Comprehension for SSC – Part 8

Comprehension for SSC listening practice audios:-

यहाँ पर हमने Comprehension for SSC के हिसाब से आपको सिखाने की कोशिश की हैं साथ ही में एक story के साथ खुछ मज़ेदार quiz भी दिये हैं आपको ताकि आप उसे पढ़े और audio सुने ताकि आप quiz के answers ख़ुद ही आप solve कर पाए फिर भी आपको दिक्कत आये तो quiz कें  solution हमने आपको provide किये हैं।

Passage for understanding Comprehension

When you buy a car, examine carefully the important features of the model you are considering. Many a buyer of the latest model has trouble buying a car too broad or too long for his garage. Furthermore, a long car is too hard to manage in traffic and too difficult to park. Another feature is the comfort afforded. Are the seats nice and durably upholstered? Is there enough glass to give the driver ap view in all directions, particularly to the rear?

It should be remembered that the heavier and the more powerful a car is, the more expe it will be to operate. High-powered motors require expensive high octane petrol. The greater weight means greater tire wear and enlarged brakes. The old cliche is still true: it is not the initial cost but the upkeep which matters.

Quizzes of Comprehension:-

QUESTION 1. The writer favors a car with a wide glass area so that the driver can?

A. Enjoy the scenery outside while driving.

B. Have a good view of the rear.

C. Roll down the glass panes to get enough fresh air.

D. Display his beautiful upholstery with pride.

QUESTION 2. It is very expensive to maintain a large car because it?

A. Is heavy and needs changing.

B.  Requires more space for parking.

C. Its tires more frequently.

D. Needs more durable upholstery

QUESTION 3. While buying a car, one should especially consider its?

A. Price.

B. Maintenance cost.

C. Upholstery.


QUESTION 4. According to this passage, the two factors that the buyer of a new car should keep in mind are?

A. Its price and size.

B. It’s a model and upholstery.

C. Its size and the comfort it offers.

D. Its upholstery and glass area.

Part 7 ke liye yaha click kare Comprehension for SSC – Part 7

हम आशा करते है की हम आपकी लाइफ में हम कुछ value add कर पाए होंगे और अगर आपको English बोलने में कही भी दिक्कत आ रही है तो आप हमारा Spoken English Course ख़रीद सकते है और अपनी लाइफ में grow कर सकते हैं।

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