All About Preposition of Direction: Definitions, Rules, and Common Mistakes

Prepositions of direction are vital in English grammar as they help describe movement from one place to another. They indicate the path or direction of an action and provide clarity in sentences. Some common prepositions of direction include to, into, onto, towards, and through.

In this blog, we will delve into prepositions of direction, their definitions, rules for proper usage, and examples. Mastering prepositions of direction will improve the accuracy of your sentences and enhance your communication, similar to learning English in a spoken English course.


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इस blog में, हम direction बताने वाले prepositions के बारे में जानेंगे, उनके अर्थ, उपयोग और examples को समझेंगे। यह आपके English grammar को अधिक स्पष्ट और प्रभावी बनाएगा।


What is a Preposition of Direction?

A preposition of direction indicates movement from one place to another. These prepositions clarify the path or route of a particular action. For instance, in the sentence “She walked into the room,” the preposition ‘into’ shows movement towards the inside of the room.

Direction बताने वाला preposition वह शब्द होता है जो यह दर्शाता है कि कोई क्रिया एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान की ओर हो रही है। जैसे, “She walked into the room” में into यह बताता है कि वह कमरे के अंदर जा रही है।


Definition of Prepositions of Direction

A preposition of direction is defined as a preposition that shows movement from one place to another, indicating the path or route of an action. These prepositions help describe where something is moving towards or through. Common prepositions of direction include to, into, onto, towards, and through.

Direction बताने वाला preposition वह शब्द है जो किसी स्थान से दूसरे स्थान की ओर होने वाली गति या दिशा को दर्शाता है। ये prepositions यह स्पष्ट करते हैं कि कोई चीज़ किस ओर जा रही है या किस रास्ते से गुजर रही है। सामान्य directional prepositions में to, into, onto, towards, और through शामिल हैं।

For example:

“She went to the park.”, “The cat jumped into the box.”, “The train passed through the tunnel.”
Hindi: “वह Park गई।”, “बिल्ली डिब्बे में कूद गई।”, “Train सुरंग से गुज़री।”


Tricky Prepositions of Direction Examples

Although prepositions of direction are straightforward, mistakes often occur in sentence structure and word choice. Below are examples of common errors with prepositions of direction:



Incorrect: “She went at the market.”
Correct: “She went to the market.”
Hindi: “वह Market गई।”
Note: Use to instead of at when indicating movement towards a specific place.



Incorrect: “He jumped in the pool.”
Correct: “He jumped into the pool.”
Hindi: “वह Pool में कूदा।”
Note: Use into for motion from outside to inside, not in.



Incorrect: “The cat jumped on the table.”
Correct: “The cat jumped onto the table.”
Hindi: “बिल्ली मेज पर कूदी।”
Note: Use onto to show movement towards a surface.



Incorrect: “He walked to the sunset.”
Correct: “He walked towards the sunset.”
Hindi: “वह सूर्यास्त की ओर चला।”
Note: Use towards when movement is in the direction of something but not necessarily reaching it.



Incorrect: “The train passed in the tunnel.”
Correct: “The train passed through the tunnel.”
Hindi: “Train  सुरंग से गुज़री।”
Note: Use through to describe movement from one side to another of an object or place.


Prepositions of Direction Sentences

Here are examples of prepositions of direction in sentences with Hindi translations:


  • English: “She walked to the store.”
    Hindi: “वह दुकान गई।”
  • English: “The bird flew into the cage.”
    Hindi: “पक्षी पिंजरे में उड़ गया।”
  • English: “He climbed onto the roof.”
    Hindi: “वह छत पर चढ़ गया।”
  • English: “They ran towards the forest.”
    Hindi: “वे जंगल की ओर भागे।”
  • English: “The car drove through the tunnel.”
    Hindi: “गाड़ी सुरंग से गुज़री।”
  • English: “The child jumped into the pond.”
    Hindi: “बच्चा तालाब में कूद गया।”
  • English: “She threw the ball onto the roof.”
    Hindi: “उसने गेंद छत पर फेंक दी।”


When Do We Use Prepositions of Direction?

Prepositions of direction indicate movement from one location to another. They indicate the path, destination, or direction of action, providing clarity about where something or someone is moving towards or through. For example, in sentences like “She walked to the park” or “The bird flew into the cage,” the prepositions to and into indicate the movement and direction of the subject.

हम prepositions of direction का use किसी स्थान से दूसरे स्थान की ओर गति दिखाने के लिए करते हैं। ये दिशा, मार्ग, या गंतव्य का संकेत देते हैं, जिससे यह स्पष्ट होता है कि कोई चीज़ या व्यक्ति किस ओर या किस रास्ते से जा रहा है। Example के लिए, वाक्य “वह park गई” या “पक्षी पिंजरे में उड़ गया” में to और into prepositions गति और दिशा को दर्शाते हैं।


Guidelines for Using Prepositions of Direction


  • Indicating a Destination

Prepositions like to and into are used to show the destination of movement.
English: “She went to the library.”
Hindi: “वह Library गई।”
Note: Use ‘to’ to specify where the movement is directed.


  • Describing Entry into a Space

Prepositions like into indicate motion from the outside to the inside of a space.
English: “The dog jumped into the car.”
Hindi: “कुत्ता गाड़ी में कूद गया।”
Note: Use ‘into’ for movement involving entering an enclosed area.


  • Movement onto a Surface

Prepositions like onto describe movement towards a surface.
English: “He climbed onto the roof.”
Hindi: “वह छत पर चढ़ गया।”
Note: Use ‘onto’ for direction involving a surface or higher place.


  • Showing Movement Towards a Direction

Prepositions like towards show movement in the direction of something but not necessarily reaching it.
English: “The child ran towards the playground.”
Hindi: “बच्चा खेल के मैदान की ओर दौड़ा।”
Note: Use ‘towards’ when indicating direction without specifying the endpoint.


  • Movement Through an Area or Object

Prepositions like through describe movement from one side to another within an object or area.
English: “The train went through the tunnel.”
Hindi: “Train सुरंग से गुज़री।”
Note: Use ‘through’ for motion within enclosed or defined spaces.


  • Avoiding Confusion with Prepositions of Place

Prepositions of direction indicate movement, while prepositions of place indicate location.
Incorrect: “She is walking in the park.”
Correct: “She is walking to the park.”
Hindi: “वह park जा रही है।”
Note: Use ‘to’ when referring to movement towards a place, not just being at the location.


  • Describing Complex Movements

Sometimes, prepositions of direction combine with verbs to describe intricate movements.
English: “The ball rolled down the hill and into the pond.”
Hindi: “Ball पहाड़ी से लुढ़कते हुए तालाब में चली गई।”
Note: Use multiple prepositions to indicate sequential movements.


Typical Errors with Prepositions of Direction

Using prepositions of direction correctly is essential for expressing movement and direction clearly. Mistakes in their use can cause confusion or make the sentence grammatically incorrect.

Prepositions of Direction का सही उपयोग दिशा और गति को स्पष्ट रूप से व्यक्त करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। इनका गलत उपयोग वाक्य को अस्पष्ट या व्याकरणिक रूप से गलत बना सकता है।

Common Errors


Using Prepositions of Place Instead of Prepositions of Direction

A common mistake is using prepositions of place (e.g., in, on, at) when a preposition of direction is needed. Prepositions of place indicate the location, while prepositions of direction show movement.

Incorrect: “She walked in the park.”
Correction: “She walked to the park.”
गलत: “वह Park में चल रही थी।”
सही: “वह Park की ओर चल रही थी।”
Note: ‘In’ shows the location, while ‘to’ indicates movement towards a destination.


Using the Wrong Preposition for Movement

Sometimes, people use the wrong preposition when describing movement. It’s essential to choose the correct preposition that matches the type of movement.

Incorrect: “The cat jumped on the table.”
Correction: “The cat jumped onto the table.”
गलत: “बिल्ली मेज़ पर कूदी।”(Indicating that the cat is already on the table, no movement is implied)
सही: “बिल्ली मेज़ पर कूदी।”(Indicating the movement from outside onto the table)
Note: Use ‘onto’ to show movement towards a surface.


Using Prepositions of Direction with No Movement

A mistake often made is using prepositions of direction without any actual movement. These prepositions should be used to describe motion.

Incorrect: “The book is to the table.”
Correction: “The book is on the table.”
गलत: “किताब मेज़ की ओर है।”
सही: “किताब मेज़ पर है।”
Note: Prepositions like ‘to’ are used for movement, not to describe a static position.


Confusing Into and In

Into’ and ‘in’ are sometimes confused. Into shows movement from outside to inside, while in indicates a position inside a place.

Incorrect: “She went in the room.”
Correction: “She went into the room.”
गलत: “वह कमरे में गई।”
सही: “वह कमरे में चली गई।”
Note: Use’ into’ for movement inside a place, not in.


Misplacing Prepositions in Complex Sentences

In complex sentences, it’s easy to misplace prepositions of direction, especially when there are multiple actions or places involved.


Incorrect: “The car drove to the park and into the garage.”
Correction: “The car drove to the park and then into the garage.”
गलत: “गाड़ी पार्क की ओर और फिर Garage में गई।”
सही: “गाड़ी पार्क तक गई और फिर Garage में चली गई।”
Note: Ensure prepositions reflect the correct sequence of movement.


Using Prepositions of Direction with Static Verbs

Prepositions of direction should be used with action verbs that involve movement. Using them with static verbs (e.g., sit, stand) can create confusion.

Incorrect: “She sat to the chair.”
Correction: “She sat on the chair.”
गलत:”वह कुर्सी को बैठी।”
सही: “वह कुर्सी पर बैठी।”
Note: On is the correct preposition to describe the position of a person sitting.

Difference Between Prepositions of Direction and Other Prepositions

The main difference between Prepositions of Direction and other prepositions lies in their purpose and usage.

Prepositions of Direction (e.g., to, towards, into, onto):

Used to indicate motion or movement toward a specific destination or direction.

इसका use किसी विशेष दिशा या गंतव्य की ओर गति को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।


Sentence: “She is going to the market.”
Hindi: “वह बाजार जा रही है।”
Explanation: “To” shows movement toward the market.

Other Prepositions (e.g., at, on, in):

Used to describe location, time, or relationships without implying movement.

इसका use स्थान, समय, या संबंध व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है, न कि गति के लिए।



Sentence: “She is at the market.”

Hindi: “वह बाजार में है।”

Explanation: “At” describes the location of the subject without any indication of movement.

Comparison with Prepositions of Place:

Prepositions of Direction Example

Sentence: “He threw the ball into the basket.”

Hindi: “उसने गेंद को टोकरी के अंदर फेंका।”

Explanation: “Into” indicates motion towards the inside of the basket.

Prepositions of Place Example

Sentence: “The ball is in the basket.”

Hindi: “गेंद टोकरी के अंदर है।”

Explanation: “In” describes the location of the ball, not its movement.


Preposition of Direction Example

Sentence: “The bird flew towards the tree.”

Hindi: “पक्षी पेड़ की ओर उड़ गया।”

Explanation: “Towards” indicates movement in the direction of the tree.


Preposition of Place Example

Sentence: “The bird is on the tree.”

Hindi: “पक्षी पेड़ पर है।”

Explanation: “On” describes the position of the bird without motion.



Practice Questions Related to Prepositions of Direction

Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of direction (choose the correct option in brackets):

  1. He went __ the park to meet his friends. (to / in)
  2. She walked __ the house and knocked on the door. (into / at)
  3. The boy threw the ball __ the basket. (into / onto)
  4. The car moved __ the bridge slowly. (onto / under)
  5. The bird flew __ the tree to rest. (towards / into)
  6. They climbed __ the hill to get a better view. (onto / in)
  7. The train is heading __ the station. (to / on)
  8. She jumped __ the river to save the child. (into / over)
  9. He walked __ the crowd to find his friend. (through / onto)
  10. The dog ran __ the ball. (towards / under) 


  1. to
  2. into
  3. into
  4. onto
  5. towards
  6. onto
  7. to
  8. into
  9. through
  10. Towards


Frequently Asked Questions About Prepositions of Direction


Q1: What are prepositions of direction?

Answer: Prepositions of direction describe movement from one location to another or toward a particular destination.

Example: “She is going to the market.” (“To” shows movement toward a destination.)



Q2: Can prepositions of direction show both general and specific movement?

Answer: Yes, prepositions like towards indicate general movement, while into and onto specify precise movement toward a defined point.


  • General: “She walked towards the park.”
  • Specific: “She walked into the park.”

Q3: Can prepositions of direction be used with different verbs of motion?

Answer: Yes, verbs of motion such as run, walk, fly, jump are often paired with prepositions of direction.

Example: “The bird flew onto the roof.”

Q4: Can a sentence have more than one preposition of direction?

Answer: Yes, a sentence can include multiple prepositions of direction to indicate complex movements.

Example: “He ran across the field and into the forest.”


Q5: What is the difference between “to” and “towards”?


‘To’ indicates movement toward a specific destination.
Example: “She is going to the market.”

‘Towards’ implies movement in the direction of something but not necessarily reaching it.
Example: “The dog ran towards the ball.”



We hope this blog on Prepositions of Direction has given you a clear understanding of their role and importance in English. Prepositions of direction, such as to, towards, into, and onto, help indicate movement or destination, allowing you to describe actions with precision and clarity. Mastering the use of these prepositions is essential for improving both written and spoken English. It enables you to create more dynamic sentences and effectively convey movement and direction in your ideas.For those looking to enhance their language skills, joining a Spoken English Course can provide the structured practice needed to refine your use of prepositions of direction and boost your confidence in communication. Start your journey to mastering English today!

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