Word of the day Yell
Yell meaning in Hindi
चिल्लाना; जोर से आवाज़ निकालना, खासकर गुस्से या उत्तेजना में।
Yell meaning in English
To shout or speak loudly, typically in anger, excitement, or to get attention.
Yell Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Shout, scream, holler, bellow, cry out
Yell Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Whisper, murmur, calm, hush
Word Yell Uses and Examples
She yelled at her brother for being careless with the dishes.
वह अपने भाई पर बर्तन संभालकर रखने के लिए चिल्लाई।
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