Phrasal verbs are one of the most fascinating yet challenging aspects of the English language. They consist of a verb paired with one or more particles, typically prepositions or adverbs, which together create a meaning that can be entirely different from the original verb. Among the many verbs that form the basis of phrasal verbs, the verb “make” is particularly versatile. When combined with various particles, “make” can express a wide range of ideas, actions, and emotions. Understanding these phrasal verbs is essential for anyone looking to enhance their English fluency and communicate more naturally.
The verb “make” on its own simply means to create or produce something. However, when you add a particle, the meaning can change in surprising ways like make up, make over, make out, etc. As you can see, each combination of “make” with a different particle results in a unique meaning, sometimes unrelated to the original verb. This can make phrasal verbs confusing for learners, especially when you encounter them in written or spoken English without any context. However, with practice and the right approach, you can master these expressions and use them confidently in your everyday conversations. In this blog, we will learn some phrasal verbs with ‘make’ and their meanings explained in simple Hindi with some examples.
20+ Phrasal Verbs With ‘Make’ and Their Meanings and Examples.
If you are searching for some phrasal verbs for ‘make’, then you have landed on the right blog. Here you will find a list of phrasal verbs with ‘make’ and their meanings and examples.
Make up
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Invent or create a story or excuse.
Hindi Meaning: कोई कहानी या बहाना ईजाद करना या बनाना।
Example: She made up a story about why she was late.
उसने एक कहानी बनाई कि उसे देर क्यों हुई।
Make out
Phrasal Verb Meaning: To see or hear something with difficulty.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ को कठिनाई से देखना या सुनना।
Example: I could barely make out the letters on the sign.
मैं मुश्किल से sign पर लिखे अक्षरों को पहचान सका।
Make off
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Escape quickly with something.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ लेकर जल्दी से भाग जाना।
Example: The thief made off with a bag of cash.
चोर नकदी से भरा बैग लेकर फरार हो गया।
Make for
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Move towards a place.
Hindi Meaning: एक स्थान की ओर बढ़ना।
Example: We made for the exit as soon as the fire alarm rang.
Fire alarm बजते ही हम बाहर निकल गए।
Make over
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Change or improve someone’s appearance or style.
Hindi Meaning: किसी का रूप या style बदलना या सुधारना।
Example: She had a complete makeover for the wedding.
शादी के लिए उसने पूरा makeover किया था।
Make with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Provide or deliver something.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ प्रदान करना या बांटना।
Example: Come on, make with the details of your plan.
आइए, अपनी योजना की detail सबको बताएं।
Make up for
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Compensate for a mistake or shortfall.
Hindi Meaning: किसी गलती या कमी की भरपाई करना।
Example: He bought her flowers to make up for missing her birthday.
उसने उसके जन्मदिन की भरपाई के लिए उसके लिए फूल खरीदे।
Make do with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Manage with what is available.
Hindi Meaning: जो उपलब्ध है उसी से काम चलाना।
Example: We had to make do with the old equipment since the new one hadn’t arrived.
चूँकि नया नहीं आया था इसलिए हमें पुराने equipment से ही काम चलाना पड़ा।
Make it up to
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Compensate someone for something you’ve done wrong.
Hindi Meaning: आपने जो कुछ गलत किया है उसके लिए किसी को मुआवजा देना।
Example: I’ll make it up to you by taking you out for dinner.
मैं तुम्हें रात के खाने के लिए बाहर ले जाकर इसकी भरपाई कर दूँगा।
Make away with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Steal or take something away.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ चुराना या ले जाना।
Example: The burglars made away with all the jewellery.
चोर सारे गहने लूट ले गए।
Make after
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Pursue or chase someone.
Hindi Meaning: किसी का पीछा करना ।
Example: The police made after the suspect through the crowded streets.
पुलिस ने भीड़ भरी सड़कों पर संदिग्ध का पीछा किया।
Make of
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Form an opinion or understanding of something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी बात पर राय या समझ बनाना।
Example: What do you make of his strange behaviour?
उसके अजीब व्यवहार से आप क्या समझते हैं?
Make out of
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Construct or form something from materials.
Hindi Meaning: सामग्री से कुछ बनाना।
Example: The sculpture is made out of recycled metal.
यह मूर्ति recycle की हुई धातु से बनाई गई है।
Make through
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Successfully reach or survive a challenging situation.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चुनौतीपूर्ण स्थिति तक सफलतापूर्वक पहुँचना या जीवित रहना।
Example: They made it through the storm safely.
वे तूफान से सुरक्षित निकल गये।
Make up to
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Try to be friendly with someone to gain favour or apologize.
Hindi Meaning: किसी से फायदा लेने के लिए या माफी मांगने के लिए उसके साथ दोस्ती भरा व्यव्हार रखने का प्रयास करना।
Example: She tried to make up to her boss after the mistake.
गलती के बाद उसने अपने boss से माफ़ी मांगने की कोशिश की।
Make by
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Achieve or accomplish something through effort.
Hindi Meaning: प्रयास से कुछ हासिल करना या पूरा करना।
Example: He made his fortune by investing in real estate.
उसने real estate में निवेश करके अपना भाग्य बनाया।
Make from
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Be created or derived from particular materials.
Hindi Meaning: खास सामग्रियों से निर्मित या बना हुआ।
Example: The shirt is made from organic cotton.
शर्ट organic सूती से बनी है।
Make over to
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Transfer ownership or control to someone.
Hindi Meaning: किसी को मालिकाना हक़ या काबू देना।
Example: She made over the property to her children in her will.
उसने अपनी वसीयत में संपत्ति अपने बच्चों को सौंप दी।
Make across
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Move from one side of something to another.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ का एक तरफ से दूसरी तरफ जाना।
Example: We had to make it across the river using a small boat.
हमें एक छोटी नाव का इस्तेमाल करके नदी पार करनी पड़ी।
Make upon
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Come upon or discover something.
Hindi Meaning: कुछ मिल जाना या कुछ ढूंढना।
Example: I made upon an old letter while cleaning the attic.
बक्से की सफ़ाई करते समय मुझे एक पुराना पत्र मिला।
Make about
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Create or produce something regarding a particular subject.
Hindi Meaning: किसी ख़ास विषय के संबंध में कुछ बनाना या पैदा करना।
Example: The film is made about the lives of early pioneers.
यह फिल्म शुरुआती अग्रदूतों (pioneers) के जीवन के बारे में बनाई गई है।
Make around
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Move around or circulate in a space.
Hindi Meaning: किसी जगह पर घूमना।
Example: He made around the office, greeting everyone he met.
वह office के चारों ओर घूमे और उनसे मिलने वाले सभी लोगों का अभिवादन किया।
Make away
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Leave quickly, often to escape or avoid something.
Hindi Meaning: अक्सर भागने या किसी चीज़ से बचने के लिए जल्दी से निकल जाना।
Example: They made away from the scene before the police arrived.
पुलिस के पहुंचने से पहले ही वे लोग मौके से भाग गये।
Make toward
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Move in the direction of or contribute to something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ की दिशा में आगे बढ़ना या उसमें योगदान देना।
Example: The funds will be made toward building the new library.
नई library को बनाने के लिए धनराशि का प्रावधान किया जाएगा।
Make under
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Give a minimal or modest makeover.
Hindi Meaning: न्यूनतम और मामूली बदलाव करना।
Example: The house was made under a simple renovation plan.
यह घर एक साधारण renovation plan के तहत बनाया गया था।
Make to
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Begin to move or act towards something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ की ओर बढ़ना या काम करना शुरू करना।
Example: She made to leave the party early but was stopped by friends.
वह party से जल्दी निकलने को हुई लेकिन दोस्तों ने उसे रोक लिया।
Make past
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Successfully go beyond something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ से सफलतापूर्वक आगे बढ़ना।
Example: We made it past the checkpoint without any issues.
हम बिना किसी समस्या के चौकी से आगे निकल गए।
Make back
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Return to a place or situation where one was previously.
Hindi Meaning: उस स्थान या स्थिति पर वापस लौटना जहां वह पहले था।
Example: We made it back to the campsite just before dark.
अंधेरा होने से ठीक पहले हम camp पर वापस आ गए।
Make out on
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Manage to live or survive on a certain amount of something.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ की एक निश्चित मात्रा पर जीवन यापन करने का इंतज़ाम करना।
Example: He’s struggling to make out on his limited salary.
वह अपने सीमित वेतन से बाहर निकलने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहा है।
Make through with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Complete or finish something, especially a task or responsibility.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ को पूरा करना या ख़त्म करना, खासकर कोई काम या ज़िम्मेदारी।
Example: She finally made it through with all her assignments.
आख़िरकार उसने अपने सभी काम पूरे कर लिए।
Make through to
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Successfully reach or contact someone or something, often by phone or communication.
Hindi Meaning: अक्सर फ़ोन या बातचीत द्वारा किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ तक सफलतापूर्वक पहुँचना या संपर्क करना।
Example: I managed to make it through to customer service after several attempts.
कई प्रयासों के बाद मैं ग्राहक सेवा तक पहुंचने में कामयाब रहा।
Make over for
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Compensate or provide something in exchange for something else.
Hindi Meaning: किसी अन्य चीज़ के बदले में कुछ मुआवज़ा देना या कुछ और देना।
Example: The company made over for the inconvenience caused by the delay.
Company ने देरी की वजह से हुई असुविधा की भरपाई की।
Make into
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Transform or convert something into something else.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ को किसी और चीज़ में बदलना।
Example: They made the old barn into a cosy guesthouse.
उन्होंने पुराने खलिहान को एक आरामदायक guesthouse में बदल दिया।
Make through for
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Successfully reach a target or goal in a given situation.
Hindi Meaning: किसी भी परिस्थिति में किसी लक्ष्य तक सफलतापूर्वक पहुँचना।
Example: The team made it through for the championship despite many challenges.
कई चुनौतियों के बावजूद team ने championship में जगह बनाई।
Make along with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Progress or move forward with someone or something in a cooperative way.
Hindi Meaning: किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ के साथ मिलकर प्रगति करना या आगे बढ़ना।
Example: It’s important to make along with your colleagues to meet the deadline.
समय सीमा को पूरा करने के लिए अपने सहकर्मियों के साथ मिलकर काम करना ज़रूरी है।
Make over into
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Transform or convert something into a different form or function.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ को किसी दूसरे रूप या काम में बदलना।
Example: They made the old warehouse over into a trendy loft apartment.
उन्होंने पुराने गोदाम को एक नए apartment में बदल दिया।
Make back to
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Return to a previous place or position.
Hindi Meaning: पिछले स्थान या स्थिति पर लौटना।
Example: After the hike, we made it back to the starting point just before sunset.
Hiking के बाद, हम सूर्यास्त से ठीक पहले शुरुआती point पर वापस आ गए।
Make out for
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Manage or succeed in achieving something despite difficulties.
Hindi Meaning: कठिनाइयों के बावजूद कुछ हासिल करने में सफल होना।
Example: He made out for a promotion despite the tough competition.
कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा (competition) के बावजूद उन्होंने promotion हासिल किया।
Make over in
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Renovate or remodel something, usually in a specific style or manner.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ को नया करना या उसे दोबारा बनाना, आमतौर पर एक खास style या तरीके से।
Example: The living room was made over in a modern style with new furniture.
Living room को नए furniture के साथ नए तरीके में बनाया गया था।
Make it with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Achieve success or establish a good relationship, often in a career or personal context.
Hindi Meaning: अक्सर career या व्यक्तिगत संदर्भ में कामयाबी हासिल करना या अच्छे संबंध स्थापित करना।
Example: She made it with her new startup company in just a year.
उसने ये कामयाबी अपनी नई startup company के साथ सिर्फ एक साल में पाई।
Make down with
Phrasal Verb Meaning: Reduce or lower something, especially in terms of price or value.
Hindi Meaning: किसी चीज़ को कम करना, खासकर कीमत या मूल्य के संदर्भ में।
Example: The store made down with the price of the electronics for the sale.
दुकान ने बिक्री के लिए electronics की कीमत कम कर दी।
We have broken down each phrasal verb, explaining its meaning in simple English and providing clear examples to illustrate how it’s used in context. We hope this blog has given you a better understanding of phrasal verbs with ‘make’ and now you feel more confident about using them in your English conversations effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, this guide will help you understand and remember these phrasal verbs more easily. Also these phrasal verbs can be used frequently in your daily English conversations which will help you polish your spoken English skills.
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