Besides being beautiful creatures, birds play an important role in our ecosystem. Birds are an important sight for nature lovers as well as photographers. Even for common people, birds give a sense of liveliness, freedom and natural vibes and their flight is a beautiful sight to watch. In this blog, we will explore some bird vocabulary that will help you know more about them. Here we have shared some common bird lists with their both English and Hindi names, and these will help you become fluent in spoken English.
List of Common Birds in English and Hindi
Below is a list of some common birds with their Hindi names and a short description that will help you recognize and understand them better.
In Hindi: कौवा
This black coloured bird with high pitch is considered as most intelligent and social, and it is easily recognizable by its voice. His loud tone and voice make it a very recognizable bird and its intelligence and problem solving capacity makes it different from others. This bird feeds on different food sources like seeds, fruits, insects, etc., and always flies in a group. This bird has a unique significance in Hindu mythology where it is considered auspicious for the month of ‘pitru paksh’.
कौवा बहुत ही समझदार पक्षी माना जाता है और इसकी आवाज़ बहुत तेज़ होती है जो इसे बाकि पक्षियों से अलग करती है। हिन्दू संस्कृति में कौवों को पितृ पक्ष के महीने में बहुत खास माना जाता है।
In Hindi: काला कौवा
This black bird comes from a Corvidae family and has a very unique wedged-shaped tail. These black creatures symbolize wisdom and problem solving capacity. They have a very playful nature but at the same time they have the skill for problem solving.
ये काला कौवा बहुत ही समझदार पक्षी होता है और ये जितने शरारती होते हैं इनका दिमाग उतना ही तेज़ चलता है।
In Hindi: मोर
Often known as the ‘national bird of India’, they are the most beautiful bird among all because of their colourful and vibrant feathers. Peacock is known as the symbol of beauty and grace as is a social creature. There is a common folklore that when they spread their feathers, it is likely that it will rain.
मोर भारत का राष्ट्रीय पक्षी है और इसके बहुत खूबसूरत पर होते हैं। अक्सर ऐसा माना जाता है कि जब भी मोर अपने पर फैलाकर नाचता है तो बारिश होती है।
In Hindi: गौरैया
This brown and white feathered bird is commonly found all over the world and they are such small birds. These birds are commonly seen in villages and they are the most fickle and playful birds. They are an important part of our ecosystem and create a very lively environment around us with their lively voices.
गौरैया भूरे रंग का एक छोटा सा पक्षी है जो अक्सर हमारी छतों और गाँव में पाया जाता है। इनकी मौजूदगी पूरे माहौल को खुशनुमा बना देती है।
In Hindi: उल्लू
It is a nocturnal bird and their reference can be commonly found in old Indian folktales and mythological stories. Owl signifies wisdom and mystery and is commonly attached to Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. They prey on birds, insects, and are most active at night. They are a common fascination for nature lovers and photographers.
उल्लू रात का पक्षी है जो दिन में गायब रहता है। हिन्दू संस्कृति में उल्लू को अक्सर देवी लक्ष्मी से जोड़ा जाता है।
In Hindi: बाज
Hawks are skilled hunters and they prey on other birds, insects and even some reptiles. These birds have a sharp eyesight that helps them spot their prey from a far distance. There are a wide variety of hawks found all over the world like Red-tailed hawk, Osprey, Harris’s Hawk, etc.
बाज बहुत ही तेज़ शिकारी होते हैं और इनकी तेज़ नज़रें होती है। ये दूर से ही अपने शिकार को देख लेते हैं और अपने मज़बूत पंजों से शिकार को पकड़ते हैं।
In Hindi: कबूतर
Pigeons are the most commonly found bird all over the world and are the most domesticated bird of all. In earlier times they were used as messengers and are kept as pets. They mostly feed on seeds, millets, grains, etc. Pigeons usually fly in small groups and have a special homing ability as they navigate back to their home even from a far distance.
कबूतर दुनिया भर में पाए जाते हैं और लोग इन्हें पालते भी हैं। पहले के समय में कबूतरों को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह चिट्ठी पहुंचाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता था।
In Hindi: हमिंग बर्ड या गुंजन पक्षी
These birds are native to America and have exceptional flying ability. These birds play a significant role in the process of pollination as they feed on the nectars of flowers. They are recognized by their humming sound which they create by beating their wings. There are different species of hummingbird found all over the world like Ruby-throated hummingbird, Bee hummingbird, etc.
ये पक्षी अमेरिका में पाए जाते हैं और ये काफी तेज़ उड़ते हैं। ये अपने पैरों को फड़-फड़ाकर एक खास तरह की आवाज़ भी निकालते हैं।
In Hindi: तोता
Parrots are the most intelligent bird and are found in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They have a unique quality of mimicking words and these birds are most commonly caged. Parrots are very playful and vibrant and they establish a strong bond with their owners.
तोता बहुत ही होशियार पक्षी होता है और इनकी सबसे खास बात ये है कि ये दूसरों की नक़ल बहुत अच्छी करते हैं। पालतू तोते अपने मालिक के साथ बहुत ही अच्छे सम्बन्ध बनाते हैं।
In Hindi: शुतुर्मुर्ग
Ostriches are the giant birds and are commonly found in Africa. These birds are the fastest birds with an average speed of about 70 to 80 km/hr. These giant birds have a height of approx 2 to 2.5 meters. These birds have long necks and strong legs and are known for laying giant eggs.
शुतुरमुर्ग अफ्रीका में पाया जाने वाला बहुत ही बड़ा पक्षी है। शुतुरमुर्ग भारी वज़न की वजह से उड़ नहीं पाते हैं लेकिन ये बहुत तेज़ भागते हैं। इनके अंडे भी बहुत बड़े होते हैं और इनकी गर्दन काफी लम्बी होती है।
In Hindi: गरुड़
Eagle is a hunter bird and is known for his exceptional hunting skills. This bird can spot its prey from a far distance and they use their strong beaks and talons to hunt down the prey. These are commonly found everywhere except the polar regions as they cannot sustain cold temperatures.
गरुड़ एक शिकारी पक्षी है जो अपने शिकार करने की काबिलियत की वजह से जाने जाते हैं। गरुड़ दुनिया भर में पाए जाते हैं और इनकी चोंच बहुत तेज़ होती है।
In Hindi: हंस
Swans are the water birds having long necks and are usually found in the northern part of the planet. Their long necks help them to feed on aquatic plants and algae as they are herbivorous. Swan symbolizes love and loyalty and are usually found in couples. Swans as a couple are a metaphor used to signify two people in love.
हंस पानी में रहने वाला पक्षी है जिसकी गर्दन बहुत लम्बी होती है। अपनी लम्बी गर्दन की वजह से ये पानी में अपना खाना ढूंढते हैं। हंस को अक्सर प्यार की निशानी माना जाता है।
In Hindi: कोयल
Known for their melodious voice cuckoo are found commonly during spring and summer season. These birds have a very unique breeding style which is known as brood parasitism, as they lay their eggs on other bird’s nests leaving them on the host to nurture their young ones. These birds are used as metaphor to refer to someone who has a very sweet and melodious voice.
कोयल अपनी खूबसूरत आवाज़ के लिए जनि जाती है और अक्सर गर्मियों में दिखाई देती है। कोयल अपने अंडे दूसरी चिड़ियों के घोसलों में देती है।
In Hindi: सारस
Found in the marshes, lagoons, and swamps, cranes are long-legged and long-necked birds. These water birds are of different colour and size with a very unique and famous dancing style. This dance is usually used by them to woo their mates during the mating season. Cranes are threatened birds and are kept under protection by the IUCN authority.
सारस के लम्बे पैर और लम्बी गर्दन होती है और ये अक्सर दलदल में पाए जाते हैं। इनका नाचने का एक बहुत ही ख़ास तरीका होता है।
In Hindi: बतख
The beautiful and small among the water birds are ducks with their small heads and short necks. Ducks belong to the family of Anatidae and is a common name for different birds belonging to these categories. Ducks perform mass migration and they lose their furs once in a year.
बतख पानी में रहने वाली छोटा सी चिड़िया है और group में एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाती हैं। बतख साल में एक बार अपने रोएं खो देती हैं।
In Hindi: गिद्ध
Vulture is a big carnivorous bird and plays an important role in the ecosystem as they feed on the dead carcasses to avoid the spread of the diseases. Vultures have sharp eyes and they can spot their prey i.e., dead animals from a far distance. There are different species of vultures found around the world like Indian vulture, Turkey vulture, Griffon vulture, etc.
गिद्ध एक मांसाहारी पक्षी है जो परे हुए जानवरों को भी खाता है। इनकी आँखें बहुत ही तेज़ होती है और ये दूर से ही अपना शिकार ढूंढ लेते हैं।
In Hindi: पेंगुइन
Penguins are cold region birds and are found in Antarctica, and one of the unique features about penguins is that they cannot fly. They are protected from cold due to their thick fat layer and dense feathers. The most popular among the penguins is “Humboldt Penguin” with black and white colour and found in the coastal areas of South America.
पेंगुइन अक्सर ठंडी जगहों पर पाए जाते हैं और इनकी मोटी चमड़ी ठण्ड से इनकी रक्षा करती है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि पेंगुइन ज़िन्दगी भर बस एक ही साथी के साथ रहते हैं।
In Hindi: मुर्गी
Hen is a domesticated bird, reared mainly for eggs and meat. A female hen usually lays 10 to 15 eggs and they usually feed on grains, seeds, insects and green vegetables. A group of hens is called flock.
मुर्गी एक पालतू पक्षी है जो अंडे देती है और ये एक बार में 10 से 15 अंडे देती है। मुर्गियों के झुण्ड को flock कहते हैं।
In Hindi: मुर्गा
Roosters mate with hen to lay eggs and they make a “cock-a-doo-doo” sound during the morning. There is also a game called “rooster fighting” where roosters fight together. There is a huge poultry industry where they rear roosters and hens and a major source of protein eggs and meat are obtained.
मुर्गा सुबह एक कुक-डू-कू की आवाज़ करते हैं और poultry industry में ये मीट के तौर पर protein का बहुत अच्छा source हैं।
In Hindi: बाज
Falcon is one of the fastest birds known and has long wings and sharp beaks which help them in hunting. These birds are usually found in hilly areas or at great height. Falcons are at the verge of extinction and IUCN is putting efforts to protect this bird. Falcons usually prey on insects, rats and small birds and they usually lay eggs on tall trees.
ये एक तरह का बाज़ है जिसके लम्बे पंख और पेनी चोंच होती है जो इसे शिकार करने में काम आती है। ये पक्षी पहाड़ी जगहों पर पाए जाते हैं लेकिन धीरे-धीरे इनकी संख्या कम होती जा रही है।
In Hindi: मैना
Mynah belongs to the bird family of Sturnidae and consumes insects, fruits, grains and leftover food. Mynah bird is found in the areas of South Asia and has some religious significance also. This bird builds their nest in hollows of trees, buildings, etc.
मैना दक्षिण एशिया में पायी जाने वाली एक पक्षी है जो खोखले पेड़, या किसी ईमारत में अपना घोसला बनाती है।
In Hindi: किलकिला
Kingfisher is a beautiful water bird, and is a fastest flying bird with a unique hunting style. These birds inhabit banks of rivers, ponds and lakes, and catch their prey with long and sharp, which helps it catch fish, frogs and other water creatures. Kingfishers sit on the bank or water edge to wait for its prey and as soon as they spot the prey, they jump into the water to catch it.
किलकिला एक पानी में रहने वाली पक्षी है जो बहुत तेज़ उड़ती है और इसका शिकार करने का तरीका बहुत अलग होता है। ये पानी के किनारे अपने शिकार का इंतज़ार करता है और जैसे ही शिकार आता है ये कूद कर उसे पकड़ लेता है।
In Hindi: कठफोड़वा
Woodpeckers have a loud and striking sound and they live on trees and use their strong beaks to make holes in the bark of trees to catch their prey. Woodpeckers prey on insects and worms. The woodpecker’s bill is strong enough that it can scrape the wood easily. There are many species of woodpeckers and they build their nests in hollows in trees.
कठफोड़वा की चोंच बहुत ही मज़बूत होती है और तेज़ पेड़ में अपनी चोंच मार-मार कर उसे खोखला कर देते हैं। ये अपना घोसला पेड़ की खोखली जगहों में बनाते हैं।
Weaver bird
In Hindi: बया पक्षी
Weaver birds get their name from the unique way of building nest where they weave their nests with grasses, shrubs, etc. The weaver birds attract the mates with their beautiful way of weaving the nests. These birds are also endangered and conservation measures are being taken to protect them.
बया पक्षी एक खास तरीके से अपना घोसला बनाते हैं जिसकी वजह से इन्हें weaver नाम दिया गया है। इनकी संख्या धीमे-धीमे काम होती जा रही है।
In Hindi: चील
Often considered as a symbol of wisdom, kites can fly at high altitude due to their long wings and oblique tail. Kite is a carnivorous bird and feeds on rats, insects, reptiles and dead animals as well. There are different species of kite like Red Kite, Black Kite, etc.
अपने लम्बे पंखों की वजह से चील बहुत ऊंचाई पर उड़ सकती है और ये चूहे, कीड़े आदि को खाती हैं।
In Hindi: हवासील
The pelican is a water bird and they have a large pouch in their beak, which they use to catch fish and other water creatures. Pelicans live in flock and hunt together, where they fly together and collect fish in one place. Pelicans often prey on fishes and small water creatures.
हवासील पानी में रहने वाला एक पक्षी है जिसकी चोंच में एक पोटली होती है जिसमें वो अपना शिकार पकड़ कर रखता है। ये जहाँ भी जाते हैं झुण्ड में जाते हैं और सब जगह से मछलियां पकड़ कर एक जगह रख देते हैं।
In Hindi: एक तरह का कबूतर
Dove is often recognized as a symbol of peace, love and harmony. In history, dove has been used as a means of communication carrying messages from one source to another. They have a special capacity to find their home even if they’re thousands of miles away.
ये एक तरह का कबूतर है जिसे शांति और प्यार की निशानी माना जाता है। ये दुनिया में कहीं भी हो लेकिन ये अपने घर वापस लौट आते हैं।
In Hindi: बुलबुल
Nightingale is a native of Europe, Asia and North Africa and has a very melodious voice. Nightingale is also a nocturnal bird and it remains active at night, and its name means “night singer”. Nightingale is also used as a metaphor for someone who has a very melodious and sweet voice.
बुलबुल यूरोप, एशिया और दक्षिण अफ्रीका में पायी जाने वाली पक्षी है और ये रात में active रहने वाली एक पक्षी है। बुलबुल की आवाज़ बहुत ही खूबसूरत होती है।
In Hindi: धनेश पक्षी
Hornbill is found mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in Africa and Asia. Hornbills are usually herbivorous and eat fruits, seeds, and insects. Hornbills usually live in pairs and the most unique feature about them is they live with only one partner till their entire life. Their presence is important in the forest ecosystem as they are the most beautiful and have unique habits.
धनेश पक्षी ज़्यादातर अफ्रीका और एशिया में पाया जाता है और ये फल, बीज और छोटे कीड़े खाता है। ये हमेशा जोड़े में पाए जाते हैं और ये अपने एक साथ के साथ पूरी ज़िन्दगी बिता देते हैं।
In Hindi: समुद्रिपक्षी
Gull is a water bird and it has a light body which helps it to fly high also. One of the uniqueness of gull birds is that they build their nests on rocks, islands, etc. Gull fly according to the flow of the air and they also hover over the sea and prey on fish, insects, etc.
ये एक पानी में रहने वाला पक्षी है जिसका वज़न बहुत कम होता है जो उसे उड़ने में मदद करता है। ये पक्षी अपना घोसला चट्टानों पर बनाते हैं।
In Hindi: बतख
Drake is a water bird usually found in ponds, rivers, and wetlands. The male and female counterparts have distinguishing features where male drake has a bright green head, while the female duck is brown and grey. Drake is a symbol of prosperity but they are also endangered birds.
बतख एक पानी में रहने वाली एक पक्षी है जहाँ नर और मादा में एक ख़ास तरह का अंतर होता है जहाँ नर बतख का सिर हरे रंग का होता है वहीँ मादा बतख का सिर भूरे रंग का होता है।
In Hindi: नीलकंठ
Magpie is an intelligent and beautiful bird, with a black and white colour. Magpies prey on insects, fruits, seeds, and small animals and are known for its loud voice and intelligence; It gathers information about its surrounding environment and is well equipped with the skill of problem solving. Their breeding process is also interesting, as they build their nests very carefully and protect their eggs. In many cultures, the magpie is often regarded as a symbol of luck and happiness.
नीलकंठ बहुत ही खूबसूरत और समझदार पक्षी है जो अपनी तेज़ आवाज़ और समझदारी के लिए जाना जाता है। नीलकंठ को अक्सर ख़ुशी और अच्छे सौभाग्य की निशानी माना जाता है।
In Hindi: बतख
Geese are large freshwater birds which have long necks and strong wings which help them in swimming and flying. They have a very unique and loud echo voice which helps them in identifying their own. They have a variety of species like Swan goose, Grey goose, Chen, etc.
इस पक्षी की गर्दन लम्बी होती और इसके पंख बहुत मज़बूत होते हैं जो इसे उड़ने और तैरने में मदद करते हैं। इस पक्षी की एक खास आवाज़ होती है जो इसे अपने साथियों को ढूंढने में मदद करती है।
In Hindi: कीवी
Kiwi is a native bird of New Zealand and is the national symbol of that country. Kiwi is an endangered bird with a very sensitive nose that helps it in finding its food. Kiwi is a nocturnal bird like owl that remains active during night. Because of its short wings, kiwi is unable to fly but is very fast at running.
कीवी न्यू ज़ीलैंड में पाया जाने वाला एक पक्षी जो उस देश का राष्ट्र चिन्ह (national symbol) भी है। कीवी रात में active रहने वाला एक पक्षी है और इसकी संख्या बहुत तेज़ी से कम होती जा रही है।
In Hindi: बगुला
Heron is a long-legged water bird with a long neck and sharp beak, which helps it to hunt fish, frogs and other water creatures. These birds stand in the water with their legs spread, and silently catch their prey in the water. They usually build their nests in tall trees or bushes. Herons play a significant role in maintaining the balance of aquatic life.
बगुला पानी में रहने वाला पक्षी है जिसकी लम्बी टांगें और गर्दन होती है और इसकी चोंच इतनी तेज़ होती है जो इसे शिकार करने में मदद करती है।
In Hindi: तीतर
Partridge are small, brown and grey colour birds and are found in three different continents of Asia, North Africa and Europe. Partridge hunting is a popular sport in some areas, and they are often used as meat. When this bird lays eggs, the egg hatch and chicks immediately become active and join their parents in search of food.
तीतर भूरे रंग का एक छोटा सा पक्षी है जो एशिया, उत्तरी अफ्रीका और यूरोप में पाया जाता है। इनका शिकार करना एक खास खेल है और साथ इनका मीट खाने के भी काम आता है।
In Hindi: टिटहरी
The sandpiper is a small to medium-sized bird found mainly in coastal areas, swamps, lagoon and saltwater bodies. During breeding, the female sandpiper builds a nest and lays eggs and both the male and female counterpart take care of the eggs together. Sandpipers usually feed on insects, insect larvae and small sea creatures.
ये पक्षी दलदल में पाया जाता है और ये मांसाहारी होते हैं जो कीड़े, समुद्र में रहने वाले छोटे जानवर और कीड़ों को खाते हैं।
In Hindi: समुद्री पक्षी
Seagulls are sea birds and their natural habitat is around coastal areas, seas and lakes. These birds are known for their white and brown plumage, and their long wings and beaks help them fly. They prey on a wide variety of creatures like fish, algae, and garbage. They have loud and powerful voices which can be heard on the seashore. These birds are very clever in hunting for their food and sometimes even steal eggs from the nests of other birds. Seagulls have an important place in the ecosystem, as they help maintain the balance of marine life.
ये समुद्री पक्षी हैं जिसके लम्बे पर होते हैं जो इन्हें उड़ने में मदद करते हैं। ये बहुत ही चालाकी से शिकार करते हैं और ये दूसरे पक्षियों के घोसलों से अंडे भी चुराते हैं।
In Hindi: राजहंस
The flamingos are birds of warm climate areas and are usually found in salt water bodies like marshy lands, swamps, lagoons, etc. The flamingos have long legs and have beautiful pink colours, and they dance during breeding season to attract their partners. There are only six species of Flamingos found in the world like Lesser flamingo, American flamingo, etc.
राजहंस दलदल में पाए जाने वाली पक्षी है जिनकी लम्बी टाँगे होती हैं और ये गुलाबी रंग के होते हैं। Breeding के समय ये खास तरीके से नाचते हैं और अपने साथ को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करते हैं।
In Hindi: पेरू
Native of North America, Turkey birds are usually domesticated to use them as meat. Turkey shows unique qualities during the breeding season where they spread their colourful feathers and make unique voices to attract their partners. Turkey plays the dual role of being used as meat as well as maintaining the food chain of the ecosystem.
पेरू उत्तर अमेरिका में पाया जाने वाला एक पक्षी है और breeding के समय ये ख़ास तरीके से अपने पर फैलाते हैं और ख़ास आवाज़ निकालते हैं ताकि ये अपने साथियों को अपनी ओर खींच सकें।
In Hindi: समुद्री कौवा
Pewit is an aquatic bird, found especially in Europe and Asia. The colour of the peewit is usually brown and white, which helps it get camouflaged in its natural habitat. The peewit usually prey on insects, pests, and small animals for its food. Its voice has a unique “peewit” sound, from which it gets its name. This bird often moves in flocks and can be seen in open areas, fields and swamps.
समुद्री कौवा ज़्यादातर एशिया और यूरोप में पाया जाता है। ये एक ख़ास “peewit” तरह की आवाज़ निकालते हैं जिसकी वजह से इनका ये नाम पड़ा।
In Hindi: खंजन
Found near water, wagtail has a long thin tail and it pumps it continuously, which is why it gets the name “wagtail”. Wagtails are social birds and they usually feed on insects, insect larvae and other small creatures. They are very playful birds and their different species involve White wagtail, Grey wagtail, Japanese wagtail.
ये पक्षी पानी के पास पाए जाते हैं और ये बहुत ही शरारती पक्षी होते हैं। खंजन की कई प्रजातियां होती हैं जैसे White wagtail, Grey wagtail, Japanese wagtail.
In Hindi: सरस
This bird is known for its long legs and a long mouth, which helps it catch fish, frogs, and other small creatures from the water. Storks are social birds and there are many different species of storks found in nature like White stork, Black-necked stork, Painted Stork, etc. In India, storks usually migrate during the winter season.
सरस लम्बी टांगों वाले पक्षी होते हैं और ये मछली, मेंढक जैसे छोटे जानवरों एक शिकार करते हैं।
In Hindi: बाज़ा (एक पतली लम्बी टांगों वाला पक्षी)
Ibis is a long-legged water bird, found mainly in rivers, wetlands and marshes. These birds are known for their long, curved bills, which they use to find insects, frogs, fish, etc., Their presence is important for ecology, as they help in maintaining the food web. Different species of ibis include White ibis and the Black ibis. Ibis are often considered sacred in Indian culture and have a significant place in many Indian myths and folklore.
बाज़ा को भारतीय संस्कृति में बहुत शुभ माना जाता है और इनकी लम्बी टाँगे होती हैं। इस पक्षी की कई अलग प्रजातियां होती है जैसे White ibis, Black ibis, आदि।
10+ Baby Name of Birds
Given is a list of baby names of some birds that will improve your bird vocabulary and will also improve your spoken English skills.
Baby Parrot- Chick
Baby Chicken- Chick
Baby Pigeon- Squab
Baby Puffin- Puffling
Baby Swan- Cygnet
Baby Goose- Gosling
Baby Duck- Duckling
Baby Owl- Owlet
Baby Eagle- Eaglet
Baby Penguin- Chick
Baby Hummingbird- Chick
Baby Quail- Chick
Baby Songbird- Nestling
Baby Kiwi- Chick
Baby Seagull- Chick
Baby Flamingo- Chick
Baby Woodpecker- Nestling
Baby Finch- Chick
List of 10 Carnivorous Birds Found Across the World
Here is a list of 10 carnivorous birds with their Hindi names which will help you learn English online.
Eagle (गरुड़)
Vulture (गिद्ध)
Kite (चील)
Owl (उल्लू)
Falcon (बाज)
Raven (काला कौवा)
Mockingbird (मॉकिंगबर्ड पक्षी)
Woodpecker (कठफोड़वा)
Ostrich (शुतुर्मुर्ग)
Hawk (बाज)
List of 10 Herbivorous Birds Found Across the World
Given below is a list of 10 herbivorous birds with their Hindi names that will improve your spoken English skills.
Parrot (तोता)
Sparrow (गौरैया)
Mynah (मैना)
Pigeon (कबूतर)
Cuckoo (कोयल)
Hen (मुर्गी)
Rooster (मुर्गा)
Pelican (हवासील)
Doves (कबूतर)
Ibis (बाज़ा)
Goose (कलहंस)
List of 5+ Endangered Birds Found all Over the World
Given below is an endangered birds list with some details about it that will help you know more about them and the factors that are affecting their populations.
White-Rumped Vulture
This bird is found in India and plays a major role in the ecosystem. Their population has been declining continuously due to use of the Diclofenac drug which is used to treat livestock.
Great Curassow
These birds are found in rainforests or some dense forests and their population is affected due to habitat loss and deforestation.
Snowy Owl
Snowy owls have white plumage and yellow eyes and are found in the cold areas. Their population has been highly affected by habitat loss, climate change and human disturbance.
Hooded Grebe
This water bird is found on the wetlands of Patagonia in Argentina and has a long body. This bird is endangered due to certain factors like habitat loss, climate change, and predation by invasive species.
Kiwi Bird
Kiwi is also a nocturnal bird and is a native to New Zealand. These birds have a keen sense of smell and their population is highly endangered due to habitat loss, predation, and human encroachment.
Fruit Dove
Fruit dove is native to rainforests of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Pacific islands. These birds eat fruits and their population is continuously declining due to the climate changẹ.
It is a nocturnal bird and is a native of New Zealand, and their population is continuously declining due to introduction of invasive species like ats, stoats, and possums.
We hope this blog has given you a great insight of the bird’s vocabulary and helped you to improve your communication skills. This list of common birds and endangered birds not only enhances our knowledge but also adds to our English vocabulary. If you also want to make your vocabulary strong and are looking for some English learning courses then you can consider joining a spoken English course.
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