session with mentors
Philosophy is like a treasure hunt for understanding life’s big questions. It’s a way of thinking deeply about why things are the way they are and what it all means. Philosophers explore topics like existence, knowledge, and morality, using their minds like detectives to unlock the mysteries of the universe. It’s like asking, “Why are we here?” and “What is the meaning of it all?” Philosophy is an adventure for your thoughts, guiding you to ponder the very essence of our existence. Join us on this adventures and exciting journey where we will learn lot of phrases related to philosophy.
Philosophy: सोचने का खेल है, जिसमें हम जीवन के बड़े सवालों का सराहना करते हैं और सारे विश्व की रहस्यमयी बातों को समझने की कोशिश करते हैं।
Phrases related to Philosophy
- Phrase: Free Will
Hindi Meaning: बाह्य प्रभावों के बिना निर्णय लेने की क्षमता को “स्वतंत्रता” कहा जाता है।
English Meaning: The ability to make decisions independently of external influences.
Example: Despite challenges, individuals possess free will to shape their destinies.
- Phrase: Moral Duty
Hindi Meaning: नैतिक कर्तव्य का अनुपालन
English Meaning: A sense of obligation to act in accordance with ethical principles.
Example: Fulfilling one’s moral duty often involves making selfless choices for the greater good.
- Phrase: Eternal Truth
Hindi Meaning: सत्य जो कभी बदलता नहीं
English Meaning: A truth that remains valid and unchanged throughout time.
Example: Philosophers seek eternal truths that transcend cultural and temporal boundaries.
- Phrase: Inner Harmony
Hindi Meaning: व्यक्ति में आत्म-संतुलन और शांति की स्थिति को “आंतरिक शांति” कहा जाता है।
English Meaning: A state of balance and peace within oneself.
Example: Meditation helps in achieving inner harmony by calming the mind.
- Phrase: Temporal Flux
Hindi Meaning: समय की सदैव बदलती प्रकृति और इसके प्रभाव को “समय का चलन” कहा जा सकता है।
English Meaning: The ever-changing nature of time and its effects on existence.
Example: Philosophers ponder the implications of temporal flux on human experience.
- Phrase: Ethical Compass
Hindi Meaning: नैतिक निर्णय में मार्गदर्शन करने वाला सिद्धांत “नैतिक दिशा” कहलाता है।
English Meaning: A guiding principle that directs ethical decision-making.
Example: Your ethical compass should guide you in navigating moral dilemmas.
- Phrase: Cogitative Depth
Hindi Meaning: गहराईयों में बुद्धिमत्ता और विचारशीलता
English Meaning: Profound intellectual and thoughtful analysis.
Example: The philosopher’s work reflects cogitative depth, exploring complex ideas.
- Phrase: Ephemeral Beauty
Hindi Meaning: विनम्रता और क्षणिक सौंदर्य
English Meaning: Beauty that is transient and fleeting.
Example: Cherry blossoms symbolize the ephemeral beauty of nature.
- Phrase: Zen Presence
Hindi Meaning: वर्तमान क्षण में पूर्ण ध्यान
English Meaning: Being fully present and focused in the current moment.
Example: Achieving zen presence through mindfulness enhances life’s experiences.
- Phrase: Metaphysical Quest
Hindi Meaning: भौतिक सीमा से परे की तलाश
English Meaning: A philosophical exploration beyond the physical realm.
Example: The hero’s journey often represents a metaphysical quest for meaning.
- Phrase: Existential Dread
Hindi Meaning: अस्तित्व का डर
English Meaning: The profound anxiety associated with the awareness of one’s existence.
Example: Confronting existential dread can lead to a deeper understanding of life’s meaning.
- Phrase: Infinite Possibilities
Hindi Meaning: अनगिनत संभावनाएं
English Meaning: The limitless potential outcomes or choices in any situation.
Example: Embracing uncertainty opens the door to infinite possibilities and growth.
- Phrase: Cultural Relativism
Hindi Meaning: सांस्कृतिक दृष्टि
English Meaning: The view that cultural norms and values are relative and vary across societies.
Example: Cultural relativism challenges ethnocentrism, urging an open-minded understanding of diverse practices.
- Phrase: Philosophical Inquiry
Hindi Meaning: दार्शनिक अन्वेषण से सांसारिक ज्ञान हासिल करने की प्रक्रिया है।
English Meaning: The systematic exploration and examination of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, and values.
Example: Philosophical inquiry seeks to unravel the mysteries of human existence through critical thinking.
- Phrase: Eudaimonic Well-being
Hindi Meaning: व्यक्तिगत विकास और अपनी संभावनाओं को पूरा करने से उत्कृष्ट और उद्दीपनपूर्ण सुख को “अथाह संतोष” कहा जाता है।
English Meaning: A deeper, purposeful happiness derived from personal growth and fulfilling one’s potential.
Example: Eudaimonic well-being emphasizes the importance of leading a meaningful and purposeful life.
- Phrase: Solipsistic Perspective
Hindi Meaning: एकमात्रात्मक दृष्टिकोण
English Meaning: The belief that only one’s own mind and experiences are certain to exist.
Example: A solipsistic perspective challenges the notion of an external, objective reality.
- Phrase: Epistemological Doubt
Hindi Meaning: ज्ञान में संदेह
English Meaning: Doubt and skepticism about the nature, origin, and limits of knowledge.
Example: Descartes’ epistemological doubt led him to question the certainty of his own beliefs.
- Phrase: Aesthetic Sublime
Hindi Meaning: सामान्य सौंदर्य से परे जाने वाली आश्चर्यजनक सुंदरता
English Meaning: The overwhelming, awe-inspiring beauty that transcends ordinary aesthetics.
Example: The Grand Canyon evokes the aesthetic sublime with its breathtaking and majestic scenery.
- Phrase: Cosmic Unity
Hindi Meaning: सभी तत्वों के बीच के अखंडता और जड़न
English Meaning: The interconnectedness and oneness of all elements in the universe.
Example: Eastern philosophies often emphasize cosmic unity, viewing everything as interconnected.
- Phrase: Ontological Mystery
Hindi Meaning: भौतिकता का रहस्य
English Meaning: The perplexing and fundamental questions about the nature of being and existence.
Example: The ontological mystery compels philosophers to ponder the essence of reality.
- Phrase: Logical Paradox
Hindi Meaning: एक स्थिति जो logic से समझाने में मुश्किल और अव्यवस्थित लगती है
English Meaning: A situation that appears confusing and inconsistent when analyzed logically.
Example: The barber paradox is a classic example of a logical paradox in mathematics.
- Phrase: Panentheistic View
Hindi Meaning: ईश्वर को सभी में और सभी को ईश्वर की अंश मानने की धारणा
English Meaning: A perspective that sees God as both transcendent and immanent in all things.
Example: Panentheism suggests a divine presence within and beyond the universe.
- Phrase: Socratic Dialogue
Hindi Meaning: जिज्ञासा और विचारशीलता के माध्यम से ज्ञान की खोज
English Meaning: A method of philosophical inquiry through questioning and critical thinking, as exemplified by Socrates.
Example: Plato’s writings often feature Socratic dialogues exploring profound philosophical concepts.
- Phrase: Ethical Dilemma
Hindi Meaning: जब किसी को नैतिक निर्णय लेने में कठिनाई हो
English Meaning: A situation where one faces difficulty in making a moral decision.
Example: The trolley problem presents an ethical dilemma about choosing between two morally conflicting actions.
- Phrase: Zen Koan
Hindi Meaning: एक उदाहरण या प्रश्न जिसका उत्तर सीधे तरीके से नहीं दिया जा सकता
English Meaning: A paradoxical statement or question used in Zen Buddhism to provoke contemplation.
Example: “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” is a classic Zen koan.
- Phrase: Ontological Inquiry
Hindi Meaning: अस्तित्व और यौगिकता के बारे में जानकारी हासिल करने की तकनीक
English Meaning: The process of seeking information about the nature of being and existence.
Example: The philosopher engaged in ontological inquiry to understand the essence of reality.
- Phrase: Socratic Irony
Hindi Meaning: जिज्ञासा के माध्यम से अपने बचावाद को छुपाने की तकनीक
English Meaning: A rhetorical technique where one pretends ignorance to expose flaws in an opponent’s argument.
Example: Socratic irony is often employed in debates to unveil contradictions in opposing viewpoints.
- Phrase: Metaphysical Speculation
Hindi Meaning: भौतिक सत्य के पार विचारों की खोज
English Meaning: Exploring ideas beyond the physical realm and conventional understanding.
Example: Metaphysical speculation delves into the nature of reality beyond what can be observed.
- Phrase: Existential Angst
Hindi Meaning: अपने अस्तित्व की अनिश्चितता से उत्पन्न चिंता या भय
English Meaning: Anxiety or fear arising from the uncertainty of one’s existence.
Example: The existential angst may lead individuals to question the meaning and purpose of life.
- Phrase: Teleological Purpose
Hindi Meaning: किसी प्रक्रिया या पूर्वानुमान का उद्देश्य
English Meaning: The idea that processes or events have a purpose or goal.
Example: The teleological purpose of evolution is often debated in the context of natural selection.
- Phrase: Aesthetic Harmony
Hindi Meaning: आपूर्ति, रंग, और संरचना की मेलजोल का सुंदर समन्वय
English Meaning: The beautiful coordination of elements like proportion, color, and structure.
Example: The architectural design achieves aesthetic harmony through a perfect blend of form and function.
- Phrase: Dialectical Synthesis
Hindi Meaning: दो विरोधी पक्षों से एक समझौता करना
English Meaning: Reaching a compromise or synthesis through the clash of opposing ideas.
Example: Hegel’s dialectical synthesis is crucial for societal progress.
- Phrase: Epistemic Humility
Hindi Meaning: अपनी जानकारी की सीमाओं की स्वीकृति करना
English Meaning: Acknowledging the limitations of one’s knowledge with modesty.
Example: True wisdom lies in maintaining epistemic humility despite expertise.
- Phrase: Pantheistic View
Hindi Meaning: ईश्वर को सभी में देखने की धारणा
English Meaning: Seeing the divine in everything; a belief that God is immanent in all things.
Example: The pantheistic view connects spirituality with the natural world.
- Phrase: Nominalistic Concept
Hindi Meaning: अस्तित्व को केवल नाम की भ्रांति मानने का सिद्धांत
English Meaning: The theory that only names and not universal entities have real existence.
Example: William of Ockham’s nominalistic concept influenced modern philosophy.
- Phrase: Hedonistic Pursuit
Hindi Meaning: आत्म-तृप्ति के लिए self-satisfaction की खोज
English Meaning: Seeking pleasure and enjoyment for self-satisfaction.
Example: Hedonistic pursuit often prioritizes personal pleasure over other values.
- Phrase: Teleological Argument
Hindi Meaning: ईश्वर के अस्तित्व को उदाहरणों और योजना से सिद्ध करने का तर्क
English Meaning: Arguing for the existence of God based on examples of purpose and design in nature.
Example: The teleological argument suggests that the complexity of the universe implies a purposeful creator.
- Phrase: Nihilistic Worldview
Hindi Meaning: सर्वनाशवादी दृष्टिकोण जो सब कुछ मूल्यहीन मानता है
English Meaning: A perspective that considers everything as meaningless and devoid of inherent value.
Example: The character of Ivan Karamazov in Dostoevsky’s novel expresses a nihilistic worldview.
- Phrase: Objective Morality
Hindi Meaning: मूल्यों और नैतिकता में सामान्य और स्थायी मानक
English Meaning: The belief in universal and permanent standards of values and morality.
Example: Objective morality suggests that certain actions are inherently right or wrong.
- Phrase: Cosmic Harmony
Hindi Meaning: सभी तत्वों और शक्तियों के मध्य में शांतिपूर्ण समन्वय
English Meaning: The peaceful coexistence and balance among all elements and forces in the cosmos.
Example: Eastern philosophies often emphasize the pursuit of cosmic harmony.
- Phrase: Empirical Observation
Hindi Meaning: तथ्यों और प्रमाणों के आधार पर अवलोकन करना
English Meaning: Gathering information through direct observation and concrete evidence.
Example: Scientific experiments rely on empirical observation to draw conclusions.
- Phrase: Aesthetic Subjectivity
Hindi Meaning: सौंदर्य का मूल्यांकन व्यक्तिगत भावनाओं पर आधारित
English Meaning: The assessment of beauty based on personal feelings and emotions.
Example: Aesthetic subjectivity influences individual preferences in art and design.
- Phrase: Ethical Relativism
Hindi Meaning: नैतिकता को समाज, सांस्कृतिक या व्यक्तिगत परिस्थितियों के साथ सम्बोधित करने का सिद्धांत
English Meaning: The theory that ethical principles are culturally or individually determined.
Example: Ethical relativism acknowledges diverse moral standards across societies.
- Phrase: Cosmic Evolution
Hindi Meaning: समय के साथ ब्रह्मांड के बदलते और बढ़ते रूप का अध्ययन
English Meaning: Studying the changing and evolving forms of the universe over time.
Example: The concept of cosmic evolution explores the development of celestial bodies.
- Phrase: Moral Absolutism
Hindi Meaning: मूल्यों और नैतिक निर्णयों की अनंतता मानने का सिद्धांत
English Meaning: The belief in the universality and permanence of moral values and decisions.
Example: Moral absolutism asserts certain actions as inherently right or wrong.
- Phrase: Moral Conundrum
Hindi Meaning: जिज्ञासा और विचारशीलता से उत्पन्न नैतिक जटिलता
English Meaning: A moral dilemma created by conflicting principles or values.
Example: Deciding between truth and loyalty can present a moral conundrum.
- Phrase: Cosmic Pessimism
Hindi Meaning: ब्रह्मांड की अनिश्चितता और अस्तित्व में नकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण
English Meaning: A negative perspective on the uncertainty and existence of the universe.
Example: Cosmic pessimism questions the meaning in an indifferent cosmos.
- Phrase: Philosophical Skepticism
Hindi Meaning: ज्ञान और सत्य के प्रति अनिश्चितता का सिद्धांत
English Meaning: The belief in uncertainty and doubt regarding knowledge and truth.
Example: Philosophical skepticism challenges the certainty of human understanding.
- Phrase: Socratic Method
Hindi Meaning: जिज्ञासा के माध्यम से विचारों को बढ़ावा देने का तरीका
English Meaning: A form of cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking.
Example: The Socratic method encourages students to explore ideas through questioning.
- Phrase: Utilitarian Ethics
Hindi Meaning: क्रियाओं के परिणामों के आधार पर नैतिकता का मूल्यांकन
English Meaning: Assessing morality based on the consequences of actions for the greatest good.
Example: Utilitarian ethics prioritize actions that maximize overall happiness.
- Phrase: Intrinsic Value
Hindi Meaning: किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का स्वाभाविक मूल्य
English Meaning: The inherent worth or value of something or someone.
Example: Intrinsic value emphasizes the inherent goodness of actions.
- Phrase: Cognitive Dissonance
Hindi Meaning: दो विरोधी विचारों या धारणाओं के बीच की असहमति
English Meaning: The mental discomfort caused by holding conflicting beliefs or attitudes.
Example: Resolving cognitive dissonance often requires a shift in perspective.
- Phrase: Ontological Paradox
Hindi Meaning: अस्तित्व की स्वाभाविकता पर संदेह करने वाली परिस्थिति
English Meaning: A situation that raises doubt about the nature of existence itself.
Example: The concept of time travel often involves ontological paradoxes.
- Phrase: Aesthetic Embrace
Hindi Meaning: सौंदर्य को खुले मन से स्वीकृत करने की भावना
English Meaning: The appreciation and acceptance of beauty with an open heart.
Example: Cultivating an aesthetic embrace enhances one’s artistic experiences.
- Phrase: Philosophical Dualism
Hindi Meaning: मानव अस्तित्व को शारीरिक और मानसिक दो अलग-अलग तत्वों में divide करने वाला सिद्धांत
English Meaning: The belief that the human existence can be divided into distinct physical and mental elements.
Example: Cartesian dualism posits a separation between mind and body.
- Phrase: Existential Authenticity
Hindi Meaning: अपने अस्तित्व को सही और सच्चे रूप से जीने की भावना
English Meaning: Living in a way that aligns with one’s true and genuine self.
Example: Existential authenticity involves embracing individuality and personal values.
- Phrase: Socratic Wisdom
Hindi Meaning: अपनी अज्ञानता को मानकर बुद्धिमत्ता को प्राप्त होना
English Meaning: The wisdom that comes from acknowledging one’s own ignorance.
Example: Socratic wisdom is rooted in the humility of recognizing what one doesn’t know.
- Phrase: Teleological Ethics
Hindi Meaning: क्रियाओं के उद्देश्य या परिणामों पर आधारित नैतिक सिद्धांत
English Meaning: Moral theories that emphasize the importance of actions’ goals or consequences.
Example: Utilitarianism is a form of teleological ethics.
- Phrase: Philosophical Optimism
Hindi Meaning: जीवन और ब्रह्मांड को सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण से देखने का सिद्धांत
English Meaning: A perspective that views life and the universe with a positive outlook.
Example: Leibniz’s philosophical optimism asserts the idea of the “best possible world.”
- Phrase: Moral Dilemma
Hindi Meaning: एक स्थिति जिसमें दोनों नैतिक निर्णयों में विरोध हो
English Meaning: A situation where conflicting moral decisions must be made.
Example: The trolley problem presents a classic moral dilemma.
In conclusion, philosophy is our compass in navigating life’s complexities. It encourages us to know the why and how of existence, morality, and the universe. Through simple yet meaningful philosophy phrases, understand the deep meaning and the use of philosophy related phrases in our daily life. Like reading the blog? Join our more interesting way of teaching Spoken English courses now and learn spoken English easily.
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