Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions that inquire about nouns. They are placed before nouns to inquire about specific details like identity, quantity, or quality. For example, “which book,” “what color,” and “whose car” all use interrogative adjectives to ask about specific things.
What is an Interrogative Adjective?
An interrogative adjective is a word used before a noun to ask a question. It modifies the noun and helps gather information about it. Examples of interrogative adjectives are “what,” “which,” and “whose.” For example, “What book is this?” and “Whose jacket is this?” both use interrogative adjectives.
Interrogative Adjective वह शब्द होता है जो noun से पहले आकर प्रश्न पूछने के लिए इस्तेमाल होता है। यह noun को modify करता है और उस से संबंधित जानकारी प्राप्त करने में मदद करता है। उदाहरण स्वरूप, “what,” “which,” और “whose” interrogative adjectives होते हैं। जैसे, “What book is this?” और “Whose jacket is this?” में interrogative adjectives का प्रयोग किया गया है।
Definition of Interrogative Adjectives
Interrogative adjectives are words that modify nouns to ask questions about them. They are used to inquire about the identity, quantity, or quality of a noun. Examples include “what,” “which,” and “whose.”
Interrogative adjectives वे शब्द होते हैं जो nouns को modify करते हैं और उनसे संबंधित प्रश्न पूछने के लिए प्रयोग किए जाते हैं। ये nouns की पहचान, मात्रा या गुण के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए use होते हैं। Examples हैं: “what,” “which,” और “whose”।
English: “Which color do you prefer?”
Hindi: “तुम्हें कौन सा रंग पसंद है?”
Tricky Interrogative Adjective Examples
Though interrogative adjectives are generally easy to use, they can sometimes be misused or confused. Below are examples of common mistakes and corrections:
- Incorrect: “What book do you want?”
- Correct: “Which book do you want?”
- Hindi: “तुम कौन सी किताब चाहते हो?”
Note: “What” is used when asking for general information, while “which” is used when choosing from a specific set of items.
- Incorrect: “Who’s book is this?”
- Correct: “Whose book is this?”
- Hindi: “यह किसकी किताब है?”
Note: “Who’s” is a contraction for “who is” or “who has,” while “whose” indicates possession.
- Incorrect: “How you are feeling?”
- Correct: “What are you feeling?”
- Hindi: “तुम क्या महसूस कर रहे हो?”
Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences
Here are examples of interrogative adjectives used correctly, along with their Hindi translations:
- English: “Which color do you like?”
Hindi: “तुम्हें कौन सा रंग पसंद है?” - English: “What time is the meeting?”
Hindi: “बैठक का समय क्या है?” - English: “Whose pen is this?”
Hindi: “यह पेन किसका है?” - English: “Which book did you read?”
Hindi: “तुमने कौन सी किताब पढ़ी?” - English: “What movie are you watching?”
Hindi: “तुम कौन सी फिल्म देख रहे हो?”
When Do We Use Interrogative Adjectives?
We use interrogative adjectives to ask questions about nouns, such as about their identity, quantity, or quality. For example, in “Which book is this?” or “What color is your car?”, the words “which” and “what” are interrogative adjectives asking for specific information about the noun.
हम interrogative adjectives का use nouns के बारे में प्रश्न पूछने के लिए करते हैं, जैसे कि उनकी पहचान, मात्रा, या गुण के बारे में। जैसे, “यह कौन सी किताब है?” या “तुम्हारी गाड़ी का रंग क्या है?” में “कौन सी” और “क्या” interrogative adjectives होते हैं जो noun के बारे में विशेष जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए पूछे जाते हैं।
Interrogative Adjective Rules
- Using Interrogative Adjectives with Nouns:
Interrogative adjectives are always used before nouns to inquire about them.
English: “Which color do you prefer?”
Hindi: “तुम कौन सा रंग पसंद करते हो?”
- Showing Relationships Using Interrogative Adjectives:
Interrogative adjectives can also be used to inquire about relationships or ownership.
English: “Whose book is this?”
Hindi: “यह किताब किसकी है?”
- Using Interrogative Adjectives with Singular and Plural Nouns:
Interrogative adjectives can be used with both singular and plural nouns.
English: “Which movie do you want to watch?” / “Which movies do you like?”
Hindi: “तुम कौन सी फिल्म देखना चाहते हो?” / “तुम्हें कौन सी फिल्में पसंद हैं?”
- Using Interrogative Adjectives with Demonstratives:
Interrogative adjectives can be combined with demonstratives to ask for specific information about a noun.
English: “What time is this?”
Hindi: “यह क्या समय है?”
- Using Interrogative Adjectives in Questions:
Interrogative adjectives are commonly used in questions to gather information.
English: “What kind of food do you like?”
Hindi: “तुम किस तरह का खाना पसंद करते हो?”
- Interrogative Adjectives with Reflexive Verbs:
Even with reflexive verbs, interrogative adjectives can be used to ask questions about nouns.
English: “What did you do to yourself?”
Hindi: “तुमने अपने साथ क्या किया?”
- Avoiding Repetition with Interrogative Adjectives:
Instead of repeating a noun, interrogative adjectives can be used to ask about it more clearly.
English: “Which color do you prefer? Which one do you like the most?”
Hindi: “तुम्हें कौन सा रंग पसंद है? तुम सबसे ज्यादा कौन सा रंग पसंद करते हो?”
- Forming Negative Sentences with Interrogative Adjectives:
Interrogative adjectives can also be used in negative sentences to deny or clarify information.
English: “This is not your book.”
Hindi: “यह तुम्हारी किताब नहीं है।”
- Interrogative Adjectives in Questions
Interrogative adjectives are commonly used in questions to ask about the identity, qualities, or ownership of nouns.
English: “Whose house is this? Is it yours?”
Hindi: “यह घर किसका है? क्या यह तुम्हारा है?”
Typical Errors with Interrogative Adjectives
Using interrogative adjectives correctly is essential for clear communication and to avoid common mistakes.
Interrogative adjectives का सही use communication को स्पष्ट बनाता है और सामान्य गलतियों से बचाता है।
Common Errors:
1. Using the Wrong Interrogative Adjective
A common mistake is using the wrong interrogative adjective. For example, which is for specific choices, while what is for general questions. Using them incorrectly can cause confusion.
- Incorrect: “What color is this pencil?” (when asking for a specific choice from a set of colors)
- Correct: “Which color is this pencil?”
Hindi: - गलत: “यह पेंसिल किस रंग की है?”
- सही: “यह पेंसिल कौन से रंग की है?”
2. Omitting the Noun After the Interrogative Adjective
Interrogative adjectives must always be followed by a noun. Omitting the noun can make the sentence incomplete or confusing.
- Incorrect: “Which is your favorite?”
- Correct: “Which book is your favorite?”
Hindi: - गलत: “कौन सा तुम्हारा पसंदीदा है?”
- सही: “कौन सी किताब तुम्हारी पसंदीदा है?”
3. Using Interrogative Adjectives with Incorrect Word Order
In some questions, the word order might need adjustment. This can create confusion.
- Incorrect: “What kind of is your car?”
- Correct: “What kind of car is yours?”
Hindi: - गलत: “तुम्हारी कार किस तरह की है?”
- सही: “तुम्हारी कार किस तरह की है?”
4. Confusing “Which” with “What” in Questions
“Which” is used when choosing from a specific set of options, while “What” is used more generally. Mixing them up can create confusion.
- Incorrect: “What fruit do you like?” (when offering specific fruits)
- Correct: “Which fruit do you like?”
Hindi: - गलत: “तुमे क्या फल पसंद है?” (जब विशेष फल दिए जा रहे हों)
- सही: “तुमे कौन सा फल पसंद है?”
5. Repeating Interrogative Adjectives Unnecessarily
Adding the same interrogative adjective redundantly makes the sentence awkward.
- Incorrect: “Which which color do you want?”
- Correct: “Which color do you want?”
Hindi: - गलत: “तुम कौन सा कौन सा रंग चाहते हो?”
- सही: “तुम कौन सा रंग चाहते हो?”
Difference Between Interrogative Adjectives and Interrogative Pronouns
The main difference between interrogative adjectives and interrogative pronouns lies in their usage and position in a sentence. Interrogative adjectives modify a noun to ask about it, while interrogative pronouns replace the noun entirely.
Interrogative Adjectives और Interrogative Pronouns के बीच मुख्य अंतर उनके use और वाक्य में स्थिति में होता है। Interrogative Adjectives noun को modify करते हैं, जबकि Interrogative Pronouns noun की जगह लेते हैं।
- Interrogative Adjective:
English: “Which book is yours?”
Hindi: “कौन सी किताब तुम्हारी है?” - Interrogative Pronoun:
English: “Which is yours?”
Hindi: “कौन सी तुम्हारी है?” - Interrogative Adjective:
English: “What time is the train?”
Hindi: “ट्रेन का क्या समय है?” - Interrogative Pronoun:
English: “What is the time?”
Hindi: “समय क्या है?” - Interrogative Adjective:
English: “Which movie do you prefer?”
Hindi: “तुम कौन सी फिल्म पसंद करते हो?” - Interrogative Pronoun:
English: “Which is your favorite?”
Hindi: “कौन तुम्हारा पसंदीदा है?”
Practice Questions Related to Interrogative Adjectives
Fill in the blanks with the correct interrogative adjective (choose the correct option in brackets):
- __ (Which/What) dress do you prefer for the party?
- __ (What/Which) movie are we watching tonight?
- __ (What/Which) book is this on the table?
- __ (Which/What) color looks better on you?
- __ (What/Which) time does the train leave?
- __ (Which/What) route should we take to avoid traffic?
- __ (Which/What) day works best for our meeting?
- __ (What/Which) phone do you use?
- __ (Which/What) city did you visit last summer?
- __ (Which/What) restaurant serves the best pizza?
- __ (What/Which) brand of shoes do you like the most?
- __ (What/Which) magazine do you subscribe to?
- __ (Which/What) of these options is your favorite?
- __ (What/Which) team won the match yesterday?
- __ (Which/What) item did you pick up from the store?
- Which
- What
- What
- Which
- What
- Which
- Which
- What
- Which
- Which
- What
- What
- Which
- Which
- What
Frequently Asked Questions About Interrogative Adjectives
Q1: What is an interrogative adjective?
Answer: An interrogative adjective is a word used before a noun to ask about something, such as “what,” “which,” or “whose.” It helps form questions that inquire about the identity, quantity, or nature of the noun.
“Which book is yours?”
“What color do you like?”
Q2: How is an interrogative adjective different from an interrogative pronoun?
Answer: An interrogative adjective modifies a noun to ask about it, while an interrogative pronoun replaces the noun entirely.
- Interrogative adjective: “What time is the meeting?”
- Interrogative pronoun: “What is the time?”
Q3: Can an interrogative adjective stand alone in a sentence?
Answer: No, an interrogative adjective must always be followed by a noun.
Incorrect: “Which is your favorite?”
Correct: “Which book is your favorite?”
Q4: Do interrogative adjectives change according to the number or gender of the noun?
Answer: In English, interrogative adjectives do not change based on the gender of the noun, but they may change according to the noun’s number or specific context.
- “What color is your dress?”
- “What colors are your dresses?”
Q5: How are interrogative adjectives used with plural nouns?
Answer: Interrogative adjectives remain the same when modifying plural nouns, and the plurality is reflected in the noun, not the adjective.
- “What book do you like?”
- “What books do you like?”
Understanding and correctly using interrogative adjectives is essential for effective communication in English. Interrogative adjectives help form questions that inquire about specific information related to people, things, or ideas. By mastering their usage, learners can ask precise questions and gather relevant information in a clear and structured way.
Interrogative adjectives like which and what are vital tools in both spoken and written communication especially when attending a Spoken English Course . They allow speakers to inquire about specific details, making conversations more interactive and informative. With consistent practice, learners can minimize mistakes and improve their ability to ask questions naturally and accurately. Interrogative adjectives are fundamental to constructing meaningful questions, enabling speakers to seek clarification, express curiosity, and engage in deeper conversations.
- Definition of Interrogative Adjectives
- Difference Between Interrogative Adjectives and Interrogative Pronouns
- Interrogative Adjectives Definitions
- Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences
- Interrogative Adjectives Rules
- Practice Questions Related to Interrogative Adjectives
- What is an Interrogative Adjective?
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