके सीमितता और अनुशासन के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता को दर्शाती थी।


2. The austere design of the room emphasized functionality over decoration.

कमरे की सरल डिज़ाइन ने सजावट पर नहीं, कार्यक्षमता पर ज़ोर दिया।


3. The austere teacher expected high standards of behavior from his students.

कठिन शिक्षक अपने छात्रों से उच्च आचार-शृंगार की मानकों की उम्मीद करते थे।

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