Word of the day Snigger
Snigger meaning in Hindi
किसी पर हसना
Kisi par hasna
Snigger meaning in English
To laugh at someone or something in a silly and often unkind way
Snigger Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Sneer, snicker
Snigger Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Admire, applaud
Word Snigger Uses and Examples
They spent half the time sniggering at the clothes people were wearing.
उन्होंने अपना आधा समय लोगों के पहनावे पर हस्ते हुए निकाल दिया।
What are you two sniggering at/about?
तुम दोनों किस बात पर हस रहे हो?
The boys at school were sure to snigger at him behind his back.
School में बच्चे उसकी पीठ पीछे उस पर हस रहे थे।
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