What to Use Instead of ‘Because’ in a Sentence

The most commonly used word while stating any cause or reason in English is because. Every time we want to state a reason or explanation for something, we use ‘because to complete our statement. Does it ever happen that you think of what to use instead of ‘because’ in a sentence? The use of ‘because’ is the most traditional form of English, however, advanced English has many alternative words to use instead of ‘because’ in a sentence. In this blog, we will be sharing with you 40+ words to use instead of ‘because’ in a sentence. Some examples are also given along with the sentence to help you understand how to use these words instead of ‘because’ in a sentence



Use: Indicates a reason or cause.

Example: Vikas couldn’t attend the party since he was feeling unwell.

                    विकास party में शामिल नहीं हो सका क्योंकि उसकी तबियत ठीक नहीं थी।



Use: Expresses a reason or explanation.

Example: Shalini couldn’t sleep well as her neighbours were having a party.

                  शालिनी को ठीक से नींद नहीं आ रही थी क्योंकि उसके पड़ोसियों की party चल रही थी।


Due to 

Use: Indicates the cause or reason for something.

Example: The match was cancelled due to bad weather.

                     Match खराब मौसम की वजह से रद्द कर दिया गया था।


Owing to 

Use: Expresses the reason or cause.

Example: The delay in delivery was owing to a logistical issue.

                 Delivery में देरी एक logistic समस्या की वजह से हुई थी।


Thanks to 

Use: Acknowledges someone or something as the cause.

Example: Thanks to her hard work, the project was a success.

                   उनकी कड़ी मेहनत की बदौलत यह project सफल रहा।


Given that 

Use: Introduces a reason or condition.

Example: Given that it’s a public holiday, the stores will be closed.

                   यह देखते हुए कि यह सार्वजनिक अवकाश है, stores बंद रहेंगे।


In light of 

Use: Considers a circumstance or information when explaining.

Example: In light of recent events, we have decided to increase security measures.

                 हाल की घटनाओं के आधार पर, हमने सुरक्षा को बढ़ाने का फैसला लिया है।


On account of 

Use: Indicates a reason or cause.

Example: The meeting was rescheduled on account of the CEO’s absence.

                 CEO के मौजूद न होने की वजह से meeting को reschedule किया गया था।


Seeing that 

Use: Indicates a reason or cause.

Example: Seeing that it’s getting late, we should wrap up the discussion.

                 यह देखते हुए कि देर हो रही है, हमें चर्चा ख़त्म करनी चाहिए।


In view of 

Use: Considering or taking into account a certain aspect.

Example: In view of the current situation, we have decided to implement stricter regulations. 

                 मौजूदा स्थिति को देखते हुए हमने कड़े नियम लागू करने का फैसला किया है। 


For the reason that 

Use: Explains the motive or cause.

Example: Harshit left early for the reason that he had a prior commitment.

                 हर्षित जल्दी निकल गया क्योंकि उसकी पहले से कोई commitment थी।


As a result of 

Use: Indicates the consequence or outcome.

Example: As a result of the heavy rain, the road was flooded.

                 बारिश तेज़ होने की वजह से सड़क पर पानी भर गया।


In consequence 

Use: Expresses the result or effect of something.

Example: The budget cuts have led, in consequence, to staff reductions.

                 Budget में कटौती करने की वजह से staff की कटौती हुई है।


For the sake of 

Use: Indicates the purpose or benefit.

Example: We are implementing new safety measures for the sake of our employees’ well-being.

                  हम अपने employees की भलाई के लिए नए सुरक्षा उपायों को लागू कर रहे हैं।


In order to 

Use: Expresses the purpose or intention.

Example: Hemant arrived early in order to secure a good seat.

                 हेमंत अच्छी seat पाने के लिए जल्दी पहुंचे।


So that 

Use: Indicates the purpose or goal.

Example: Shefali studied diligently so that she could pass the exam.

                शेफाली ने लगन से पढ़ाई की ताकि वह परीक्षा pass कर सके।


With the aim of 

Use: Expresses the objective or intention.

Example: The new campaign was launched with the aim of raising awareness.

                 जागरूकता बढ़ाने के उद्देश्य से नया campaign शुरू किया गया था।


In an effort to 

Use: Indicates the attempt or endeavour. 

Example: The company introduced flexible working hours in an effort to improve work-life balance.

                 Company ने work-life balance को बेहतर बनाने की कोशिश में lexible working hours की शुरुआत की।


In order that 

Use: Expresses the purpose or objective.

Example: The new policy was implemented in order that all employees receive fair treatment.

                 नई policy को लागू किया गया था ताकि सभी employees को उचित व्यवहार मिले।


With a view to 

Use: Indicates the intended result or purpose.

Example: The company made strategic investments with a view to expanding globally.

                 Company ने दुनिया भर में विस्तार करने की सोच से strategic investments किए।


To the end that 

Use: Expresses the intended result or purpose.

Example: The new software was implemented to the end that productivity would increase.

                 Productivity बढ़ाने के लिए नया software लागू किया गया था।


In the interest of 

Use: Indicates the benefit or advantage.

Example: The policy was changed in the interest of customer satisfaction.

                  ग्राहकों की संतुष्टि के हित में policy में बदलाव किया गया था।


With the intention of 

Use: Expresses the purpose or plan.

Example: Shivani enrolled in a language course with the intention of improving her communication skills.

                    शिवानी ने अपने communication skills में सुधार के इरादे से एक language course में admission लिया।


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With the goal of 

Use: Indicates the aim or objective.

Example: The team conducted research with the goal of developing innovative solutions.

                   Team ने innovative solutions develop करने के लक्ष्य से research की।


With the purpose of 

Use: Expresses the intended use or objective. 

Example: The meeting was organized for the purpose of discussing the new project.

                  Meeting का आयोजन नए project पर चर्चा के purpose से किया गया था।


By reason of 

Use: Indicates the cause or basis.

Example: By reason of his experience, he was chosen for the leadership position.

                 उनके अनुभव के आधार पर उन्हें leader की position के लिए चुना गया था।


In consideration of 

Use: Takes into account or acknowledges.

Example: The discount was offered in consideration of their loyal patronage.

                  उनके वफादार patronage को ध्यान में रखते हुए discount offer किया  गया था।


On the grounds that 

Use: States the reasons or justifications.

Example: The request for leave was denied on the grounds that it was short notice.

                  छुट्टी की request को इस आधार पर अस्वीकार कर दिया गया था कि यह short notice था।


In response to 

Use: Indicates a reaction or reply to something.

Example: The company issued a statement in response to the allegations.

                   Company ने आरोपों के जवाब में एक बयान जारी किया।


In light of the fact that 

Use: Considers a specific fact or information.

Example: In light of the fact that prices have increased, we need to adjust our budget.

                   बढ़ती हुई कीमतों को देखते हुए हमें अपने budget को adjust करने की ज़रूरत है।


For the purpose of 

Use: Expresses the intended use or objective.

Example: The meeting was organized for the purpose of discussing the new project.

                   Meeting का आयोजन नए project पर चर्चा के उद्देश्य से किया गया था।


In order for 

Use: Expresses the necessary condition or requirement.

Example: We need to submit the application in order for it to be processed.

                 इसे process करने के लिए हमें application जमा करने की ज़रूरत है।


In line with 

Use: Aligns with or follows a certain standard or guideline.

Example: The decision was made in line with company policy.

                 फैसला company policy के आधार पर किया गया था।


In accordance with 

Use: Complies with or follows a specific rule or regulation.

Example: The refund was issued in accordance with our return policy.

                 Refund हमारी return policy के हिसाब से जारी किया गया था।


Under the circumstances that 

Use: Takes into account the existing conditions or situation.

Example: Under the circumstances that the venue was unavailable, we had to find an alternative location.

                   ऐसी परिस्थितियों में जब venue available नहीं था, हमें एक alternative location ढूंढ़नी पड़ी।


With respect to 

Use: Concerning or regarding a particular aspect.

Example: With respect to your request, we will provide a detailed response.

                 आपकी request के संबंध में, हम एक detailed response प्रदान करेंगे।


In the event that 

Use: Indicates a possible future condition or situation.

Example: In the event that the flight is delayed, we will provide accommodation.

                  उड़ान में देरी होने की स्थिति में, हम accommodation प्रदान करेंगे।


On the occasion that 

Use: Refers to a specific event or instance.

Example: On the occasion that we have guests, we prepare a special meal.

                   इस अवसर पर जब हमसे मिलने मेहमान आये होते हैं, हम एक ख़ास तरह का खाना तैयार करते हैं।


As a consequence of 

Use: Indicates the outcome or result.

Example: As a consequence of his actions, he was suspended from the team.

                    उनके कामों की वजह से, उन्हें team से suspend कर दिया गया था।


In light of the circumstances 

Use: Considers the given situation or conditions.

Example: In light of the circumstances, we have decided to postpone the event.

                 परिस्थितियों को देखते हुए हमने event को postpone करने का फैसला लिया है।


In the case that 

Use: Refers to a specific situation or condition.

Example: In the case that you need assistance, please contact our customer support.

                    अगर आपको मदद की ज़रूरत है, तो कृपया हमारे customer support से संपर्क करें।


With regard to

Use: Concerning or in relation to a particular matter.

Example: With regard to your complaint, we are conducting a thorough investigation.

                  आपकी शिकायत के संबंध में, हम thorough investigation कर रहे हैं।


Under the condition that 

Use: Specifies a particular condition or requirement.

Example: The discount is applicable under the condition that you present the coupon.

                   छूट इस शर्त पर लागू होती है कि आप coupon दिखाते हैं।


In the face of 

Use: When confronted with a challenging situation or obstacle.

Example: In the face of adversity, they remained resilient.

                  विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी वे डटे रहे।


Taking into consideration 

Use: Acknowledges and considers relevant factors

Example: Taking into consideration your experience, we have decided to offer you the position.

                 आपके अनुभव को ध्यान में रखते हुए, हमने आपको position offer करने का फैसला लिया है।


In consideration for 

Use: Acknowledges and reciprocates a favour or gesture.

Example: In consideration of your help, I would like to offer you a small gift.

                 आपकी मदद के लिए, मैं आपको एक छोटा सा तोहफा देना चाहता हूं।


By virtue of 

Use: Attributes a result or advantage to a specific factor.

Example: By virtue of his hard work, he received a promotion.

                 अपनी मेहनत के दम पर उन्हें promotion मिला।


In response to the fact that 

Use: Reacts or replies to a specific circumstance or situation.

Example: In response to the fact that sales have been declining, we are launching a new marketing campaign.

                 बिक्री कम होने की वजह से हम एक नया marketing campaign शुरू कर रहे हैं।



We hope these 40+ words to use instead of ‘because’ in a sentence will help you in learning advanced English faster and become a fluent English speaker. These words to use instead of because will make you sound like a professional speaker. You can use these words instead of ‘because’ in your daily conversation as well as professional conversation also. This blog is the best way to learn and practice English online, and if you are willing to learn English online, you can join Awal sir’s spoken English course where you will be able to learn English from basic to the most advanced level in a very short span of time. 

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