In English grammar, an intensive pronoun is a powerful tool used to emphasize a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It adds emphasis to the subject or object, making the sentence more impactful, but does not alter its basic meaning. Understanding how to use intensive pronouns correctly can greatly improve your spoken English and make your conversations more engaging. In this blog, we will define intensive pronouns with examples, explore their function, and provide examples of intensive pronouns in a sentence to help you learn how to use them effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, this guide will help you learn English online and master the art of emphasis in English sentences.
What Are Intensive Pronouns?
Intensive pronouns are a type of pronoun used to emphasize a noun or pronoun in a sentence. They are formed by adding -self or -selves to words like I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. For example, in the sentence “She completed the project herself,” the word herself emphasizes that it was specifically she who did the work. Intensive pronouns do not change the meaning of a sentence but add emphasis to the subject or object. They are often used for stressing who performed the action or to show importance, without altering the grammatical structure of the sentence.
Definition of Intensive Pronoun With Examples
An intensive pronoun is a type of pronoun that is used to emphasize a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It is formed by adding -self or -selves to personal pronouns such as I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. These pronouns are not necessary to the sentence’s meaning but help to highlight or stress a specific subject or object.
Intensive Pronoun वह pronoun होते हैं, जो किसी नाम या pronoun को ज़ोर देकर बताते हैं। इसे -self या -selves जोड़कर बनाया जाता है, जैसे मैं, तुम, वह, यह, हम, वे। ये pronoun वाक्य के मतलब को नहीं बदलते, बल्कि किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ पर ध्यान देते हैं।
Example: I did it myself.
मैंने यह काम खुद किया।
She will do the work herself.
वह काम खुद करेगी।
How to Identify Intensive Pronouns in Sentences
Identifying intensive pronouns in sentences is easy once you know what to look for. Intensive pronouns are formed by adding -self or -selves to personal pronouns like I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. They typically come right after the noun or pronoun they are emphasizing. For example, in the sentence “John made the cake himself,” himself is the intensive pronoun because it emphasizes that John, and no one else, made the cake. These pronouns don’t change the meaning of the sentence but make the subject or object stand out.
Intensive Pronoun को पहचानना बहुत आसान है, जब आप जानते हैं कि क्या देखना है। ये pronoun -self या -selves जोड़कर बनाए जाते हैं, जैसे मैं, तुम, वह, यह, हम, वे। ये pronoun उस नाम या pronoun के बाद आते हैं, जिसे ये ज़ोर देकर बताते हैं। जैसे, वाक्य “अमन ने केक खुद बनाया” में खुद एक intensive pronoun है, क्योंकि यह बताता है कि अमन ने ही वह केक बनाया। Intensive pronoun वाक्य के मतलब को नहीं बदलते, बल्कि उस व्यक्ति या चीज़ पर ध्यान आकर्षित करते हैं।
List of All Intensive Pronouns
Here is a list of all the intensive pronouns used in English grammar with their uses and examples in both English and Hindi.
Myself (खुद)
Use: Refers to the speaker, used for emphasis.
बोलने वाले व्यक्ति को ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: I completed the project myself.
मैंने यह project खुद किया।
Yourself (तुम खुद)
Use: Refers to the person being spoken to, used for emphasis.
जिस व्यक्ति से बात की जा रही हो, उसे ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: You should clean the room yourself.
तुम खुद ही यह कमरा साफ करो।
Himself (वह खुद)
Use: Refers to a male person or animal, used for emphasis.
किसी पुरुष या जानवर को ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: He solved the problem himself.
उसने समस्या खुद हल की।
Herself (वह खुद)
Use: Refers to a female person or animal, used for emphasis.
किसी महिला या जानवर को ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: She made dinner herself.
उसने खाना खुद बनाया।
Itself (यह खुद)
Use: Refers to a thing or animal, used for emphasis.
किसी चीज़ या जानवर को ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: The cat groomed itself.
बिल्ली ने खुद को साफ किया।
Ourselves (हम खुद)
Use: Refers to the speaker and others, used for emphasis.
बोलने वाले और दूसरों को ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: We did the work ourselves.
हमने यह काम खुद किया।
Yourselves (तुम सब खुद)
Use: Refers to the person or people being spoken to, used for emphasis.
जिनसे बात की जा रही हो, उन्हें ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: You all can decide yourselves.
तुम लोग खुद ही फैसला करो।
Themselves (वे खुद )
Use: Refers to a group of people or things, used for emphasis.
किसी समूह को ज़ोर देकर बताने के लिए।
Example: They built the house themselves.
उन्होंने घर खुद बनाया।
These intensive pronouns emphasize the subject or object of a sentence, showing that the action was done by the person or group mentioned.
Rules for Using Intensive Pronouns
Here are some rules that you must follow while using intensive pronouns.
Use for Emphasis
Intensive pronouns are used to emphasize the noun or pronoun they follow. They highlight who performed the action.
Intensive pronoun का इस्तेमाल किसी नाम या pronoun पर ज़ोर देने के लिए किया जाता है। यह यह बताता है कि काम या क्रिया किसने किया।
Example: She painted the picture herself.
उसने चित्र खुद बनाया।
They are typically placed directly after the noun or pronoun they emphasize.
Intensive pronoun हमेशा उस नाम या pronoun के ठीक बाद आते हैं, जिस पर ज़ोर दिया जा रहा हो।
Example: I did all the work myself.
मैंने काम खुद किया।
No Change in Meaning
Removing the intensive pronoun does not change the core meaning of the sentence.
Intensive pronoun को हटाने से वाक्य का असली मतलब नहीं बदलता।
Example: He did the work himself. → He did the work.
उसने काम खुद किया। → उसने काम किया।
Not Necessary for Sentence Structure
Intensive pronouns are not essential for the sentence to make sense; they are used for emphasis.
Intensive pronoun वाक्य को समझने के लिए ज़रूरी नहीं होते, बल्कि केवल ज़ोर देने के लिए होते हैं।
Example: The dog chased the ball itself.
कुत्ता गेंद को खुद पकड़ने गया।
Only Used for Emphasis
They are not used reflexively (for the subject to do something to itself). They should be used only to add emphasis to the action.
Intensive pronoun का इस्तेमाल केवल तब करना चाहिए जब आप किसी क्रिया पर ज़ोर देना चाहते हों, न कि जब कोई क्रिया अपने आप हो।
Example: She looked at herself in the mirror. (Reflexive) vs. She did the homework herself. (Intensive)
उसने आईने में खुद को देखा। (Reflexive) vs. उसने काम खुद किया। (Intensive)
Common Mistakes to Avoid with Intensive Pronouns
Here are some common mistakes that one must avoid while using intensive pronouns in English grammar.
Using Intensive Pronouns Reflexively
One common mistake is using intensive pronouns in place of reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of the sentence are the same, while intensive pronouns are only used for emphasis.
एक सामान्य गलती यह है कि intensive pronoun को reflexive pronoun की जगह इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। Reflexive pronoun तब इस्तेमाल होते हैं जब वाक्य का subject और object एक जैसे होते हैं, जबकि intensive pronoun केवल ज़ोर देने के लिए होते हैं।
Mistake: She did it to herself.
Correct: She did it herself.
गलत: उसने यह खुद को किया।
सही: उसने यह खुद किया।
Placing Intensive Pronouns Incorrectly
Intensive pronouns must follow the noun or pronoun they are emphasizing. Placing them in other parts of the sentence can cause confusion.
Intensive pronoun को हमेशा उस नाम या pronoun के बाद रखना चाहिए, जिस पर ज़ोर दिया जा रहा है। गलत जगह पर रखने से वाक्य का मतलब बदल सकता है।
Mistake: Herself she finished the task.
Correct: She finished the task herself.
गलत: खुद उसने काम किया।
सही: उसने काम खुद किया।
Omitting the Subject
Intensive pronouns always require a clear subject to emphasize. Omitting the subject or using them without a clear noun or pronoun can make the sentence unclear.
Intensive pronoun को हमेशा एक साफ subject के साथ इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए, जिसे यह ज़ोर दे रहा हो। बिना विषय के intensive pronoun का इस्तेमाल वाक्य को बिना मतलब का बना सकता है।
Mistake: Herself finished the work.
Correct: She finished the work herself.
गलत: खुद ने काम किया।
सही: उसने काम खुद किया।
Using Intensive Pronouns When Not Needed
Avoid using intensive pronouns when they don’t add any emphasis or meaning to the sentence. Overuse can make sentences sound awkward.
ऐसे वाक्यों में intensive pronoun का इस्तेमाल न करें जिनमें ज़ोर देने की कोई ज़रूरत न हो। ज़्यादा इस्तेमाल से वाक्य अजीब लग सकते हैं।
Mistake: I myself will explain the details.
Correct: I will explain the details.
गलत: मैं खुद detail दूँगा।
सही: मैं detail दूँगा।
Intensive Pronouns vs. Reflexive Pronouns: Key Differences
Reflexive pronouns and intensive pronouns may look similar, but they have different purposes. A reflexive pronoun is used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same, meaning the action is performed by the subject on itself. For example, “She saw herself in the mirror.” Here, “herself” refers to the same person as the subject, “She.” On the other hand, an intensive pronoun is used for emphasis. It doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence but adds emphasis to the subject or object. For example, “She made the cake herself.” In this case, “herself” emphasizes that she made the cake, not anyone else. The key difference is that reflexive pronouns show that the subject and object are the same, while intensive pronouns emphasize the action.
Reflexive pronoun और intensive pronoun एक जैसे लग सकते हैं, लेकिन इनका इस्तेमाल अलग-अलग होता है। Reflexive pronoun का इस्तेमाल तब किया जाता है जब वाक्य का subject और object एक जैसे होते हैं, यानी action subject ने अपने ऊपर की हो। जैसे, “वह खुद को आईने में देख रही थी।” यहां खुद को शब्द उसी व्यक्ति को दर्शाता है जो subject है, यानी “वह”। वहीं, intensive pronoun का इस्तेमाल किसी बात पर ज़ोर देने के लिए किया जाता है। इससे वाक्य का मतलब नहीं बदलता, लेकिन यह किसी विषय या चीज़ पर ध्यान आकर्षित करता है। जैसे, “उसने केक खुद बनाया।” यहां खुद शब्द यह बताता है कि केक उसी ने बनाया है, कोई और नहीं। सबसे बड़ा अंतर यह है कि reflexive pronoun यह दिखाता है कि subject और object एक ही होते हैं, जबकि intensive pronoun केवल ज़ोर देने के लिए इस्तेमाल होता है।
How Intensive Pronouns Enhance Sentence Emphasis
Intensive pronouns are powerful tools in English that help enhance sentence emphasis. By placing an intensive pronoun after a noun or pronoun, you can highlight the importance of the subject or action. This emphasizes who performed the action, making the sentence stronger and more meaningful. For example, “She completed the project herself” draws attention to the fact that she did it alone, without help. The use of “herself” makes the statement more impactful. In everyday speech, using intensive pronouns can add emphasis to key points, creating a sense of importance or focus. They are particularly useful in conversations where you want to stress that someone did something independently or with extra effort.
Intensive pronouns अंग्रेजी में ऐसे tools हैं जो वाक्य में ज़ोर डालने का काम करते हैं। जब हम किसी नाम या pronoun के बाद intensive pronoun का इस्तेमाल करते हैं, तो हम उस subject या verb को महत्वपूर्ण बनाते हैं। इससे यह ज़ोर मिलता है कि काम किसने किया, और वाक्य और भी प्रभावी हो जाता है। जैसे, “उसने project खुद किया” यह दर्शाता है कि उसने यह अकेले किया, बिना किसी मदद के। यहां “खुद” शब्द वाक्य को ज़्यादा प्रभावी बनाता है। रोज़मर्रा की बातचीत में intensive pronouns का इस्तेमाल करने से हम किसी बात पर ज़ोर डाल सकते हैं, जिससे वह महत्वपूर्ण या ध्यान आकर्षित करने वाली लगती है। ये खास तौर पर तब इस्तेमाल होते हैं जब आप यह जताना चाहते हों कि किसी ने कुछ स्वतंत्र रूप से या विशेष प्रयास के साथ किया है।
Examples of Intensive Pronouns in a Sentence
Given are some examples of Intensive Pronouns in sentences in both English and Hindi.
- She completed the task herself.
उसने खुद ही काम पूरा किया।
- He built the house himself.
उसने खुद ही घर बनाया।
- They solved the problem themselves.
उन्होंने खुद ही समस्या का समाधान किया।
- I did all the work myself.
मैंने खुद ही सारा काम किया।
- You should try to finish it yourself.
तुम्हें इसे खुद ही पूरा करने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए।
- She made the decision herself.
उसने खुद ही निर्णय लिया।
- We painted the room ourselves.
हमने खुद ही कमरे को रंगा।
- The dog cleaned its fur itself.
कुत्ते ने खुद ही अपने बाल साफ किए।
- He fixed the car himself.
उसने खुद ही कार ठीक की।
- I heard the news myself.
मैंने खुद ही खबर सुनी।
- She baked the cake herself.
उसने खुद ही केक बनाया।
- They decorated the house themselves.
उन्होंने खुद ही घर को सजाया।
- I will do it myself if no one helps.
अगर कोई मदद नहीं करेगा तो मैं खुद ही करूंगा।
- He enjoyed the concert himself.
उसने खुद ही संगीत कार्यक्रम का आनंद लिया।
- We organized the event ourselves.
हमने खुद ही आयोजन किया।
- She wore the dress herself.
उसने खुद ही dress पहनी।
- He cooked the dinner himself.
उसने खुद ही रात का खाना पकाया।
- I did not expect to see you here myself.
मुझे उम्मीद नहीं थी कि मैं आपको यहाँ खुद देखूंगा।
- She read the book herself.
उसने खुद ही किताब पढ़ी।
- The team won the game themselves.
टीम ने खुद ही खेल जीत लिया।
Intensive Pronouns Exercise
Complete the following sentences with the correct intensive pronoun.
- I did all the work __________ to prove I could do it without any help.
- The cat groomed __________ after playing outside.
- You should have seen the look on __________ when he realized he had won the competition.
- We should be proud of __________ for completing the project on time.
- She baked the entire cake __________ and didn’t ask for any assistance.
- They are planning to renovate the house __________ without any contractors.
- I can’t believe you fixed the car __________! That’s impressive.
- He introduced __________ to the group with great confidence.
- The children did all the cleaning __________ after the party.
- You all should enjoy __________ at the concert tonight!
Intensive Pronouns FAQs
What is an intensive pronoun?
A type of pronoun used to emphasize a noun or another pronoun in a sentence is known as intensive pronoun. It doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence but stresses the action or person involved.
Can you give an example of an intensive pronoun?
Sure! In the sentence, “She did it herself,” the word herself is an intensive pronoun that emphasizes that she completed the task alone.
What is the difference between reflexive and intensive pronouns?
Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same (e.g., “She looked at herself”). Intensive pronouns are used solely for emphasis and don’t change the meaning of the sentence (e.g., “She completed it herself”).
Do intensive pronouns change the meaning of the sentence?
No, intensive pronouns only add emphasis to the subject or object. They do not change the basic meaning of the sentence.
What are some common intensive pronouns?
Common intensive pronouns include: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Can intensive pronouns be used without a noun or pronoun?
No, intensive pronouns must always follow the noun or pronoun they are emphasizing. They cannot be used in isolation.
Are intensive pronouns the same as possessive pronouns?
No, intensive pronouns emphasize a noun or pronoun, while possessive pronouns show ownership (e.g., my, your, his, her, their).
Can intensive pronouns appear at the beginning of a sentence?
No, intensive pronouns usually come after the noun or pronoun they emphasize. They do not start a sentence.
Is it necessary to use intensive pronouns in every sentence?
No, intensive pronouns are optional. They are only used when there is a need to emphasize or stress a noun or pronoun in the sentence.
Can intensive pronouns be used in questions?
Yes, intensive pronouns can be used in questions for emphasis, for example: “Did you do this work yourself?” Here, yourself emphasizes that the person completed the work alone.
Understanding the role of an intensive pronoun in English can significantly enhance your communication skills. By using intensive pronouns to emphasize important elements of a sentence, you can add clarity and impact to your speech. Whether you’re looking to define intensive pronouns with examples or improve your ability to incorporate them into your conversations, knowing how to use these pronouns effectively is crucial. With practical examples of intensive pronouns in a sentence, you can easily apply this concept in real-life situations. To further strengthen your language skills, consider enrolling in a spoken English course or using online resources to learn English online and practice these concepts in-depth.
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