Top Pushpa Movie Dialogues Translated in English

“Pushpa: The Rise” and “Pushpa: The Rule” became a massive hit, not just in India but around the world. The movie, with its gripping storyline, powerful performances, and unforgettable dialogues, captured the hearts of millions. One of the most fascinating aspects of the film is its strong dialogue delivery, especially the ones by Allu Arjun in the lead role. These bollywood dialogues, full of raw emotion and intense energy, have gained cult status.


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In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most iconic Pushpa movie dialogues, translated into English, so that fans all over the world can appreciate the strength and depth behind each word. Here you will also get to learn the tense, sentence structure and some interesting vocabulary derived from the dialogues. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to the movie, these lines will resonate with you, showcasing the spirit and determination of Pushpa Raj. Let’s dive into these memorable lines and break them down in English!


Famous Pushpa Dialogues Translated from Hindi to English

Here is a list of some “Pushpa: The Rise” and “Pushpa: The Rule” movie dialogues that are translated from Hindi to English to improve your spoken English.


  1. पुष्पा झुकेगा नहीं।

Pushpa jhukega nahi.

Pushpa will not bow down.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Future tense.

Sentence Structure: Subject + Auxiliary Verb (will) + Negation (not) + Base Verb (bow) + Object (down).

Vocabulary: Bow Down- झुकना


  1. पुष्पा नाम सुनके Flower समझे क्या, Flower नहीं, Fire है मैं।

Pushpa naam sunke flower samjhe kya, flower nahi, fire hai main

Hearing the name Pushpa, did you think it’s a flower? It’s not a flower, it’s fire.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Past- Hearing the name Pushpa, did you think it’s a flower? 

Simple Present- It’s not a flower, it’s fire.

Sentence Structure: Introductory phrase (Hearing the name Pushpa) + Question (Did you think + Subject + Verb + Object?)

Subject + Verb (is) + Negative (not) + Noun Phrase (a flower) / Subject + Verb (is) + Noun Phrase (fire).


  1. ब्रांड का ठप्पा आदमी के कपड़ों में नहीं होता है, कैरेक्टर में होता है। 

Brand ka thappa aadmi ke kapdon mein nahi hota hai, character mein hota hai.

A brand doesn’t lie in a person’s clothes, it lies in their character.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound sentence with two independent clauses- [Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Main Verb + Prepositional Phrase], [Subject + Main Verb + Prepositional Phrase]

Vocabulary: Character- चरित्र


  1. पुष्पा सिर्फ एक नाम नहीं, पुष्पा मतलब ब्रांड।

Pushpa sirf ek naam nahi, Pushpa matlab brand.

Pushpa is not just a name, it’s a brand.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject + Verb + Negative + Complement], [Subject + Verb + Complement]


  1. पुष्पा का उसूल, करने का वसूल।

Pushpa ka usool, karne ka vasool.

Pushpa’s principle: take what is mine.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Complex Sentence- [Subject + Possessive (Pushpa’s principle)] + [Interrogative Clause (what I do)] + [Main Clause (I do right)].

[Subject (Implicit “You”)] + [Verb (take)] + [Noun Clause (what is mine)].

Vocabulary: वसूल- recover, collect, Principle- सिद्धांत


  1. मेरी बायको ने जो बोला मैं वो करूंगा। 

Meri Bayko ne jo bola mai wo karunga.

 I’ll do whatever my wife says.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Future tense.

Sentence Structure: [Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary Verb (will) + Main Verb (do)] + [Relative Clause (what my wife tells me to do)]

[Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary Verb (will) + Main Verb (do)] + [Noun Clause (whatever my wife says)]


  1. फायर नहीं, वाइल्डफायर है। 

Fire Nahi, Wildfire Hai.

I’m not just a fire, I’m a wildfire.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject (I)] + [Verb (am) in negative form (not)] + [Predicate (just a fire)], [Subject (I)] + [Verb (am)] + [Predicate (a wildfire)].


  1. पुष्पा, पुष्पा राज…मैं झुकेगा नहीं, साला।

Pushpa, Pushpa Raj…main jhukega nahi, sala.

Pushpa, Pushpa Raj… I won’t bow down, damn it.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Future tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary Verb (won’t)] + [Main Verb (bow)] + [Adverb (down)] + [Interjection (damn it)]


  1. इस दुनिया ने आपके हाथ में पिस्तौल दिया और मेरे हाथ में कुल्हाड़ी।

Iss duniya ne aapke haath mai pistol diya aur mere haath mein kulhadi.

The world gave you a pistol, and gave me an axe.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Past tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject (The world)] + [Verb (gave)] + [Indirect Object (you)] + [Direct Object (a pistol)], [Conjunction (and)] + [Verb (gave)] + [Indirect Object (me)] + [Direct Object (an axe)].

Vocabulary: Pistol- पिस्तौल, Axe- कुल्हाड़ी


  1. मैं इधर किसी के फट्टे में टांग अड़ाने को नहीं आया… राज करने के लिए आया मैं।

Main idhar kisi ke phatte main taang adane ko nahi aaya… Raj karne ke liye aaya main.

I didn’t come here to get involved in anyone’s meddle… I came to rule.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Past tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary Verb (didn’t)] + [Main Verb (come)] + [Adverbial Phrase (here)] + [Infinitive Verb (to get involved)] + [Prepositional Phrase (in anyone’s petty issues)]….[Subject (I)] + [Verb (came)] + [Infinitive Verb (to rule)].

Vocabulary: फट्टे- petty issues, टांग अड़ाना- to meddle


  1. सामने कोई भी हो.. मैं झुकेगा नहीं।

Saamne koi bhi ho.. mai jhukega nahi.

No matter who’s in front of me, I won’t bow down.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- No matter who’s in front of me

Simple Future- I won’t bow down

Sentence Structure: Complex Sentence- [Subordinating Phrase (No matter)] + [Subject (who)] + [Verb (is)] + [Prepositional Phrase (in front of me)], [Subject (I)] + [Verb (won’t, will not)] + [Main Verb (bow)] + [Adverb (down)].


  1. तुम एक टाइम पे एक गोली चलाओगे, मैं एक टाइम पे सात कुल्हाड़ी चलाऊंगा, किसके ज्यादा टुकड़े होंगे सोच लो।

Tum ek time pe ek goli chalaoge, main ek time pe saat kulhadi chalaunga, kiske zyada tukde honge soch lo.

You’ll fire one bullet at a time, I’ll swing seven axes at a time—think about who’ll be cut into more pieces.

What we learn:- 

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Future tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject (You)] + [Auxiliary verb (will)] + [Main verb (fire)] + [Direct object (one bullet)] + [Prepositional phrase (at a time)], [Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary verb (will)] + [Main verb (swing)] + [Direct object (seven axes)] + [Prepositional phrase (at a time)]-  [Imperative verb (Think)] + [Prepositional phrase (about)] + [Noun clause (who’ll be cut into more pieces)].

Vocabulary: Bullet- गोली


  1. अगर मुझमें ज़रा सी भी सांसें बच गईं ना… तो पाताल में भी दौड़ा-दौड़ा के मारूंगा तुम लोगों को।

Agar mujh mein zara si bhi saansein bach gayi na … toh pataal mein bhi dauda dauda ke maarunga tum logon ko.

If even a single breath is left in me… I’ll chase you down, even in hell.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- If even a single breath is left in me

Simple Future- I’ll chase you down, even in hell

Sentence Structure:  [Conditional phrase (If even a single breath is left in me)], [Subject (I)] + [Verb (will chase)] + [Object (you)] + [Verb (down)] + [Additional phrase (even in hell)].

Vocabulary: पाताल- Hell or Underworld, दौड़ा-दौड़ा के मारना- Chase down someone


  1. सौ वाला काम करेगा तो क़ायदे में रहेगा.. हजार वाला काम करेगा तो फायदे में रहेगा।

Sau wala kaam karega toh kaide mein rahega.. Hazar wala kaam karega toh faide mein rahega.

If you do work worth a hundred, you’ll stay within the rules. If you do work worth a thousand, you’ll stay in the profit.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- If you do work worth a hundred, If you do work worth a thousand

Simple Future- you’ll stay within the rules, you’ll stay in the profit

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Conditional phrase (If you do work worth a hundred)] + [Result (you’ll stay within the rules)]. [Conditional phrase (If you do work worth a thousand)] + [Result (you’ll stay in the profit)].


  1. नाव में बैठ कर जाल फेंकना बहुत आसान है…पानी में उतरेगा तो बड़ी मछलियां खा जाएंगी।

Naav mein baith kar jaal phekna bahut aasaan hai … pani mein utrega toh badi machliyan kha jayengi.

It’s easy to sit in a boat and cast a net… but if you get into the water, the sharks will eat you.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- It’s easy to sit in a boat and cast a net

Simple Future- if you get into the water, the sharks will eat you.

Sentence Structure: Complex Sentence-  [Simple statement] + [Conjunction (but)] + [Conditional clause (if you get into the water)] + [Result (the sharks will eat you)].

Vocabulary: Cast a net- जाल फेंकना)


  1. नदी पार करने के बाद नैया और एक रात के बाद छमिया मेरे किसी काम की नहीं होती।

Nadi paar karne ke baad naiyya aur ek raat ke baad chammiya mere kisi kaam ki nahi hoti.

After crossing the river, a boat is useless, and after one night, a woman is no use to me.

(What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: The sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Prepositional phrase (After crossing the river)] + [Subject (a boat)] + [Verb (is)] + [Complement (useless)], [Prepositional phrase (After one night)] + [Subject (a woman)] + [Verb (is)] + [Complement (no use to me)].)


  1. माल मिलेगा तो पुष्पा नहीं मिलेगा, पुष्पा मिलेगा तो माल नहीं मिलेगा।

Maal milega to Pushpa nahi milega, Pushpa milega to maal nahi milega.

If you get the goods, you won’t get Pushpa. If you get Pushpa, you won’t get the goods.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- If you get the goods, If you get Pushpa

Simple Future- you won’t get Pushpa, you won’t get the goods.

Sentence Structure: [Conditional (If) + Subject (you) + Verb (get) + Object (the goods)] + [Subject (you) + Auxiliary verb (won’t) + Verb (get) + Object (Pushpa)]. [Conditional (If) + Subject (you) + Verb (get) + Object (Pushpa)] + [Subject (you) + Auxiliary verb (won’t) + Verb (get) + Object (the goods)].

Vocabulary: Goods – माल


  1. क्या भाई सांप सूंघ गया क्या, जो तुम सोच रहे हो वही हुआ है।

Kya bhai saap sungh gaya kya, jo tum soch rahe ho wahi hua hai.

What’s up, did you get a whiff of something? What you were thinking has actually happened.

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Past – What’s up, did you get a whiff of something? 

Past Continuous- What you were thinking has actually happened.

Sentence Structure:  [Interrogative phrase (What’s up)] + [Question (did you get a whiff of something)]. [Relative clause (What you were thinking)] + [Main clause (has actually happened)].

Vocabulary: Did you get a whiff of something- सांप सूंघ गया क्या


  1. पुष्पा…पुष्पा राज, दुनिया जाये भाड़ में, हम कुछ नहीं करेंगे!

Pushpa… Pushpa Raj. Duniya jaye bhaad mein, hum kuch nahi karenge!

Pushpa… Pushpa Raj. Let the world rot in hell, I won’t do anything!

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- Let the world rot in hell

Simple Future- I won’t do anything!

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Imperative verb (Let)] + [Subject (the world)] + [Verb (go)] + [Prepositional phrase (to hell)], [Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary verb (won’t)] + [Main verb (do)] + [Object (anything)].

Vocabulary: Let the world rot in hell – दुनिया जाये भाड़ में


  1. पुष्पा, तुम दोनो की दुनिया है, मेरी दुनिया बस तुम्ही हो!

Pushpa, tum dono ki duniya hai, meri duniya bas tumhi ho!

Pushpa means the world to you both, but my world is you only!

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence-  [Subject (Pushpa)] + [Verb (means)] + [Direct Object (the world)] + [Prepositional Phrase (to you both)], [Conjunction (but)] + [Subject (my world)] + [Verb (is)] + [Object (you)] + [Adverb (only)].


  1. हम कुछ भी कर सकते हैं, क्योंकि हम अब इंसान नहीं, जानवर हैं!

Hum kuch bhi kar sakte hai, kyunki hum ab insaan nahi, beast hai!

We can do anything, because we’re no longer human, we’re beasts!

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: This sentence is in Simple Present tense.

Sentence Structure: Compound Sentence- [Subject (We)] + [Modal verb (can)] + [Verb (do)] + [Object (anything)], [Subordinating conjunction (because)] + [Subject (we)] + [Verb (are)] + [Adjective phrase (no longer human)], [Subject (We)] + [Verb (are)] + [Complement (beasts)].

Vocabulary: Beast- जानवर


  1. जो मैंने सोचा, वो हो के रहा। जो तू सोचता है, वो कभी नहीं होगा!

Jo maine socha, woh ho ke raha. Jo tu sochta hai, woh kabhi nahi hoga!

What I thought, certainly happened. What you think, will never happen!

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Past- What I thought, certainly happened

Simple Present- What you think

Simple Future-  will never happen!

Sentence Structure: [Relative pronoun (What)] + [Subject (I)] + [Verb (thought)] + [Adverb (certainly)] + [Verb (happened)]. [Relative pronoun (What)] + [Subject (you)] + [Verb (think)] + [Future auxiliary (will)] + [Adverb (never)] + [Verb (happen)]


  1. अगर मेरी बच्ची को खरोच भी आयी तो मैं सबको काट डालूंगा, रप्पा रप्पा रप्पा।

Agar meri bachi ko kharoch bhi aayi to main sabko kaat dalunga, rappa rappa rappa.

If my daughter gets even one scratch, I’ll cut everyone down, rappa rappa rappa!

What we learn:-

Sentence Tense: Simple Present- If my daughter gets even one scratch

Simple Future- I’ll cut everyone down

Sentence Structure: Complex Sentence-  [Conditional (If)] + [Subject (my daughter)] + [Verb (gets)] + [Direct Object (one scratch)], [Subject (I)] + [Auxiliary verb (will)] + [Main verb (cut)] + [Direct Object (everyone)] + [Adverb (down)]. 

Vocabulary: Scratch- खरोच



The dialogues from Pushpa: The Rise not only stand out for their power and intensity but also offer a unique way to learn English online through real-world, impactful expressions. These lines, when translated, allow non-native speakers to experience the raw emotion and cultural richness of the film while improving their spoken English. By breaking down these memorable dialogues, we hope to inspire you to embrace the beauty of learning English in a fun and engaging way. Also this blog has also helped you understand the sentence structure of your most favourite dialogues and you have learnt some interesting vocabulary. So, next time you watch Pushpa, try repeating these iconic lines to sharpen your spoken English and add some attitude to your language skills!

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