The global success of Squid Game has brought attention not only to its thrilling storyline but also to the powerful dialogues that define the show. For many, watching Squid Game with subtitles in their native language helps connect deeply with the characters and the intense drama. In this blog, we dive into the fascinating world of Squid Game dialogues translated into Hindi, analyzing them from the perspective of English grammar—specifically focusing on tense, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
Whether you’re a fan of the show or someone looking to improve your English through real-world examples, understanding how the dialogues are structured in both Hindi and English can provide valuable insights. We’ll break down how different tenses are used, explore common sentence structures, and highlight useful vocabulary. This is a perfect opportunity for those looking to enhance their spoken English and practice learning English online through practical, relatable content.
Squid Game Dialogues Translated from English to Hindi
Through this blog, you will get a deeper understanding of the Squid Game dialogues, and it will also improve your English skills, making it easier to converse and learn English in a more engaging way.
Life is like a game. There are many players. If you don’t play with them, they’ll play with you.
Zindagi ek khel ki tarah hai. Ismein bahut se khiladi hote hain. Agar tum unke sath nahi kheloge, toh vo tumhare sath khelenge.
ज़िन्दगी एक खेल की तरह है। इसमें बहुत से खिलाड़ी होते हैं। अगर तुम उनके साथ नहीं खेलोगे, तो वो तुम्हारे साथ खेलेंगे।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Complement (like a game). Subject (There) + Auxiliary Verb (are) + Object (many players). Condition (if) + Subject (you) + Auxiliary Verb (don’t) + Base Verb (play) + Object (with them), Subject (they) + Auxiliary Verb (will) + Base Verb (play) + Object (with you).
Doing something is always more fun than just watching.
Kuch karna hamesha sirf dekhne se zyada mazedar hota hai.
कुछ करना हमेशा सिर्फ देखने से ज्यादा मज़ेदार होता है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (Doing something) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Adverb (always) + Comparative Adjective (more fun) + Preposition (than) + Gerund (watching).
Good rain knows the best time to fall.
Achhi baarish ho pata hai ki girne ka sabse achha samay kab hai.
अच्छी बारिश को पता है कि गिरने का सबसे अच्छा समय कब है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (good rain) + Verb (knows) + Object (the best time) + Infinitive (to fall)
There’s this saying in investing, ‘Try not to keep your eggs in the same basket.’
Investing mein ek kahawat hai, ‘apne saare ande ek hi tokri mein mat rakho.’
Investing में एक कहावत है, ‘अपने सारे अंडे एक ही टोकरी में मत रखो।’
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (There) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Object (this saying) + Prepositional Phrase (in investing) + Direct Speech (quote)
Vocabulary: Try not to keep your eggs in the same basket Meaning- You shouldn’t put everything you have in one place or depend on just one thing.
Stick with the strongest team. That’s the only way.
Sabse mazboot team ke sath raho. Yahi sahi tareeka hai.
सबसे मज़बूत टीम के साथ रहो। यही एक तरीका है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Verb (Stick) + Preposition (with) + Object (the strongest team). Subject (That) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Object (the only way).
I’m not a genius, but I still got it where it counts.
Main koi genius nahin hoon, lekin fir bhi mujhe pata hai ki sahi kya hai.
मैं कोई जीनियस नहीं हूँ, लेकिन फिर भी मुझे पता है कि सही क्या है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (I) + Auxiliary Verb (am) + Negation (not) + Complement (a genius), Conjunction (but) + Subject (I) + Adverb (still) + Verb (got) + Object (it) + Adverbial Clause (where it counts).
It doesn’t matter how tough you are, you are not going to win on your own.
Ye mayne nahin rakhta ki tum kitne mazboot ho, lekin tum akele nahin jeet sakte.
यह मायने नहीं रखता कि तुम कितने भी मज़बूत हो, लेकिन तुम अकेले नहीं जीत सकते।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (It)+ Auxiliary Verb (does) + Negation (not) + Verb (matter) + Adverbial Clause (how tough you are), Subject (you) + Auxiliary Verb (are) + Negation (not) + Verb (going) + Infinitive Verb (to win) + Prepositional Phrase (on your own).
Vocabulary: Tough- मज़बूत
You’re in debt because you’re always trying to live someone else’s life.
Tum karz mein ho kyunki tum hamesha kisi aur ki zindagi jeene ki koshish karte ho.
तुम क़र्ज़ में हो क्योंकि तुम हमेशा किसी और की ज़िन्दगी जीने की कोशिश करते हो।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (You) + Auxiliary Verb (are) + Preposition (in) + Object (debt) + Conjunction (because) + Subject (you)+ Auxiliary Verb (are) + Adverb (always) + Verb (trying) + Infinitive Verb (to live) + Object (someone else’s life).
Vocabulary: Debt- क़र्ज़
The world’s not going to change just because you complain.
Duniya sirf isliye nahin badlegi kyunki tum shikayatein karte ho.
दुनिया सिर्फ इसलिए नहीं बदलेगी क्योंकि तुम शिकायते करते हो।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (The world) + Auxiliary Verb (is) + Negation (not) + Verb (going) + Infinitive Verb (to change) + Adverb (just) + Conjunction (because) + Subject (you) + Verb (complain).
In here, we’re all equal. The only thing that matters is how hard you try.
Yahan, hum sabhi barabar hain. Jo cheez mayne rakhti hai, vo ye hai ki tum kitni koshish karte ho.
यहाँ, हम सभी बराबर हैं। जो चीज़ मायने रखती है, वो ये है कि तुम कितनी कोशिश करते हो।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Prepositional Phrase (In here) + Subject (we) + Verb (are) + Adjective (equal) + Subject (The only thing) + Relative Clause (that matters) + Verb (is) + Noun Clause (how hard you try).
Sometimes, being kind is what gets you killed.
Kabhi-kabhi dayalu hona bhi tumhari maut ki vajah ban sakta hai.
कभी-कभी, दयालु होना भी तुम्हारी मौत की वजह बन सकता है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Adverb (Sometimes) + Verb (being) + Noun (kind) + Verb (is) + Relative Pronoun (what) + Verb (gets) + Object (you) + Verb (killed).
The real game begins when people stop playing fair.
Asal khel tab shuru hota hai jab log imandari se khelna chhodh dete hain.
असल खेल तब शुरू होता है जब लोग ईमानदारी से खेलना छोड़ देते हैं।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (The real game) + Verb (begins) + Adverb (when) + Subject (people) + Verb (stop) + Verb (playing) + Adjective (fair).
Vocabulary: Fair- ईमानदारी से
Money is the only thing that makes the world go round.
Paisa hi ekamatra cheez hai jiske chaaron aur duniya ghoomti hai.
पैसा ही एकमात्र चीज़ है जिसके चारों ओर दुनिया घूमती है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (Money) + Verb (is) + Article (the) + Adjective (only) + Noun (thing) + Relative Clause (that makes the world go round).
Even the richest people once dreamed of being happy with little things.
Yahan tak ki sabse ameer log bhi ek samay mein chhoti-chhoti cheezon se khush hone ka sapna dekhte the.
यहाँ तक कि सबसे अमीर लोग भी एक समय में छोटी-छोटी चीज़ों से खुश होने का सपना देखते थे।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Past Tense.
Sentence Structure: Adverb (Even) + Article (the) + Superlative Adjective (richest) + Noun (people) + Adverb (once) + Verb (dreamed) + Preposition (of) + Verb (being) + Adjective (happy) + Preposition (with) + Adjective (little) + Noun (things).
When the weather is good, I catch fish. When it’s bad, I catch a buzz.
Jab mausam achha hota hai, toh main machhliyan pakadta hoon. Jab mausam kharab hota hai, toh main masti karta hoon.
जब मौसम अच्छा होता है, तो मैं मछलियाँ पकड़ता हूँ। जब मौसम खराब होता है, तो मैं मस्ती करता हूँ।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Conjunction (When) + Subject (the weather) + Verb (is) + Adjective (good) + Subject (I) + Verb (catch) + Noun (fish) + Conjunction (When) + Subject (it) + Verb (is) + Adjective (bad) + Subject (I) + Verb (catch) + Article (a) + Noun (buzz).
Vocabulary: Buzz- मस्ती करना
You seem to be struggling, living a life with no future.
Tum mehnat kar rahi ho, aisi jindagi jee rahi ho jismein koi bhavishya nahin hai.
तुम मेहनत कर रही हो, ऐसी ज़िन्दगी जी रही हो जिसमें कोई भविष्य नहीं है।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (You) + Verb (seem) + Infinitive Verb (to be) + Verb (struggling) + Gerund Phrase (living a life with no future) + Subject (I) + Verb (have) + Article (a) + Adjective (little) + Noun (gift) + Preposition (for) + Object (you) + Time Expression (today).
The game will not end unless the world changes.
Khel tab tak khatm nahin hoga jab tak duniya nahin badalti.
खेल तब तक खत्म नहीं होगा जब तक दुनिया नहीं बदलती।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (The game) + Modal Verb (will) + Negation (not) + Verb (end) + Conjunction (unless) + Subject (the world) + Verb (changes).
If you give up, I will kill you before your gods do.
Agar tumne haar maan li toh bhagwan se pehle main tumhein maar dunga.
अगर तुमने हार मान ली तो भगवान से पहले मैं तुम्हें मार दूंगा।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Conjunction (If) + Subject (you) + Verb (give) + Object (up) + Subject (I) + Modal Verb (will) + Verb (kill) + Object (you) + Preposition (before) + Possessive Pronoun (your) + Noun (gods) + Verb (do).
You can’t grow without failure.
Tum bina haare aage nahin badh sakte.
तुम बिना हारे आगे नहीं बढ़ सकते।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (You) + Modal Verb (can’t) + Verb (grow) + Preposition (without) + Noun (failure).
Vocabulary: Failure- हार
If we miss this opportunity, the sacrifice will be even greater.
Agar hum ye mauka ganva dete hain, toh balidan aur bhi bada hoga.
अगर हम यह मौका गंवा देते हैं, तो बलिदान और भी बड़ा होगा।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Conjunction (If) + Subject (we) + Verb (miss) + Object (this opportunity) + Subject (the sacrifice) + Modal Verb (will) + Verb (be) + Adjective (even) + Adjective (greater).
Vocabulary: Opportunity- मौका
Sacrifice- बलिदान
I’ll show you that the world doesn’t always go the way you want it to.
Main tumhein dikhaunga ki duniya hamesha uss tarike se nahin chalti jaisi tum chahte ho.
मैं तुम्हें दिखाऊँगा कि दुनिया हमेशा उस तरीके से नहीं चलती जैसी तुम चाहते हो।
What We Learn:-
Tense: The dialogue is in Present Tense.
Sentence Structure: Subject (I) + Modal Verb (’ll) + Verb (show) + Object (you) + Conjunction (that) + Subject (the world) + Verb (doesn’t) + Adverb (always) + Verb (go) + Article (the) + Noun (way) + Subject (you) + Verb (want) + Object (it) + Infinitive Verb (to).
Analyzing Squid Game dialogues translated into Hindi offers a unique opportunity to explore English grammar in action. By studying the tenses, sentence structure, and vocabulary used in the show, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of how real-world language functions in both English and Hindi. This approach not only helps in grasping the nuances of the language but also provides practical examples for improving your spoken English skills. Whether you’re aiming to learn English online, practice spoken English, or enroll in a spoken English course, this blog provides valuable tools to help you achieve your language goals.
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