Word of the day Savoury
Savoury meaning in Hindi
खाने में कुछ नमकीन या तीखा
Khane mein kuch namkeen ya teekha
Savoury meaning in English
(of food) belonging to the category that is salty or spicy
Savoury Synonyms (Related Similar Words)
Spicy, Salty
Savoury Antonyms (Related Opposite Words)
Word Savoury Uses and Examples
There was a variety of sandwiches and other small savouries.
वहां कई तरह के sandwiches और नमकीने थीं।
I could do the dessert and you could do the savoury.
मैं मीठा बना लूंगी और तुम नमकीन बना लेना।
I’d like to have something savoury.
मैं कुछ नमकीन खाना पसंद करूँगा/करुँगी।
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